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The Scottish Clan 03/04 Netgame!

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*gets the bagpipes oot and starts the screeching*

Ohhhhhhh Champers of Scotland....When will we see......The Clan that played CM3 & CM4.....Return for more?...And Fight and die for....Version 03/04!

Champers of Scotland, I can see a whole forum of my countrymen gathered here today, waiting to play Champo as free men. Free men you are and Champo u will play. What would you do without the freedom to play Champo? Lying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing, to trade this day to the next, for one chance, just one chance to lock horns on-line and battle in Champo once again? For we might be a bunch of sweaty socks and Jock bawbags......but yell never take oor.........FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!

Ya Dancer! at last CM4 version 03/04 is upon us, we have been holding off and waiting eagerly for the right patches, and are now ready to embark on another long term Scottish CM netgame. This is to be our 4th major netgame, in as many years, and for most, it is a continuation from the old CM4 netgame last year, and an exciting new challenge. We managed 5 seasons in our last netgame, and hopefully our new one will be just as fun and longterm. Lessons have been learned, and we are confident, any new Scottish game will be longterm, as good as before. Many players have come and gone in the Clan over the years, and the the new mix of old hardcore veterans and the fresh meat have gelled well and we now have the best bunch of jock champers ever. Planning for this game has been in progress for a while now, as has the never ending search for fresh talent who can cut the mustard with the Scottish firm. This game was mainly organized and discussed at our last meet up, in Novemeber 2003. A couple of new faces will be joining which is refreshing but unfortunately we wont be recruiting and look set to start with the current Clan gaffers.

The Scottish Champers who have accepted this challenge have all proved themselves on-line, and for us it works well at a local level. Most the guys I either know or have met at our last meet up, and have nothing to prove. Finding hardcore players who are trustworthy, reliable and mature is very difficult. But I am confident we have a right blend for another good game and ssome banter. As we are all fans of Scottish Fitba it would only seem right to play and base our new CM4 game in Scotland. The game would start at grass roots level in division 2 & 3, with 15 human gaffers spread over the bottom 2 divisions. teams were drawn at random at the last meet up, so it was pot luck really who got what!

Starting at the bottom and working up to the SPL and beyond is the aim. With 4 compact leagues, there is derbies every game, and promotion and relegation battles a plenty. The Scottish leagues provide an ideal on-line experience for human interaction. There are 3 cups to play for, the Scottish and League Cups and the Challenge Cup for LLM. Gaffers are free to move to bigger clubs and have a caraer, so who knows where there LLM adventure will take them in the long term. It is generally felt that the 'Old Firm' are too powerfull so they are off limits in this challenge. Getting Scottish teams into Europe and smashing the Old Firms grip in the SPL, would be the ultimate aim! Re writing the Scottish football history books forever...........




1. This game will be played on Mondays and Thursdays period. The start time will be 8pm and finish time will be 12pm. The server will be up earlier from aprrox 7pm and left up later to approx 1AM for T&T sessions, shortlisting , sorting scouting etc. So get on early if ye need to find a player or have to re do a tactic. As a member of the group you will be expected to attend these sessions. If you can’t attent for any reason, you must give notice to the Clan I/C and host Ross Turpie , no less than 1hour prior to the start of session. Missing a session or joining late is ok, we all have busy lives, just let us know and be honest. Any deviation from gaming times or nights, for what ever reason, will be emailed to everyone and posted on the clan thread the previous night.

2. In this netgame players must use there real name ( no nicks - keep this for the thread and IRC) ie Ross Turpie with caps in 1st letter, put their true age in, and favourite team if they want. No Passwords are to be used at any time. Own nicknames for players can be used if u want at your own end.

3. The Scottish Clan thread is the lifeline behind the actual game, and this must be supported by each individual manager. All the Clan managers will be expected to report on their teams progress and at the very minimum a mid season and enf of season report (It doesn’t have to be an essay, even though most managers are creative with their own notes, just a few lines to show your involvement within the game, so non Clan champers or fans of the Clan get a flavour of how things are going) Its best Managers take notes and grabs of all their dealings or even write in word as the session unfolds. Gameplay in CM4 is slower so you will no doubt have a spare 5 mins here and there for this purpose. This rule will be strictly policed! In previous games some people never made the effort and this was disapointing, but this new game will hopefully have many talking points and much to report, so keep all yer teams coming's and goings updated for fans of the clan to read in the forum. . The thread is important to the Scottish Clan. If the present managers feel that they cannot put ten minutes aside to post some banter/update, there is presently a waiting list of sourced gamers wanting to join. There will be a one warning and you’re out policy regarding this.

4. IRC or Internet relay chat, is to be run at all times during the clan session, the clan IRC is on quakenet (The euro one) and the channel or room# is cm.scots. Anyone not familiar with IRC or Internet relay chat can download mirc at <www.mirc.com> its free. Communication is paramount to enable the smooth running of the game. If the Host requests something, this must be done immediately. Unfortunately crashes do happen during a network game, although these are not frequent. If all managers can play CM in windowed mode and get used to keeping one eye on IRC as well, we should have few problems. Due to IRC there will be no need for in game chat!! As this needs everyone in to work. best keep the banter oot the game and in the IRC and thread.Keep in game banter and rivalries within the thread and IRC. Also remember that you are now an ambassador for the Scots Clan, any bad behavior on any other forum not only makes you look like a twat but reflects badly on the Scottish Clan. The Scots Clan has gone a long way to get itself established as one of the top recognized clan games. We don’t need this good work undone by thoughtless posts typed by our own members so if yer banned and we cannot get you back on board yer out the Clan no arguements!. We do need rivalries to develop in the clan however so dont be scared to call a rival a ****ing ******, all's fair in war and war as they say!

5. No rolling contracts(minumum 6 months) are to be used when negotiating transfers. Any other contract is ok till the end of the season or 6 months etc. To play the game in the best possible spirit, 1 year contracts are generally regarded as the best minimum option, but this is entirely up to the managers own descretion.When buying a player, if anyone wishes to include clauses. The total amount of cash in the clauses cannot exceed the base cash offer. Also the number cannot be greater than 10 when negotiating appearances.E.G If player offers 500k cash this is his base offer. He can add clauses so they can amount to but not exceed this figure. I.e. 500k + 500k after 1/10 league or international appearances.To sum this up - WHEN BUYING No 20/30/40/50 league app/cap clause. And Total Clauses cannot exceed the cash offer. A player can be bought and payed up over 12 or 24 months tho ie 100k over 12 months as the transfer market is changing and this is now realistic

6. When selling a player, if one wishes to include clauses. The total amount of cash in the clauses cannot exceed the cash offer received. Also the number cannot be less than 10 when negotiating appearances. Also the number cannot be less than 10 when negotiating appearances.E.G If player receives a 500k cash bid and wishes to negotiate using clauses. He can request cash clauses amounting up to but not exceeding the base cash bid. I.E 500K + 500K AFTER 10/20/30/40/50 league app/international appearances.To sum this up ----WHEN SELLING, No 1 cap or 1 appearance.And total clauses cannot exceed the initial cash offer(Note this will stop the 0 + X amount after 1 cap sales) A player can be sold and payed for over 12 or 24 months tho ie 100k over 12 months as the transfer market is changing and this is now realistic.

7. Games must be played on FAST only not meduim unless it a Cup Final and KEY/EXTENDED(only if ur no holding the game up) highlights only (unless its a major cup final i.e Scottish Cup, Eufa, or CL) Players are allowed to view others games as long as they are aware of commands in IRC and do not hold the game up in anyway.

8. No illegal bids for players to stop the AI or another human manager getting a player. I.E - bidding 10m to stop a player going elsewhere when you don’t have the money. This also includes rival teams players when their gaffer is on holiday, or not present in the game for what ever reason. You are free to bid and make any offers/ contracts to rival teams players, assuming the human gaffer is there to either knock back or match accordingly. In short, when other human gaffers are not in the game dont **** with there teams! Also offering players to other managers is tolerated but should be realistic as any stoopid bids only slow the game down. You can untick a human manager to stop the offer if ur assistant suggest that club alternativly as a manager reciveing an unwanted offer just ignore the Bid and call the offering party a slow twat!

9. Strictly NO International manager jobs allowed or Old Firm Clubs!

10. Managers can declare an interest in any player or job wether by offer in news or by shortlist. But having rivals Human managers players shortlisted when they are clearly not welcome or never to be soldis deamed ungentlemanly and they should be taken off. Any deals should be made in mirc and to be fair should be made public but it is all down to each individuals descretion with regard what spirit they want to play the game.

11. Managers are free to apply for any Scottish Club available, out with the 'old Firm', and announce interest in any job!

