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Carrilero with wingers

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I just finished the best season I've ever had in any incarnation of CM/FM. Playing Liverpool, season 2 (2019-20), I won Community Shield, Premier League, and Champs League. I have benefitted from the new tactics system. I am far from expert, and in the past, have gotten lost in the minutiae of making what I want happen within the game. Now, I can use the templates and work from there. With Liverpool, I chose 4-1-4-1 DM Wide Gegenpress. Makes sense that it would be successful, since the system and roster are well-suited to each other. I rarely make any modifications to this template.

The three midfielders are a D-Mid with DLP-De, and two mids, a BBM-Su and a CAR-Su.

Having actually done well for a change, I thought I might try to make some adjustments, see what happened. The Carrilero role is the hardest to fill, so I did some research, and found that it really isn't meant to be used with wingers. Not sure what to do, if anything. The wingers are both Inside Forward-At, with fullbacks at CWB-Su, so I suppose in the process of cutting inside, the wingers are leaving space that the carrilero can cover. But I don't trust my tactical acumen. Any advice or tips?

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Cleon, as always, you are the best. I'd say having my best-ever FM season means it's working :-). But also, looking into this has given me some understanding of the role. It's nice (more than nice) that I've had success, but using the template can be satisfying without my learning anything. This process has been helpful.

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I would say the carrilero isn't that out of place in the gegenpress template. A carrilero role is to provide a wide back-pass option. In the template gegenpress tactic your IFs cuts inside with your wing backs taken over the space left behind by the IFs. Both wide player are far up the pitch, and your carrilero stays a bit further back and provides that safety pass-back option.

If you would play with wingers and not IFs, carrilero wouldn't make much sense, no. Your wingback don't pull up as far, as they would just walk in the way of your wingers, so they would already provide the save wide pass-back option.

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