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[Suggestion] League Sponsorship / Income


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I think it would be a cool addition if we could have a Sponsorship section on the playable / loaded leagues (similar to the Prize Money section). This could show things like Domestic Broadcasting deal, International Broadcasting deals, General Sponsorships etc.

Your TV deals could go up or down depending on the league rep. Using the Premier League as an example, say if a new broadcast deal kicks in that is worth even more than the current deal then the TV money between the clubs can then go up. Likewise if the deal is not soo lucrative then the TV rights money would go down. This would work well in the Premier League and give it a more realistic detail.

I am not so sure how this could work with a country like Spain perhaps as I know they don't distribute the TV money evenly like the EPL. This concept could also tie into the Prize Money aspect so if the league rep increases, as the sponsorship increases, the prize money should likewise increase.

I also think this could work well with the Champions League and Europa League. It's a little boring and unrealistic that the prize money and tv deals just stay the same throughout the entirety of a save game.


Hopefully this makes sense, happy to clarify more detail if needed!

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