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The Scottish Clan 03/04 Netgame!

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Rosco you saved the game after every match on a rolling save did you not, so no need to replay the whole session, just go back to the save prior to the last one, meaning we would only lose one game. You aren't expecting me to believe all your saves from monday night are corrupt. In my capacity as a host even i'm not buying that one icon_razz.gif

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Hey up, thought I'd raincheck on how the clan's doing, the threads magic and it's something else compared to the patter back in the 01/02 days now when I think back, tell me though is it still as cutting in the chat rooms when the games are playing?

I have to say it seems you have too many mullet fanboys of the Keegan style management judging a few of the amatuer scorelines, 12 goal thrillers my arse, your just ****ing on hansen's conscience by the sounds of it, most of those consistent scoring teams are suffering inconsistent results and has this been picked on? I see a few of the managers are keeping their results tight and not only that but winning as well.

For those who know me, I'm fully settled in Canada now, Living in Ottawa just 30 min bus ride from the centre of downtown, it's looking to be a scorcher tomorrow with temperatures soaring as high as -3 celsius..... getting the t-shirts and shorts out already. Got a lovely wee apartment, cost of living here is cheap as chips and the standard is well nice. The gf is great but I nae have a work permit yet and it may be a couple of months but it's a sure thing imo. I can definately accomodate a guest for a visit if any of you fannies have a reason to come over :p Got a sweet ass Futon which has a thick enough mattress to support any of yah fat *******s.

On other notes, paying just the equivalent of 12 quid for a connection that gives me 200kb/sec download rates all day from reputable sites (Slower rates from ****e ones but ain't that the way) dinnae know the upload though but it's safe to say it ****es over ntl for cost imo and it's 3 times faster than what I used to have connection wise. As fer the PC, got a new one, packs a 2.8 gig p4 Intel and half a gig of ddr ram as I hear that's prolly what you need minimum to get CM4 03/04 chugging at a decent speed which brings me onto my final bit. Now I'm stuck here I ain't got a clue how one would find something considered exotic to these shores. Any advice lads on how one would pick up cm 03/04 here? The hockey's a bit gash btw, at least the televised stuff, it makes andy gray tolerable, fights are good though, also the fannies here are in a worse state than the football back home financially.

Anyway fire away with all yer moose****er jokes, as for your latest problem, don't be so rough on him doggy, could be something more severe like the tool took a magnetic screwdriver to his pc tower to fix summit and only gone and fubar'd the hd.

L8r's Sunday8pm

p.s. Stevie bod's full of himself I see, Turps you best put pay to the tim hiding in red and yella.

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tbh the best games stores around look like EB and that's a bit shocking.... especially with regards to quality of stock, would like to hear of some alternatives and what people have done etc any webbies etc as I dinnae want to tax anyone in the clan at least yet.

Cool to hear I'm not the only ex-pat living here, Nova Scotia is Several hours drive East though, it's funny in Canada what they call a short drive we'd call a fekking day trip.

Don't they all talk Gaelic over in Nova Scotia an all? I think it's as Scottish as you can get in Canada there from what I hear. Cheers for the reply though Doggy.

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The door of the Director general swung open, two men, red faced with exertion swept into the heavily oaked room.

"We have something sir!" said a uniformed Marine colonel

The Director General laid down the darts he was throwing at the picture of Osama Bin laden, "Take a seat gentleman"

"This is Captain Henry," began the Colonel "He heads ups our Internet Surveliance Group, he's also our leading word man."

Captain Henry began nervously, "Sir the ISG have been actively seeking internet traffic related to terrorist groups and their activities."

"Yes I know I initiated the program!"

"Well sir..we got them!"

"Got who goddamn it?"

"We have stumbbled across the biggest most dangerous group active in the free world."

The Director went pale, then a few moments later colour returned to his cheeks. "What do we have?"

"Intercepted internet traffic recorded over the last few weeks," The Captain's chest swelled with pride. He withdrew some paper from a folder marked 'Top Secret' and handed them to the Director.

"Traffic intercept..."the Director mumbled as he read " Suspected terrorist cell active Western Europe...

'deadly away from home'

'Go down fighting'

'Rally to the cause'

'its you bod, its you bod. its you'

'ma baws is itchy'

"Good god!" the Director sat back and removed his glasses, "do we know what these mean?"

"Sir!" the Colonel sat upright "Its obvious to trained personnel that the last excerpt 'ma baws is itchy' is some sort of reference to chemical weaponry"

"And the bod refrence has been traced to a money laundering operation off the coast of the UK" said an excited Captain.

"I suggest we nuke the bastars now sir!" said the marine Colonel

"What else do we have?" the Director chewed the leg of his spectacles.

"We suspect " began the Captain "That they are actively recruiting from chessclubs throughout the Northern part of the UK.."

"Sonofabitch!" the director slammed his hand on his desk "Goddamned suicide chess players!"

"Also there is talk of using tactics that someone else devised"

"Nuke the bastars now sir!"

The Director drummed his fingers on the desk, a worried frown creased his brow "The link to Osama?"

"Thats the clever part sir" Captain Henry sat forward "or so they thought, but they did'nt count on us being as clever as we are"

"Its a fatal mistake to misunderestimate us!" agreed the Director

"If.." continued the captain "You take the letters from the words 'The Scottish clan' they are rearranged into words beginning with 'al'!"

"Goddamn!" yelled the director "We got the big daddy himself!"

"Nuke the bastars now sir!"

"Have the Brits been alerted?" he reached for the telephone "Janice..get me MI5" he placed his palm over the mouthpiece and began reading the document "What's this?...linedancing!..good god is nothing sacred, dead people!..one of them see's dead people! this just gets worse..."

"Nuke the bastars now sir!"

"Hello Sir Jeremy...George Wubblu Director of the CIA here...no sir C.I.A...no sir it means intelligence...no sir Im not selling kitchens, did you know you have an active 'Al' cell in your country...what does it mean? it means Sir Jeremy, the big daddy himself...Osama!...Osama bin laden!...he's a terrorist...no Sir I dont think he's a fruit picker...we know his identity and where he is...if you take letters from Osama Bin laDen they rearrange to read BOD...oh! so you know about the money laundering then...and what are you doing about it?...you have a man on the inside! code named Scotfun..."

Captain Henry turned to the Colonel "If you rearrange the word Scotfun it becomes 'Tos n fuc'"

"Nuke the bastars now!"the Colonel yelled at the phone

"Well yes Sir Jeremy...keep us informed..and dont misunderestimate the CIA...no C.I.A....yes gooodbye."