12. Fergie Clause, in the event of anyone winning a European trophy then the Alex Ferguson clause can be activated, and any top English Club applied for (EPL ONLY!). This option will be a long time coming, but is a viable option for any gaffer who simply outgrows the Clan or Scottish football in general. I must point out we are a Scottish Clan however and keeping the game Scottish is the aim, with no fragmentation to other leagues. If anyone does win the CL with East Fife for example, why not simply start at the bottom again, and take over another llm team, or one of the bigger teams that have been beaten up by our top gaffers back to formal glory!

13. No Slow Play! As if its gonna be fast! its longterm and will speed up once the teams settle and there is no hurray so take yer time and dont rush just chug and keep with play. Any gaffer who is conitually slow will be forced to chug on by the host ther will be am 'OFFICIAL' warning in the mirc and then a slow manager will be forced. I dont think managers can be forced in match day but if u have to leave the game for what ever reason notify the host or announce your departure in the chat room. Anyone who has had an "OFFICIAL' chug warning and is chugged has no one to blame but themselves the game revolves around the whole Clan not just 1 pselfish person. If that fails then managers will be forced on holidays. Continued Slow & Selfish play in extreme cases will result in the offender beig retired from the game!

14. If sacked managers can either wait for a new club or knock the lowest div 3 team and take the ll penalty after their name! This is asuming there is a team available and you there is not a reserve list for eager gaffers in place. Basically dont get sacked! if ye get sacked yer no really good enough to play and some one else deserves a chance to show what they can do. Competition for Clan places is high so dont make a **** of it lads.

15. The Game will be run in Holiday mode from the day after the Cup Final until the 1st of July (Approx about na month) Duriong this time there will be no oppertunity to access news and if the ai bid for any player and you loose out then tuff, this is the only time the ai has an advantage and is primarily to speed the game up for the sake of game play. In short make sure all your 1st team and promising players have proper transfer instructions and clauses intact. Players do retire its a part of the game as do staff move on thats is what the summer and close seaosn is all about. Clan managers have plenty of oppertunity to make offers but between this time the game will be holiday only. After that it is up to each individual wether they want to go on holiday or not until the season starts but getting through preseason is a total pain and should be done as quickly as possible. You have been warned get organised!

16. Any human manager that misses 3 session's in a row can be voted out by the fellow Clan members

17. FOG of War will be OFF! This is only to speed the game up and stop all the millions of scout reports that hold the game up while playing on-line

18. All managers have a laugh and get tore into each other! We play for fun and although it all looks serious, the reason we play on line is to pit yer wits against other human managers and interact with other humans! Anyone that is not bothering with regards to community play are denying someone who is a chance to join the famous Scottish Clan. We have had some good laughs and community things going in the past, so support the thread and contribute in the chat room, its whats playing on-line is all about.


Champers of the Scottish CM4 Clan. You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the CMO forum are upon you. The hopes and prayers of Champo loving fans everywhere march with you. Your task will not be an easy one. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in Champo. We will accept nothing less than full dedication to the Clan! Good Luck! And let us beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble Champo undertaking. May the farce be with you all!

Clan General Turps, of the Scottish Clan

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*gets the bagpipes oot and starts the screeching*

Ohhhhhhh Champers of Scotland....When will we see......The Clan that played CM3 & CM4.....Return for more?...And Fight and die for....Version 03/04!

Champers of Scotland, I can see a whole forum of my countrymen gathered here today, waiting to play Champo as free men. Free men you are and Champo u will play. What would you do without the freedom to play Champo? Lying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing, to trade this day to the next, for one chance, just one chance to lock horns on-line and battle in Champo once again? For we might be a bunch of sweaty socks and Jock bawbags......but yell never take oor.........FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEDOM!

Ya Dancer! at last CM4 version 03/04 is upon us, we have been holding off and waiting eagerly for the right patches, and are now ready to embark on another long term Scottish CM netgame. This is to be our 4th major netgame, in as many years, and for most, it is a continuation from the old CM4 netgame last year, and an exciting new challenge. We managed 5 seasons in our last netgame, and hopefully our new one will be just as fun and longterm. Lessons have been learned, and we are confident, any new Scottish game will be longterm, as good as before. Many players have come and gone in the Clan over the years, and the the new mix of old hardcore veterans and the fresh meat have gelled well and we now have the best bunch of jock champers ever. Planning for this game has been in progress for a while now, as has the never ending search for fresh talent who can cut the mustard with the Scottish firm. This game was mainly organized and discussed at our last meet up, in Novemeber 2003. A couple of new faces will be joining which is refreshing but unfortunately we wont be recruiting and look set to start with the current Clan gaffers.

The Scottish Champers who have accepted this challenge have all proved themselves on-line, and for us it works well at a local level. Most the guys I either know or have met at our last meet up, and have nothing to prove. Finding hardcore players who are trustworthy, reliable and mature is very difficult. But I am confident we have a right blend for another good game and ssome banter. As we are all fans of Scottish Fitba it would only seem right to play and base our new CM4 game in Scotland. The game would start at grass roots level in division 2 & 3, with 15 human gaffers spread over the bottom 2 divisions. teams were drawn at random at the last meet up, so it was pot luck really who got what!

Starting at the bottom and working up to the SPL and beyond is the aim. With 4 compact leagues, there is derbies every game, and promotion and relegation battles a plenty. The Scottish leagues provide an ideal on-line experience for human interaction. There are 3 cups to play for, the Scottish and League Cups and the Challenge Cup for LLM. Gaffers are free to move to bigger clubs and have a caraer, so who knows where there LLM adventure will take them in the long term. It is generally felt that the 'Old Firm' are too powerfull so they are off limits in this challenge. Getting Scottish teams into Europe and smashing the Old Firms grip in the SPL, would be the ultimate aim! Re writing the Scottish football history books forever...........




1. This game will be played on Mondays and Thursdays period. The start time will be 8pm and finish time will be 12pm. The server will be up earlier from aprrox 7pm and left up later to approx 1AM for T&T sessions, shortlisting , sorting scouting etc. So get on early if ye need to find a player or have to re do a tactic. As a member of the group you will be expected to attend these sessions. If you can’t attent for any reason, you must give notice to the Clan I/C and host Ross Turpie , no less than 1hour prior to the start of session. Missing a session or joining late is ok, we all have busy lives, just let us know and be honest. Any deviation from gaming times or nights, for what ever reason, will be emailed to everyone and posted on the clan thread the previous night.

2. In this netgame players must use there real name ( no nicks - keep this for the thread and IRC) ie Ross Turpie with caps in 1st letter, put their true age in, and favourite team if they want. No Passwords are to be used at any time. Own nicknames for players can be used if u want at your own end.

3. The Scottish Clan thread is the lifeline behind the actual game, and this must be supported by each individual manager. All the Clan managers will be expected to report on their teams progress and at the very minimum a mid season and enf of season report (It doesn’t have to be an essay, even though most managers are creative with their own notes, just a few lines to show your involvement within the game, so non Clan champers or fans of the Clan get a flavour of how things are going) Its best Managers take notes and grabs of all their dealings or even write in word as the session unfolds. Gameplay in CM4 is slower so you will no doubt have a spare 5 mins here and there for this purpose. This rule will be strictly policed! In previous games some people never made the effort and this was disapointing, but this new game will hopefully have many talking points and much to report, so keep all yer teams coming's and goings updated for fans of the clan to read in the forum. . The thread is important to the Scottish Clan. If the present managers feel that they cannot put ten minutes aside to post some banter/update, there is presently a waiting list of sourced gamers wanting to join. There will be a one warning and you’re out policy regarding this.

4. IRC or Internet relay chat, is to be run at all times during the clan session, the clan IRC is on quakenet (The euro one) and the channel or room# is cm.scots. Anyone not familiar with IRC or Internet relay chat can download mirc at <www.mirc.com> its free. Communication is paramount to enable the smooth running of the game. If the Host requests something, this must be done immediately. Unfortunately crashes do happen during a network game, although these are not frequent. If all managers can play CM in windowed mode and get used to keeping one eye on IRC as well, we should have few problems. Due to IRC there will be no need for in game chat!! As this needs everyone in to work. best keep the banter oot the game and in the IRC and thread.Keep in game banter and rivalries within the thread and IRC. Also remember that you are now an ambassador for the Scots Clan, any bad behavior on any other forum not only makes you look like a twat but reflects badly on the Scottish Clan. The Scots Clan has gone a long way to get itself established as one of the top recognized clan games. We don’t need this good work undone by thoughtless posts typed by our own members so if yer banned and we cannot get you back on board yer out the Clan no arguements!. We do need rivalries to develop in the clan however so dont be scared to call a rival a ****ing ******, all's fair in war and war as they say!

