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Tactical Theorems and Frameworks '09

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wwfan, could you or one of the boys give a blow by blow match report or 2 as examples showing the "decisions" you make in game and the effects as a guide?. I appreciate the importance of decision making but some of my best results have come from holding my nerve and sticking with the pre match plan, though sometimes the wheels come off early and I cannot seem to turn it around. I think such would share your experience - experience being something we cannot usually gain without some pain!

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It will probably require a little experimentation. I'd be tempted to go with your latter suggestion, but I'd also try 16, 14, 15 or even 16, 13, 14.

Thanks for your reply wwfan. I'll play around a little bit. Somehow I have the feeling that I might be better off moving Owen behind the FC and having the FC playing a playmaking role

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can i just say i have played the cm / fm series since 1996 since i was 11 and have always picked it up and played it and had success since the game has developed my pick up and play style has left my managerial skills in question as i dont usualy give tactics the most attention ( i know big flaw ) but this one came out and i was finding it impossible to get going but i resisted editing the game in my favour and carried on. my first season with newcastle i got sacked as i got em relagated then took over cardiff and then 2 sesons of mid table medeocrety ( i cant spell ) i took time to read this thread and go back to basics i have always had a team capable of acheving promotion with players such s ledley and skacel randsford osei etc but couldnt get going untill now . i stripped all my training and tactics and took the advice given and its amazing the difference. i now am in the prem and in europe as i won the leage cup against a weakened aresnal side ( another nice touch this year ) and have a great side but most off all my tactics are set out in a way that covers all types of scenarios and am having a great start to my prem season. quite simply u guys are brilliant and i thank you for giving this game an entierly new dimension for me . and never again will i neglect the finer points of tactics again

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First of all, I would like to say thanks to wwfan and Millie for all the effort and time you have put into this guide. But I would like to ask the two of you about the results you have had using these theories. I don't mean to be offensive or anything, but theories must be backed up with results. I would like to know what results the creators of these sets have achieved in terms of: top, average and poor clubs. Thanks.

You have to appreciate that much of the time we were writing TT&F we were reporting bugs in the Beta test, so weren't fully focused on winning games. However, I did play three half season test games to test out TT&F rather than look for bugs. I believe Millie did the same.


1st: P 12 W 12 D 0 L 0 F 32 A 3 GD +29 Pts 30

CL Group

2nd: P 6 W 4 D 1 L 1 F 13 A 9 GD +4 Pts 13

This table is slightly out of whack in that I played my 2nd 11 against Real Madrid having already qualified and lost 6-3. I drew 0-0 with my first 11.


1st: P 19 W 8 D 9 L 2 F 30 A 19 GD +11 Pts 33

I also won the Scottish Challenge Cup


4th: P 17 W 7 D 4 L 5 F 23 A 21 GD +2 Pts 25

Defensively this is sound, teams hardly creating chances im dominating possession but in the attacking third im coming up stuck not creating as many chances as i ought to be or would like. Having looked at the match stats after the games i've noticed my crossing percentage to be really low although i play wide, quick football.
How low is low?
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Firstly, it looks to me as if your team is overly stretched, which might be isolating the forwards from general play especially in an aggressive tactic. As the DC and DMC are 5-6 notches from the support players, they will not be providing the possession base that they should be and play into the midfield will often be hurried and scuffed. I would increase their mentality so it is the same as the GK. That should see you recycling the ball more efficiently which should lead to better build up play.

Actually according to my ass man i have a gap between my defense and my midfield, which i actually dont understand because i have the DM quite back. Nothing about my attack line. Before reading this thread i always played quite different with the mentalies, specially the defensive players. I used to have my GK in 1, and my DF in 2 or 3. So, i always had a gap of more or less 15 with my FCa. And i always did great, i played with 8 teams last year and my worst year was when i finished 4th with torino in my first year. So i actually dont know where i stand in this, because this is the first year that the game itself tells me that is wrong :p When i did this tactic i had the defenders 3 or 4 notches up but they werent performing well, so i changed it a bit so it looked more like what i normally use. But then again, there is no reason why not test what you say. Now my players are blending well together so its going to probably work best now. Also, another reason i had the mentality quite low was because my two center backs are lousy passing the ball, and the opposing players are closer to mine when they have more mentality, making them more prone to a mistake.

