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Knap - FM24 and FM23 FM22_FM 21 - FM 20 -FM 19 Tactic List

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Safe to say that WOF 424 PSG P112 really does work at all levels. 

The below was the final league table for the VNS, took over Dulwich Hamlet (predicted tenth) with them bottom of the league on four points (P11-W0-D4-L7) and four goals scored. PPG of 2.62 would have had around 120 points over the season, and would have scored around 135 goals. 


Made it to the FA Trophy final but lost 3-1 to Wrexham (xG was higher than theirs, just unlucky with finishing/Wrexham very overrated on FM) after beating two National League sides on the way. 


Scrapped a lot of the team because they weren't good enough, signed as many players with good pace, acceleration and decisions as I could, and this is the National League table after 12 games. Oh, and we scored six goals at home against relegated Doncaster Rovers, which was nice.


Plus also generated the most xG (4.6 NPxG) I can remember seeing in a league game - just let down by some hilariously poor finishing.



Edited by Kreindeker
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On 08/08/2023 at 17:29, Kreindeker said:

Safe to say that WOF 424 PSG P112 really does work at all levels. 

The below was the final league table for the VNS, took over Dulwich Hamlet (predicted tenth) with them bottom of the league on four points (P11-W0-D4-L7) and four goals scored. PPG of 2.62 would have had around 120 points over the season, and would have scored around 135 goals. 


Made it to the FA Trophy final but lost 3-1 to Wrexham (xG was higher than theirs, just unlucky with finishing/Wrexham very overrated on FM) after beating two National League sides on the way. 


Scrapped a lot of the team because they weren't good enough, signed as many players with good pace, acceleration and decisions as I could, and this is the National League table after 12 games. Oh, and we scored six goals at home against relegated Doncaster Rovers, which was nice.


Plus also generated the most xG (4.6 NPxG) I can remember seeing in a league game - just let down by some hilariously poor finishing.



how's Danny Mills done for you? done a couple of Dulwich saves over the last few years and he's always been a monster for me

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@monsalai    @pan1majonez


THE ELITE LEAGUE Napoli are the outsiders, 300-1, and will struggle. How your tactic does with Napoli here will give you an idea of how your tactic performs against sides that are superior to yours. There is a strong possibility that you will do poorly in this league.

The BALANCED LEAGUE This should mirror the feel of most leagues, with one small caveat, we tried to choose teams with different styles too. If your tactic is any good it should finish 1st or 2nd in this league.

THE AVERAGE LEAGUE Here most of the clubs are at the same level as Napoli, the goal here must be to win the league if your tactic is any good.

THE UNDERDOG LEAGUE Every team here should be a team your side should be able to beat, without too much effort. Failure to finish first is a bad sign. 

A good result Elite, 3rd or higher Balanced, 1st Underdog, 1st Average, 1st


I look for Elite league pts and total pts

Edited by knap
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18 minutes ago, knap said:

@monsalai    @pan1majonez


THE ELITE LEAGUE Napoli are the outsiders, 300-1, and will struggle. How your tactic does with Napoli here will give you an idea of how your tactic performs against sides that are superior to yours. There is a strong possibility that you will do poorly in this league.

The BALANCED LEAGUE This should mirror the feel of most leagues, with one small caveat, we tried to choose teams with different styles too. If your tactic is any good it should finish 1st or 2nd in this league.

THE AVERAGE LEAGUE Here most of the clubs are at the same level as Napoli, the goal here must be to win the league if your tactic is any good.

THE UNDERDOG LEAGUE Every team here should be a team your side should be able to beat, without too much effort. Failure to finish first is a bad sign. 

A good result Elite, 3rd or higher Balanced, 1st Underdog, 1st Average, 1st


I look for Elite league pts and total pts

Top stuff! Thanks @knap

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1 hour ago, knap said:

@monsalai    @pan1majonez


LIGA ELITA Napoli to outsiderzy, 300-1, i będą walczyć. Jak twoja taktyka radzi sobie z Napoli tutaj, da ci wyobrażenie o tym, jak twoja taktyka sprawdza się przeciwko zespołom, które są lepsze od twoich. Istnieje duże prawdopodobieństwo, że słabo wypadniesz w tej lidze.

ZRÓWNOWAŻONA LIGA To powinno odzwierciedlać charakter większości lig, z jednym małym zastrzeżeniem: staraliśmy się wybierać drużyny o różnych stylach gry. Jeśli twoja taktyka jest dobra, powinna zająć 1. lub 2. miejsce w tej lidze.

ŚREDNIA LIGA Tutaj większość klubów jest na tym samym poziomie co Napoli, celem musi być wygranie ligi, jeśli twoja taktyka jest dobra.

THE UNDERDOG LEAGUE Każda drużyna tutaj powinna być drużyną, którą twoja strona powinna być w stanie pokonać bez zbytniego wysiłku. Brak ukończenia jako pierwszy to zły znak. 

Dobry wynik Elita, 3. lub wyżej Zrównoważony, 1. Słabszy, 1. Średnia, 1. miejsce


Szukam punktów ligi Elite i punktów ogółem

You very wisdom Mister Knap. Thank You

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On this test it would be slightly better, as otherwise would not be worth posting.

However, the HUB test is a harder test as only the CA 160 test team has a chance of winning test league.

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21 minutes ago, knap said:


On this test it would be slightly better, as otherwise would not be worth posting.

However, the HUB test is a harder test as only the CA 160 test team has a chance of winning test league.

i see ! i am running the ME23.2WOFKnap4231P102ECCC with united and doing great ! just some match are hard like city etc ! but it works so good 

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