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Wages not similar to real life

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why all wages of all players in serie a is not as the wages in real life ??

i dont know if its a bug or not , but , this is strange that players have wages much more that they do in real life 

for example at inter

icardi is earning 8.21 euros per year
in real life is 4.5  !!
its like double !!

not just him almost 90% of the players with enourmes wages that in real life

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@Su-Hell first of all you will need some reliable sources from which you cite this information. It's worth remembering as well that players wages being available publicly is extremely rare. Often times researchers have to look at the total wage bill which is published in accounts and work back from there trying to use a mix of what is reported and what is likely the case but brings the total wage bill in around where it is in accounts.

Wages are before tax, so keep that in mind too. It's also worth mentioning, that if Icardi was only picking up around £75,000 per week, that would be somewhat precarious a situation considering that is well within the reach of lower half established premier league teams quite comfortably. I'm not saying it would mean he would leave, but, surely it seems like the players agent would be making the point to Inter as well.

That being said, if you've got good information then by all means look to post it in: 



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