"Shall I give the order to nuke the bastars sir?"

"Not today Colonel, maybe next week, they are our allie you know,!"

"I ment the Bod sir!"

"No...we will keep an eye on these people and gather all we can on their plans...goddamn suicide chessplayers!"

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Eight men dressed in TARTAN SUITS, sit around a table at a breakfast cafe. They are MR. SHAW, MR. COIST, MR. LYNN,

MR. SAV, MR. TONER, MR.BURNETT, BAD GUY DOGGY, and the big boss, TURPS. Most are finished eating roll & tattie scone and are enjoying some irn bru and banter. Turps flips through a small address book. Mr. Coist is telling a long and involved story about his sex life.


"Like a Virgin" is all about a Big girlie who shaves hie legs, and has a small needle dick. The whole song is a metaphor for cycling.


No it's not. It's about a girl who is very vulnerable and likes line dancing. Then she meets some guy who's really sensitive--


--Whoa...whoa...time out Greenbay. Tell that bull**** to the tourists.


(looking through his Clan address book) Bod...why we waiting on Bod? Bod...Bod...chug...chug...FFS...


It's not about a nice girl who likes line dancing . Now granted that's she is a"True Blue" is no argument, any way all nice girls shave their legs, what the **** do u guys know!


Which one is "True Blue?"


You don't remember "True Blue?" That was a big ass hit when Arbroath got beat 10-3. ****, I don't even follow this Tops In Pops ****, and I've at least heard of "TrueBlue."


Look, asshole, I didn't say I ain't heard of it. All I asked was how does it go? Excuse me for not being the world's biggest cycling fan.


I hate cycling....anyone for a game of chess?


I like her early stuff. You know,"Lucky Star," "Borderline" - but once she got into her "Papa Don't Preach" phase, I don't know, I tuned out. Line dancing sucks....


Hey, **** all that, I'm making a point here. You're gonna make me lose my train of thought again. Its all Roonies fault he is such a Fud!


Oh ****, Bods's that little china girl.


What's that?


I found this old Clan address book in a jacket I ain't worn since the 01/02 days. Bod what? What the **** was her last name?


Where was I?


You said "True Blue" was about a nice girl who finds a sensitive fella. But "Like a Virgin" was a metaphor for cycling.


Yes Gaz, Let me tell ya what "Like a Virgin"'s about. It's about some cooze who's a regular cycling machine. I mean all the time, morning, day, night, afternoon, shave, shave,shave, shave,shave, shave,shave, shave,shave, shave.....


How many rozor's was that?


A lot.


Then one day she meets one of the Johnstone wheelers, and it's like, whoa baby. This mother ****er's like Sweeney Tod !" He's slashin all over the place. Now her legs gettin this serious razor action, she's feelin something she ain't felt since forever. Pain.


Chew? Toby Chew? No.


It hurts. It hurts her. It shouldn't hurt. Her legs should be Bubble-Yum by now. But when this cat Linednaces , it hurts. It hurts like the first time. The pain is reminding a cyclist what is was like to be a virgin. Hence, "I'm a Virgin."

The fellas crack up.




**** you, wrong. I'm right! What the **** do you know about Cycling? Its for hygene u know...ur such a FUD!


Not wrong, dumb ass, Wong! You know, like the Chinese name?

Mr. SHAW snatches the Clan address book from TURPS's hand. They fight, but they're not really mad at each other.


Give me this ****ing thing.


What the **** do you think you're doin? Give me my Clan address book back! It has all the download URL's in it u muppet


I'm sick of ****in hearin it TURPS, I'll give it back when we leave. All this talk of downloaded tactics is so Lame.


Whaddaya mean, give it to me when we leave, give it back now.


For the past fifteen minutes now, you've just been droning on with names. "Bod...Bod...Bod...Bod Wong...Bod Wong...Bod Chung...****in Charlie Chan." I got COISTY's miny dick outta myright ear, and Bod Jap I-don't-download tactics, outta my left.


What do you care?


When you're annoying as hell, I care a lot.


Give me my book.


You gonna put it away?


I'm gonna do whatever I wanna do with it.


Well, then, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to keep it.


TURPS, you want me to shoot him for you?


****, you shoot me in a dream, you better wake up and apologize.


Have you guys been listening to KING-BILLY's super sounds of the seventies weekend?


Yeah, it's ****in great isn't it?


Can you believe the songs they been playin?


No, I can't. You know what I heard the other day? "Can the Can," by that we darling Suzi Quatro.

I haven't heard that since I was in pummeling her daft, I did get a shag once honest.


When I was coming down here, I was playin it. And "Its You Bod" came on. Now I ain't heard that song since it was big, but when it was big, I heard it a million-trillion times. I'm listening to it this morning, and this was the first time I ever realized that the lady singing the song, was into Linedancing.


You didn't know "True Blue" killed the guy?


I thought the cheatin tactics were downloaded.


They say it in the song.


I know, I heard it. I musta zoned out whenever that part came on before. I thought when she said that all that Line Dancing stuff, she was talkin about her sister- in-law, the cheatin Bitch.


No, she did it. She beat that Lichties muppet 10-3

The table laughs. The WAITER comes over to the table. He has a chess board under his arm, is of oriental origin and reeks of chips!

The eight men all start shouting at once. Its You BOD! Its YOU.... They exit Uncle BOD's Pancake House, talking amongst themselves unaware the C.I.A bugged the place.....

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CIA COVERT OPERATIONS TEAM; somewhere over the Irish sea.

‘Strike team Cobra to control…sit rep…we are inbound on assault Blackhawk chopper…estimated time to target 3 minutes.’

‘Cobra this is control…mission is green light…repeat mission is green light’

‘That’s it boy’s…lock and load!’

The six man assault team began pulling black balaclava’s over their heads, the sounds of magazines loading and chambers being worked filled the air.

The pilot of the helicopter shouted back into the compartment ’30 seconds to target…get ready for a quick dust off, we’ll go in low and slow, you guy’s exit on the move.’

‘You heard the man!’ shouted the mission commander, the side doors of the Blackhawk slid open, a cold icy blast of wind hitting the faces of the masked warriors.

The Blackhawk made an abrupt bank to the left, one of the assault team fell half out the door, his webbing caught by his comrade, warning alarms and flashing indicators caused confusion.