5. No rolling contracts(minumum 6 months) are to be used when negotiating transfers. Any other contract is ok till the end of the season or 6 months etc. To play the game in the best possible spirit, 1 year contracts are generally regarded as the best minimum option, but this is entirely up to the managers own descretion.When buying a player, if anyone wishes to include clauses. The total amount of cash in the clauses cannot exceed the base cash offer. Also the number cannot be greater than 10 when negotiating appearances.E.G If player offers 500k cash this is his base offer. He can add clauses so they can amount to but not exceed this figure. I.e. 500k + 500k after 1/10 league or international appearances.To sum this up - WHEN BUYING No 20/30/40/50 league app/cap clause. And Total Clauses cannot exceed the cash offer. A player can be bought and payed up over 12 or 24 months tho ie 100k over 12 months as the transfer market is changing and this is now realistic

6. When selling a player, if one wishes to include clauses. The total amount of cash in the clauses cannot exceed the cash offer received. Also the number cannot be less than 10 when negotiating appearances. Also the number cannot be less than 10 when negotiating appearances.E.G If player receives a 500k cash bid and wishes to negotiate using clauses. He can request cash clauses amounting up to but not exceeding the base cash bid. I.E 500K + 500K AFTER 10/20/30/40/50 league app/international appearances.To sum this up ----WHEN SELLING, No 1 cap or 1 appearance.And total clauses cannot exceed the initial cash offer(Note this will stop the 0 + X amount after 1 cap sales) A player can be sold and payed for over 12 or 24 months tho ie 100k over 12 months as the transfer market is changing and this is now realistic.

7. Games must be played on FAST only not meduim unless it a Cup Final and KEY/EXTENDED(only if ur no holding the game up) highlights only (unless its a major cup final i.e Scottish Cup, Eufa, or CL) Players are allowed to view others games as long as they are aware of commands in IRC and do not hold the game up in anyway.

8. No illegal bids for players to stop the AI or another human manager getting a player. I.E - bidding 10m to stop a player going elsewhere when you don’t have the money. This also includes rival teams players when their gaffer is on holiday, or not present in the game for what ever reason. You are free to bid and make any offers/ contracts to rival teams players, assuming the human gaffer is there to either knock back or match accordingly. In short, when other human gaffers are not in the game dont **** with there teams! Also offering players to other managers is tolerated but should be realistic as any stoopid bids only slow the game down. You can untick a human manager to stop the offer if ur assistant suggest that club alternativly as a manager reciveing an unwanted offer just ignore the Bid and call the offering party a slow twat!

9. Strictly NO International manager jobs allowed or Old Firm Clubs!

10. Managers can declare an interest in any player or job wether by offer in news or by shortlist. But having rivals Human managers players shortlisted when they are clearly not welcome or never to be soldis deamed ungentlemanly and they should be taken off. Any deals should be made in mirc and to be fair should be made public but it is all down to each individuals descretion with regard what spirit they want to play the game.

11. Managers are free to apply for any Scottish Club available, out with the 'old Firm', and announce interest in any job!

12. Fergie Clause, in the event of anyone winning a European trophy then the Alex Ferguson clause can be activated, and any top English Club applied for (EPL ONLY!). This option will be a long time coming, but is a viable option for any gaffer who simply outgrows the Clan or Scottish football in general. I must point out we are a Scottish Clan however and keeping the game Scottish is the aim, with no fragmentation to other leagues. If anyone does win the CL with East Fife for example, why not simply start at the bottom again, and take over another llm team, or one of the bigger teams that have been beaten up by our top gaffers back to formal glory!

13. No Slow Play! As if its gonna be fast! its longterm and will speed up once the teams settle and there is no hurray so take yer time and dont rush just chug and keep with play. Any gaffer who is conitually slow will be forced to chug on by the host ther will be am 'OFFICIAL' warning in the mirc and then a slow manager will be forced. I dont think managers can be forced in match day but if u have to leave the game for what ever reason notify the host or announce your departure in the chat room. Anyone who has had an "OFFICIAL' chug warning and is chugged has no one to blame but themselves the game revolves around the whole Clan not just 1 pselfish person. If that fails then managers will be forced on holidays. Continued Slow & Selfish play in extreme cases will result in the offender beig retired from the game!

14. If sacked managers can either wait for a new club or knock the lowest div 3 team and take the ll penalty after their name! This is asuming there is a team available and you there is not a reserve list for eager gaffers in place. Basically dont get sacked! if ye get sacked yer no really good enough to play and some one else deserves a chance to show what they can do. Competition for Clan places is high so dont make a **** of it lads.

15. The Game will be run in Holiday mode from the day after the Cup Final until the 1st of July (Approx about na month) Duriong this time there will be no oppertunity to access news and if the ai bid for any player and you loose out then tuff, this is the only time the ai has an advantage and is primarily to speed the game up for the sake of game play. In short make sure all your 1st team and promising players have proper transfer instructions and clauses intact. Players do retire its a part of the game as do staff move on thats is what the summer and close seaosn is all about. Clan managers have plenty of oppertunity to make offers but between this time the game will be holiday only. After that it is up to each individual wether they want to go on holiday or not until the season starts but getting through preseason is a total pain and should be done as quickly as possible. You have been warned get organised!

16. Any human manager that misses 3 session's in a row can be voted out by the fellow Clan members

17. FOG of War will be OFF! This is only to speed the game up and stop all the millions of scout reports that hold the game up while playing on-line

18. All managers have a laugh and get tore into each other! We play for fun and although it all looks serious, the reason we play on line is to pit yer wits against other human managers and interact with other humans! Anyone that is not bothering with regards to community play are denying someone who is a chance to join the famous Scottish Clan. We have had some good laughs and community things going in the past, so support the thread and contribute in the chat room, its whats playing on-line is all about.


Champers of the Scottish CM4 Clan. You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the CMO forum are upon you. The hopes and prayers of Champo loving fans everywhere march with you. Your task will not be an easy one. I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty and skill in Champo. We will accept nothing less than full dedication to the Clan! Good Luck! And let us beseech the blessings of Almighty God upon this great and noble Champo undertaking. May the farce be with you all!

Clan General Turps, of the Scottish Clan

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CM MAD gaffer ROSS TURPIE has today been sensationally announced as the new manager of 2nd Ddivision side Forfar Athletic! Turpie, an experienced gaffer at many other CM clubs, had done well at his last Scottish Club, and had the statue to prove it! Forfar a town famous for its 'Bridies' would suit the new gaffer no problem, as 'pie meat' had been attrributed to much of his previous success. The new boss was delighted to be at the Loons helm and could not have picked a better club for the future campaign. The board were particularly impressed with his Champo achievments, but could the unknown gaffer win the hearts and minds of the fans......

Forfar a small town of about 13,000 people is north of Dundee and lies in the lower division football hotbed that is north Tayside. The Former manager ex Scotland Internationalist Ray Stewart had left the club in good shape after his rescent shock retirement. The squad inherited, had good players at this level, in every department, and gaffer Turps was confidant he could challenge in the 2nd Division and take the club forward. Turpie claimed that the Loons would be an SPL club within 3 years and hoped the Forfar board matched his own ambitions in CM football management.The club's only ever highpoint, in its entire history was the memorable draw with Rangers in the 1978 Scottish Cup. Gaffer Turps promised the Station Park Faithfull that success was only round the corner and the rebuilding process would begin as a matter of urgency..... icon14.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>

Dumbarton this week announced the appointment of Gary Toner as the club’s manager.

Announcing the appointment, SONS PR Director Colin Hosie said that Toner had been handed the job of putting together a management team as well as signing a squad of players and getting them ready in time for the start of the season.

“We are pleased to announce the appointment of Gary, who has exactly the profile we are looking for,†said Mr Hosie.

"It feels good," Toner said. "There's a lot of great things happening at the club, and I'm glad to be a part of it."

"Our intent has been to improve the team and make it a contender as soon as possible.

"Fans will see an exciting brand of sons football on the pitch this year under Toner's guidance." Hosie added.


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lambie's Lovechild:

Tam Burnett still looks suspiciously like a 40+ LLaMa. Any thoughts Rosco?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've not been feeling myself lately...which is why I ended up in court.

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“Now Mr Burnett, with the propensity of the financial sector, principally in the soccer realm to recall or leastwise partially recall outstanding debt, and the invariable constraints applicable to the higher echelons within tightly constructed multi-linear institutions in respect of ever spiralling pressure upon limited budgeting forecast’s how will you in your new appointment as East Stirling manager handle the financial wolves baying at your door?â€

"Boot them in the baws!"

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Berwick go for unknown Boss

The borderers have appointed a complete unknown in Iain Stewart as new boss for the coming season.

