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Training Schedules, matching schedules with my playing style

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I have spent a while looking at training for FM19. Seeing what other people are doing and reading guides. If you are like me and want to get your team training to reflect your playing style, it can be quite daunting when you see how many sessions that are available and what to pick that will help your team play how you want it. I decided to break it down and see what the schedules the developers have set up, take different elements from it and create my own. 

Here is my base tactic:


The way i play is mainly based on Controlling Possession. There is an element of Tiki Taka and also Gegenpress. I do encourage my team to play wide as well. So what i am thinking is when i look at the developers schedules for these different styles there will be some crossover between them. 


As you can see between the styles there is a cross over with a lot of them. I counted up how many each session appeared between the 5 pre-set schedules and highlighted the following for a 1 match week and 2 match week.


So the challenge now is to put these into a 1 match schedule and 2 match schedule, alongside some other sessions that appeared a few times in the analysis.


1 Match Schedule


So here i have used Physical, Defending Engaged, Attacking Patient, Transition Press from the analysis. These are the sessions that i think will benefit my style of play the most from the ones highlighted. I am going to go with some other ones that were no highlighted as much, but i think these will help aspects of my system which are Defending Wide, Attacking Wings, and Chance Conversion. To help balance it out, i have also included a Goalkeeping session which my keepers will get individual attention, plus Delivery as i am have devised some good set pieces and i want some attention paid to this as well.

On Fridays, i have dedicated the day to match preparation with shape training and the match preview, plus match review the day after. I have read from a few sources that it help things like team cohesion and tactical familiarity. To ensure that i have balanced the workloads between the defensive units i have drawn up another spreadsheet to show how the sessions are split so each unit has a good amount of focus.


I used the sessions to see the percentage points and scored them from 1-100. As you can see the split between Attack and Defence focus is equal, the goal keepers arent too far behind. I will see how this performs in 3 months time and report how training has gone. I have taken over Crewe in the National League after they got relegated so i have a few unhappy players which is not helping training happiness as morale is low in most of my influential players. 6 games into the season i am top with 5 wins and a draw so things are not too bad right now so hopefully they will will see the light and put on happy faces!!

I am going to look at a 2 match week next with the same rationale, maybe with some changes to reflect the heavier workload.

Please note, this is as yet untested as i have spent a few hours today thinking this through and if anyone wants to test this out feel free. I am by no means an expert and i have tried to use a process of elimination and common sense to the schedules i am creating. Any comments or feedback would be very welcome especially from @cleon or @Rashidi whose guide has helped me understand the new training aspect of the game.

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1 hour ago, rouflaquettes31 said:

Great post!

Very interesting to see how you focus on training schedules.

Thanks, been toying around with the 2 matches in a week schedule and will post about these soon. I have seen the average training rating go up over time. So far so good!

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20 hours ago, Seb Wassell said:

Be wary of using so many Extra slots during the season proper. Although in fairness you have a large number of low-impact sessions, so this may average out fine.

Hi @Seb Wassellthanks for the feedback. I have noticed that we have picked up a few injuries in training so looking where i can take a few out to add rest sessions in. If you have any suggestions they wold be most welcome!

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I think your trying to specialize training in too many directions.  I like to use the general sessions to setup the base schedule rather than using multiple specialized sessions. Then I'll add specialized sessions that fit my tactic or a generic weakness in the team.

I think dedicating Fridays and wed night to temporary bonus is too much.  I'd save those temporary bonus sessions more for big games rather than doing them every week and sacrificing potential player development.  Plus your tactic is very intense so I expect player condition to be low so need to be careful with so many sessions.  Maybe need to tweak the rest of players with low condition. I'd also work on there physical attributes more but they are more intense sessions but spreading actual training out more should allow that.

I think there's too many defensive sessions for an attacking high press system.  I'd probably drop the wide defending.  I also don't think its really set up to be described as a possession system, if using multiple attacking patient/direct/wide sessions I'd question why not just use the general session?  

Then sessions like chance creation and chance conversion I decide based on the players and how the team and tactic plays.  Creating lots of chances but not converting then can add a bit of extra focus on that area on top of the general session.  Got a specific style like actually keeping possession and being patient then I might add the specific attacking patient session or replace the general session with it or add ball retention.

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