The pilot screamed into his helmet mike, ‘Control this is Cobra transport…we are under attack…repeat we are under attack…the Bod encampment has us targeted with what looks like heat-seeking pies!’

There was a scream from the compartment as a great big splodge of greasy mince hit one of the assault team square in the pus.

‘Man down! Man down!...get us out of here for Christ sake!’ yelled the mission commander

The radio crackled ‘Cobra transport…abort…abort…bring those boys home son…godspeed’

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‘And finally…’ began Trevor Mcdonald ‘a late report from the Isle of Man, over to our correspondent Tim Grimm.’

The reporter stood with his flak jacket over his overcoat ‘Yes Trevor, I was walking down the highstreet here tonight when suddenly there was this great woooshing sound and a pie exploded on that Ford escort over there, I’ve spoke to the authorities and no one knows what happened or they are not saying.’

‘Were there any casualties Tim?’

‘Well a man was out walking his dog and it was just cocking its leg when the pie exploded…seems we have one worried Labrador.’

‘Tragic scenes from the Isle of Man there and with that its goodnight.’

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Guest sav112

Thank god the game is back on so I don’t have to read all these scripts, god everyone thinks there are Script writers. So did we find out the problem with the saves? Will it happen again if Hamilton takes a six point lead in the second, only joking big man…. icon_biggrin.gif

All I am saying is-

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a ****ing big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose DIY and wondering who the **** you are on Sunday morning. Choose sitting on the couch watching mind numbing, spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, ****ing your last in a miserable home - nothing more than an embarassment to the selfish, ****ed-up brats you spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life. But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got Champion Manager 4?

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The Somebody screaming is Mr. BOD. He lies in the backseat of the stolen cortina. He's been SHOT in the stomach. BLOOD covers both him and the backseat.

Mr. SHAW is the Somebody Else. He's behind the wheel of the getaway car. He's easily doing 80 mph, dodging in and out of traffic. Though he's driving for his life, he keeps talking to his wounded passenger in the backseat.

They are the only two in the car.


Hey, just cancel that **** right now! You're hurt. You're hurt really ****ing bad, but you ain't dying. Come on yer a Jags fan pull yerself together!

MR. BOD (crying)

All this blood is scaring the sh¡t outta me. I'm gonna die, I know it. The Jags are pish! Can u save them from relegation...get me to a ****ing doctor


Oh excuse me, I didn't realize you had a degree in medicine. Are you

a doctor? Are you a doctor? Answer me please, are you a doctor? FFS man its only ketchup!


No, I'm not! Ive dropped again FFS dont chug without me....


Ahhhh, so you admit you don't know what you're talking about. So if you're through giving me your amateur opinion, lie back and listen to the news. I'm taking you back to the rendezvous, Turps's gonna get you a doctor, the doctor's gonna fix you up, and you're gonna be okay you've got them downloaded tactics. Now say it: you're gonna be okay. Say it: you're gonna be okay! Forget about the Jags..you got downloaded tactics!


doesn't respond. Mr.Shaw starts pounding on the steering wheel.


Say-the-goddamn-words: you're gonna be okay!


I'm okay. I use downloaded tactics...


(softly) Correct.

The raid has been overted, luckily Bod's fridge was opened and his supply of pies scared the would be avengers off. Bods brave labrador was awarded the Manx cross.....the Jags would not be so lucky however !

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Let me tell you off a story of a man who got sacked, aye me thats right i got the boot the sack i got fired i'm outtta there.

Dumbarton you may take my suit and my slippers and maybe my pipe but you'll never everrrrrrrr take ma cheque book.


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Airdrie United 6 - 2 Dumbarton

Airdrie begin as they mean to go on. Within 6 minutes , a Lambu run has unlocked the Sons defence , and Jerome Vareille profits from some slack defending to score the first. A few minutes later, and the same combination, same result. Unbelievably , Dumbarton seemed unwilling or unable to learn from their mistakes. Huckerby skinned the left back, hit the byeline , knocked it back , and Lambu appeared at the back post. The Sons seemed to wake up at this, and battled hard in the midfield. However the defence went to sleep ... again .. and Vareille took a through ball from Dunn to complete his hat trick in 40 minutes. From the restart , the Sons battled back, and a corner in 45 minutes broke out to Cameron , and he cut the ball back to Fishlock to make it 4-1. A slight unease crept over the home team as in 62 minutes , a Cameron knockdown found Boyle and he slammed home from 6 yards. However they neednt have worried, as in 68 , Vareille took advantage of some very slack defending to rob the centre back and shoot low past the keeper. And to complete the rout, Dunn ran onto a Vareille through ball, and 6-2 it finished.

Forfar 2 - 3 Airdrie United


The hosts set out as hot favourites for this one,but were quickly put to the sword. Straight out of the traps ,Airdrie dominated. 24 minutes gone, a corner from the right is met by Baltacha, and Airdrie were in front, the defence static. And only 2 minutes later , it was 2. The defence torn apart by the front running of Vareille , and his finish clinical. Unable to match their opponents midfield barrage , Forfar clung to long shots and it was their undoing, as one of those long shots resulted in a clearance that found Dave Dunn sprinting through the middle, and at half time , it was Forfar 0 - 3 Airdrie!

The Loons however, are rarely beaten at home, and came out fighting. In 55 minutes, Porhallson shot low into the corner , and on 66 , Shields reduced the deficit further, smacking home a long pass. The storm had to be weathered, and McGuinness reverted to a 5-3-2 and prepared for a barrage. It didnt come , the solid counter attack keeping Forfar at bay and almost stealing a 4th. Airdrie move top , level on points with Stenny , 2 ahead of Hamilton and 4 ahead of Forfar and Morton. The division is opening up slightly perhaps .....

Scottish Cup - 2nd Round

Airdrie United 4 - 1 Stranraer

Vella (34) , Huckerby (42) , Jaconelli (Pen 68) , Dunn (79).

A match report would be futile. This was completely one way traffic. This was awesome stuff from the start to the finish, as Stranraer were utterly dominated. A solitary Grant goal in 62 minutes their only real attack, and a safe passage to the third round, with only EDT_RETAIN_SPAWNY_CUP_DRAW_FOR_TURPS standing between Airdrie and another Old Firm cuptie.

Airdrie United 1 - 1 Alloa Athletic

"You should never drop points at home"

An Early Leon Bell strike (30) cancelled out by a Jamie McGowan strike (36) .... and nothing else happened at all. A poor match, and 2 points which Airdrie simply cannot afford to drop.