The berwick board have said that has all the qualities they require in a boss and will have complete control on rebuilding the squad and training staff in there bid to reach the SPL.

Stewart admitted to having a few transfer targets in mind but was unsure if they could be pulled off but said he's do his best to improve Berwick and give a serious challenge to the rest of Div 2.

Berwick the only club in Scotland to play football on English soil hope to prove the location will not hinder them in their quest to be one of the top clubs in Scotland and this begins with the appointment of Stewart as there new boss.

With no real history to report for Stewart all he would promise would be some fun times ahead dont expect the unexpected as sexy football is coming to the scots 2nd division !

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Blue Brazils look to Experience to restructure the club

After long drawn out negotiations and with some gentle persuasion the brazils have signed Jeff Duke the Grand Daddy of all manager’s except Bobby Great Grand Daddy Robson.

Duke was sensationally signed last week when he was tempted out of the old folks home with a signing on clause of a holiday home on the Costa Del Tay when he was guaranteed life time membership to the sunnyside old folks home in Broughty Ferry.

Duke’s iron will and hand of steel look set to bring a new era of glory to Central Park. Duke’s experience tactically and his shrewd negotiation skills in the transfer market are sure to eclipse the other division 3 also rans.

So lets bring it on see you all tomorrow night let battle commence.

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Stirling Albion would like to announce the arrival of new Manager Stewart Robertson to the fold. Robertson who has little in the way of experience in a managerial role was first choice with the board after demonstrating his ideas with such enthusiasm on how he would take Albion forward.

Manager Robertson:

“Firstly I am delighted to be appointed manager of such a great club. With the talent already amassed I feel we can do well this season. I already know a great deal about the playing staff and there is no doubt some of them have the class to progress to the higher divisions. With the fans backing us all the way and with the support of the board we can achieve great things with the Binos.â€

Binos Banter

MYLES HOGARTH – Goalkeeper, Signed 2003 from Alloa. Formerly with Hearts, Airdrie, Hamilton and Falkirk, Myles has shown himself to be an excellent shot stopper.

PAUL NUGENT – Defender, made his Albion debut in front of 30,000 at Parkhead in the CIS Cup two years ago. Never out of the team since then, Paul has developed into an outstanding prospect and already has larger clubs taking an interest in him.

DEREK ANDERSON – Defender, the former Killie, Morton and Ayr player is quality who will add experience to the Albion squad.

STEWART DEVINE – Defender/Midfielder, made his debut as a 16 year old three years ago and has showed great early promise.

PAUL HAY – Defender/Midfielder, a versatile individuals who can play at the back or in midfield. Last season he was in impressive form, wining plaudits from the Albion support.

DAVID O’BRIEN – Midfield, he looks very comfortable on the ball and is a great prospect for the future. Won the Bell’s Young Player of the Month award for October 2002 after scoring three goals in as many games

DOUGIE WILSON – Midfield, possesses tremendous skills and has a good eye for goal, this could be his season.

SCOTT MCLEAN – Striker, Signed 2003 from St Mirren, a fantastic forward that has an engine to die for and a consistent goal scorer.

BARRY ELLIOT – Striker, Signed 2003 from Partick Thistle, the jewel in Albions crown and one the fans will enjoy watching.

With Manager Robertson able to call on such talent he hopes to make a big impact at Forthbank this season. icon_biggrin.gif

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Awrite there troops.

Im here to announce my application for the Peterhead job. Having spoken to Turps the manager of the mighty "s**e" loons. I thought if some mad man frae Killie can get a job then I must have a chance.

Im relying on my extensive amateurish attempts at coaching an under 12 team in Dunblane can win over the board (and all of you to accept me. As a sweetner to my girlfriend and to celebrate im planning to go on a trip to NYC for 1 week very soon....but intend to take my position seriously...ie get it rite up ye when i win and make excuses when i get gubbed.

Nvere played online before but gies a wee shot and I wont let you down...plus it will be an easy 2 points a season early doors until I start whipping you guys!!

Well hope to see you online tomorrow...

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That should read 12 points. And dont be jealous about going to NYC. It wont all be partying and limousines icon_smile.gif......I'll be toughing it out at a New York Rangers ice hockey game and imagine going to see the NY nicks basketball mob (obviously some of you would be scared by the big crowds)....think a couple of those guys may get a game for my defence."Hunter shows all the potential to be a top manager for Peterhead....ie not too bright but up for a party" Oh and I once attended a Fraserburgh v Kilmarnock friendly so I know the locals....and its a local club for local people!! GIES A JOAB

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Ally's Army return to start a new winter front

Ally MacLeod may be dead and gone, but the new Ally's Army are still very much ready for action.

A recent lack of noise from me will soon come to an end with the heralding of my new era at Elgin City, an appointment that I am greatly looking forward to.

Battle hardend managers will know my ambitious approach to the task of victory and I can assure all rivals that my greedy player grabbing nature is as hungry is ever.

My time at Albion Rovers and Stirling Albion has given me a reputation as a wheeler and dealer in the transfer market, but I want to assure everyone involved at the club that they'll have their chance to impress me.

However I must tell the fans that this club is moving forward and I wont be settling for anything other than a promotion push this campaign.

As we look at the dawn of a new horizon for Elgin City, I want to thank the club for giving me this oppertunity for success and I look forward to bringing glory to our club.

Enjoy the new season!

Alasdair Shaw

Elgin City Manager

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Ally....Hope you won't mind me taking over at Peterhead...Elgin are a desperate outfit whos idea of a big name is signing Andy Goram. C'mon the Peterhead..plus a local rivalry will provide dus with some much needed bragging rights..Ian Wilson has gone long live Ghod!!

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And the winner of Gaffer Idol 2003 is.........

Chris Nicol!!!!!!

Congratulations Chris, you've won a 3 year contract with Stranraer (Who the feck are they Ant?) of the Scottish 3rd Division. Stair Park will be your new home for the next 3 years and if you can prove that you can handle it with the top gaffers in Scotland then who knows where your career may take you.

Cheers lads, this means so much to me. I'd like to thank all the viewers that voted and the Stranraer board for making this all possible, I won't let you down. I'd also like to say hard lines to John Barnes for coming 2nd, I’m sure you'll make it back into football one day big man you bring a whole new audience to football with your punditry, they have it in the comedy zone.

I understand there is a new breed of gaffer in the lower divisions of Scotland this season and I hope to pull myself to the top of the pile. Obviously the target for the first season will be promotion as Stranraer are not a 3rd Division side, hell I witnessed them gub Hibs 1-0 at Easter Road not all that long ago in a friggin league match (Jason Young and Keith Knox still there? no, ah well, Campbell Money? Balls).

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the only seamen you'll see me with are the kind the ladies like...and the smell is the ladies after hearing im coming to town (aye rite)

Or could the smell be the Elgin City boys scared of facing the Blue Toon.

Ready for a derby gubbing...Peter Reid frae Peterhead is deid...volvo for sale

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After a short illness saw the sudden departure of John Mcveigh, the board were left with a big job in trying to find his replacement.

Although there was many applicants the board have announced that the job will be taken on by a women who goes by the name of Tracy Watson.

Some of the older members of the board are a bit dubious as are some of the fans but her managerial skills have been noticed with the job she did with the ladies team and she has been given the chance to prove herself on a higher level.

The club wish her the best of luck and hope things go from strength to strength.

Watson had a few words of her own.

"Hopefully I can guide the team back to the glory days of the SPL and keep them there, that is my long term aim, in the short term I want to change a few things at the club and I'm going to start by bringing in a few fresh faces"

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Albion Rovers set of on a new journey yesterday as the Great manager that is Pete Abraham took over at The lowly minnows to take them back to glory that there former manager had done and lost within a season.

Bod Karishma had taken Albion Rovers through the ranks to European glory, but after a few dodgy signings, he and the Rovers were flushed back down to Division 3. When confronted by this he abruptly denied all acquisitions but has been rumored he ate all the evidence.

Abraham has come from a good pedigree of football management which compares with the likes of Alex Ferguson, Johan Cruyff and the lovely Taloola. When asked about his rise to division 1 with Morton he said “That was just a warm up for what I’m about to do with Albion. Our first mission is to rise to Division 2 and compete with our rivals Forfar (that is if they don’t go down while we go up.â€

Albion’s start was to sign players who would drive the club forward, this came in the form of good youth players and the experience of midfielder Cooper who comes from Tamworth and is nothing but pure brilliance, according to those who have watched him. “Cooper comes has been to many clubs and succeeded in all, to bring that experience to the mighty Albion is a good start.†Claimed Abraham.

The First Game of the Clan came in a Challenge Cup game against Arbroath, and as expected after the signings of Albions former manager, Albion were underdogs. But this has never deterred Abraham who rompt to a 3-0 victory with fine displays from Cooper and McManus.

