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FM19 – 361 RED / From Past to Present – Moss Ball

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FM19 – 361 RED / From Past to Present – Moss Ball

Hi all. This is my first tactic post, so do be gentle =) And it’ll probably be my last too as it has been designed to reflect exactly the way I want my football to be played, hence its name =)

Please note now – If you’re looking for a tactic for the lower leagues or for non-top teams then this tactic is not going to be for you. It is also not intended to be a game beater. However this tactic is simply designed to play the game in a distinct style, my style, one which is capable of incorporating world-class players into one team and with a zero emphasis on defensive roles. So it is a little eccentric =) Remember the Galacticos at all? Well it is in this sort of mould. You’ll see this in due course from the roles I have chosen and gauge what I’m trying to do.

So It’s oldskool, and it tries to bring football from the past into the present. Because it promotes a particular style of football to get the most out of these players, it is created for plug n play. So hopefully you can buy your players, sit down, watch, and then enjoy =)


Inspired by a forum post of working a 361 formation, after trying a number of variants I came across this shape. The first thing I noticed was the form of the box midfield.

Brazil by nature and used in the 4222, it gave me the idea of having one less striker and one more in the middle. With the type of controlled and creative football that can be produced in the 4222, this 361 shape could match or maybe surpass this with even more flair on offer.

I've always liked the more controlled and attractive form of the game. Not in the heavy metal mould but more to the classical. And I also love symmetry in my systems, so that there always remains a degree of structure in how we play. The tactic is of positive mentality and classified as structured in its fluidity.

This particular tactic I’ve created although is not my most successful or all rounded, but it is still my favourite as it is my style and is why I thought I'd share it here.


Sadly the modern game is now too quick and physical to successfully accommodate a side filled with luxury players. This has lead to the death of such roles like the trequartista, the classic regista, and both the poacher and wingers are now fast in decline. But these are the type of roles that for me make the beautiful game what it is today, and so is what I've tried to reinvent here.

My vision was to create this system based on players from my favourite decade. This was around the 1995-2005 mark where there were world class players in all the defensive, middle and offensive thirds. Where most systems try to find a defensive balance to compensate for offensive play, this instead tries to bring the best out of the most technically gifted footballers, allowing each player to showcase their own abilities but in a cohesive manner.

It's simply an attempt at creating controlled, beautiful and imaginative football for the purist, whilst playing intelligently to bring about success. Hopefully this idea is something that may appeal to some folks out there who may have also appreciated this period of the beautiful game.

Team RED

My retired but extremely dangerous team in their prime was full of flair, elegance, and sheer genius. It's my kinda team and I would have loved to watch this team play together.

                                                                               Schmeichel (SK-D)

                                Puyol(BPD-D)                      Cannavaro(CD-D)                     Maldini(BPD-D)      

                                                Beckham(RGA-S)                                   Pirlo(RGA-S)

Figo(WG-A)                                                                                                                              Nedved(WG-A)                           

                                             Ronaldinho(Treq-A)                               Zidane(Treq-A)

                                                                        Ronaldo de Lima (The Real) (P-A)

The System – 361 RED

SK-D x1 (Sweeps up the long balls over the top whilst keeping distribution very simple to the centrebacks to build up slowly from the back)

CD-D x1 (Acts as the central defensive pivot, keeping things simple and providing the ball to both the BPDs and Regista’s to get the team moving)

BP-D x2 (Keep things short, but if teams are pressing well they have the freedom to play riskier passes to try maintain possession or play in the wingers, whilst also changing the attacking dimension playing balls to switch the play)

Reg-S x2 (The conductors of the orchestra feeding the Trequartistas and Wingers, with a willingness to switch the play and always bringing the threat of that deep killer pass when the opportunity arises)

Wing-A x2 (Providing the width to free up as much space in the middle as possible with room to roam in and out and take on the opposing fullbacks, getting to the byline to both supply and support the man up top)

Treq-A x2 (The creators working individually and in harmony roaming behind the striker, looking  to bring the wingers into play deep into the opponents third of the pitch. They also have the freedom to produce their own magical moments and trickery to open spaces up for their teammates and themselves to exploit)

Poacher-A x1 (The goal-getter for the side, roaming up top to find pockets of space and to maintain a fluidity to the game in the opposing third, playing simple passes to the treqs and wingers to bring them into play as much as possible whilst then taking up positions or making runs to bang in the goals)

A quick overview of the tactic:


Weaknesses will of course be down the flanks, the long ball over the top, teams built to gegen-press, and also not having a solid hard working central midfield. Let’s face it, all the above is probably suicidal in the modern game :) But then this would have defeated the object of the system.