Airdrie United 1 - 1 Hamilton Accies

A Draw. A fair result. Poor defending on both sides for the goals, and a world class save in the 92nd minutes to deny the Diamonds a win. Fair Result.

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Guest sav112


(Cup Game) Morton A 1-6 icon_biggrin.gif

A great result with (M.O.M) Elliot on fire with three great goals, Mclean with two and Stewart Devine also on the score sheet. Manager Robertson was happy his cup run continues and wonders what he would do with out his class front line up. Our only weakness is still our back four. Bring on the next round…..

Queens Park H 4-2

A game in which the spiders took a two goal lead in the first have with what looks like a new tactic, it was great to see the Albion fight back and win with four good goals. Again it was Elliot (M.O.M) and Mclean providing two goals each.

(Cup Game) 2nd round Cowdenbeath H 7-2

In this game Stirling were in firm control and even though Elliot scored a hat trick it was Scott Mclean with his two goals that got the (M.O.M). Stewart Devine and Wilson also scored with the team all performing well. Manager Robertson can only hope the cup run continues as cash is needed to build up the team and improve a few positions.

Montrose A 3-1

A disappointing game after our great cup performance, the team showed that they might have given too much in the cup game as the passing and defending was woeful and not the usual standard. With three shots on goal and one on target to Montrose’s nineteen shot on goal to thirteen on target. Manager Robertson looked a bit unhappy but Montrose look like being promotion safe bets this season, so he cant complain on the day as Albion were playing the on form side.

Stranraer H 1-2

Elliot may have scored but the team let themselves down by loosing at home. The Manager could only apologise for not taking Stranrear’s formation and tactic’s that seem to have been adopted by a few teams this year into consideration.

East Stirling A 2-0

Another disappointing score line and one the manager thought he could have expected at least a point. With no one on the score sheet and poor defending it was a drab affair with only the manager noting the formation down that seems to be all the rage and costing us points of the other team.

Gretna A 0-3

It was great to get back to winning ways and with some style, Wilson (M.O.M) scored a great effort with Mclean and Devine adding to the tally. A great three points after the recent disappointment. Manager Robertson was also pleased to field his two new players Barry Donnachie and Steve Harkness who he believes will help sort out the back four. Another defender would be on the way if he could convince a certain Forfar Manager to sell up but then again the player in mind is a solid first team player.

Next game Cup 3rd Round.#


In all after the replays in the clan game I lost only 2 points in the league but gained a good cup run icon_cool.gifafter last time getting kicked out first round with a 5-4 thriller. With an amateur side in the next round it could make me some money and manager points after poor Gaz got sacked.

Again Gaz I hope you get that job you applied for.


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I've finally dragged my flu ridden butt out of bed and had a wee look at the thread, must be delusional or have everything gone tonto ?

I warned you all about Tam, you were told, now look whats happened, miss one session dam it and it goes mad, I'm scared to turn up for the thursday session as the thread will be wider off the mark than that burd from pop idol.

Gaz sacked, bod in Cia heating seeking pie incident, tarentino rip off, time for more of those pain killers, and another early night.

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After careful consideration i have decided that from Thursday's session i shall take the "11" penalty and with Turps blessing take control of Gretna.

The thing that really sung it was the fact that the transfer window is open and to be honest i could be out of a job for months.

Dumbarton's loss is Gretna's gain icon_wink.gif

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Scottish cup

And a trip to face the dangerous and ambitious Selkirk, panic in the 'Shire' dugout as the home side took a quick lead, but justice prevailed and the 'Shire' battled to a 1-3 victory.

Up North to face Elgin, the 'Shire' lost an early goal and never recovered, they were very rarely in the game but managed to convert one of the few chances they had.

3-1 lose.

Albion away and a fixture that resulted in a 7-3 home win before the data crisis saw a very even contest, chances and goals for both sides as each pushed for the three points.

3-3 draw a very just reward for both hard working teams.

Scottish cup

Peterhead away, what was looking like a fairly even match drew into the dying minutes with the home side leading 3-2, Burnett could only watch in amazement as Peterhead scored 3 goals in injury time to record a 6-2 cup win.

Peterhead at Firs park, for the 'Shire' revenge is sweet, they emerged 1-0 winners in an evenly fought match, which saw chances for both sides, but they kept their shape better in this fixture and didnt give the ball away.

Stirling at home, and a fixture that before the data crisis, had Burnett laughing as his 'Shire' came back from a 3-0 deficit to share the points, but on this occassion the 'Shire' were in complete control and took all three points with a 2-0 home win.

Stranraer came calling and got soundly whooped, the 'Shire' dominated this match from kickoff and may have had many more goals than the three they scored.

3-0 home win.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gary Toner:

After careful consideration i have decided that from Thursday's session i shall take the "11" penalty and with Turps blessing take control of Gretna.

The thing that really sung it was the fact that the transfer window is open and to be honest i could be out of a job for months.

Dumbarton's loss is Gretna's gain icon_wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OK , its done Gary Toner ll is now on board, get on early on thurs if you wanna sort yer team, oh and spend that 56k transfer budget wisely Gaz! And please dont get sacked again!!!

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Essentially, when I took over at Arbroath, I was led to believe they were a football team. Its turns out they're actually a bunch of prima ballerina's. Sitting mid table, not going up, not going down, I decided to mibbe try and see if these guys could learn to play a slightly more attacking style of football. I was wrong. Well actually, I was right, cos I knew they couldn't, but it was worth a try.

So we lost a lot of games, and tbh we will lose a lot more before the season out. Still, at least I can claim that it's all my own work.

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Alasdair Shaw's Programme Notes Monday 01/03/04


Dear Supporters,

I’ve been particularly pleased with our performances lately, performances that have been rewarded with the points that the player’s efforts deserve. Our climb up the table has moved us off bottom and we now have the top six square in our sights. In addition to this our Scottish Cup campaign is off and rolling as we made it into the third round and the financial benefits that come with it.

The transfer window has now reopened and as always I’ll be looking for players who I feel can improve our side. A few players have already moved on to pastures new and we wish them every success. Good luck to Marc Cocozza (Nairn County) Colin Drew (Tarff Rovers), Kris O’Neil (Threave Rovers), David Robertson (Kilbirnie Ladeside), Andy Smith (Slough).

Hope fully I’ll be able to bring you more transfer news in our next issue.