Secondly, I'd look to give the FBs more responsibility and turn them into pure support players. They are both wing backs so should be encouraged to get involved a little more. The DL is going to be especially useful and would benefit from very attacking settings. I'd use the Attack wing back settings for him but add long shots Mixed. The DR seems about right as he is a bit weaker. However, he might benefit from crossing the ball to the far post and often if/when you push the DL further forward.

I thought of this too, Mareque(the DL) is very good for my league, also i asked him to learn to run with the ball down the left, so i wanted to give him a more offensive role, but at the same time i didnt wanted to have a problem with the wingers in my left, as my ML is crappy at defense so he wont help mareque when he is up. The DR is weak but over performs a lot taking into account his stats. But yes, i like your thoughts on this so im going to implement them for my next easy game( right now im having a row of matches against my rivals to the title hehe)

For the midfielders, I'd firstly drop them all one notch, just to bring them in line with Role Theory. Probably won't do much but you never know. As the left side is supported by a strong DL, I'd leave the ML much as he is, although I wouldn't restrict his long shots so much. The MR looks perfect for a free role. I would also make them both cross to whichever side of the goal Nunez is playing as he is solid in the air. Alternatively, if they cross to centre you should see a fair few balls being pulled back for the AMC.

About the mentality of the mid, for me its the same than the DF, i always used them in an attacking mentality, so i didnt want to give them a normal one, even though my calculations told me i should hehe But i will try your way. The reason y restrict the DL and ML long shots is because i hate when all my players hit it from outside, and normally thats what happen. In rarely they also hit from outside, but just when they are open. For now its staying like this, taking into account that when im playing against very pack defenses i change this to mixed or often, depending. I like your idea of free role for my MR !!

The AMC is a perfect free role player, so those settings are fine. However, you might not be getting the best out of him with the FWR and crossing settings. It depends whether you want him to be drifting behind the front two or moving into the box. I suspect the former but you have him set up as the latter. I'd knock FWRs down to mixed, crossing up to mixed (as he will drift he might pop up on the wings and you'll want him to cross) and perhaps cross ball from byline to encourage him to run at defenders.

Actually i want him going into the box, call me stupid, but thats the way he actually plays in real life( his real position is second striker). Also he has the PM runs with the ball through the middle and gets forward whenever possible (this one because i asked him to) So i think he ll do better going up as much as possible, also he performs quite well when he enters the box. What im going to do of your suggestions is to change his cross ball to byline.

I can see why the FCd is problematic. He isn't a great player. What he does have is pace. I'd be using him as a very simple link man who can then use his pace to keep up with play when the ball goes past him (if his work rate allows it). Low CF, no FWRs, mixed RWB (perhaps often if his dribbling improves further), mixed or even rare TBs (it might be better for him just to lay the ball off to the winger or AMC, in which case rare), no long shots, cross from mixed or byline (depending on how you set his RWB). As you are trying to make him play deeper, perhaps even knock his mentality down a notch or two and reduce his closing down by 4-5 notches. I'd also drop his passing by 5 notches or so. Simplify his game and he should play better.

Hehe, as i was reading this i was playing my last game of the season against my most firce rival... guess how scored my 4 goals?? yep, my FCd. But i do you give you this, he is crappy comparing him to the rest of the team. Im going to try your way in everything about this one :)

The FCa is a good player but can be made better. Firstly, I'd knock his FWRs down to mixed to make him more involved with play. Secondly, I'd make better use of his skills by telling him to RWB Often, Cross Ball Mixed from Byline, Long Shots Often, Hold Up Ball (he is strong and has good technique). As he is solid in the air every cross needs to be aimed at him as well (near post or far post depending on which side of the pitch he plays and the crosses are coming from). As he is playing well and we are trying to make the FCd the easy pass option, I'd keep his free role.

