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Having trouble in the final third

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Been playing FM for a few years but this is really my first go at really messing around with the tactic creator. I love the way Nuno has the wolves playing so it only felt right to continue the 3-4-3 after I took over so this is my take on it.

The possession on the tactic is great its just the finishing that is suffering with rarely ever being able to score more than a goal and more often than not its coming from a set piece. I know the inverted wingbacks probably aren't the best way to go but I love having the option in possession when they start to cut in and occupy the space above the box. I generally have it set on either positive or balanced at home and cautious when away or in europe.

Any assistance would be extremely helpful. 

3-4-3 formation.png


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Your major tactical problems are a sort of  one-dimensionality and an overkill of instructions. Using an IWB is okay - and I personally like the role - but why on both sides, and why both on attack duty (especially when both wide forwards are also on attack)?! Not to mention how that leaves you vulnerable on the flanks (which is somewhat mitigated by the use of 3 CBs though, but is again compounded by the underlap/overlap TIs, as these increase the mentality of the wing-backs).

And none of your 3 CBs is a standard CD. 2 are BPDs and the middle one is a libero, meaning you have a sort of 3 quasi-playmakers in your back-line, all of whom tend to play speculative through balls whenever possible.

I'd also like to know what's your reasoning behind using the "Hold shape" TI rather than counter?

The "Dribble less" is an unnecessary team instruction IMHO. A better idea is to tell a couple of specific players to dribble less through their PIs.

Lower tempo coupled with the Cautious mentality isn't likely to improve your attacking performance, not least because tempo is already slower on lower mentalities. 

Quite randomly, I was recently thinking about how I would set up roles and duties in this particular system (523 or 352, as you call it). And here is what I made up:


APMs                                  Wa

CAR     DLPs

IWBa                                   WBs

CDco   BPDst    CDde



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most tactics i've seen have some symmetrical look to them so I figured if its on one side of the pitch it works on the other side sorta deal which is why I generally have both wing backs with the same role set up. i figured having two of them both cutting in with the wingers on the wide side of the pitch would have been fun. 

no reasoning really on the hold shape TI, i think it was left over from the tiki taka premade tactic i starting messing around with. having never really messed around with the tactic creator before I've been lost at times it feels like.



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