Abraham goes into the new season with full confidence that he can stuff his opponents, if that is to be, only the season ahead will tell.

[This message was edited by Mr X on 03 February 2004 at 13:39.]

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Alasdair Shaw's Programme Notes Monday 02/02/04


Dear Supporters,

Thank you all for the warm welcome you’ve given me as I settle in to my new managerial hot seat. My task for this season is to mould together a new squad and improve the team’s performances in the league. However those who know me will tell you that I’m an ambitious manager and I fully expect Elgin to be in the top half of the league at least.

I’ve been quick to use my contacts in football to bring in players good enough to both entertain and win points; and I’m sure you all join me in welcoming the following to the club.

Neil Adams

The former Falkirk right back should give us some competition for defensive slots and looks to have a good future ahead of him. Hard working and brave, his passing and tackling skills will be of great use.

David Bowman

With 6 Scotland caps to his credit, David is a vastly experienced player with his service to Dundee United. A great ball winning anchorman, his commitment and desire to win will hopefully rub off on some of the younger players.

Keith Brown

This competent defender is at home in the centre of left back position. Keith has learned his trade in England with Blackburn Rovers and Barnsley, and is relishing the challenge of making an impact at Elgin City.

Robert Bruce

A promising youngster who can play anywhere across the midfield, Robert is a die hard Ayr fan and despite being signed to add depth to the squad, he’ll more than likely be knocking at the door of the first team.

Colin Carr-Lawton

After serving in the English lower leagues, Colin provides us with more striking options with his pace, balance and deadly finishing.

Neal Clague

We signed Neal in the face of stiff competition and I was delighted to capture the big striker. A real handful for any defence, I expect him to bag a few goals this year.

Marc Cocozza

A determined young defender, Marc was educated at Celtic and Dundee United before joining us. It is unlikely he’ll become a first choice centre back and he has been made available for loan.

Dennis Connaghan

Former Queens Park and Partick Thistle defender Dennis Connaghan is a tough tackling defender and a natural leader.

Tom Courts

Yet another defender who can play in centre or on the left, Tom completed his apprenticeship at Livingston and is now hungry to prove himself.

John Crawley

John is another promising defender who should do well in our reserve side and will undoubtedly feature at senior level.

Colin Drew

Colin is a striker’s worst nightmare, being a real physical presence at the back. The former St. Mirren man gives us even more options in that position.

Chris Dunbar

A young right back, Chris joins our youth programme and should blossom into a fine player.

Martin Ferney

Comfortable in on the left or centre of midfield or defence, Martin is a committed player and has great experience from his days with Fulham.

Kevin Gallacher

Former Scotland attacker Kevin Gallacher has played in the English Premiership and the World Cup, so his player coaching role will be an invaluable influence to the team.

Richard Gough

The former Rangers captain joins us on a player coaching role and will be a great presence in defence and on the training ground.

Colin Hendry

Colin is another recognisable name as the former Scotland and Blackburn Rovers Captain who lead the country out in the opening game of France ’98. A rock at the back, his influence will be an example to us all.

John Hutton

John is a good addition to the squad with his aggressive and influential defending. He’s also a former Sheffield Wednesday youngster.

Michael Jack

The former Carlisle winger is a hot prospect for the future with his technique and creativity. Definitely one to watch out for.

James Lakie

This young defender comes after a spell with Cowdenbeath and is a good addition to our youth team.

Steve McAnespie

A journeyman in the right back position, Steve has spent time at Raith Rovers, Bolton, Fulham and Cambridge. An intelligent player, he can get forward to whip in a cross or let fly with a free kick.

Stuart McCluskey

A clever defender, Stuart joins after several years with St. Johnstone and will provide competition for a first team place.

Stephen McCulloch

Able to play in the centre or left side of defence, Stephen was trained at Dundee United and will provide defensive options.

Pat McGinlay

Having played with Hibs and Celtic, Pat’s creativity will be vital to our midfield and he has shown that he can get forward and chip in with some goals.

John McQuade

Signed to provide some flair on the wings, John’s trickery and crossing ability should give opposition defenders a tough time.

Garry McStay

Joining after his service to Falkirk, Garry is now ready to command a first team place in the heart of midfield. His determination will be an example to the whole team.

Danny Mills

A determined “no nonsense†player; Danny will contribute his presence to the midfield area.

Jerry O’Driscoll

No stranger to Scottish football, Jerry has played at Dundee and Montrose, but was signed from Irish side Glentanar. A real poacher in attack, Jerry should notch up a few goals this season.

Kris O’Neil

Despite not making the grade at Hearts, Kris is a quick striker who gets into good goal scoring positions. He’ll add cover to the first choice attackers and is available for a loan deal.

Richard Sinclair

Another promising defender, Richard’s tough tackling and quick thinking should see him get a chance to impress at senior level.

Anton Smith

A determined and strong defender, Anton will play much of his football learning in the reserves this year.

Lee Snodin

Former Charlton midfielder, Lee’s left foot will be an asset at set plays. His father, Ian, has also joined the coaching staff.

Jon Thompson

Unable to make the break through at Dens Park, Jon comes to us as a player with real potential to be a class defender.

Joseph Tobin

17 year old Joseph Tobin is a talented defensive midfielder, who despite his age could see first team action.

Steven Watson

A left back with massive potential, I expect Stephen to be pushing for a first team place.

Paul Whitmarsh

Paul has spent much of his career in the English amateur leagues but his sheer determination and the fact that he’s a quality finisher should see him contribute to our campaign.

Jamie Winning

Signed for the youth team, Jamie is talented central midfielder with a great future ahead of him.

Stephen Wright

Another signing that brings us experience from former clubs Aberdeen, Rangers and Bradford City. Stephen is a veteran defender who will provide depth to the team.

I am still pursuing some deals and I’m particularly keen to add to the midfield as well as providing some competition to Martin Pirie for the goalkeeper jersey.

A new coaching team has also joined the club and I welcome them to the team.

Tom Boyd

With a vast knowledge from playing for Scotland and Celtic, Tom will be helping our younger members progress into quality players.

Terry McDermott

The former Liverpool legend was once assistant to John Barnes at Celtic and I’m delighted that he’s taken up a similar role here at Elgin.

Ian Snodin

A top class coach, Ian played several years of top level football at Everton. His son Lee has also joined the playing staff.

Arturo Vázquez Ayala

I was pleased when Arturo decided to leave Mexico and hook up with us and I’m sure his fresh perspective on football will be of tangible benefit.


With so many new players in the side it was always going to be difficult for them to gel in time for this game against Alex Holligan’s Montrose; however that does not hide my disappointment from the performance we put on.

The visitors took the lead when McEwan beat our offside trap and fired home from a tight angle and Montrose compounded our woeful performance when a cross was cleared to Herbert at the edge of the box and he made it 2-0 by lancing the ball into the top corner.

It was not only a poor result, but the fact that we failed to get a single shot at the Montrose goal gives me a real headache before our next game.

However despite this set back I’m still confident that this will be an exciting and reasonably successful season for Elgin City. The team will take time to gel and I’ve still to tinker with some aspects of it, but rest assured that we are all looking to bring glory to the club.

Thanks for your support and enjoy the new season.

Alasdair Shaw

Elgin City FC Manager

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Airdrie appoint rival manager to rebuild the Diamonds Dynasty

When Airdrie announced that following a takeover from a mystery local bakers, they would be appointing a new manager with a proven track record to bring the club back to the glory years, few expected they would appoint the man so famous for bringing glory to their local rivals Albion Rovers. The first press conferences didnt go particularly well, with McGuinness openly admitting he still felt a fondness for the Cliftonhill side after all he had been through with them, but acknowledging he was now totally committed to the task of restoring Airdriealbians ... erm , Airdrie United , to their rightful place at the top of Scottish Football.

The first task in question : To renengotiate the vast sums being paid to players at the club (all 23 of them in 3 squads) and to bring them into line with the strict wage policy at the club. Then to appoint a backroom staff which didnt include current assistant manager Kenny Black. Then to arrange training which didnt involve everyone racing around like headless chickens until they reached the off licence.

McGuinness couldnt believe it when he read the books and found out that Sandy Stewart was collecting £400 a week. McGuinness had always believed the veteran defender was already drawing his pension. After watching the first few training sessions, he realised he was drawing his pension, just not from the post office.

Then came the signing policy. Strict guidelines had to be ignored every time the manager wanted a player, and in came a series of players on average wages with huge signing on fees. And for once Steve Archibald had nothing to do with it. Success had better follow said the chairman, as the budget meant theyd be out of business within 12 months if it didnt.

