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League Reputations in Asia not updating

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Hello, I just bought the game and decided to create a save file with an edited version of the Singaporean League. I’ve played through 2 seasons but I realize the league reputations for Asia aren’t changing at all and qualification places don’t change. It’s changing for the other regions just not Asia. Is this happening for anyone else?


It’s going to become unplayable for me if this is the case as I spend most of my time doing long saves in Asia on FM

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I tried using the editor to increase the  league rep and qualification places still remain the same and the league is still considered 36th by the game so it’s hard coded into the game. But why??? Really really kills immersion. The CLUB reps for Asia still update though9A5492BF-27E3-4B65-A3CF-74F29C1F433F.thumb.jpeg.9110fb27a0fe5bc1b90f69957bb1b8f5.jpeg

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