Ok, swaping the fw runs and run with ball. Im going to put his long shots in often for the first time in at least 4 years... you dont know how much time i had to think about this one, yes, i know, its not the hardest thing in the world but its far away from my normal methods. Also giving him the hold up ball, but this will be under close review as i like my players not stopping the ball too much when on the offensive.

In terms of team settings, I'd be playing reasonably wide, fairly rapid tempo and a high normal d-line, which I wouldn't be afraid to push up if you were struggling for possession. I'd be interested to hear the results of this :)

Sorry i forgot to tell you about my team settings. right now i have them like this: tempo 15, wide 16, closing down 16, time wasting 5, defensive line 15, and focus passing in both flanks (in some matches this can go to just left)

Im starting the postseason right now, so i will play a few games and report back :)

Just decline an offer from liverpool for the AMC of $20.500.000!! and thats Euros!!

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Another thing that i forgot... What do you think about my younger strikers? im really thinking of playing them a little this season, but actually i dont know which one hehe, i think mazzola is more suited to play as a FCa and churin like a FCd(he could also play as a FCa) leaving Gandin as my 5th striker and selling higuain. What do you think about this?

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You have to appreciate that much of the time we were writing TT&F we were reporting bugs in the Beta test, so weren't fully focused on winning games. However, I did play three half season test games to test out TT&F rather than look for bugs. I believe Millie did the same.


1st: P 12 W 12 D 0 L 0 F 32 A 3 GD +29 Pts 30

CL Group

2nd: P 6 W 4 D 1 L 1 F 13 A 9 GD +4 Pts 13

This table is slightly out of whack in that I played my 2nd 11 against Real Madrid having already qualified and lost 6-3. I drew 0-0 with my first 11.


1st: P 19 W 8 D 9 L 2 F 30 A 19 GD +11 Pts 33

I also won the Scottish Challenge Cup


4th: P 17 W 7 D 4 L 5 F 23 A 21 GD +2 Pts 25

How low is low?

Thanks for the reply, of course I appreciate your work in terms of 'bug-searching'. Despite not having much success myself, I will continue to use your methods in the hope that my results might turn around! A 6-3 loss isn't bad with a 2nd string against Real Madrid! Once again, great thread! :thup:

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Good idea. But wont my play then be stopped quickly (in the long run) by the opposition? Wont it be easy to "read" my play?

Anyway, you wrote "PPM", what is that?

If you have Walcott or Agbonlahor on the left, 19/19 on acc/pace, then you won't be stopped quickly if your winger is good at the dribbling and decision attributes

PPM = personal preferred move - for example, Places Shots, Hits Free Kick with power, Runs with ball through centre, etc..

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Well its abit too early to say, but I think iv'e finally got a tactic that works well :).

Playing as Man City and now on a 23-match unbeaten run :D. 12 of which were league games and ive won 10 of them and drawn 2.

My formation looks like this -






Basically, I have Robinho on Poacher settings so he's always running with the ball looking to shoot (this is deadly) and Elano as an advanced playmaker.

I have used Role Theory and given Robinho & Elano creative mentalities of 15, SWP & Petrov 10 and all other players simply 3.

The main thing which makes this tactic work however is that I have all three central midfielders closing down to 20 (all other players 12). This means they fight for everything in the middle - and generally get everything too!

Another thing that makes it stand out is its very high tempo and counter attacking play. All players pass direct (starting very high direct at the back and moving down a notch for players further up the pitch).

I watched last night as my team fought for everything and as soon as they won the ball, pinged it up-top and countered very effectively ;).

Will be trying it out more and adjusting it slightly (as the opposition are getting a few changes too many) and then if I can learn how to upload it, will get it on here.

Couldn't be happier with it at the moment though.

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Hi again!

I'm playing with A.C.Milan with a 4231 tactic. It works quite good, as I top the league with 9 points in front, Ronaldinho is the best goal scorer, and my defence is the best in the league. My only problem is that my Striker doesn't play well. I rotate Pato and Boriello, but none of them seem to be efficient. I have tried different settings but none worked. Any suggestions?