This type of football will require the team to play well to get a result. It's not meant for grinding out victories; hence it won't be as consistent as a system setup for that. But it rather hopes that on a bad day moments of sheer individual brilliance will shine through, and where keeping the ball is the primary form of defence.

So you’ll need special players. They’ll need to be technically skillful, comfortable with the ball, have good movement, ooze with flair and creativity in the final third of the pitch, and have a quick back-line due to the high defensive line in place. They also need to be smart intelligent players and have good decision making and composure as we'll have the ball most of the time.

High pressing is utilised and uses the structural positions within the formation to try and regain the ball quickly before aiming to retain possession and probe the opposition back-line, but if forced deep always having  the capability of breaking the opponents back-line from a deep killer pass.

I would also recommend to try and get wingers that are willing to work hard to a decent level. Given the system is weak down the flanks, at least having wingers that do work hard will help to press the play high up and to a degree also help track back.

I did initially create this idea on FM18 and have tried to get it going on FM19 which has been quite a challenge, especially where realistically the modern game doesn't allow for such a type of football. Nevertheless I've given it a crack as I'll always believe there is room for such a game style =)

Notes on the System

It’s probably a system that will work better in nations where there is less intense pressing. But I can’t emphasise enough you really do need quality players at your disposal if you’re going to be consistent.

Additionally, there probably isn’t one squad really geared for the formation at the start of the game. So you’re going to have to splash the cash and get the right players in given time. And with the talent today, do they really compare to Ronaldinho, Zidane, Ronaldo? So there are very few players capable that can really bring the best out of this tactic. But Mbappe, Dybala and Asenjo will do a good job. Kovacic , Saul and Veratti will also play well as registas too.

FM Touch was the version I got this year. I don’t have much time to play with training so I don’t know what the full version is like. But on Touch my training will always be “technical” based which I control instead of the assistant. I’ll also always set my players to train the roles of this system given it is so unique. A lot of players will not be naturally suited to the regista or treq roles, but as long as they have the required attributes and training they’ll do the job.

Set piece wise, my wingers take the throw ins and generally the trequartistas the corners n free kicks. My tactic design means my wingers are expected to be naturally footed to the flank they play on. So you’ll see it is a deliberate ploy that they’ll switch sides when playing short corners, in order to promote the more dangerous in-swinging balls into the box or bring the ball more central. However I do like to mix the corners up and be less predictable.

Defensively, zonal marking is the way I generally go on all set-pieces with a few players given man-marking duties. And with 10 men, I tend to drop to 1 trequartista who changes his marking positional duties from the central side he was on to dead central.

The Top Five:

I’ve played seasons across all the big five leagues, and all are on the latest 19.2.1 patch for consistency purposes. So no more cheap set-piece goals =)

>A few seasons into my Bayern save we broke Guardiola’s Bayern points record haul of 91 points previously by getting 93. Our home record was 100% perfect with 17 wins from 17.

>With Paris season 1, we broke the previous Ligue 1 points record of 96 points by getting 100 points, whilst avoiding defeat during the season.

>A few seasons in with Juventus, we had our best player performing season, with all 10 outfield players occupying the top 11 Serie A player averages at the end of the year. Next time I’ll set my keeper to take the penalties! Titles yes, record breaking not this time, too many draws.

>A few seasons into my Real Madrid season, we won the first 20 league games in a row before we drew. We were eventually crowned champions with 7 games to spare.  We ended the season with 102 points, breaking Mourinho’s La Liga record of 100 points in a season.

City – Hardest but most rewarding

With City probably the most challenging, after struggling in year 1 it wasn’t until year 3 that I got the real high quality first team and then season 5 for squad depth. Only then were we able to really dominate the league.

When we did, we broke Pep’s 100 points record with 108 points.  For the first time, we hit over 100 goals in a season notching up 121. We had our best defensive year too conceding only 10…and for my first time ever had a +100 goal difference in a season, ending up with 111 of all numbers. So that was nice to top things off , and I think this has to have been my best ever season on FM.

We also remained unbeaten, top scored from corners, direct free kicks, indirect free kicks, and penalties. Maybe it was all luck, who knows =) but teams can have one off freak seasons I guess. With that said, I did run this season after I had tweaked the tactic in every single aspect, especially on the set-pieces. We performed at them best this 5th season.  And we all know how important set-plays are in the modern game.

