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The Wee Gers


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It was time to get up 7am on a cold crisp Scottish Monday morning, time to walk the dogs and get ready for work. Another day sitting in an office for my advertising firm staring out of the window wondering what might have been, now 30 years old and in a daily routine bored with my life! It could have been so different though, at 16 years old I had trials at the world famous Glasgow Rangers only for the coaches at that time to say I wasn’t strong enough or tall enough for the grit of Scottish Football! Madness! Anyway now stuck in a rut and not enjoying life the way I should or could have done. Enough was enough time for a change I thought to myself.

Football Management is what I wanted to do, I had some experience although not much with Managing my local amateur team for over 5 years, some success but certainly no world beaters! I thought to myself even if I was to get a post with a small junior club as a coach and worked towards the rest of my coaching badges and licences with the SFA it would be a step in the right direction. And that was it Decision made, I put together my CV and started sending it out to local clubs around the Glasgow area. Pollok, Arthurlie, Johnstone Burgh, Renfrew were all sent my letter amongst others. I also had written a strong letter to the Scottish Football Association stating my desire in the game and whilst I would be taking my coaching badges with them if they had any posts with community coaching I would volunteer my services.

2 weeks went past with no luck, Renfrew and Johnstone has contacted me to say thanks but no thanks, the rest simply ignored me. It’s a dream I told myself forget it and get back to amateur football where you belong. And then… The phone rang…

Robert Wilson chairman at Berwick Rangers had wanted to talk to me and invited me along for a chat. I couldn’t believe it Berwick Rangers of Scotland’s 4th tier wanted to speak to me, was it a dream? How did he get my number? So many questions with no answers although that was to be cleared up the next day.

I done my research on Berwick, small squad who had let go of some players at the end of the season, I then clicked on the BBC sport and to my horror read the following…

“Berwick Rangers manager Allan McGonigal has said he is prepared to stand down as boss if the club decide to make changes at the top.

The club have lost a number of players and McGonigal is open about his future prospects.

"I've searched inside my soul," he told BBC Radio Newcastle.

"I think if someone can come in and does a better job than me then so be it, but it's a decision for the club to make."

Newspaper reports claimed on Tuesday that there had been an emergency board meeting at Shielfield Park the previous evening, where his position was believed to have been discussed. “

What did Berwick want with me if they are making changes at the Top, changing Manager? Nothing made sense!

I drove through to Berwick on the Thursday morning, I had agreed to meet Robert at 10am in the Stadium reception, in I went for the receptionist to greet me, I will take you to the Chairman’s office, I followed her and was getting more nervous the closer I got.

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I walked out of the stadium stunned, I was the new manager of Berwick Rangers Football Club. The chairman had given me a few days to prepare and let the dust settle on the previous managers departure. I would start on Monday morning, after a meeting with the players I would be announced to the media as the one to take this small club forward. This is what dreams are made of.

The club was in for a re structure from the top down, the Chairman had sold half of his share to a French investor who dreamed of taking a club from the lower leagues in to Europe, just like Gretna had done previously. The new Frenchman would bring with him a director of football, general manager and a scouting team and I could pick the rest of my backroom. I was hoping for a large fortune to splash but the chairman had stated that the French revolution had no extra cash to spare, only experience and a new business model.

I couldnt care less though, I have my big opportunity and I will not be letting it pass me by, I will through everything in to my career with Berwick and hopefully after a settling in period we can start to establish ourselves as the next big thing!

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Media Press Conference:

Media – Congratulations on your new post as Manager here at Berwick Rangers, how are you feeling?

Me – Im ecstatic, honestly so honoured to be managing a club with a great history and I will look to help this club move forward as quickly as possible.

Media – We have a new structure here at Berwick, can you tell us about it?

Me- To be honest that’s the chairman’s job, although the way I see it, We now have a chairman (Robert Wilson), a managing director (Christophe Bouchet), a general manager (Phillipe Piola) who I will report to and I have a scout (Jacques Glassman) who will recommend players for myself, any players I want will have to be scouted firstly threw Jacques before any offer is made..

Media – Are you happy with that?

Me – Being my first job in management at this level, it is normal. The way im looking at it is, We are a team and all want the same goal for this club.

Media – What are your plans for the squad?

Me – I will evaluate them over a course of friendlys and training session before I make any changes

although Jacques will be hard at work from tomorrow onwatds. I will aslo be talking with my backroom team and determine whether or not they are going to fit in with plans.

Me - I will speak with you all again although I have to go as have plenty to do.

See you all soon.

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I slumped back in my office chair, I had just arrived back at the ground after suffering a humiliating 6 - 0 drubbing at the hands of Junior outfit Forres Mechanics. What had just happened had dented not only my new reputation but also the clubs and I was devastated. The only excuse I had was that I had 14 first team players at my disposal and the rest made up of under 18s but that wasnt an excuse. I said over the comming weeks I would evaluate the squad but after that game I knew that change was needed and needed NOW!

I had advertised for a new backroom team to come in and join me, an assistant, coach, fitness coach and goalkeeping coach, I was delighted to be in dicussions with the new team but nothing would be concrete for at least another couple of days. Jacques had done his job well, I asked him to cast his eye over almost 23 players and he duly obliged with wonderfull reports on the players, some certain signings and some to stay clear of. My offers were in and I was looking forward to building my new squad.

The current crop of players would be dismantled with only 3 players remaining in the 1st team, 9 transfer listed and my on loan keeper returning to Kilmarnock. The new crop promised so much if I could tie them up, a mix of Scottish, English and some french talent on the radar.

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