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Tactical Help Required

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Morning just wondered if anyone can give me a few tips defensively as I want to really try and crack the defensive side of fm 

So over to you guys what would you try and do to better these sats

My set up is a standard 4-1-2-3 with both full backs on support and both wingers in am slots one on support and one on attack 

Defense wise is where I want to get better in my 38 games I conceded 50 goals and most of these were from placed shots 32 and 14 from crosses how can I get better at conceding these 

I know play with a high line but my cb are pretty quick and I play with a dm and both wingers man mark there full backs 

Both cb are set to mark standard so over to you help me defend better thanks 

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First question: are you playing FM18 or19? I'm asking this because you mentioned 4123, which was the term used in FM18 for the formation called 4141DM Wide in FM19.

3 hours ago, Ciderarmy said:

I know play with a high line but my cb are pretty quick and I play with a dm and both wingers man mark there full backs

I'll repeat this time and time again: having quick CBs is not enough for playing with high d-line safely. They need good intelligence (pos, ant, dec, cnt) in addition to speed, plus good tackling ability.

Your wingers man-marking opposition FBs is not necessary. You can instead tell your wingers to mark opp wide mids (when the opposition use them). As for FBs, if they look like an attacking threat, you can use OIs on them (CD always and show weaker foot), rather than telling wingers to mark them.

What role (and duty) is your DM on?

3 hours ago, Ciderarmy said:

Both cb are set to mark standard

What do you mean by "mark standard"? Do they man-mark opp striker(s) or are given "mark tighter" PI (or both)?

In addition to all this, we would also need to know a lot more about your overall tactic (mentality, tempo, passing, pressing, build-up play etc.) in order to give you more meaningful advice. It would be ideal if you could post a screenshot of your tactical setup.

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