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Increasing Tactic Familiarity

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I recently created a new tactic in my game and wanted to increase the tactic familiarity for Pressing and Marking, which are currently pretty low. I had one week of training with sessions for Defending Engaged, Disengaged and Defending Wide, which are supposed to increase Familiarity for Marking and Pressing. However after that week I could not see any visible increase in the green bars. Is this because Tactic Familiarity always increases slowly, or do I need competitive matches, or am I doing something wrong? Also I made sure that the new tactic is set as the Primary Trained Tactic so there should be no problem there.

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On 22/12/2018 at 10:10, TomL85 said:

However after that week I could not see any visible increase in the green bars. Is this because Tactic Familiarity always increases slowly, or do I need competitive matches, or am I doing something wrong?

It takes time, the few selection changes you make, the faster it takes, and it takes game time. You aren't doing anything wrong.

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