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Football Manager 2019 Pre Release Beta *Official* Feedback Thread

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sorry i did a new post and should've said it here, i'm new to the site lol


Couldn't see anything on this and unless i'm going blind i cannot see when clubs make loan offers for your players where it says what squad role they are offering, such as key player, rotation etc, they used to have that without needing to click and open every offer, has this been taken off? bit annoying if so as i do tend to loan a lot of youth and prefer to loan as key players or first team if no teams offer


other than that loving the game so far!

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35 minutes ago, rdbayly said:


Hospitality at AFC Wimbledon must be good; I've counted 40 (forty) picnic tables around all 4 sides. 

FFS, the dreaded picnic tables are back. One of my main issues with LLM in FM2018 was how ridiculous and unrealistic the stadiums looked. :(

No ground I've ever seen looks anything like that image, especially in League 1. It destroys the imersion.

Overall I've enjoyed what I've played so far though, started with Man Ciy as a test save before I start my long term one.

Edited by Robioto
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5 minutes ago, Seb Wassell said:

Crossing - this is more dead-ball crossing, so Free Kicks and Corners. Crossing is prevalent in quite a few of the actual training sessions, just not on an individual basis. 

Dribbling - dribbling around cones isn't really reflective of actual in-match dribbling and not actually something that is done in reality (or at least to achieve "better" dribbling, it is performed as a touch exercise).

Tackling - this isn't really the lack of another player to tackle but rather that tackling is something of an innate ability and not a skill that is directly improved with individual work. It is more a player's positioning, marking, decision making etc. that is worked on and improved one-on-one.

The individual drills included were settled on following conversations with qualified football coaches of varying levels. There is of course scope to add to or edit these in the future, but we'd need some reasoned arguments and solid examples.

The Final Third focus, as a particular example, is partially designed to reflect the work that Arteta did one-on-one with Sterling and Sane throughout last season to improve this aspect of their game.

Thanks for this, a very informative response, especially the Arteta insight!

The tackling explanation makes sense, as does the dribbling explanation (the cones example was a bit flippant on my part, although I'd be interested to know if there were other forms of individual dribbling-training that came up during research, and whether there'd be potential to introduce them as training focuses in the future?).

Just to clarify, when you say "Crossing is prevalent in quite a few of the actual training sessions, just not on an individual basis", is this referring to real-life, FM19, or both? Mainly because I would have thought that Crossing is one of the easier attributes for a player to work on individually - but again, happy to be proven wrong!

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2 minutes ago, Zbrillbladetim said:

Thanks for this, a very informative response, especially the Arteta insight!

The tackling explanation makes sense, as does the dribbling explanation (the cones example was a bit flippant on my part, although I'd be interested to know if there were other forms of individual dribbling-training that came up during research, and whether there'd be potential to introduce them as training focuses in the future?).

No problem, and we're always open to hearing reasoned arguments as to why we should include X. Plenty of the training module came from those very things in fact.

3 minutes ago, Zbrillbladetim said:

Just to clarify, when you say "Crossing is prevalent in quite a few of the actual training sessions, just not on an individual basis", is this referring to real-life, FM19, or both? Mainly because I would have thought that Crossing is one of the easier attributes for a player to work on individually - but again, happy to be proven wrong!

I mean in the FM19 team/unit training sessions, such as 'Attacking Wings', which amongst other attributes will work on the player's crossing.

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1 hour ago, Torwin said:

Not everyone else, changing numbers into bars was always the first thing I'd do in FM; very disappointed to see them missing.


Please SI, tell us they're making a comeback in the full release!

Yeah echo this, don't understand the need to remove a simple feature like this. It's the only way I play these days and is much more realistic in my opinion - you have an overall feel for a player rather than oh this player is a better dribbler cos he has a 18 vs17...

Please SI turn it back on!

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  1. The body language screen is too big.
  2. When i make it smaller the body language section disappears
  3. Theres no need for the status or captain section of this screen. Get rid of those (which should be the things to go when i make the window smaller) and the screen will fit on the side of the pitch fine


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2 quick questions please. Not sure that either are bugs. 

1. I tried to upload a highlight to YouTube but although it exported ok, it only went to my files and didn't go direct to YouTube. I know that nobody used it in FM18 because both teams appeared in white, but even before that the exported video at least used to go to YouTube. The reason I'm not sure if this is a bug or not is because I know that the social media stuff hasn't worked in the Beta's before. 