Previous seasons our defence had been leaky, but I guess it shows the importance of having all squad players perfectly capable to play this system in such a competitive and punishing league. No margin for error in this division. And I’d definitely say bringing in Asensio and benching De Bruyne made a huge difference. De Bruyne isn’t the best for the treq role whereas Asensio is tailor made for it. No coincidence we were firing on all cylinders this year. 



The system seems to work best in Spain, which probably makes sense. It is the origination of the Galacticos, in a league where teams like to play football and don’t play much of a pressing game – and it allowed my team to play football, show their individual qualities, all whilst being dangerous from playing the deep killer ball. The sides we drew and lost against either pressed or parked the bus all game. Bilbao and A Madrid is who we lost to both away from home.

It worked well in France, simply because PSG have top quality players a class above the rest. And we remained undefeated. Italy and England was the hardest. A lot of draws against teams parking the bus all game in Italy, and with the nature of the Premiership we leaked a lot of goals (23-29 for season 1-4). Only the 5th season we really dominated. We won comfortably in the third, whilst in the 4th had a tense win by goal difference on 91 points v Liverpool. Man Utd ended up on 90 who beat Liverpool in the penultimate game 5-1!

However in the Serie A from a player performance average perspective across a season, this was the best I’ve ever done.


Germany also worked very well, too. I probably had my best squad there along with City season 5, and when you average 93 points over 38 games you’re looking at 104 points. So providing you have the right players of sufficient quality, you can compete across all the top leagues and achieve success, but most importantly play elegant football in the process which was my aim.

….But if you don’t have the players then do be warned, this system is one which will get highly exposed!" And yes, don’t expect to play well every game – a 6-1 loss at Anfield in season 4 was quite painful! We lost 3-0 away to Spurs that year too, although we completely outplayed them. In general though, I would say Liverpool and Athletico are going to be the hardest bogey sides given how they tend to setup.

Clips of the tactic in action:

I have some favourite clips of mine uploaded to youtube that show the features of the tactic with the type of goals and football you’ll be watching your side play - I’ve tried to get clips to show the intention of each of the roles in action. They have come across various patches and saves.

Note the fourth and last clips I couldn’t get all the passes in as it would have over-run the 60 seconds clip max time – incase you were counting =)

-Becks Precision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrBb1juDNiY

-Pirlo-weighted: https://youtu.be/x5q2Au5iFc4?list=PLP4ix8nprBUU4837pSRuot-1jEaoOE6Dw

-Zizou n Ronnie @ work : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdGLqAi0mqk

-Luis Genius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrUUPbleqEA

-Crisp n Ron-Clinical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhnyQcle6GM

-Galacti-goal:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nulbC7uRU04

Tactic / pkm Download

The tactic has brought me much enjoyment. It reflects exactly how I’d like to see my football played, tidy and elegant, and I hope its design may appeal to others. I can't promise it'll work perfectly all the time, but it is very capable with the right players and I promise you’ll get to see some cracking team and individual goals.

If you want to give it a whirl then you can download it here:


I also have a match pkm here for download of my City Galacticos in the CL final  5th season against Valencia so you can watch my record-breaking squad in action.

 Valencia v Man City.pkm


It is a tactic that shouldn’t need updating anymore as it plays as it should, unless anyone wants to apply any set-piece exploits or whatever =)

Well I hope you enjoy and that it gives success to you too.



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En 24/12/2018 a las 21:58, BJT dijo:

FM19 – 361 RED / From Past to Present – Moss Ball

Hi all. This is my first tactic post, so do be gentle =) And it’ll probably be my last too as it has been designed to reflect exactly the way I want my football to be played, hence its name =)

Please note now – If you’re looking for a tactic for the lower leagues or for non-top teams then this tactic is not going to be for you. It is also not intended to be a game beater. However this tactic is simply designed to play the game in a distinct style, my style, one which is capable of incorporating world-class players into one team and with a zero emphasis on defensive roles. So it is a little eccentric =) Remember the Galacticos at all? Well it is in this sort of mould. You’ll see this in due course from the roles I have chosen and gauge what I’m trying to do.

So It’s oldskool, and it tries to bring football from the past into the present. Because it promotes a particular style of football to get the most out of these players, it is created for plug n play. So hopefully you can buy your players, sit down, watch, and then enjoy =)


Inspired by a forum post of working a 361 formation, after trying a number of variants I came across this shape. The first thing I noticed was the form of the box midfield.

