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A Recreate/Restart option


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Not a huge deal but might be a nice addition for a future release.

The suggestion is for an option to restart a save but keep all of the generated players+staff (unlike now where a restart would give you a whole new bunch of regens who aren't necessarily as good or as fitting for the idea you had).

Why is this option something that you might like to use? Well sometimes you start a save, you have a bunch of regens, one or two of whom you like a lot and would really like to try to do something with but for whatever reason the save goes off the rails, maybe you took a bad wrong turn, maybe weren't really concentrating or you just didn't take the save as seriously as you should. With this options you could wind the clock back to day one and try a different approach.

I got this idea from Minecraft, where just such an option exists. Instead of creating an entirely new world, you can select an old world and Recreate it, which would regenerate the world exactly as you found it when you first created it.

I realise some will cry foul because (a) you should try to make the best of every bad save and (b) you already kind of have this in rolling backups.

As for (b), well yes and no. First you have to remember to enable rolling backups. Secondly you have to remember not to rollover the backup from the beginning and lastly the backups aren't always at the exact point that you want. A few days here or there can make a big difference to a save. And as for (a) *blows raspberries".


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