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Knap - FM24 and FM23 FM22_FM 21 - FM 20 -FM 19 Tactic List

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Are y dropping points due to silly mistakes?

It is called RNG but basically Lady Luck. Test leagues are long and repeated to try to reduce RNG. The stronger the team in a league will also produces repeatable results

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1 hour ago, knap said:


Czy tracisz punkty z powodu głupich błędów?

Nazywa się RNG, ale w zasadzie Lady Luck. Ligi testowe są długie i powtarzane, aby spróbować zmniejszyć RNG. Im silniejsza drużyna w lidze, również da powtarzalne wyniki

How do i have to check goals after mistake? Because i am playing instant result

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Thanks @Knap for all the wonderful tactics.

I got 1 question.

What tactic you recommend if you want to make 1 striker score the most goals? 

Managing Ajax and want to break goal scoring record with 1 striker. Is there any good 451 tactic or so you could recommend to try get the most goals on that player?

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