2. Is there sound in the Beta, (because I'm not getting any), but again, I think this is common with previous Beta's too. (I have sound so ignore that).:)

Thanks in advance. Amazing so far. Well done. :applause:

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59 minutes ago, Zbrillbladetim said:

Looking really good so far, and I haven't even reached a match yet!

I like the skin/UI, the tactical styles are a good addition (also good that you can tweak them a little/lot), and the training revamp is very impressive (will take a while to get to grips with, but it should be rewarding when I do!)

The one issue I have so far is with individual training. Training players in 2/3 attributes at once, rather than 1, is an exciting and realistic addition, I think, but some attributes (Tackling, Crossing and Dribbling the 3 I've noticed so far) are individually untrainable, and I find this a bit odd. Someone asked a similar question earlier in the thread, with the reply being that training Tackling individually wouldn't really work - understandable, but a) this doesn't really apply to crossing (pretty sure Beckham put in a lot of solo work on his crosses back in the day) or Dribbling (cones as substitutes for players, etc), and b) other individual trainable attributes would also necessitate other participants, would they not? I don't have a football-coaching background, so I may of course be way off the mark! But I would've thought that Marking, for example, would be difficult to train without someone to mark, or, if you're learning to mark zonally, without another player entering your zone. Similarly for the Attacking Movement and Final Third modules - would training Off the Ball work that well without someone to mark you, or training Decisions or Vision work that well without someone to pass to?

My point being, if the reason for not making tackling, dribbling and crossing individually trainable is that individual training for these attributes isn't particularly viable, there are other attributes which are currently individually trainable which are arguably less viable than the aforementioned 3. Perhaps an individually-trainable Wing Play module (focusing on Crossing, Dribbling, and maybe Decisions) would be a good addition?

I'm less sure where Tackling would fit - but I can see it being quite annoying when you get a great regen whose defensive attributes are all pretty good, except for his tackling, and there's no reliable way of trying to get his tackling close to the level of his other attributes. Likewise, getting an attacking midfield regen with great technicals except for his subpar dribbling will be quite irritating. It was probably slightly too easy on past versions to simply train up one attribute, but the absence of certain attributes in the new model may have gone slightly too far in the opposite direction - though I've only being playing for a couple of hours, so it may end up being less of an issue than I envisage!

That's how football works though. If you're a good central defender at 17 but can't tackle, you're probably never going to be a great tackler.

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Loving the new UI. FM18 had the worst UI ever, and im not just talking about the skin, I hated when you just wanted to see match stats during a game and had to make so many clicks to get there... FM19 is so much nicer in this aspect

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Congratulations to everyone involved, this FM edition seems nothing short of spectacular. This coming from someone who, although fan of the series for more than a decade, was also very critical of some previous editions for the lack of enough improvements to justify the money.

The new tactical menu is amazingly done and the introduction tutorial a very welcoming addition. New training module is also great and I'm exploring it right now, tho it is also a bit overwheling because we went from "8 to 80". With time we will get better at managing it, but no doubt it made the game much more realistic and immersive.

Match Engine, from the half a dozen games I've played so far, deserves that I take my hat off. Pure football being played on my screen.

The litle details, however... which are the last thing that catches our eyes... are the things that truly make this version stands out.

There is ofcourse a bug here or there, which is nothing short as expected and already reported in the specific threads. I think i'm not exaggerating when I say that FM19 will serve as threshold to evaluate the next editions.

A word for the team here on the boards, that instead of enjoying the Beta like we are, are working for us.

Edited by 99
Forgot something.
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20 minutes ago, upthetoon said:

this FM19 is getting rave reviews everywhere even in Steam. for so long they have been getting negative reviews in steam but this time it's really different.. Hmm...……..

Most of the time wasn't that by angry Chinese people due to language issues on the game?

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21 minutes ago, playerup01 said:

Don't know if I should post here about tactics or not, but are FM18 tactic files compatible with FM19? FM19 doesn't recognize the files, and if they are not compatible, I would imagine an in-game message.

File formats have long been different in beta and full game, so it isn't surprising that they're not recognised. Plus, given the changes in this year's tactics creator, I'd be frankly astonished if they were compatible.

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carrying on from Fm18, the crossing is still infuriating. Wing backs despite their instructions (see image. Both have same instructions) constantly cross the ball. Its not that i want or even expect my wing backs to not cross the ball or to not make a poor decision to cross the ball. The problem is that they constantly cross the ball at stupid times. It seems they are completely incapable of holding the ball and waiting for a run, or to slow the play down and play the ball backwards.