Off the field, a lot of new signings were made. In came 4 top coaches, 3 physios, and the scouts were given extra travel allowances to let them go outwith the Strathclyde Passenger Transport network when sourcing new talent. One even made it as far north as Stirling, but he hasnt been seen since.

Players In


<LI>Simon Vella (D C) - Free Transfer

<LI>Brett Freeman (D/DM L) - Free Transfer

<LI>Sergei Baltacha (D/DM C) - Free Transfer

<LI>Andy Morrison (D C) - Free Transfer

<LI>Neil Mann (M LC) - Free Transfer

<LI>Leon Bell (M RC) - Free Transfer

<LI>Scott Huckerby (AM/F RL) - £3,000 - Eastwood

<LI>Gregg Watson (D/DM RC) - Free Transfer

<LI>Goma Lambu (AM L) - Free Transfer

<LI>John Murphy (M C) - No Fee , 25% sell on - Bathgate Thistle

Players Out



McGuinness made note that he was especially pleased to have secured the services of the wide players Huckerby and Lambu, both of whom he had heard great things about, and whom he expected to make an immediate impact in the division, and the exceptionally talented Baltacha, who was in his prime, and had experience at the highest level with both St Johnstone and St Mirren. The bolstering of an aging defence (Kenny Black and Sandy Stewart had a combined age of 77) with experience and ability strengthened the belief within the Diamonds camp that they could realistically challenge the awesome sqauds assembled at Crappielow and Ice Station Zero Park, although McGuinness didnt rule out their lanarkshire rivals over at Ballast Stadium from challenging right to the wire, especially after their controversial appointment of Britains first female manager (and i wonder if Cherie Lunghi will be in attendance at the opening match). He did however feel that Berwick would flounder as their current manager seemed to have a complete lack of commitment to the club.

The lack of a revolving door seemed to make the board a little edgy. They expected the incomings to be matched by outgoings to balance the books. McGuinness argued that unlike some managers, he would be promoting harmony in the squad by allowing those already there time to impress him. He also felt that when he did offer players, he would carefully filter those clubs he offered them too. Too many managers he felt, wasted his time by inundating the office with hundreds of faxes each day offering poor quality outcasts that would never be allowed to darken the doorsteps of New Broomfield.

McGuinness' lack of movement in the market for a new striker indicated his faith in the current crop, and as the opening match proved, this faith was well founded. Youngster Steven McKeown was allowed to leave on loan for the season to Elgin City, and its expected of the youngster to impress during this trial period and challenge for a first team slot next year.

Scottish League Challenge Cup - 1st Round

Airdrie United 5 - 1 Cowdenbeath

"I love it when a plan comes together".

Playing a solid , attacking 4-4-2 , Airdrie went for the jugular right from the outset, and 2 strikes from Jerome Vareille had them home and dry after only 17 minutes. A goal from Brown made things a little less comfortable in the second half , but a close range tapin from Lambu, a 35 yard Screamer from Stephen Docherty, and a 25 yard strike from Brett Freeman rounded out the night for Airdrie who enjoyed the majority of posession and took their chances when the blue Brazil failed to take theirs. A strong finish in particular impressed the manager as too many teams allow themselves to ease off when they go a couple of goals up. However Airdrie pressed home their advantage until the game was completely safe.

Mention has to be made for goalie Mark McGeown's performance in this match. A magnificent one-handed save when 1 on 1 with Brown just put the finishing touches on a world class goalkeeping performance and gained a deserved Sponsors man of the match award.

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The train has now left the platform at Station park and gaffer Turps and his new Loon troops are joint bookies favourites for the 2nd division title this season. The current squad inherited has descent players in every department, but the influx of new talent will add competition for places and strength and depth for the forthcoming campaign. The preseason and start of such games are mostly tedious affairs but some descent signing's were captured in the transfer frenzy thats is the Scottish netgame.

Initially the squad was streamlined and many players deemed inferior for the task were discarded or on the transfer list to make way for the new. Some of the existing squad who remained in the gaffers plans accepted lower longterm deals as the club strived to attain a profitable playing field. The whole backroom staff were deamed not good enough and were promptly releaved of their duties to make way for the new. Gaffer Turps is pleased to announce that Joe McLaughlan and Ray Clemence will be joining him in the dug out as assistants. A whole new scouting staff were employed along with some descent young coaches, as gaffer Turps believed that getting the backroom right would benefit the club greatly in the longterm.

Preseason went well with the team reaching fitness fast. of the friendlies played some good results were achieved. A few players left immediately and some out of contract players were secured in the process. Gaffer Turps has some funds to spend but will only use wisely, when the right players become available. The squad has been streamlined and taylored to fit the new system. The clubs's training has had a radical overhaul and the young players look set to benefit and improve as the club moves forward. The whole club is being transformed to play at a higher level and as a result players like Porhalsson of Iclandic club Por have agreed to join when their contracts terminate. His fellow country man Kristiansson agreed terms also only to controversially switch to lower division Queens Park! Heres who came and went in preseason...


<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>1.8.2003 Miller, Ian - Sacked <LI>1.8.2003 Castle, Peter - Sacked

<LI>1.8.2003 Mitchell, Derek - Sacked


<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>14.7.2003 Colley, Dave Free Transfer <LI>14.7.2003 Jarrett, David Free Transfer

<LI>14.7.2003 Clemence, Ray Free Transfer

<LI>14.7.2003 Barnes, David Free Transfer

<LI>15.7.2003 John, Ian Free Transfer

<LI>15.7.2003 Field, Spencer Free Transfer

<LI>16.7.2003 Hughes, Jeff Free Transfer

<LI>16.7.2003 Berry, Trevor Free Transfer

<LI>16.7.2003 Brandts, Ernie Free Transfer

<LI>17.7.2003 Allan, Hugh Free Transfer

<LI>18.7.2003 McLaughlin, Joe Free Transfer


<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>14.7.2003 McAdam, Steven Free Transfer <LI>14.7.2003 Bell, Andrew Free Transfer

<LI>15.7.2003 McAllister, Ross Free Transfer

<LI>15.7.2003 O'Donnell, Phil Free Transfer

<LI>17.7.2003 Gibson, Billy Free Transfer

<LI>17.7.2003 Barclay, John Free Transfer

<LI>18.7.2003 Paliczka, Sean Free Transfer

<LI>19.7.2003 Macdonald, Billy Free Transfer


<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>18.7.2003 Williams, David Hamilton £4K <LI>18.7.2003 Mann, Paul Peterhead £1K

<LI>19.7.2003 Duncan, George Annan £6K

<LI>3.8.2003 Tovey, Scott Stranraer £1K

<LI>4.8.2003 Scott, Darren Oakley Utd £2K

<LI>6.8.2003 Stewart, David Cove Rangers £5K


The 1st game of the of the season was at home to Tracy's Hamilton. The game was very tight and after 90mins was a 0-0 stalemate. Both teams had chances but when the game went to a penalty shoot out, Hamilton kept their nerve and dumped the Loons out the low league cup. Not a great start but the competitive match gave the 1st team a good run out ready for the season opener.

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The expression on new manager Burnett's face said it all as he watched the 'Shire' humiliated by Morton in the challenge cup 1st round and going by the pile of cigarette butts lying by his feet, his lungs took a battering as well.

We managed a quick interview as Burnett took the club for extra training on Sunday morning

"A dire situation?" Burnett grimaced "I took one look at the squad and called in the recievers myself..excuse me...hey fukcface!..the same colour shirt!..pass it to the same colour shirt..sorry about that a wee bit tactical training there..what were you saying?"

"Its looking grim."

"Grim is not the word, the club came off badly during the war or pre-season transfer market as some like to call it and there are a lot of positions that we were desperate but unable to find cover for, if we start to experiance injuries an already bleak future will become very black indeed."

"is there nothing to bring a smile to the East Stirling faithful?"

"There is light at the end of the tunnel, but its a long long tunnel, I've strengthed the coaching dept and the experiance and knowledge there will filter down onto the field but its going to take time, you witnessed the Morton game, after we went three down we just fell apart, I saw guy's out there who just didnt know how to compete.

you have to remember these are just young lads barely legal age to vote, they are learning their craft, they are going to have to battle hard every match and any points won will be hard won, each one of this squad will have to confront and win their own personnal battles, they've got weakness's, we all have weakness's, but its the forging together of individual elements into a cohesive unit, a team, thats our initial goal, others can go chasing what they percieve to be glory but the real glory is here working with the raw elements."

With that, Burnett strode off, sharp blast's from his whistle drew the attention of the young men on the practise field, young men with fear on their faces but a fire in their eyes, young men who now believed here was a man who could restore their belief, here was a man who could give them pride and dignity.

