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Knap - FM24 and FM23 FM22_FM 21 - FM 20 -FM 19 Tactic List

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Not seen any testing recently so the recommendations still stand as the best.

I do have 442s from 3.6 but without long game tests it is difficult to say would be better just slightly different.


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17 minutes ago, knap said:

If using a top team then the pts total and cup wins tend to indicate the best tactic.


What would you recommend ? 19.3.5BEOWULF442WAF9P103 or 4132? I created a new club in serie b in place of Spezia. 442 is OK I m scoring a lot of goals...but 4132 would it be better?


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My own view is the 4132 formation is the best formation to use this year, and the P112 would be my tactic of choice.

The LL test team is at this level, is a team from the Dafuge Challenge so start as newly promoted. I would therefore try the recommended for LL tactics first.



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In past FM s I've used teams at level 10 like Frimley Green and not had a problem with any of the tactics I use with top clubs.

The recommended for LL just means these tactics made over 100pts with Kingstonian, but the others should still work at that level.

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The ME is still 19.3 so the recommended tactics are still valid. The P112 was working with Kingstonian and finished season with 111pts.

The latest tactic uses a more holding MC compared to the other 442s.



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The problem is there are many variables over a season, so a tactic that wins PL with 106 pts may only win by 96 pts if you play the exact same season again. I look for maximum potential so even with the same patch I modify tactics.

I tested the Wolves 4132 in last patch with Kingstonian and made 112 pts. In this patch I used the top 4132 and made 111pts which is consistent between patches.

I doubt SI would change the ME without a lot of testing between the updates as that would be a huge risk. Whether they change things like the home v away boost or other factors between updates which could make game easier or harder is a different matter.

The long tests control variables and would give a better idea of any possible changes, but I am not aware of any test atm.

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In 1936, 4132P112 seems much worse than before.  I don't know for sure cause it was okay right after the update. But after a season I can barely win any matches with 4132, whether instant play or not.

And 4141P106 performs great, and almost gives guranteed wins. I'm not sure if it's better than before bacause I only used it as backup tactics for away matches against strong teams. Now 4141 constantly give 4-6 goals per game, mostly by MC.

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1 hour ago, knap said:

There may be other factors at play but can you pinpoint any particular reason why not working.


I understand that. It may have something to do with the players. I now use players that are more suitable to IWB (players with reverse foot) and DW. I know it's more about the directions but I like the green circles :)

The most noticable change was that I sold a DR player during the winter because of salary. The DR now I use has similar CA, but higher aggression, lower tackling and strength. Both have reverse foot.

Also It's the third year into PL and I used 4132 for over 2.5 years. Will AI use counter measures for my tactics? 


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I ran a number of long holiday seasons and there was nothing to indicate the tactic performed any different over 10 seasons. There re variables in game that makes a team underperform but I doubt this is due to AI tactics.

What may be a problem is actually using IWB players if not two footed. The tactics are not set up with IWB players but regular WBs on the correct side. The 4132 in some of the longer test which use best player for role have underperformed other formations.

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1 hour ago, knap said:

I ran a number of long holiday seasons and there was nothing to indicate the tactic performed any different over 10 seasons. There re variables in game that makes a team underperform but I doubt this is due to AI tactics.

What may be a problem is actually using IWB players if not two footed. The tactics are not set up with IWB players but regular WBs on the correct side. The 4132 in some of the longer test which use best player for role have underperformed other formations.

Thanks for the explanation. I'll try adjusting players for IWBs

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I had a go at some of your tactics after getting a bit bored with my Southport team. I had reached the prem but I have not reached the champions league after trying for 2 years but I have not been missing by loads. I have been basing my team around up and coming kids. I have tried 4 or 5 of your tactics but my results are all over the place and makes no sense. I have to say I was 4-0 down using 442 to Man City and scored 4 second half goals to draw 4-4. I stuck with this tactic for a while and I binned it after I lost a league cup game to some lower league team as there was no consistency. I can't work out if it's the kids I am playing or the tactic. Also if I use defensive wingers do I have to buy players that suit that role? I must admit the full backs are my weakest area of the team but it's hard to find good ones and they get caught out alot.

Ps I am in the year 2027.

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The 19.3.6 version of the game is very, very difficult ... I loved the 4132 tactic, but it also became useless. Everyone including small teams is beating.
I can't do it myself. I like your tactical styles. 
before you said you had the 19.3.6 version of the 4132 tactic but I couldn't find it 
I'm sorry my english is not very good so I used google translate 


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