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Player turns down 100k higher wage offer

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Tried to buy an English player and offered him 450K (240K after tax). He is currently unhappy at his club (Tottenham) because he wants to play in Champions League and because he knows my team (Swansea) can offer him high wages and is also in Champions League.

Next week he declines my offer and goes to Ligue 1 two time consecutive champions LOSC for 250K (140K after tax). Last season I was second place in the Premier League; checked his disliked clubs and Swansea is not there. Competition reputation Premier League is 2nd and Ligue 1 is 4th.

Can anybody explain this?




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LOSC Reputation = 8336

Swansea Reputation = 8046

LOSC Club value = 1.47B

Swansea Club Value = 1,53B

Small difference, certainly not something that would justify letting turning down 100k higher wages. I'm loading the save because now I'm curious how much it will take to bring him to my team instead; will keep trying to see what happens.

The player has no previous opinion of LOSC; the only club in his liked clubs is Tottenham with 100 (supporter).

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To be fair, probably more likely to win something domestic... Cheaper cost of living... And his missus wanting to be wined and dined in a country of wine and bread... (Made the last bit up). On a serious note, whats his personality? May influence the move too..

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What else were you offering him in your contract?

Your base pay offer may have been higher but you don't know how generous their bonuses were. Also what squad role did you offer? If they said he'd be a key player but you were only offering first team or rotation then that might have played in to it.

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Personality is driven, as shown in the screenshot.

If he's bothered about cheaper cost of living (as in financial issues), why would he refuse an offer that is 100k higher per week on wages?

Detailed personality:


1 minuto atrás, mack4ever disse:

What else were you offering him in your contract?

Your base pay offer may have been higher but you don't know how generous their bonuses were. Also what squad role did you offer? If they said he'd be a key player but you were only offering first team or rotation then that might have played in to it.

I posted an image of the entire contract negotiation on the first post. What sort of bonus would cover an extra 400K per month — that would also ALWAYS be paid, not as something that is a bonus — to make him prefer their offer?

I can't see LOSC's bonuses since it doesn't show up in his contract window, but I'll see if I can with the editor.

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Here are his bonuses; he might have appearance and sub bonuses but this is still a lot less than the always paid higher wages. Also about living cost, have to keep in mind that since I'm Swansea, we are in Wales, not England (not sure if that makes much of a difference in that regard).

No reason is given that it's about the club, money or anything of the sort when he moves. Also not sure if that makes any difference but my manager is French.

For the explanation of wanting to win something domestic, why would he say he wants to leave Tottenham to play the Champions League then? If winning something domestic was the case he would have given that as a reason. He also mentioned he wanted to leave due to higher wages, why doesn't he accept the higher wages then?





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5 horas atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

What is their record in the UCL?

LOSC has 4 other players that play in his position and two seasons ago they've had their first Champions League season since IRL 2012-2013 season (thats 40 years without playing in champions league since the game is now at 2043) and then they were knocked out in the 1st knockout round by AC Milan 7-1 on aggregate.

Swansea has qualified for Champions League 3 times in the last 6 seasons. Last season we came in 3rd place of the group but got to the quarter finals of Europa League.

5 horas atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

He feels he has a better chance of winning something with Lille? How successful have they been in terms of winning trophies in the recent years in game?

Ligue 1 in 2042 and 2043. Coupe de France in 2036, 2041 and 2043. Coupe de la Ligue in 2043.

Even then, if his concern is to win something domestic with Lille, why does he want to leave Tottenham to play in the Champions League? If he wanted to leave to win domestic titles he should have said so.

Swansea doesn't have any titles yet but the club has recently been bought by a tycoon. Last season they were doing badly and sacked their manager and I came in; managed to finish 2nd, now we had 230M Euros of money to spend on building a strong team. Now we are considered favorites for winning the league.

3 horas atrás, Robioto disse:

Do you have a number of players that can already play in his position? Do Lille?

LOSC has 4 other players that play in DM, M (C) position, as well as 5 other more attacking oriented AMs that can play in MC. They also have 3 other D (R)s.

I have only two DM, M (C) (one is transfer listed and the other is a new rotation signing). I have 5 other AMs that can play in MC if needed. I also only have one D (R) and Whyte is versatile enough to play there as well.

5 horas atrás, sporadicsmiles disse:

Maybe he is just not that motivated by money.

He has written in his personality page that he wants to come to Swansea because I can offer high wages, therefore he is motivated by money.

Here is his fallout with his manager because he didn't accept my bid; the reason given is that he wanted higher wages:



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