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Sponsorship problem with no top team

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Hi. I was doing a career with my favourite team starting from Italian 3rd division.


After around 25 years I have won 16 Serie A titles, 6 Champions League, 6 World league for club and other national and international trophies.


The problem is that after a lot of year I am in financial crisis.  That because sponsorship entrance is only 65 mln euro in a year.


Then I have done a similar long career with PSG and Inter and the tv entrance is the same, the merchandising too. Sponsorship is too much different: only 65 mln for Catania (my non top team), 255 mln for Inter or PSG.


Now I agree that at start of the game Catania isn’t one of the biggest team in the world, but after winning 6 Champions League I think that it shuold be one of the biggest team of the world and I don’t understand the reason why the sponsorsh revenue can’t go at the same level of the other european top teams.


Is it a thing to improve in this game? Or is there a specific reason for that?


Thanks for your attention.


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