We got off to a great start in this game when Dennis Connaghan put us ahead. Neal Clague bagged a poachers goal to put us two up inside 15 minutes and the points were made safe when Steve McAnespie got forward to head the ball over the line and get his first goal for the club.

Lawson pulled a late goal back for the visitors, but ultimately it was our fine football that lifted us off the bottom of the league.


I was delighted to carry our previous good performance into what I assumed would be a difficult game against Cowdenbeath. However once again we got off to a flyer as Charlie McLean scored within a minute of play. McLean was then tripped inside the box, an incident that saw Dick walk for his part, but Martin Baker’s poor effort from the spot was easily saved. Fortunately, we continued to dominate and a clever pass from McStay played in Clague, who made no mistake in slotting past the keeper.

A poor clearance from defence let Cowdenbeath get back into the game with a goal, but Carson picked his spot to drill the ball into the bottom corner and when Marcus Martin found the net, there was no chance of us throwing the points away. Martin rounded off a fantastic display with our fifth goal of the afternoon, driving a low shot into the bottom corner of the goal from 20 yards out.


What seemed would be a tricky tie turned out to be another fine victory for us. McLean opened the scoring by racing clear to prod the ball past the keeper and into the next and the striker doubled his tally soon after, firing home from a tight angle. Some of our football was superb against the Second Division side and when McLean rattled home from 6 yards for his hat trick, it was no more that he and the team deserved.

I was thrilled by the win and thank the fans for turning up in such numbers. A game against Clyde is our reward in the next round.


We’d been scoring goals for fun recently, but I was still happy to pick up a scrappy 1-0 win at Gretna. Yet again we scored an early goal, this time a Carson found the target after some good win play from Martin Baker. Towards the end of the game Gretna, understandably, pilled on the pressure, but we held on for an important away win.


Despite being beaten, this Boxing Day clash was a real Christmas cracker and the seven goals must have provided better entertainment than those rubbish seasonal films on TV. We found ourselves a goal down when a suspiciously offside looking Robertson fired Peterhead ahead. However the visitors were made to look like turkeys when Neal Clague hungrily gobbled up a change after a well worked move and the big striker added a second by getting on the end of McAnespie’s long ball to score from close range.

However the defence had clearly had a bit too much Christmas pudding and were caught napping when an unmarked Mann struck for an instant equaliser. Our headaches were made worse by Robertson taking possession and advancing unchecked to score, but Martin levelled for us with a super finish from an acute angle to set up a thrilling finale.

Unfortunately, our efforts went unrewarded as Stewart snuck in at the back post for a late Peterhead winner to wrap up the points. Ultimately it felt like we were expecting a Playstation for Christmas only to get another pair of socks from granny.


We first footed into the New Year with a difficult game against Albion Rovers, however I was delighted that we got 2004 off to a winning start. Colin Hendry’s long ball over the top connected with Charlie McLean, who put us into another early lead. The score stayed as such until the final whistle, giving us three welcome and valuable points in our quest to get into the top half of the table.

Clyde will be our next opponents in the cup, with anything from that game a bonus. We must now hop to continue our good form in the league with more points and force our way up the table. Hopefully I’ll be able to improve the squad with the opening of the transfer window, but everyone at the club is demanding a top 5 finish.

Thanks for your support.

Alasdair Shaw, Elgin City FC Manager

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sav112:

Yeah lads and lass (sorry nearly forgot) new patch is out too! 4.1.5 catch you all later.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dont patch till everyone else has, that means on all platforms too. Anyone who has patched wont be playing tonight. Best wait for feedback as well. Call me Mr sceptical, but can u blame me...... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Guest sav112

Hold it with the new patch the Mac version is not out yet!!!!!! icon_mad.gif

I have patched it! I just thought after last time the Mac and PC would be out at the same time. That’s all I need why cant they just leave the patches till both are ready

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rosco Van Nistelrooy:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sav112:

Yeah lads and lass (sorry nearly forgot) new patch is out too! 4.1.5 catch you all later.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Dont patch till everyone else has, that means on all platforms too. Anyone who has patched wont be playing tonight. Best wait for feedback as well. Call me Mr sceptical, but can u blame me...... icon_rolleyes.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right so I'm not gonna patch because you dont have it. Ah well, too late. Cya around.

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Guest sav112

The things I do for CM icon_redface.gif, ok deleted the game and all files and installed from the box –patched to 4.1.4 with time fix and all is well again. icon_biggrin.gif

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Due to the Scottish Clan betting shocker exclusive and also Forfar not being top of the league....The SFA decided their should be a replay of all of Decembers fixtures.

Ghod looked at what had happened and was reasonably pleased due to the fact he had 6 draws throughout the period prior to the replays! "I knew there was something fishy going on with all of those weird results" Ghod quoted

However his 1st game was a cup quarter final against Morton...

Peterhead 2 - 5 Morton

Having won on pens before the scandal engulfed Scottish Champo Peterhead entered this game in confident mood. It was misplaced! Having taken an 8th minute lead through Bavidge and holding onto it until half time...Peterhead looked comfortably to be heading for a semi.

Weatherston scored an equaliser from the spot in 56...before the game swung in Peterheads favour. Beith on loan frae Dundee put the toon 2-1 with 10 minutes to go. Morton then pushed hard for a 2nd equaliser....Hawke squandered some greeat chances before Ghod went all out to hold onto the lead and played an unusually defensive formation! Ghod decided with a minute to go the game was safe and disappeared.....Only to find out via Turps, Dogs and Bod that Peterhead had suffered the same fate as MOntrose and Airdrie...They crashed out...5-2! Hawke managed a 4 minute hat trick 2 in extra time to put Morton into the hat for a lucrative tie against the Old Firm.

Next up was higher league opposition again this time in the Scottish Cup. The soon to be ex-manager Gaz brought an almost full strength squad to Balmoor after being humiliated in the previous ruled out tie.

Peterhead 6 - 4 Dumbarton

Dumbarton started on fire and ran away to a quickfire 2-0 lead as Cameron notched 2 in the 1st 5 minutes. Peterhead were stung into action and the game swung from end to end until Stewart cut the deficit in 35th minute. However Mackie restored the 2 goal Dumbarton advantage 6 minutes later. Robertson narrowed the deficit again with The toons 2nd straight from kick off. This goal demoralised Dumbarton as it was a rampant Peterhead who took the field after H-T. Robertson with his 2nd equalised after 54. Mackie gave The Sons their final lead of the game on 57. But it was short lived as Peterhead ran rampant with 3 goals from Perry, Stewart and Robertson gave Peterhead a narrower but still deserved victory.