I would be glad if one of you "master" tacticians would give me some advice.


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wwfan, could you or one of the boys give a blow by blow match report or 2 as examples showing the "decisions" you make in game and the effects as a guide?. I appreciate the importance of decision making but some of my best results have come from holding my nerve and sticking with the pre match plan, though sometimes the wheels come off early and I cannot seem to turn it around. I think such would share your experience - experience being something we cannot usually gain without some pain!

I'd love to see something like this too. I think I've got the hang of making (reasonable) tactics, but I'm never quite sure how to change things mid game.

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First of all, thanks for a very well written document on tactics wwfan and millie, it is a great inspiration for us tactics nerds!

I'm using Role theory as Arsenal and am performing very well without being super-dominant in games. I am much more solid at the back than I expected, the opposition is restricted to long shots most of the time even though I'm using a pushed up D-Line most of the time. I rarely go defensive, instead choosing a "control" or "standard" tactic when protecting a lead.

I have some issues though. Fabregas isn't spraying passes all over the pitch like I want him to. I have him in a MCa role with second notch of direct passing, TTB often, everything else on mixed, High CF, CD dead centre (-ish depending on framework) and a supporting mentality (15 in my attacking framework). I tried playing him with a Free role (with medium CF) and Hold up ball ticked, but he dwells too much on the ball with those instructions so I tried removing HUB. Instead he ran around the pitch like a headless chicken and got exahausted (condition just over 70) by the 70th minute, so I had to sub him in every game.

My question is this: What are the best instructions for a deep-lying playmaker in a 4-4-2 that enables him to spray passes and find space, without dropping too much in condition over the 90 minutes? Is it linked with tempo? With width? I have him on medium CD. Would it be better to have him play in a MCd role with more attacking instructions?

The second question concerns van Persie. I play him as a FCd (supporting mentality) with high CF, Free role, FWD runs rarely, TTB often, everything else on mixed. Yet he fails to perform game after game. He is supposed to thrive in a free role, but he just doesn't. Should I lower his CF? Should I set his FWD runs to mixed?

If you have the time I would really appreciate just a few pointers.


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First of all, thanks for a very well written document on tactics wwfan and millie, it is a great inspiration for us tactics nerds!

My question is this: What are the best instructions for a deep-lying playmaker in a 4-4-2 that enables him to spray passes and find space, without dropping too much in condition over the 90 minutes? Is it linked with tempo? With width? I have him on medium CD. Would it be better to have him play in a MCd role with more attacking instructions?

The second question concerns van Persie. I play him as a FCd (supporting mentality) with high CF, Free role, FWD runs rarely, TTB often, everything else on mixed. Yet he fails to perform game after game. He is supposed to thrive in a free role, but he just doesn't. Should I lower his CF? Should I set his FWD runs to mixed?

If you have the time I would really appreciate just a few pointers.


I use Riquelme as my playmaker alongside Palombo and he does really well. I have him set with FWR mixed, high CF, No free role, Mentality just above normal, CD = mentality. Not sure if that will help you.

Have the exact same problem as your Van Persie issue with Rooney though. I thought he'd excel in a free role but apparently not. Any advice anyone can give on this would be much appreciated.

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I've lowered CF significantly for all my offensive players, especially for those with a free role (when attacking: van Persie, Nasri and sometimes Walcott although he doesn't do so well in a free role) and am finding that they are performing better this way in general. I remember on FM08 that someone, could've been Cleon, advocated a much more conservative approach to CF and limit higher CF to one or two exceptional players. TT & F argues something different it seems.

Now my full backs and MCd are on lowest normal CF, Walcott, Nasri and Adebayor on mid-normal CF, van Persie on just above above mid-normal and lastly Fabregas on high. I'll continue with this approach and see if I perform better or not.

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ManCity - how are you getting on with your tactics?

Im playing a similar 4-3-2-1 but without wingers and its has been excellent thus far. Ronaldo up top is an absolute menace.

Look at my post on this thread this morning mate about my new tactic. Currently on a 23-game unbeaten run.