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nae wonder Scottish football is in such a mess its that Ally Shaw icon_biggrin.gif, he’s signed everyone. That list brings tears to my eyes icon_eek.gif and I had to laugh when I actually had to scroll down such a listing (thats some dam good work Ally). God it makes my one loan and four staff signings look pitiful. I’ll have to be more active on the old free signing front next time.


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Shocking scenes were witnessed by our undercover reporter at an East Stirling pre-season party, here is hidden camera footage of manager Thomas Burnett at the microphone singing to the tune of Bohemian Rasberry.

Is this the real life? Is it the methedone?

Stuck in the Gorbals, two bob fur the telephone?

Open yer wine, an' talk wi' a swine like me

Um just a weeji, gie us yer Sunny D

Cos I'll chib yer pal, rip yer da, slash yer dug, ride yer ma!

Anyway the Clyde flows, disnae really matter tae me.....tae me.

Haw maw, just chibbed some bam

Buckie bottle tae the heid

An noo the fukin' *******s deid!

Haw maw, um just oan parole

An noo I'm headin back tae Barlineeeee...

Haw Maw, oohooh ooh

Never meant tae steal yer purse

But if I'm no fu' o' smack this time the morra'

Carry oot, Carry oot!

An we'll go oot on the batter!

Too late, the bailiff's here

Sends shivers doon ma spine

Gubbed 10 jellies just in time

Goodbye all ma muckers, I've got tae go

Got to go and rip some **** fae up the scheme

Haw Maw, oohooh oooh

I'm a jakey bam I sometimes think I've never been washed at all

I see a little silhouetto of a bam

Adidas! Adidas! Can ye get us a kerry oot?

Thunderbird, White Lightening, very very frightening to me!

Twenty Mayfair, Twenty Mayfair, Twenty Mayfair and some skins

Magnifico oh oh oh oh!

I'm just a fat boy, nae body loves me

He's just a fat boy fae a fat family!

Spare us a pound for a wee cup o' tea?

Gat tae fuk, skanky slob, will ye get a job?

For fuksake NO I will not get a job

Get a job

For fuksake I will not get a job

Get a job,

Will not get a job

Get a job

Will not get a job

no no no no no.....

Oh gonorrheoea! gonnorrhoea! gonnorhoea and the clap!

Then doon the pub, for the hash the barman put aside for me?

For me, for meeee!

So you hink ye can slash me an pish in ma eye?

So ye hink ye can chib me an leave me tae die?

Haw bawbag, can't dae this tae me bawbag!

Just wait till I'm oot, just wait till I'm right oot ma nut!!

Fuk all really matters, anyone can see

Fuk all really matters.....

Fuk all really matter tae meeeeeee.

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Well we’re back down to business Monday night saw the usual cut and thrust of manager signing new talent. The blue brazil’s have strenthend their squad with the following signings.

Jonathan Paul Mills

Garry Gow

Mark Rasmussen

Jason Donlan

Phil Salt

Stephen Tuckwood

Lee Potter

Alex Dick

Carl Laurie

Hopefully their will be a few more coming in and going out before the transfer deadline.

It seems we lost heavily to bods Airdrie (5-1) in the challenge cup, don’t worry fans this is not a major set back as the brazils will be concentrating on promotion and hopefully a good league or scottish cup run hopefully with an away tie to one of the old firm to boost our coffers.

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icon_frown.gifAlloa Anouncement icon_frown.gif

It is with much regret that I have to inform you all that I will be unable to take over the Alloa job in the latest fest. I am in the process of selling and buying a new house and over the next couple of months just will not have the time needed to devote myself to the Clan game.

I hope to apply for a job near the end of April.

Enjoy the festing.



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Daily Record EXCLUSIVE

Our reported was given exclusive access to Falkirks premier Karaoke club last night, and witnessed shocking scenes involving East Stirling gaffer Tam Burnett. After knocking back a dozen bacardi breezers, Burnett was seen to clamber on stage and murder the Don McLean classic "American Pie" with the following lyrics

A long long time ago,

I can still remember how those weeji bampots made me laugh,

And I know if I had a chance to see those Neds and Sengas dance,

I'd laugh my f*cking ar*e off once again.

'Cos don't they realise it's not clever,

Drinking Buckfast doon the river, Tucked in trackie bottoms,

They look just f*cking rotten!

I can't remember if I cried when saw these bams in East Kilbride,

But it ammused me deep inside, the day the bucky thrived!

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fray Bentos pie,

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

Did you write the book of sh*te

"Can I borrow ten bob, gonnae gee'za light?"

Bugger off yer full o' p*sh!

Oh and do you belive in hard core techno?

Huv ye gubbed 5 ectos fur a night at the Metro?

An can you teach me how to speak reeeaaallll slow?!

You can tell that she's in love wi' him,

Cos he's a Brig'ton Billy and she's a Tim,

They both kicked off their socks and those manky old Reeboks.

He was a scrawny youth with a GAP pull over,

A sovvy ring and a stolen Nova,

They fell in love when he muff dove 'er,

That day the Old Firm tied.

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fraye Bentos pie

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's thatposh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!

Now for ten years you've been on the dole,

Hingin' aboot at the Paisley Toll,

And that's just how it's always been.

When the mucker screamed at the Polis van,

In a coat he'd stolen fae TopMan,

And a fag that came from you or me.

But while the cop was looking dapper,

The wee bam chibbed him on the napper,

Dressed all in Kappa clobber,

As he shouted, "suck ma dob b e r!".

While wee Tam stole a shirt fae 'Mark's',

And Boab slashed some c*nt in the park,

They all buzzed petrol in the dark,

The day a rozzer died.

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fraye Bentos pie

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's thatposh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!

Helter Skelter, if the wean cries belt 'er

Writing mentions on the old bus shelter,

Eight days straight drinking Faaaaaaaaaast!

Doin' six month for selling smack,

The chip pan diet and the heart attack

A night out at Archaos wi' the burd.

The Sengas reek of cheap perfume,

While name-tags jangle round the room,

Each one grabs her geezzer,

A fag and lemon Breezer.

The lack of class is hard to hide,

They cannae wait to get inside,

A stair-heid winch and a door-way ride,

That's how the Muckers thrive

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fraye Bentos pie

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's thatposh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!

You'll see them in their usual places,

With silly hats and ugly faces,

Ootside the offy acting hard.

So Shug be nimble, Shug be quick,

And get an ounce of speed on tick

Then cut it up and sell it to yer pals.

All lined up ootside the "Paki's",

A rainbow of exotic trackies,

Giein' abuse tae grannies,

Ya f*cked up bunch of fannies!

And as the day turns in to night,

The neds may gang up to start a fight,

But on their own they're soft as sh*te!

I've made a Mucker cry!

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fraye Bentos pie

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's thatposh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!

(Slowly with feeling)

I met a girl who sang 'The Sash', I asked about her pant moustache,

But she just told me to f*ck off!

I went down to the local chippy,

Where the Neds hung out and the staff were nippy,

And the muckers there harassed me for some fags.

Baseball hats at stupid angles,

The girls each wore three dozen bangles,

Hair done up with scrunchies,

Munching crisps and Crunchies.

But the three meals they enjoy the most,

Are chinky, chippy, beans on toast,

Come Glasgow fair they hit the coast,

The day the mucker thrived

And they were singin'........

Bye bye, eatin' Fraye Bentos pie

Drove the Uno roon' the toon oh wi' the techno up high,

Wearing wooly bunnets though it's nearly July

Singin', "There's that posh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!"

"There's thatposh wee c*nt fae Milngavie!

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jimbhoy:

icon_frown.gif _Alloa Anouncement_ icon_frown.gif

It is with much regret that I have to inform you all that I will be unable to take over the Alloa job in the latest fest. I am in the process of selling and buying a new house and over the next couple of months just will not have the time needed to devote myself to the Clan game.

I hope to apply for a job near the end of April.

Enjoy the festing.



So the homeless shelter has finally kicked you out then Jim? icon_biggrin.gif

Good luck wi the move mate, we will see you and yer girnin , moanie face again come April.

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So the Alloa Job for Jimbhoy is on hold, icon_frown.gif I’ll still be in the third by April anyway so if they get the drop without your skilled leadership I’ll get to play you when you return. icon_wink.gif

Good luck in the move. icon14.gif

Now were did I put my shortlist for Alloa!


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Following serious unrest amongst the Peterhead local Ian Wilson was sensationally axed on the eve of pre season traing.

In a radical step and to appease the local female population Peterhead apponited Thomas "ghod" Hunter as manager. So called coz he managed to stuff 1,000 loaves and 5,000 bottles of buckie down his throat in one afternoon!!

Ghod said in a brief statement to the local chip paper "Although I can work miracles this job take the biscuit. I can walk on sea but ive more chance of bringing lazarus back from the dead than getting Peterhead promoted!"

