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Unrealistic results in FMT 19

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Hi, been playing since the game came out, playing as Man City but I am having trouble in the premier league. Play with Tiki-Taki tactic in preseason I won 5 out of 6 scoring 14 conceeding 4. I created in all games at least 25-30 shots with 10 on target. Played teams such as OL, Schalke, Hamburger all looking very good for the season ahead. 

Not so,

1-1 Home v Bournemouth 25 shots 11 on target 60% possession

0-1 away v Leicester 10 shots - 2 on target 54% possession

0-0 home v Newcastle 31 shots - 9 ontarget 67% possession

0-1 away v Watford 15 shots  - 7 ontraget 50% possession

So far finding it very frustrating that I cannot score despite an avg of 20 shots a game. 

Anyone seen this type of results ? or is it my bad tactics 



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Most likely teams you've played in the league are truly just parking the bus and you're approach isn't working well enough, so it is your tactic in a way.


Look into stats and maybe some nuances regarding where you are shooting etc. - If it's mostly long range shots or blocked shots try to slow the tempo and ask player to get more expressive to try to create chances - also make sure work ball into box is on.

Look and see if they are defending narrowly, that is to say they are packing up the 18 yard box - then you might want to try to stretch them out at first, but also try the vertical tiki taka which tries to play triangles and fast plays thru the middle.


You've got such an insane squad that you should find success by just paying attention to some statistics and trying to solve the problem, sometimes you don't want to just try and throw it all out attack and throw men at them, some teams relish that - you need to sometimes get clever how to solve teams.

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It's very easy to have shots, try looking at your match analysis post-game. It's one of the best additions to FM because you can view the shots. I had an issue where my team could create an awful lot of chances, and at first the problem was an awful lot of them were from long range. You can also view replays to see how much pressure from defenders the player is under when shooting, which helps a lot. If you're getting a lot of shots inside the box, but there's always a defender in the way then you still need to change something to create space. 

Sometimes dropping how high up the pitch you engage the opposition can help, give them a bit more space to push into before then winning the ball back and having more space to counter into. Of course, its a fine balance because you don't want to give them too much space. 

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