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I was just promoted from Vanarama South to National and during contract negotiation, I asked for everything: training facility upgrade, youth facility upgrade, affiliate, and salary and transfer budget bumps and the strangest thing happened, they accepted all of it.  I was so surprised.  However, I had no idea the two facility upgrades would cost me 1.05 million pounds.  I now have a 777k balance in the red, but I don't feel lucky.

I've seen older posts that mention point deduction and administration, but I'm not sure what that means.  Can I avoid this and run a negative balance if I'm still profitable?  My budget is fine, this was just a one-time loss.  What's going to happen to my club?  Am I better off reloading the game and avoiding this debt entirely?

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I've found that if the debt becomes too big, the board invest money in to keep you going ,  Ive never seen a club go in to administration with points deduction in FM ever - not saying it does not happen though. Best way out of the red   is promotion so best of luck 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ha, weird! I did exactly the same as you getting FC United promoted out of the Van North; Board agreed to all of my requests, the work was planned but before it started they cancelled nearly all of it due to budget concerns!? They did improve the youth facilities but all the other stuff now shows as cancelled and no matter how many times I ask they refuse to improve them :(

Wonder if your chairman has better hidden stats to mine (i.e. he's richer etc) so he's not worried if the club goes into debt? We actually change chairman every two years due to public elections which may also play a part? Interestingly both chairmen have said no to improving my training facilities.

Just got promotion to League One and still only had the one singular youth facilities improvement which hurts my preference for bringing kids through, but just one of those things i guess - good that the clubs/people are individual enough to handle it differently? Enjoy anyway, I am a little bit jealous! :D 

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