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Knap - FM24 and FM23 FM22_FM 21 - FM 20 -FM 19 Tactic List

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Hey @knap currently what's the best tactic for a team projected 14 in the premier league that uses an AMC? I've got Swansea but my team has a LOT of young talents. Also, I've been using teaforone 4411 so far, but it's year 3 and not working anymore.

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@knap thanx for the great tactics. Without your tactics i would stop playing this game for 5-6 years ago.

With the latest patch, what basic tactic do you reccomend for LLM team, i mean real LLM like Conferance team in England?

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The 4411 would be a should be a good choice. White Europe has been using Sicilian 42211 for away games. Tea for one Oxford 4321 P103 could work.

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Hello Knap, 

First , thanks you for all your work and sorry for my poor english ( i hope you'll understand my questions). 

I want to start a game with Olympique de Marseille ( 4th place in media) so we could say that this team is a Top level . I want to choose Two or three of your tactics proposition ...But you've so many possibilities ( i watch you Excel files )so i'm little bit lost.... 

How to do my choice : depends of my players ?  Depends of my level ? 

Is it good idea to choose one tactic when i'm favorite / one when i'm vs team in equal level / One when i'm outisder ? 

Last question = What about formation/ training ? Is it better to lets your assistant programm ? 

I hope you'll understand my questions ;)  and thank for all. 

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The Excel file Know has points per fame ppg for the various categories, although only a small number of tactics have been tested.

I would look at tactics for a top team.

Do you need another tactic is up to how you want to play the game. If you want an away tactic look at tactics for average teams Another way is to use same tactic but start on cautious mentality.

I leave training to AM..


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6 minutes ago, knap said:



Le fichier Excel Know contient des points par renommée ppg pour les différentes catégories, bien que seul un petit nombre de tactiques aient été testées.

Je regarderais les tactiques d'une équipe de haut niveau.

Avez-vous besoin d'une autre tactique pour savoir comment vous voulez jouer? Si vous voulez une tactique à l'extérieur, regardez les tactiques pour les équipes moyennes Une autre façon est d'utiliser la même tactique mais de commencer avec une mentalité prudente.

Je laisse la formation à AM ..


Thanks @couper , your test your tactics with differents kinds of team ( Poor, average , top...etc) or this is results with one team against different kinds of team ? 

My assistant recommandation is to play in 4123 or 4231 , do you think i have to folow this idea or i can choose 442 for exemple ? ( I dont have so many money to change all my team :/) 


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1st season with Spurs, Beowulf 442 107 tweaked in to a 424 just by moving wingers in to the AML/AMR positions.

There is definitely something with a randomly assigned RNG at the start of any save. On my first 20.4 base save I was struggling to get any tactic working including this one, started a new save and this was the result. Pretty sure that would apply to most of Knaps or any other solid tactics.

If your struggling to get a tactic working probably worth just starting a new save!






p.s hope you dont mind me posting the tweak @knap!

Edited by christrott79
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How is Tactic Testing done?
We test each tactic over a 90 game season (11 months in total) with 5 teams of varying levels of both ability and reputation. Each team is in a self-contained league that mimics real-life (majority the same level, but some are in the level above or below). This means that our test teams should be around mid-table level.

To make the test balanced transfers, internationals, injuries and fatigue are turned off for all teams.

What are the levels and how are they calculated?
Levels of teams are based on club reputation. The levels are as follows:


Elite - Barcelona, Arsenal

Top - Borussia Dortmund, FC Krasnodar

Good - CEC, Rangers

Average - Malmo FF, Newcastle United Jets

Lower - Al-Rayyan Sports Club, Southport

We worked out the average reputation of each of the levels, combined with taking a set of 5 clubs (2 top reputation, 2 lowest reputation and 1 in the middle) to find out the Top and Bottom CA for players, as well as the Median.

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52 minutes ago, knap said:

@Valencia CF AE

Maybe Italian clubs are more defensive. 

I think this is highest scoring in 20.4



Currently using atalanta (+ L.Pellegrini, S.Giovinco, Soler) ---> !!!!FM20.4.0TeaforOne4321OXP106ALLCUPS

Maybe they are more defensive, not agains Atalanta though :D

Gonna try this new 4-3-1-2 in some matches and see if Muriel and Zapata will do well together. 


Screenshot 2020-03-18 at 17.45.33.png

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FM 20.4 and 20.3 me 2040  Tactics  (includes FM 20.2 Beta tactics and FM 20.2.4)



Because I test with top, the pts total in tactic name will give an idea of what is best for top club, Top Clubs should be able to use all of the tactics.

Elite  Club say 1-2in League (Lpool MC etc) Top  3-7 in League

Top 3-  7 in League

Good  8-11

Average 12-16

Poor 17-20

Can also use Top and Sub Top a Home Tactic Underdog Away or

Top Favourite Sub Top Evens Underdog if Underdog


How is Tactic Testing done?
We test each tactic over a 90 game season (11 months in total) with 5 teams of varying levels of both ability and reputation. Each team is in a self-contained league that mimics real-life (majority the same level, but some are in the level above or below). This means that our test teams should be around mid-table level.

To make the test balanced transfers, internationals, injuries and fatigue are turned off for all teams.

What are the levels and how are they calculated?
Levels of teams are based on club reputation. The levels are as follows:


Elite - Barcelona, Arsenal

Top - Borussia Dortmund, FC Krasnodar

Good - CEC, Rangers

Average - Malmo FF, Newcastle United Jets

Lower - Al-Rayyan Sports Club, Southport

We worked out the average reputation of each of the levels, combined with taking a set of 5 clubs (2 top reputation, 2 lowest reputation and 1 in the middle) to find out the Top and Bottom CA for players, as well as the Median.



MRr Hough recommended shouts

Use shouts Show Some Passion and Demand More. Also concentrate if leading by a few goals

Edited by knap
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On 13/03/2020 at 13:29, Rober82 said:

Amazing tactic for underdogs.  Teaforone 4321 OX P103.

2020-03-13 (2).png

2020-03-13 (3).png

2020-03-13 (4).png


On 18/03/2020 at 01:44, Rober82 said:

How did you manage to get such amazing results I am using Spalls with the same tactic and stuck between mid-table and relegation

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Was in 6th place in the league. Some dodgy results. Then I switched to 4321 and won the league and promotion to the premiership. Check out the goals scored!!

best tactic I have used on this match engine by far. ( and I have used a lot).


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