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[Suggestion] Interconnection of the main club actors


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Interconnection of the main club actors



In real life football,a Manager has to face a lot of situations off the pitch.More than just a football coach who gives instructions to the player while sitting on his bench . The modern manager has to deal with all the internal and external issues of a football club.

Main actors 1)

My idea is to strengthen the interactions between the different actors of the game which would bring more realism and interest to football manager.

Firstly, I really liked YKW's suggestions concerning the media, the profile of the manager and the supporters  (they should be aded to the game in my opinion and would help the interconnection of the main actors).




The main actors im talking about are :

- the manager
- the players
- the board
- the supporters
- the media 
- Others ( other teams,club rival,manager,board,supporters  and players )

 I think that the interactions between these actors could be expanded,connected and influence each others.


Each actors could criticize each other, compliment each other, make suggestions, requests, ask ultimatums ... etc 
It is in a certain way  a deeper,more complex and intresting version  of "dynamics" but with all of the main actors of real life football club and not just between the manager and the players only.

The Influence screen 2)



 I think something similar to the social groups screen in dynamics could be integrated into the game but for the influence,relations and interactions off each main actors and in each main tab (dynamics,board,medias, the supporters)





It could be called  the  "influence" screen and describes which main actors influence each other and how ( positively, negatively, neutrally).

Furthemore we could add multiple "hapiness bar" at the top of the screen for each main tab except the media bar  (similar to the "supporter picture  top right ") and in relation to each main club actors

ex :players,managers,board,medias,club rival 

 For the media tab we could have instead of those "hapiness bar" two bars called "media perception of the supporters" and "media perception of the players ","media perception of the rivals"
 "media perception of the board" and "media perception of the manager" to make it more objective and realistic. 
 It's kind of the "media overall club image"


Note : The manager agent could have relations,interactions and influence with the board 


An example if What could be described in the influence screen is :

Influence screen in the Supporter tab :


Board : The supporters think that the board dont allow enough money for the transfers to make the club grow.

Players :  The supporters are with the majority of the players except player x who want to be transfered and player y who dont live up to the expectations of his big transfer to the club.

Medias : The supporters think that the media in general treat unfairly the new manager

Manager : The supporters are all in on the new manager appointed

Others The supporters think are upset that club rival supporters makes fun of the new manager appointed on social medias.


As we can see all the interactions,relations of each main actors could be described in the influence screen for each main tab, and be scaled by an "hapiness bar".


Depending on the recent interactions between the influence screen will permit to understand the relationship, Influence and future actions and reactions of each actors between them (positively ,neutrally and negatively) and the state of the hapiness bars.

The management of the manager or/and  events that he can't control (interactions between each actors whether it is positive,neutral or negative ).Those influences and connected interaction between each actors could have an impact on the confidence, perception (positive,neutral,negative) about one another and have consequences on the short-mid-long term relationship or each main actors and for the club in general.

Balance of power at the club between the actors 3)


Because of these influences and connected interaction a balance of power at the club could happen between the different actors.


- If the manager has a good image with the media and the fans even in case of bad results the leaders will not dare to fire him.

- However If the manager has a bad relationship with fans, media and players (dynamics) it could cost him his place even with good football results.

- If the media have a bad perception of the board and the manager it could trigger a revolt of the supporters and a call for a cleaning of the entire club.

- If the board trusts the manager and the media have a good perception of the manager his place at the club will be safe even if he does not have the confidence of the supporters.

 There could be a multitude of scenarios that influence the life of the club and therefore the management of the manager in general.




The interconnection of the main actors would add an other step forwad for football manager in terms of realism.Like in real life football each main actors of a football club would be involve and have an influence the atmosphere of the club on and off the pitch
The influence screen would obviously highlights the relationship and interactions  between each actors.It will have for effect t

o create a balance of power inside the club and in relation with the media.

Like in modern football the management of the manager and his hability to react to outside influences  (medias,supporters,other managers,other players,other board) to lead the club to the top will be key.


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