EDIT: Also the white numbers on the first image are stupid




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At the moment Wingers/Inside Forwards/Wing Backs/Full Backs produce an extreme amount of dribbling attempts per match, they try to dribble in cases where it make no sense and it’s the main reason why teams lose possession very often, they ignore very obvious passing opportunity.

I find all that is very frustrating to observe especially when you can’t do nothing about it because usually those roles have “Run Often With Ball” PPM and you can't change their behavior by tweaking dribbling tactical settings.

I think that should be looked very closely for the release because right now it makes the ME to look very ugly.

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Well have to say so far I'm very happy and my biggest concern is the white needs to be toned down too much of it and it is too bright really hurting my eyes.

And as I thought am yet too hit continue several hours in, so my thoughts are only based on ease of use.

My thoughts I love it.

All inductions done though after watching the streams didn't really learn anything new, will be using AM then tweak for training for now though

Dividers, so helpful.

Apart from a few personal choice views, don't think I will be changing much in layout and finding it easy.

So from me a big:thup:, well done and thanks (please sort the white though, I am playing with my shades on, not joking).

Will report back after preseason if anything crops up


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vor 38 Minuten schrieb Totalfootballfan:

At the moment Wingers/Inside Forwards/Wing Backs/Full Backs produce an extreme amount of dribbling attempts per match, they try to dribble in cases where it make no sense and it’s the main reason why teams lose possession very often, they ignore very obvious passing opportunity.

I find all that is very frustrating to observe especially when you can’t do nothing about it because usually those roles have “Run Often With Ball” PPM and you can't change their behavior by tweaking dribbling tactical settings.

I think that should be looked very closely for the release because right now it makes the ME to look very ugly.

I think it depends on the roles and the tactic. My WB(s) got both the PI to dribble less due to low dribbling stats and they've around 3 dribblings per game.

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Live between Boston and the Cape, 3rd shifter. Got home, wife already off for work for the day. Put kids on bus, then purchase and download off Steam. Playing local 11 in Foxborough. Phone off, shades down, ale cracked. My little nirvana.

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Thanks to all that give this BETA a proper test and come up with things to address, would be really cool to have a Patch that makes the game polished when the first official version starts on Nov. 2. Not much major nagging in here so far , everything looks very rational and civil, so that makes me hope a lot for the final game.

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15 minutes ago, YasoKuul said:

I think it depends on the roles and the tactic. My WB(s) got both the PI to dribble less due to low dribbling stats and they've around 3 dribblings per game.

According to whoscored.com, no players have averaged more than 3 dribbles per game in the PL so far. 


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The dark theme isn't exactly dark....! How about making the main window on the right dark? (White text on black or dark grey would be sweet, it's still more white than anything!)


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9 hours ago, RTHerringbone said:

There is no "hidden" boost behind any of the templates. They're just a series of the standard preset roles, duties and instructions.

Does the "tiki-taka" template ensure at least one central midfielder acts as a pivot kinda player? (Also thinking in terms of AI here.... and FM17/18  ).

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So far my betagaming has only consisted of setting up a tactic from a to z and then running as many matches to see the diversity in goals. Quite frankly I am underwhelmed:

- Just too many goals coming from crosses with extreme poor defending of the crosser (most of the times it is a wingback or winger just running past a player who does nothing, then receiving the ball for the cross and then crossing it hard to the far post. The defenders in the 6 yard box nor the goalkeeper anticipates on this. Especially when using whipped crosses AI seems helpless. This by far is the most underdevelopped piece of the ME and has been for years. It is not just a lack of defensive work against the player who crosses but then also of the GK and defenders left in the penalty area ;

- Too many of those crosses and finishes come from the weaker foot of players. Salah and Mane assisting and scoring a lot with resp. their right and left foot as if it was their preferred foot is not right. It is as if the weaker foot is equally as good as the preferred foot.  Which leads too:

- Inside forward goals of a player cutting in an making a nice placed shot are virtually non existent. Inside forwards just choose to go wide too often because their is nothing that tells them "ooh wait I feel way more comfortable with my preferred foot and should first turn inside";

- Even when playing narrow, focus through the middle and having the inside forwards sit narrow there are hardly any through balls through the center. 

- A lot of goals from set pieces (corners and throw ins)

I find the ME with a 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-2-2-1 (4-3-3 with a DMC) 1 dimensional. I think 75 % of my goals come from a combination of set pieces and crosses. The little touches of better graphics can not take that away.