Hunters preseason buys have been uninspiring. The BIGGEST signing has been Mixu PITALINEOAN.

Psstelained has been quoted as saying "Starky told me I was going to Peterhead....I thought it was a dietician"

The Jack Charlton style of football should suit this lumbering Giant.

Also coming in were Mann frae Forfar. Mann told us that "Turpie has sent me to hell....I know where he lives...watch out big yin"

Over and above that Zidane, Namouchi, King, Fowler, Ronaldo, Maloney, Shields, McParland and even my wee brother knocked back the Blue Toon manager calling him "el loco". Ghod had became a laughing stock in this christian community.

However Ghod got his own back by wiping out the local salmon....by ****ing in the local river....it is expected to be clear of pollution some time next century.

Peterheads first game of the season was a classic though. The blue toon started agressively trying to crock everyone in the Stranraer team. Harry Curran bloused out n the 1st minute before referee Dougall gave a dubious penalty against PERRY. Perry complained before being offered "outside for a square go ya big ****ing bam" by the ref.

Lurinskys half hit penalty was saved by Mathers. This was only a tempoary glitch as Starnny raced to a 2-0 lead before Bavidge pulled 1 back before half time.

At half time the casualty department at Aberdeen Royal resembled something from saving private ryans beach scene...full of stranny players in distress.

The 2nd half continued in the same vein wi stranny increasing their lead. However a late goal set up agrandstand finish before Bavidge missed a last minute chance to take game into extra time.

Ghod was gutted at the end...claiming the ref was "a jew hater and blasphemer". Starnraer manager was glad though when ghod performed a miracle to bring Harry Curran back from injury in time for his next game.

Ghod however will be missing as he fecks off to New York wi his Girlfriend for a week. He has left his asst Manager the Holy Spirit in charge as he goes to perform another miracle...trying raise the Twin Towers (a bit sick but stay with me). Signing off for the Peterhead Gazette Jimmy Fish

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With only two new players coming in and two new staff members the fans are seriously wondering if Watson has what it takes to manage Hamilton.

The players were

young Gk Jamie campbell - FREE

Left winger Daniel Williams from Forfar for £4k

The staff brought in though are more encouraging former England International Andy Gray has been brought in as a coach for the first team and former Algerian International Mehdi Cerbah has been brought in as the new Goalkeeping coach.

No one has left New Douglas park and with no extra finances coming in it is wondered where the team will go from here.

An encouraging start was made though as Hamilton fought out a hard battle to draw with Forfar, the game went to penalties and Hamilton won by one penalty.

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So im off on my travels tomorrow icon_smile.gif New York here I come. Hoping my mob Peterhead survive without me...Have any managers been sacked whilst on holiday... icon_frown.gif. Any way will be thinking of you next Monday and thursday as I am watching the New York Nicks and New York Rangers (only Rangers I'd pay to watch). If you wouldn't mind could someone e-mail my results and I'll try to pick them up. Have a good week and I'll see you a week on Monday...Start spreading the news...im Leaving today Im gonna be a part of it Peterheid, Peterheid, These Predator Boots are Longing to get stuck in, Im gonna make an arse of it, peterheid, peterheid. I wanna shoot up in a toon that smells of fish to find im king of the clan, top of the bunk...the number 1...these peterhead blues are drifting away...Peterheid, peterheid!!!

Until we meet again...signing off...Ghod!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by taloola23uk:

Forgot to say earlier, LOVED the song Bod and whenever I see any wee neds on Coatbridge Main Street now I'll be thinking of Fray Bentos pie and humming your wee tune.

I hope it's not copyrighted or anything because I'm sending it to everybody I know icon_biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Think its been around a while. Grabbed a copy from an old email a mate sent me a year or so back.

Glad you enjoyed it. I think theres a few bodies in the clan can relate to it from their younger days ....

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Hi, yeah I’ve done the same with the E-mails as I know a few that can relate and in my case it was a Nova not a Uno that I had with the sound up loud. And to think when your 17 you think it’s a cool a ****. icon_redface.gif


“50 pence -in da pub.†On the old mp3. icon_biggrin.gif


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The English Invade, but dont look like conquerors

After the long boring drive into the wilderness that is north of the border. I arrive at the training ground of my new club Stenhousemuir, actually I’m informed later this is actually the clubs ground. Anyway, after being given the guided tour, the grand speech by Mr. Chairman and being told to "eff off foreigner" by a couple of old duffers renewing their season tickets, I walk to the actual club training ground to meet the players for the first time.

The lads were in the middle of their training session, and with the final words from the chairman of “we want promotion†still ringing in my ears, only one word sprang to mind, f**k. Frankly they were so bad that I went straight back to the Chaiman’s office and questioned him on the morality of selling season tickets to people with senile dementia. His answer improved my optimism about the job when he mentioned that once we sold a thousand season tickets, all the money gained from season tickets sales after that went to my transfer fund, with this assurance tucked away I wandered off to explore my new kingdom, on my travels I bump into John, the ticket office manager, after exchanging pleasantries etc, I quiz him on what kind of gates we get, the figure maybe a thousand, led me to think one thing, “my chairman is a c**t†as it quickly dawned on me that my transfer budget was non-existent and one hundred percent certain to stay that way.


Went Badly

Players Out

Yeah right, like anyone would buy this crud

Players In

Yeah right, like anyone would buy this crud, I wish I hadn’t bothered.

Challenge Cup

V Alloa

Went Very Badly, if only Jim had been managing them icon_razz.gif

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Its the biggest Scandal to hit Scottish Football, infact it almost rivals the Mo Johnson rangers transfer in 1989 for big time news. Let me divulge some back ground information.

Montrose is a village on the east coast of Scotland. A place steeped in glorious history, well glorious if you are a Rangers supporter...

Montrose hosted all the English Kings during the wars of independence in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries as their main base for the English garrisons. It was here also that John Knox held the first protestant communion in Scotland as the reformation took hold in the middle ages.

Today Montrose has a more sedate existance. The population has been in decline since the 17th century. The cenus in 1781 showed a population of 26571, in 1991 it lay at 18874. There is no real explanation of this as Montroses thrives under the watchful umbrella of the oil and pharmaceuticals industries. The Theory that all the people that travelled on the weekly coaches to Ibrox have eventually decided to settle in the Govan area of Glasgow remains unproven icon_wink.gif.

After the unfortunate passing of Grand Master, typo, manager, Henry Hall at the young farmers ceilidh, heart attack, the Montrose board had to appoint a new manager and swiftly before the new season. Chairman John Paton unbeknown to the his fellow compatriots has succumbed to his midsleep four leaf clover dreams and decided to break the mantle.

For the first time in Montrose's history, the new managers surname didnt begin with Mac and he didnt double tap your palm with his index finger when he shook your hand, the manager was a tic supporter from Royston yours truly Alex Holligan.

The local club fanzine "the gable ender" ran the exclusive, in which new manager Alex Holligan spelled out his new ideals...

"The problem with Rose is that they have been under the spell of the "forces of darkness for too long thats why they are a poor shadow of the great team of the seventies, the team that once beat raith rovers 6-2. I plan to banish the links with the legions of doom back to castle greyskull never to be associated with this club again. For a start present club captain Farnarn has been placed on the transfer list. This season i plan to play attractive flowing football that of which has never been seen outside of paradise before. The plan to play in green tops instead of the normal bland royal blue unfortunately has been denied by the board, they think this is a bridge too far. One last step that i have taken during my short time in charge so far is to swap theme tunes for the squad as they enter the pitch, out goes that depressing pop debacle "simply the best" and in come that feel good song, hymn 11, king of kings"

that is all.......

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Montrose have the basis of a good squad. Striker Martin Wood can definately play at a higher level and will be the key player that the new look side will be built around.

Its obvious that if Montrose are to play the attractive football that the new gaffer craves, alot of new faces will have to bolster the ranks. This is a skill the dogmeister excels at. Pure hunners of players came in to fill the squad, with portuguese player Artur Coreira being the noticed standout.

The first game was against Ally's Elgin, in what i thought would be tough away encounter. Truth be told i think i could put out my youngsters and still be celebrating a win. Elgin were dire and didn't even manage a single shot. Trose won 2-0 through goals by McEwan and Herbert without getting out of first gear, i hope every game this season is like this, or even better could i just play Ally 36 times icon_razz.gif

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### Game up tonight Sharp at 7pm for any last minute T & T before the season starts proper. Its 8pm official start chug so get on early if ye wanna do stuff. I would like to welcome back Stuart Redmond aka PM7 back to the Clan. The bootroom & CMS legend is a former Clan memeber and has nothing to prove, he will replace Jim as a team in Division 2. Cya's tonight for a few games hopefully! ###

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