The next Peterhead game was at home to Gretna (GAZ's Next Victims). Toon have had difficulty against this team on the previous encounters...both having ended 1-1....

Peterhead 4 - 1 Gretna

A tight first half saw Peterhead take a 1-0 lead just before half time through Robertson. Hatcher equalised on the 50 minute mark. Peterhead continued to push without success. However the introduction of Beith for Stewart saw the Ghod make the vital decision which swung the game in Toons favour. Beith made it 2-1 after 84....3-1 after 86 and completed an amazing hat trick in injury time. A great win and helps Peterhead continue their title challenge.

A 2nd round game against lowly but resurgent East Stirling came next with both teams haveing the incentive of a spot in the 3rd round draw to aim for.

Peterhead 6 - 2 East Stirling

A remarkable cup-tie which saw a real ding dong close battle until Peterhead pulled away in the final..yes final minute. Robertson continued his fine goalscoring form by putting the Toon in the lead after 14 mins. Falconer equalised then put the Shire into the lead. However a Raeside header on the stroke of half time helped Toon to a 2-2 scoreline at halftime. Some words of solomon wisdom from Ghod saw Toon come out and take a quick lead through Robertson again. The game raced from end to end. Until Bavidge was introduced near the end. Bavidge looke dto have eased Toon through with his 1st and Toons 4th in the 90th minute....he got his 2nd in the 91st...before sensationally getting himself the supersub tag with a hat trick bagging 6th goal in the 94th minute. A remarkable game which was closer than scoreline suggested...

After climbing the mountain Peterhead fell off.....

East Stirling 1 - 0 Peterhead

Shire deservedly won this game as a jaded looking Toon succumbed to a late headed goal by Holmes. Shire were really in command with only a flurry of chances for Toon giving ny resistance to the shire performance...

Next up Sy's Queens Park as Peterhead attempted to get back to winning ways...Sy's controversial but VERY LEGAL tacic saw an amateurish score which would have been at home down the local park....

Peterhead 5 -6 Queens Park

Peterhead started this game with something to prove after previous 3-0 beating off QP and their last game against East Stirling. Racing away to a 3-0 lead after only 17 minutes through Johnson, Perry and Beith. Ghod got the slippers on and the big fat cuban cigar out....only to see the **** hit the fan. Kristjansson, Menelaws and Harvey all notched doubles against a ragged Peterhead defence. Two goals in the last 10 minutes through Robertson and Bavidge as Peterhead tried in vain to get back in the match was scant consolation at 3 thrown away points. Ghod was livid and demanded a better performance in the following games or their would be wholesale changes...

Good news...Ingolffsson has signed for Toon the experience left back will add some steel to the back line when he joins up just after Xmas....

Xmas and a local derby against Elgin....A thriller for the crowd if not the managers....

Elgin 3 - 4 Peterhead

Peterhead played a lot better but still leaked goals against their local North East rival but still managed to sneak the win to claim local bragging rights. With Ghods words ringing in their ears Toon grabbed an early lead through Robertson after 5 mins. Clague equalised in the 9th minute as Peterheads defence again went AWOL. CThe deadlock remained until after half time when Clague claime his 2nd and gave Elgin a short-lived lead. Mann equalised and Robertson followed quickly after to give Toon a 3-2 lead. Peterheads sieve left Martin to make it 3-3 in 74 mins. With the game petering out to a 3-3 draw Stewart popped up with a winner in the 87th minute. A great morale boosting win for the toon Happy new year happy new year!

The new year brought more good luck to The Blue Toon...

Peterhead 4 - 1 Cowdenbeath

Peterhead with Ingolfsson at the back and Mathers back in goals looked solid oin this game. 2 goals in 5 minutes through Robertson and Bain had them in easy street. Potter managed to pull one back after 33. Stewart increased the lead in the 50th minute before new signing Manderson scored on his debut to make it 4-1.

5 wins and 3 defeats in an successful session sees Peterhead in the 3rd round of the cup against another 3rd division team...Montrose. Dogs and Ghod were involved in some minor psychological games "Shut the **** up" was Dogs' original quote which has Ghod determined to inflict defeat on their rivals. 3rd in the league....a controversial tactic and the rest of the season is looking good.

On a sour note though PM7 had a go at Ghod for his lack of tactical knowledge....However this seems like sour grapes a his mediocre middle of the road Arbroath side have nothing to look forward to....other than more boring 6 line posts in this forum...boring team....boring manager...boring me!

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Berwick 2 - 1 Hamilton Scottish Cup 1st Round

Hamilton got kicked out in the first round of the Scottish Cup by a gritty performance from Berwick.It'll be a big loss to the team as they will have been hoping to make it through to the later rounds and facing some tougher competition.

East Fife 1 - 2 Hamilton

Even though they were only playing with ten men for 80 mins the Accies managed to pull off a win and did it in style.Those three points also took them to the top of the league

Hamilton 1 - 2 Morton

A rather dissapointing game for Hamilton, not a lot of chances created and any they did mange were wasted as the finishing touch was also lacking.

Berwick 2 - 2 Hamilton

A great game with end to end football, was very evenly matched and was a fair result as both teams were fantastic.

Airdrie 1 - 1 Hamilton

Another good game for the Accies but they are missing far too many chances. The team played well but missed too many goal opportunities ending the game a draw.

Hamilton 4 - 0 Dumbarton

Hamilton have found their form if todays game is anything to go by. They played great football, the passing was fluent and they made their chances hit the back of the net which is the most important part.

There was two new signings brought in as the January window opened a frenzy of player changes.

In - Alistair MacNiven 20 DR Free Queens Park

Mark Guy 17 MR Free Queens Park


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Tennents Scottish Cup - 3rd Round

Airdrie United 1 - 0 Berwick

The scoreline doesnt properly reflect this match. Berwick started out brightly but faded, and after Vareille opened the scoring in 29 minutes with a back post tap in after good work by Huckerby , the heads went down and Berwick never looked like equalising. Airdrie sat in with a defensive counter which Berwick struggled to deal with, and hit them on the break time and time again. A great goalkeeping performance , and a missed Gregg Watson penalty were the reason this finished 1-0. Roll on the 4th round, and lets hope EDT_RETAIN_SPAWNY_CUP_DRAWS_FOR_TURPS doesnt affect the draw this time.

The draw brings out a home tie against Brechin. Airdrie fancy their chances at Shyberry Excelsior.