On the + side I think the work on pressing between the two penalty area's is showing nice results. I love the translation of the engagement line into the ME. It really shows for my team. AI teams though, I am not sure they are able to use the same intelligence in pressing?

To end on a positive note, the purple UI is not bad at all :)

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To all the team at SI

You should be very proud of the game you have produced.

No doubt the last few weeks have been manic and this will continue to release (and probably the first patch!) but I hope you’ll all get some time off soon.

Well done 👍🏻

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A couple of UI issues I have: text at 100% size is slightly smaller than I would like, while 125% is slightly too big and doesn't work well with some screens (mostly tactics screen). Lower resolutions (I have 1920 x 1080) also not a viable option. If 100% size looked more like 110% I think would be a good thing, at least for me.

As reported by other users, player attributes screen looks weird with so much space available everywhere. Selection details box look particularly empty, while the box with DOB, nationality etc also doesn't look right (all the info on the left, right side empty). I'd maybe move height and weight in that box (could be me but I always miss them under the physical attributes column!) to balance things, and generally re-think spacing of attribute screen. Player profile screen looks much better, though I'm used to attributes as my go-to screen for players!


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As reported by different people, the post-match performance ratings are still extremely narrow (usually between 5 and 7, never going below 4, and only go above 7 if a player scored a goal). It is an especially big problem area for goalkeepers, where even the best GKs with world class saves can't ever get a 9 or a 10 rating.

This has been a large issue in all previous versions of FM. Shouldn't be very difficult to fix, so I implore the team to invest a bit into fixing this in FM19.

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I have to say, this is the most stable FM to date (thereby cursing everything with several crash dumps incoming!!!).

I am no tactical genius, therefore the new tactics modules are very welcome indeed.

The new look is refreshing and pleasing on the eye.

All in all, I am loving this game right now.  I will admit that I had reservations, but they appear to be unfounded.

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3 hours ago, 99 said:

Congratulations to everyone involved, this FM edition seems nothing short of spectacular. This coming from someone who, although fan of the series for more than a decade, was also very critical of some previous editions for the lack of enough improvements to justify the money.

The new tactical menu is amazingly done and the introduction tutorial a very welcoming addition. New training module is also great and I'm exploring it right now, tho it is also a bit overwheling because we went from "8 to 80". With time we will get better at managing it, but no doubt it made the game much more realistic and immersive.

Match Engine, from the half a dozen games I've played so far, deserves that I take my hat off. Pure football being played on my screen.

The litle details, however... which are the last thing that catches our eyes... are the things that truly make this version stands out.

There is ofcourse a bug here or there, which is nothing short as expected and already reported in the specific threads. I think i'm not exaggerating when I say that FM19 will serve as threshold to evaluate the next editions.

A word for the team here on the boards, that instead of enjoying the Beta like we are, are working for us.

Just read this and want to highlight for those working on FM.  Deserve the praise

I'm also really pleased with this years FM having missed FM18. Congratulations to all those involved. 

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34 minutes ago, mchbitil said:

As reported by different people, the post-match performance ratings are still extremely narrow (usually between 5 and 7, never going below 4, and only go above 7 if a player scored a goal). It is an especially big problem area for goalkeepers, where even the best GKs with world class saves can't ever get a 9 or a 10 rating.

This has been a large issue in all previous versions of FM. Shouldn't be very difficult to fix, so I implore the team to invest a bit into fixing this in FM19.

The fact that it has never been addressed implies that it is rather difficult to fix. However you definitely don't need to score to get over a 7.

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Just completed pre-season, and I've been presented with a list of potential competitions (across all of my active leagues) to scout.

Clicking on one prompts a pop-up that allows you to tailor a set of parameters for that competition, and then away you go.

It's these quality of life improvements I'm loving this year - that and the speed and stability of the game.

Well done all involved :thup:

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Why is it when you right click the main squad icon, you only get a couple of options, but if you right click the reserves/U20s etc you get all the training/dymanics/team report options, it's like it's the wrong way round or is it supposed to be like that? 

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vor 6 Minuten schrieb Dagenham_Dave:

Why is it when you right click the main squad icon, you only get a couple of options, but if you right click the reserves/U20s etc you get all the training/dymanics/team report options, it's like it's the wrong way round or is it supposed to be like that? 

I guess it's because all the main buttons are for the main squad. So you don't need the right click for it.

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Just now, oche balboa said:

If i purchased the game today, I will not be able to play the Beta? Its for people who pre-ordered it? 



You get access to the beta if it's an approve digital retailer.

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