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A barrage of tactical questions?

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I just bought the game.

I chose a random brasilian team just so that I toy around with the tactics creator before going for a proper role-playing save.

Most things are easy to understand but I have several questions:

1.- Advanced Forward vs Poacher vs Target Man: To me the three sound like variations of the classical number 9 role that cares little about building from the deep and acts like the spearhead of the team. What exactly are the differences? which one is the most selfish? 

2.- Most roles have the support and attack option but is there a difference between, say, a cm(a) and a cm(s) with (get further forward)?

3.- How important is role familiarity? 

4.- If players have a capped potential does training them with more focused roles like No nonsense CB or poacher mean they will develop with a more imbalanced atributte spread?

5.- what is the difference between a wingback and a fullback? (position, not role)

6.- What is the difference between a Regista and a Roaming playmaker as the deepest midfielder?

7.- Does placing an AP or target man at the wings mean more attacks through that wing?

8.- Do the overlap instructions work with one man wings?

9.- in a three man flat midfield: barring attacking roles will the three midfielrds drop to form a screen in front on my centre-backs or will they stay as high as if there was a deeper player?

10.- Instruction affected by player trait: Between a ppm and a role instruction, which one wins? 

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1. You can always check the role attribute requirements, but the difference between all of these roles is that the poacher is someone like Inzaghi, the advanced forward is someone like Sturridge and the target man is like Lukaku or Mandzukic. The poacher wont't dribble, drop deep or anything fancy, but he will be on the shoulder of the defence waiting to tap in and just be in the right place at the right time. The advanced forward is someone who is very similar to the poacher, but he might be more involved in the build up and he will move into channels, cross, dribble shoot from distance, so a more mobile version of the poacher. Now, the target man is someonet who is physically strong, tall, he's got great jumping and heading ability etc. (I might be mistaken but if you're playing a target man his teammates will want to play the ball to more to him than if it was any other role, but let's wait others on that) 

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Welcome to the forum :).

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

1.- Advanced Forward vs Poacher vs Target Man: To me the three sound like variations of the classical number 9 role that cares little about building from the deep and acts like the spearhead of the team. What exactly are the differences? which one is the most selfish?

That depends more on the player than the role, assuming all 3 have an attack duty.   The Teamwork attribute will help decide how selfish a player is.  An AF will sit as high as possible, trying to push the def line deeper and get in close.  A Poacher sits on the shoulder of defenders to make little darting runs.  A TM is your big strong centre forward, usually a physical presence to get on the end of crosses.  In game descriptions may give you more of an idea.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

2.- Most roles have the support and attack option but is there a difference between, say, a cm(a) and a cm(s) with (get further forward)?

The CM(s) usually starts deeper and may track back better defensively.  He could end up as far forward with that instruction as a CM(a) though.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

3.- How important is role familiarity? 

Not much.  Attributes are king.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

4.- If players have a capped potential does training them with more focused roles like No nonsense CB or poacher mean they will develop with a more imbalanced atributte spread?

All players have a capped potential.  Using a focused training role can help them develop those targeted attributes.  There is nothing to stop you using one role for a few months and switch to a different role if you want to target a different set of attributes.  Role training isn't actually training a role - it's training a set of attributes.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

5.- what is the difference between a wingback and a fullback? (position, not role)

As it appears on the formation screen - players in the WB position start higher up the pitch than players in the FB position.  A WB can still drop as deep as an FB when defending though and an FB can still end up as far forward as a WB.  It's mainly about starting positions.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

6.- What is the difference between a Regista and a Roaming playmaker as the deepest midfielder?

Check the role descriptions and the default player instructions.  In a nutshell, the Regista is the boss behind the midfield, the RPM will look to bring the ball higher up the pitch himself before passing it.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

7.- Does placing an AP or target man at the wings mean more attacks through that wing?

Yup.  Any role labelled as Target Man or Playmaker (including Enganche, Trequartista and Regista) should see players look to pass them more often than other roles (if they can).

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

8.- Do the overlap instructions work with one man wings?

Yes and no.  The idea behind this instruction is to get "wingers" (generic term) to hold up play a little to wait for an overlapping fullback, thus the intention is to use the instruction when you have "wingers".  However technically speaking the instruction also slightly increases the mentality of fullbacks (makes them a bit more prone to get forward) whether you have wingers or not.  So there can still be a use even without wingers.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

9.- in a three man flat midfield: barring attacking roles will the three midfielrds drop to form a screen in front on my centre-backs or will they stay as high as if there was a deeper player?

They will drop but can also depends on other tactical settings such as mentality, line of engagement, pressing and so on.

1 hour ago, Fortiscataphractus said:

10.- Instruction affected by player trait: Between a ppm and a role instruction, which one wins? 

It's not a question of win, it's a question of starting point.  Mentality sets the base level.  Team Instructions adjust that base.  Player instructions adjust that further, and Traits make the final adjustment.  So TIs, PIs and Traits don't simply ignore everything else, they build on what you have previously set.

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hace 14 minutos, herne79 dijo:

Welcome to the forum :).

That depends more on the player than the role, assuming all 3 have an attack duty.   The Teamwork attribute will help decide how selfish a player is.  An AF will sit as high as possible, trying to push the def line deeper and get in close.  A Poacher sits on the shoulder of defenders to make little darting runs.  A TM is your big strong centre forward, usually a physical presence to get on the end of crosses.  In game descriptions may give you more of an idea.

The CM(s) usually starts deeper and may track back better defensively.  He could end up as far forward with that instruction as a CM(a) though.

Not much.  Attributes are king.

All players have a capped potential.  Using a focused training role can help them develop those targeted attributes.  There is nothing to stop you using one role for a few months and switch to a different role if you want to target a different set of attributes.  Role training isn't actually training a role - it's training a set of attributes.

As it appears on the formation screen - players in the WB position start higher up the pitch than players in the FB position.  A WB can still drop as deep as an FB when defending though and an FB can still end up as far forward as a WB.  It's mainly about starting positions.

Check the role descriptions and the default player instructions.  In a nutshell, the Regista is the boss behind the midfield, the RPM will look to bring the ball higher up the pitch himself before passing it.

Yup.  Any role labelled as Target Man or Playmaker (including Enganche, Trequartista and Regista) should see players look to pass them more often than other roles (if they can).

Yes and no.  The idea behind this instruction is to get "wingers" (generic term) to hold up play a little to wait for an overlapping fullback, thus the intention is to use the instruction when you have "wingers".  However technically speaking the instruction also slightly increases the mentality of fullbacks (makes them a bit more prone to get forward) whether you have wingers or not.  So there can still be a use even without wingers.

They will drop but can also depends on other tactical settings such as mentality, line of engagement, pressing and so on.

It's not a question of win, it's a question of starting point.  Mentality sets the base level.  Team Instructions adjust that base.  Player instructions adjust that further, and Traits make the final adjustment.  So TIs, PIs and Traits don't simply ignore everything else, they build on what you have previously set.

Thank you so much for the insight, some of the things here would have taken me months to figure out.

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