Airdrie 0 - 1 East Fife

And then they go out and produce Pish like this. Its not even worthy of a match report. Kenny Deuchar scored the winner, and the boss tore strips off his overpaid , underperforming duds in the dressing room afterwards. A disgrace to the jersey!

Morton 1 - 1 Airdrie United

Oh how the manager regretted missed chances in this one. An early goal from Shaun Berry (31) cancelled out by an Alan Gow header from a Huckerby corner in 42 , and a string of 1 on 1's and set pieces which Airdrie failed to capitalise on. Possibly the best chance we will have all season to beat Morton away from home, and they blew it. With Stenny winning , Airdrie drop to 3rd, and the title race is wide open again. Morton on 42 , Stenny on 40 and Airdrie on 39 , with Forfar and Hamilton on 36, not out of it yet.

Players In :

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>James Hibburt (Ashworth - £4k) - D C

Players Out

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Andy Morrison (Forfar - £2k) - D C

Not much movement. 1 in , 1 out. The squad maintaining its stability as is the McGuinness norm. The bank are pleased, the board are pleased and the fans are pleased. Something has to go wrong soon .....

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<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">| Pos | Inf | Team | | Pld | Won | Drn | Lst | For | Ag | G.D. | Pts |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1st | | Morton | | 22 | 12 | 6 | 4 | 36 | 27 | +9 | 42 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2nd | Deano | Stenhousemuir | | 22 | 12 | 4 | 6 | 37 | 26 | +11 | 40 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3rd | Bod | Airdrie Utd | | 22 | 11 | 6 | 5 | 43 | 28 | +15 | 39 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4th | Turps | Forfar | | 22 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 39 | 22 | +17 | 36 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5th | Tracy | Hamilton | | 22 | 10 | 6 | 6 | 38 | 33 | +5 | 36 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 6th | PM7 | Arbroath | | 22 | 8 | 4 | 10 | 33 | 33 | 0 | 28 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 7th | | Alloa | | 22 | 7 | 6 | 9 | 32 | 37 | -5 | 27 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 8th | | Dumbarton | | 22 | 8 | 2 | 12 | 52 | 56 | -4 | 26 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 9th | Iain | Berwick | | 22 | 5 | 6 | 11 | 23 | 32 | -9 | 21 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 10th | | East Fife | | 22 | 3 | 2 | 17 | 13 | 52 | -39 | 11 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">| Pos | Inf | Team | | Pld | Won | Drn | Lst | For | Ag | G.D. | Pts |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1st | Dogs | Montrose | | 22 | 15 | 4 | 3 | 55 | 15 | +40 | 49 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 2nd | Chris | Stranraer | | 22 | 14 | 3 | 5 | 44 | 27 | +17 | 45 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 3rd | Sav | Stirling | | 22 | 12 | 3 | 7 | 58 | 35 | +23 | 39 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 4th | Tam | East Stirling | | 22 | 10 | 3 | 9 | 30 | 38 | -8 | 33 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 5th | Ghod | Peterhead | | 22 | 9 | 5 | 8 | 54 | 50 | +4 | 32 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 6th | Coisty| Albion Rovers | | 22 | 9 | 4 | 9 | 46 | 45 | +1 | 31 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 7th | Ally | Elgin | | 22 | 6 | 4 | 12 | 26 | 48 | -22 | 22 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 8th | SY | Queens Park | | 22 | 6 | 3 | 13 | 36 | 49 | -13 | 21 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 9th | Jeff | Cowdenbeath | | 22 | 5 | 6 | 11 | 35 | 57 | -22 | 21 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 10th | Gazll | Gretna | | 22 | 3 | 7 | 12 | 20 | 40 | -20 | 16 |

| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


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Guest sav112


Edinbourgh City H (Cup) 1-1

What can I say the team were strangely ineffective all over the park, O’Brian was (M.O.M) and deservedly so with his goal but how we did not win this game I will never know, their keeper was a joke, the worst I have seen, spilling balls all over the place but Stirling seemed to be slow to every ball and unable to pass or get the game flowing for them. A very Disappointing result that leaves the question how will the replay go? Unfortunately Devine got injured.

Edinbourgh City A (Cup) 3-2

After going 2-1 in front I thought we had got the expected win, Hill and Elliot (M.O.M) scored good goals but Stirling were pegged back to 2-2 and then in the last minute lost a goal to loose 3-2. Hogarth in goal seen his poorest game and his form of late has been not his usual standard. Manager Robertson could only look in disbelief as his team walked off and is said to had a quiet word with his goalie. So the cup run end’s by a team that we should be beating easily.

Perterhead A 2-1

Back to league business and a better performance all round. Two goals from Mclean and Napoli gave us the three points. O’Brian was (M.O.M) was the stand out player on the park. This game was always going to hard and the manager was glad to see his team rise to the occasion.

Elgin H 6-0

Elgin looked stunned as they were hit for six, a hat trick by (M.O.M) Mclean, two from the ever impressive Elliot and a nice effort by Napoli rapped up the points. Although the manager was impressed by his attacking players it’s at the back with the new signings Donnachie and Harkness that he is more pleased with both fitting in and solidifying the back line.

Signing News

Manager Robertson was glad to announce the arrival of defender Samuel Okikiolu from Airdrie to further boost the back line. His attention will now be turned to bringing in 3-4 new players next season that will boost the midfield and striking positions.

Albion Rovers H 5-4

After going 4-1 in front this game should have been finished but Rovers with their attacking midfielder Tactic made Manager Robertson work for his money tweaking his formation throughout the game to counter his oppositions. The game was poised on 4-4 before Mclean secured the points we deserved for our first half display.

Goals scored by Wilson (M.O.M), Elliot, Mclean (2) and Napoli, I think the goals scored from the opposition were all from the midfield. Manager Robertson explained he was pleased with the win and happy his counter tactic nullified Rovers icon_razz.gif own in the end but warned other managers would have to take care with such a tricky tactic from Rovers in the future.

Cowden next at home


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Tough talking Loons gaffer Ross Turpie today announced that Forfar football club will be challenging for the title and are still favourites for promotion despite some poor form and results. With 18 league games to go nothing more than 100% is expected from all the 1st team and to show they have the desire and hunger to play football at a higher level. Gaffer Turpie stated that the players are now not only fighting together but the whole club will be determined, and all out for the job to be completed. The time for niceities is over! Anyone letting the side down will be shown the door, and some 1st team players have already been axed. Every game is a cup final now and every effort will be made to finish in the top two. We will do it!