Brazil by nature and used in the 4222, it gave me the idea of having one less striker and one more in the middle. With the type of controlled and creative football that can be produced in the 4222, this 361 shape could match or maybe surpass this with even more flair on offer.

I've always liked the more controlled and attractive form of the game. Not in the heavy metal mould but more to the classical. And I also love symmetry in my systems, so that there always remains a degree of structure in how we play. The tactic is of positive mentality and classified as structured in its fluidity.

This particular tactic I’ve created although is not my most successful or all rounded, but it is still my favourite as it is my style and is why I thought I'd share it here.


Sadly the modern game is now too quick and physical to successfully accommodate a side filled with luxury players. This has lead to the death of such roles like the trequartista, the classic regista, and both the poacher and wingers are now fast in decline. But these are the type of roles that for me make the beautiful game what it is today, and so is what I've tried to reinvent here.

My vision was to create this system based on players from my favourite decade. This was around the 1995-2005 mark where there were world class players in all the defensive, middle and offensive thirds. Where most systems try to find a defensive balance to compensate for offensive play, this instead tries to bring the best out of the most technically gifted footballers, allowing each player to showcase their own abilities but in a cohesive manner.

It's simply an attempt at creating controlled, beautiful and imaginative football for the purist, whilst playing intelligently to bring about success. Hopefully this idea is something that may appeal to some folks out there who may have also appreciated this period of the beautiful game.

Team RED

My retired but extremely dangerous team in their prime was full of flair, elegance, and sheer genius. It's my kinda team and I would have loved to watch this team play together.

                                                                               Schmeichel (SK-D)

                                Puyol(BPD-D)                      Cannavaro(CD-D)                     Maldini(BPD-D)      

                                                Beckham(RGA-S)                                   Pirlo(RGA-S)

Figo(WG-A)                                                                                                                              Nedved(WG-A)                           

                                             Ronaldinho(Treq-A)                               Zidane(Treq-A)

                                                                        Ronaldo de Lima (The Real) (P-A)

The System – 361 RED

SK-D x1 (Sweeps up the long balls over the top whilst keeping distribution very simple to the centrebacks to build up slowly from the back)

CD-D x1 (Acts as the central defensive pivot, keeping things simple and providing the ball to both the BPDs and Regista’s to get the team moving)

BP-D x2 (Keep things short, but if teams are pressing well they have the freedom to play riskier passes to try maintain possession or play in the wingers, whilst also changing the attacking dimension playing balls to switch the play)

Reg-S x2 (The conductors of the orchestra feeding the Trequartistas and Wingers, with a willingness to switch the play and always bringing the threat of that deep killer pass when the opportunity arises)

Wing-A x2 (Providing the width to free up as much space in the middle as possible with room to roam in and out and take on the opposing fullbacks, getting to the byline to both supply and support the man up top)

Treq-A x2 (The creators working individually and in harmony roaming behind the striker, looking  to bring the wingers into play deep into the opponents third of the pitch. They also have the freedom to produce their own magical moments and trickery to open spaces up for their teammates and themselves to exploit)

Poacher-A x1 (The goal-getter for the side, roaming up top to find pockets of space and to maintain a fluidity to the game in the opposing third, playing simple passes to the treqs and wingers to bring them into play as much as possible whilst then taking up positions or making runs to bang in the goals)

A quick overview of the tactic:


Weaknesses will of course be down the flanks, the long ball over the top, teams built to gegen-press, and also not having a solid hard working central midfield. Let’s face it, all the above is probably suicidal in the modern game :) But then this would have defeated the object of the system.

This type of football will require the team to play well to get a result. It's not meant for grinding out victories; hence it won't be as consistent as a system setup for that. But it rather hopes that on a bad day moments of sheer individual brilliance will shine through, and where keeping the ball is the primary form of defence.

So you’ll need special players. They’ll need to be technically skillful, comfortable with the ball, have good movement, ooze with flair and creativity in the final third of the pitch, and have a quick back-line due to the high defensive line in place. They also need to be smart intelligent players and have good decision making and composure as we'll have the ball most of the time.

High pressing is utilised and uses the structural positions within the formation to try and regain the ball quickly before aiming to retain possession and probe the opposition back-line, but if forced deep always having  the capability of breaking the opponents back-line from a deep killer pass.

I would also recommend to try and get wingers that are willing to work hard to a decent level. Given the system is weak down the flanks, at least having wingers that do work hard will help to press the play high up and to a degree also help track back.

