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Ok so me and my friend where having a bit of a talk about possible tactics for fm 19 and we ended up on the topic of jumping reach and how many inchs in height a player can potentially gain with each 1 stat increase .

Are scenario is that you have two players about to attempt to win a cross, there is the defender who is 6ft 2inchs and the attacker who is 5 ft 9inchs  both players stats and mentality and fitness are identical apart from jumping reach , the defender is set to zero he's stuck to the ground like a tree but he is naturally taller,  what would the attackers jumping reach need to be to reach the same height as the defender ?

My apologies if that dint make sense!

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Jumping reach takes height into the equation, so a player with higher jumping reach, regardless of their height will reach a higher point. So in your example the defender has the lowest possible jumping reach stat the attacker would just have to have anything higher than that to reach a higher point, even if he's considerably shorter.

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Yes but and I'm sorry if I'm not explaining this perfectly but what I'm wondering is how much the distance is exactly I'm aware it's a really nerdy question but let's say for the sake of the discussion the average jumping height of a premier league player is 16 inchs would his jumping stat be a 10 ? The height is added on sure but what is that in stats ? If I'm 6ft 5inchs with an average jumping height would that be translated as being  15 ? If I'm 5ft 2inchs with an average jumping reach would that be a 5 ? 

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I'm not sure if you can quantify it those terms tbh.

If you are 6'5", can increase that height buy jumping to 7'9"  (6'5 + 16inches) and you have a jumping reach attribute of 15.

Another guy, who is 5'6" can also jump to 7'9" would also have a JR attribute of 15 I think.

However, the little guy, by jumping the same distance off the ground, would only reach 6'10" (5'6 + 16")

So, to assign a height with each attribute point would be different for each player.

Tick 'Work Ball Into Box', Play Narrower and short passing, switch wingers to IFs and keep your FBs back - you won;t have to deal with crosses then - much easier :-)

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See that's what I was thinking to! I'm just generally wondering , I say wondering this is slowly eating away at my soul and shatter my fragile mind , like is 20 a max height that all player could potentially reach ? Is there a a version of fm where I have a 5ft 1 inch target man who jumps 20 while a 6ft5inch giant of a defender weeps at the beauty of it because he can only reach a height of 12??? Or if there both 20 then they both reach the same height regardless of how tall they are ?

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Jumping Reach Attribute on it's own determines how high a player can reach, so two players with a jumping reach of 20 will both reach the same height.

Height is factored into the Jumping Reach Attribute and on average a tall player will have a better jumping reach attribute than the average short player, there is a snapshot of the jumping guidelines that the researchers use here:

But height isn't something end-users need to really worry themselves about as the only thing height on it's own is used for is to determine when a player has to jump - so if the ball is just above a tall players head they only need a short hop to get the ball whereas a short person would need to time their leap to get the ball making it harder for them to win it, of course tall players also have a disadvantage if the ball is at their face height they won't have much control over the header if the ball hits them in the face whilst the short guy leaping will be able to put the right part of his head on the ball giving him more control over the header.

So for the most part when looking at players look at the Jumping Reach Attribute rather than the players height.

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Everyone is telling him that jumping reach already factors in height but that isn't what he's asking. He already knows that.

What he's asking is how much of a difference an increase of one makes.

So if we've got two players who are both 6'0, one has a jumping reach of 12 the other has 13. How much higher is one jumping than the other? 2 inches? 3 inches? That's his question.

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I don't think that it is actually relevant to anything, how much height 1 player gets per jumping reach point means nothing. 

from 0-1 would put the short guy higher than the tall guy when he jumped. 

This means that how high a player is jumping, and how many inches they gain means nothing. 

All that is relevant is the jumping reach number difference.

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Thanks for the big clarification. Now I know why a few of my giants were complete failures up front whereas the normal guys besides them got ball after ball from the air. Sadly that means one of my fav defenders needs one more attribute to spend his training on but I guess that's life?

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37 minutes ago, Piperita said:

Thanks for the big clarification. Now I know why a few of my giants were complete failures up front whereas the normal guys besides them got ball after ball from the air. Sadly that means one of my fav defenders needs one more attribute to spend his training on but I guess that's life?

Yeah. You'll generally see they're pretty related though. Not many tall guys with poor jumping reach and vice versa.

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2 hours ago, RocheBag said:

Everyone is telling him that jumping reach already factors in height but that isn't what he's asking. He already knows that.

What he's asking is how much of a difference an increase of one makes.

So if we've got two players who are both 6'0, one has a jumping reach of 12 the other has 13. How much higher is one jumping than the other? 2 inches? 3 inches? That's his question.

You understand me sir and for that I thank you ! . And I understand if it's the type of information that they dint let use know , I'd just love to know the answer 

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