The team has been strengthened considerably for the final promotion push. 8 new players have joined the club in a massive £64k spending spree during the winter transfer window. Biggest signing of the lot was the man on every ones lips and yopu geust it gaffer Turps did the deal and took Iclandic striking senstation Oskarssonto Station park, striking fear amongst his fellow promotion rivals in Division 2. Some other good young promising players were signed along with some key player like right winger Charlie King from Brechinand Andy Morrisonfrom Airdrie(Thanks bod very generous m8)! Joe Gold would be another 1st team signing in a swap deal with Billy Gibsonto Cowdenbeath. The rest are promising young players for the future.


<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> | 1.1.2004 | King, Charlie | Brechin | £4K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 12.1.2004 | Brandão, Gonçalo | Belenenses | £14K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 12.1.2004 | Rodrigues, Fábio | Freamunde | £2K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 12.1.2004 | Óskarsson, Orri Freyr | Pór | £20K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 13.1.2004 | Gold, Joe | Cowdenbeath | £10K - P/Ex |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 15.1.2004 | Clingan, Sammy | Free Transfer | Free |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 18.1.2004 | Firmino, Vasco | Benfica | £12K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 24.1.2004 | Morrison, Andy | Airdrie Utd | £2K |

| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> 1.1.2004 | McAdam, Steven | Clyde | £50K |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1.1.2004 | Lunan, Paul | Hednesford | £10K |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 1.1.2004 | Davidson, Hugh | Clyde | £50K |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| 13.1.2004 | Gibson, Billy | Cowdenbeath | £0 - P/Ex |

| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------|



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 9.8.2003 | 15:00 | H | Arbroath | Second Division | | 1 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 16.8.2003 | 15:00 | A | Alloa | Second Division | | 3 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 23.8.2003 | 15:00 | H | Hamilton | Second Division | | 2 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 30.8.2003 | 15:00 | A | Stenhousemuir | Second Division | | 0 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 13.9.2003 | 15:00 | H | East Fife | Second Division | | 3 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 20.9.2003 | 15:00 | A | Morton | Second Division | | 1 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Wed, 24.9.2003 | 19:30 | A | Partick Thistle | League Cup 2nd Rnd | | 2 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 27.9.2003 | 15:00 | H | Berwick | Second Division | | 3 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 4.10.2003 | 15:00 | A | Airdrie Utd | Second Division | | 0 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Wed, 15.10.2003 | 19:30 | A | Arbroath | Second Division | | 0 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 18.10.2003 | 15:00 | H | Dumbarton | Second Division | | 5 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 25.10.2003 | 15:00 | H | Alloa | Second Division | | 2 : 2 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Wed, 29.10.2003 | 19:30 | A | Celtic | League Cup 3rd Rnd | | 1 : 2 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 1.11.2003 | 15:00 | A | Hamilton | Second Division | | 1 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 8.11.2003 | 15:00 | H | Stenhousemuir | Second Division | | 1 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 22.11.2003 | 15:00 | A | East Fife | Second Division | | 2 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 29.11.2003 | 15:00 | H | Morton | Second Division | | 1 : 3 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 6.12.2003 | 15:00 | H | Stenhousemuir | Scottish Cup 1st Rnd | | 2 : 3 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Wed, 10.12.2003 | 19:30 | A | Berwick | Second Division | | 1 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 13.12.2003 | 15:00 | H | Airdrie Utd | Second Division | | 2 : 3 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 20.12.2003 | 15:00 | A | Dumbarton | Second Division | | 2 : 3 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Fri, 26.12.2003 | 15:00 | H | Arbroath | Second Division | | 2 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 3.1.2004 | 15:00 | A | Alloa | Second Division | | 1 : 1 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 17.1.2004 | 15:00 | H | Hamilton | Second Division | | 5 : 0 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

| Sat, 24.1.2004 | 15:00 | A | Stenhousemuir | Second Division | | 1 : 2 |

| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|


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Montrose welcomed the 'Shire' for their 3rd lge meeting of the season and disaster for the lge leaders as they had a man dimissed for a professional foul early on, 10 man Montrose applied the pressure and pinned the 'Shire' back for most of the 90mins. with a score line of 1-1 the match was looking like a re-run of their 1st lge meeting but then 'Shire' boss Burnett decided to exploit the gap down the Montrose right flank and push a man forward, the gamble paid off and the 'Shire' grabbed a late winner.

Burnett was delighted, the 'Shire' have beaten the top three in and continue their push up the lge and are sitting forth, despite being the 3rd lowest scoring team in the lge and having the only scoring deficit of the top six clubs.

Very impressive for the team that was lambasted by the bookies and fellow clan members as being the worst in the lge.

Queens park came to Firs Park and were involved in a rip roaring encounter, end to end action saw the dogged and determined 'Shire' snatch yet another late winner to end the 90mins 3-2 winners.

The amount of late goals we get is staggering, it seems that a lot of people begin hasty and at times rash tactical changes and leave themselves wide open to the "'Shire' breakaway"...long may it reign.

Cowdenbeath away, a match we were never in, 'beath netted early doors and were 3 up just after the interval, 'Shire' persisted and got a consolation goal in the dying minutes.

3-1 lose.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rosco Van Nistelrooy:

It always goes wrong for you Bod, get your excuses ready! icon_wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whits yours for sitting 6 points off the lead and losing 3-2 at home despite having the best team in the league and Oskarsson & Porhallson in the squad? icon_biggrin.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lambie's Lovechild:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rosco Van Nistelrooy:

It always goes wrong for you Bod, get your excuses ready! icon_wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Whits yours for sitting 6 points off the lead and losing 3-2 at home despite having the best team in the league and Oskarsson & Porhallson in the squad? icon_biggrin.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Lol Bod Deano Stenny is a magic fitba team i have no excuses he simply played better. Take a few games for my new signings to settle but im coming for u bod and will go up icon_wink.gif Thanks for selling me Morrison for 2k icon_smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rosco Van Nistelrooy:

Lol Bod Deano Stenny is a magic fitba team i have no excuses he simply played better. Take a few games for my new signings to settle but im coming for u bod and will go up icon_wink.gif Thanks for selling me Morrison for 2k icon_smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was referring to me beating you 3-2 at Station Park, but i suppose Deano gubbing you is good also.

I fear Tracy and Deano mair than i fear your Airdrie Rejects. icon_biggrin.gif

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