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Please give Chineses language the choice of player name displayed in English

Steven Chou

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If the FM database is selected as Chinese, all player names will also become Chinese. But most Chinese are used to English player names, because an English name has a lot of translations in Chinese. 


For example, marco reus can be translated into "马尔科·罗伊斯", "马科·罗伊斯", "马克·罗伊斯", "马尔科·雷乌斯", etc. those who are not well-known players let me do not know who is Chinese translation.


If the FM database is selected as English, the name of the league, the name of the award will also become English, especially the Bundesliga awards, I simply can’t understand.


so I sincerely hope FM have be a choice of the player name language database. or use the English player name in the Chinese database.

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You can already do this in game via the in-game preferences - you can select English player names on the Chinese translation. With the 'Game Language' set to Chinese, set the 'Data Language' to English.


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