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Dynamics in FMT

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No, don't worry, I don't mean all the screens we get in the full version of FM :)

Still, I think the Devs did a really great job with that, especially when it comes to the Hierarchy screen. Now I would like to simply see that along with the Assistant Manager feedback. I think it's just fun to check out the dressing room changes as the season/s goes by and players come and go. 

What I'm trying to say, we wouldn't need anything else related to Dynamics: happiness, team meetings, nothing (since we couldn't influence anything  because of the lack of personal interactions, and that's perfectly fine) . Just a look at your team from a different point of view in a cool looking screen :)

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I would simply like to have this screen in FMT too, without the need of the other ones (Social Groups, team meetings, happiness, overview. Also, no problem if we can't influence any of that because of the nature of FMT, that's fine). I like how it's presented and it gives a different point of view of your dressing room.

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Thats an FM screenshot. I know which screen you're on about but its not in FMT. 

Its exactly the type of pretty screen we're accustomed to in FMT, but with interaction being mostly a reactive experience the dynamics system currently couldn't add anything to that. 

It has been discussed that maybe it could be in FMT at some point, but this is the first feedback I've seen on Dynamics from an FMT perspective.

It might make more sense now that we have mentoring, and something to consider for next year.

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Sure, like I said, I would like it even if it was just for "show" in FMT, just for the reasons you mentioned. 

IMO, It wouldn't even require his own entry in the sidebar: just stick it in the squad screen (naming it "hierarchy" or "team hierarchy", for example) as another tab like the Medical Center one.

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1 minute ago, Lucas78 said:

Sure, like I said, I would like it even if it was just for "show" in FMT, just for the reasons you mentioned. 

IMO, It wouldn't even require his own entry in the sidebar: just stick it in the squad screen as another tab like the Medical Center one.

It would need to have a use case and be relevant and as it currently stands, all Dynamics related mechanics is just not in FMT. It would need adding for it to be workable.

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