I did initially create this idea on FM18 and have tried to get it going on FM19 which has been quite a challenge, especially where realistically the modern game doesn't allow for such a type of football. Nevertheless I've given it a crack as I'll always believe there is room for such a game style =)

Notes on the System

It’s probably a system that will work better in nations where there is less intense pressing. But I can’t emphasise enough you really do need quality players at your disposal if you’re going to be consistent.

Additionally, there probably isn’t one squad really geared for the formation at the start of the game. So you’re going to have to splash the cash and get the right players in given time. And with the talent today, do they really compare to Ronaldinho, Zidane, Ronaldo? So there are very few players capable that can really bring the best out of this tactic. But Mbappe, Dybala and Asenjo will do a good job. Kovacic , Saul and Veratti will also play well as registas too.

FM Touch was the version I got this year. I don’t have much time to play with training so I don’t know what the full version is like. But on Touch my training will always be “technical” based which I control instead of the assistant. I’ll also always set my players to train the roles of this system given it is so unique. A lot of players will not be naturally suited to the regista or treq roles, but as long as they have the required attributes and training they’ll do the job.

Set piece wise, my wingers take the throw ins and generally the trequartistas the corners n free kicks. My tactic design means my wingers are expected to be naturally footed to the flank they play on. So you’ll see it is a deliberate ploy that they’ll switch sides when playing short corners, in order to promote the more dangerous in-swinging balls into the box or bring the ball more central. However I do like to mix the corners up and be less predictable.

Defensively, zonal marking is the way I generally go on all set-pieces with a few players given man-marking duties. And with 10 men, I tend to drop to 1 trequartista who changes his marking positional duties from the central side he was on to dead central.

The Top Five:

I’ve played seasons across all the big five leagues, and all are on the latest 19.2.1 patch for consistency purposes. So no more cheap set-piece goals =)

>A few seasons into my Bayern save we broke Guardiola’s Bayern points record haul of 91 points previously by getting 93. Our home record was 100% perfect with 17 wins from 17.

>With Paris season 1, we broke the previous Ligue 1 points record of 96 points by getting 100 points, whilst avoiding defeat during the season.

>A few seasons in with Juventus, we had our best player performing season, with all 10 outfield players occupying the top 11 Serie A player averages at the end of the year. Next time I’ll set my keeper to take the penalties! Titles yes, record breaking not this time, too many draws.

>A few seasons into my Real Madrid season, we won the first 20 league games in a row before we drew. We were eventually crowned champions with 7 games to spare.  We ended the season with 102 points, breaking Mourinho’s La Liga record of 100 points in a season.

City – Hardest but most rewarding

With City probably the most challenging, after struggling in year 1 it wasn’t until year 3 that I got the real high quality first team and then season 5 for squad depth. Only then were we able to really dominate the league.

When we did, we broke Pep’s 100 points record with 108 points.  For the first time, we hit over 100 goals in a season notching up 121. We had our best defensive year too conceding only 10…and for my first time ever had a +100 goal difference in a season, ending up with 111 of all numbers. So that was nice to top things off , and I think this has to have been my best ever season on FM.

We also remained unbeaten, top scored from corners, direct free kicks, indirect free kicks, and penalties. Maybe it was all luck, who knows =) but teams can have one off freak seasons I guess. With that said, I did run this season after I had tweaked the tactic in every single aspect, especially on the set-pieces. We performed at them best this 5th season.  And we all know how important set-plays are in the modern game.

Previous seasons our defence had been leaky, but I guess it shows the importance of having all squad players perfectly capable to play this system in such a competitive and punishing league. No margin for error in this division. And I’d definitely say bringing in Asensio and benching De Bruyne made a huge difference. De Bruyne isn’t the best for the treq role whereas Asensio is tailor made for it. No coincidence we were firing on all cylinders this year. 



The system seems to work best in Spain, which probably makes sense. It is the origination of the Galacticos, in a league where teams like to play football and don’t play much of a pressing game – and it allowed my team to play football, show their individual qualities, all whilst being dangerous from playing the deep killer ball. The sides we drew and lost against either pressed or parked the bus all game. Bilbao and A Madrid is who we lost to both away from home.

It worked well in France, simply because PSG have top quality players a class above the rest. And we remained undefeated. Italy and England was the hardest. A lot of draws against teams parking the bus all game in Italy, and with the nature of the Premiership we leaked a lot of goals (23-29 for season 1-4). Only the 5th season we really dominated. We won comfortably in the third, whilst in the 4th had a tense win by goal difference on 91 points v Liverpool. Man Utd ended up on 90 who beat Liverpool in the penultimate game 5-1!

