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Fix my tactic.

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Which team are you playing as?  What are your season's expectations?  How are you performing in comparison to those expectations?  Other than not being sure about the MC role, what's actually wrong with the system as you say it's going well?

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36 minutos atrás, herne79 disse:

Which team are you playing as?  What are your season's expectations?  How are you performing in comparison to those expectations?  Other than not being sure about the MC role, what's actually wrong with the system as you say it's going well?

I think maybe he is referring to the RPM leaving the position and leaving a huge vacated space

I would try a carrilero or b2b a see if it meets your expectations

other than that, I would remove/change the follow team instructions:

-overlap left

- higher tempo to normal

- much higher defensive line to higher 


just my 2 cents

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Em 25/11/2018 em 11:30, shonaxxx disse:

what i what for my tactic is to work on everyteam, every opponent. 1) a counter attack

2) focus on the flanks, especially on the right  


Counter attacks with much higher defensive line is hard and not many players can play that way because when they take the ball back they have 0.1 second to make the right decision/pass

A counter attack is more viable when you let the opposite team compromise in attack (fullbacks coming up, opponent defensive line coming up, etc.) so when your player get the ball back, the opposite team is all out of place and then you can have your team focusing on the right wing where you have the winger attacking so he has plenty of space to run

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