However in the Serie A from a player performance average perspective across a season, this was the best I’ve ever done.


Germany also worked very well, too. I probably had my best squad there along with City season 5, and when you average 93 points over 38 games you’re looking at 104 points. So providing you have the right players of sufficient quality, you can compete across all the top leagues and achieve success, but most importantly play elegant football in the process which was my aim.

….But if you don’t have the players then do be warned, this system is one which will get highly exposed!" And yes, don’t expect to play well every game – a 6-1 loss at Anfield in season 4 was quite painful! We lost 3-0 away to Spurs that year too, although we completely outplayed them. In general though, I would say Liverpool and Athletico are going to be the hardest bogey sides given how they tend to setup.

Clips of the tactic in action:

I have some favourite clips of mine uploaded to youtube that show the features of the tactic with the type of goals and football you’ll be watching your side play - I’ve tried to get clips to show the intention of each of the roles in action. They have come across various patches and saves.

Note the fourth and last clips I couldn’t get all the passes in as it would have over-run the 60 seconds clip max time – incase you were counting =)

-Becks Precision: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hrBb1juDNiY

-Pirlo-weighted: https://youtu.be/x5q2Au5iFc4?list=PLP4ix8nprBUU4837pSRuot-1jEaoOE6Dw

-Zizou n Ronnie @ work : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdGLqAi0mqk

-Luis Genius: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrUUPbleqEA

-Crisp n Ron-Clinical: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhnyQcle6GM

-Galacti-goal:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nulbC7uRU04

Tactic / pkm Download

The tactic has brought me much enjoyment. It reflects exactly how I’d like to see my football played, tidy and elegant, and I hope its design may appeal to others. I can't promise it'll work perfectly all the time, but it is very capable with the right players and I promise you’ll get to see some cracking team and individual goals.

If you want to give it a whirl then you can download it here:

  gm-361-19-red.fmf 44 kB · 224 downloads

I also have a match pkm here for download of my City Galacticos in the CL final  5th season against Valencia so you can watch my record-breaking squad in action.

  Valencia v Man City.pkm 67 kB · 23 downloads


It is a tactic that shouldn’t need updating anymore as it plays as it should, unless anyone wants to apply any set-piece exploits or whatever =)

Well I hope you enjoy and that it gives success to you too.

Great Job. 

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Well it's designed to play the game in a particular way. So as long as you've got the right quality players for it, then it should work okay - it would probably only be less effective if the developers want to only allow more modern tactics and player roles to work rather than old skool roles that are now obsolete in the modern game. Which if you want greater realism that may be done, and especially in a system like this where nowadays fullbacks / wingbacks are very important. But I hope they'll allow some eccentric systems to still work!

The only thing you may want to play around with are set pieces. But I've set them up in a way that should work decently and consistently rather than be designed to exploit the game engine.

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No I won things a few years in from my screenshots on here on an older patch, but getting the quality of players in along with sufficient backup isn't easy. When updating the tactic to this latest patch, I did win the league and ecl first year, but it required a lot of wheeling and dealing in the market!

The tactic is not designed for lesser sides and not created to beat the ME nor uses exploits - it's created to play a particular style to accommodate only the very best of players and gives them the full freedom to show their abilities on the pitch. It would be suicide to play with an inferior squad. The choice of roles will instantly tell you only the best will do.

Think of them saying "give me the ball and let me do my thing" - for all six midfield roles, with a poacher on hand to put the ball in the net  and the 3 centre-backs the only defensive players on the pitch. There are no overlaps or underlaps to create space to open up teams - it's pure individual ability, and it's exactly what I aimed to create.

High possession is also the form of defence. If you don't punish teams with the possession you'll be extremely exposed on the counter-attack. Therefore if your players aren't good enough to break teams down, you'll just get hit on the counter.

There are few players in the world that can produce this style of a game and as in my example, designed for Ballon D'or player quality only. But once that team is assembled, the football on offer to watch is really beautiful and elegant. But it will rely on individual brilliance rather than a well oiled tactical system to bring about success especially if your team aren't playing well on the day. Then magic from Messi or a Ronaldo is what is needed rather than the whole team putting in a shift to grind out a result.

Who wouldn't want 2 Pirlo's, 2 Messi's, 2 Ronaldo's and Mbappe occupying the 6 midfield and striker positions :) That was my footballing vision anyway =)

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