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Well I'm going to ask for a little help here. I am using Rule of One with Fulham and I can't score and I concede too much. I started out with a 4-4-2 and now I am trying a 4-5-1. I was using the tactics included in this and tweaking them to RoO. I was just wondering if anyone had any general suggestions for Fulham. I really want to get this on my own but it's getting a little frustrating.



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Well I'm going to ask for a little help here. I am using Rule of One with Fulham and I can't score and I concede too much. I started out with a 4-4-2 and now I am trying a 4-5-1. I was using the tactics included in this and tweaking them to RoO. I was just wondering if anyone had any general suggestions for Fulham. I really want to get this on my own but it's getting a little frustrating.



Try using a ready-made from the download at the start of this thread and tweak it slightly.

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I guess I was hoping for a little bit more information than that.

Only advice i would give with a team like Fulham is keep it simple. Dont overload with too many individual instructions. Suggestions others seem to make fairly often with weaker teams is to play a narrower, slightly more defensive game, perhaps hitting on the break or from a good set piece play.

I think its going to take a lot longer in this version to get teams playing sexy football, especially the smaller ones so it may have to be win ugly im afraid. Good luck,

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Well i must say...i duno about this.It is great work from you guys don't get me wrong.I just starting to doubt that match engine consider this theory somehow.In real football world this will work...in this game...i duno.I set Defensive,Standard and Attacking strategies for my Manchester City.I played some basic strategy till January...i was on 6th place and have relatively good run.After i started to use this tactics which i put together considering this Tactical theorems...i loosing badly,i have like 3/6 shots in whole game when oposition riping me appart with over 15 shots allways.It is not working for me:(

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Thank you gentlemen first of all!

I've been reading the guide and implementing the instructions as I go. All was going well then I must have misunderstood the detail but the Match Strategies section seemed to contradict the previous material. For example, I had noted that under the "Effective Strike Partnerships" section, the FCd should have a mentality of x + 1 for an attacking team strategy, which in my Arsene Wenger mentality system is a mentality of 9.

It then subsequently says under "Match Strategies" that for Attacking systems it is assumed that all Attacking/Support players should be on attacking mentalities which contradicts the x + 1 rule.

Should I be using either the Manager mentality system OR the Match Strategies section or attempt to incorporate both?

I'm certainly not a critic and I hope this post doesn't appear critical, I would just appreciate some clarification.


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I'm not sure I would follow that advice. I would never set my FCd to just one notch above the DCs.

I interpreted the guide as follows: The FCd should be set to a supporting role, and supporting role players pretty much always remain three notches above the most defensive player, that is, x + 3, not 1. The most attacking players in the third strata are almost always at x + 6. Furthermore, in a attacking framework the three stratas are more than likely set to 12 (DCs), 15 and 18, which gives all support and attacking players an attacking mentality but keeps the DCs on normal.

Hope that helps!

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hello sirs

Im playing with Leeds in the championship. And I have some big troubles.

- My mentality settings: cb 8,fb 10, mcd 10, mca 11, w 11, fcd 11, fca 13.

-My closing down is. cb 8, fb 10, mcd 12, mca 13, w 13, fcd 12, fca 10.

-D-line:9 Width: first notch of normal

-passing:mixed-direct, cb and mcd short passing

-cf: none for my defense, 9 for w and mca, fcd 9, fca none (free role)

-man marking for my whole team and tight for cb


I have rather good possesion in my matches but still the opponent get much shots outside the box, and the easy get around my fbs on the flanks. Another problem is my cb the are often caught out of position and the opponent get a free run right through my defense.

I have tried fixing with my closing down for my midfield players but it results in that they get exausted.

Im out of ideas! Please help

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My tactic is now complete :D

I do not know how to upload files, so I will explain (its easy to understand). I played a further 9 games last night and won 8, drew one. The draw was against Arsenal (who are immense in this games :eek:) and teams I beat included Chelsea & Rags.






The central three players are on the half-way line, not in the DM or AM position.

Team settings - Tempo is first notch of 'quick', time wasting is 0, closing down is 12, I have 'counter attack' ticked and 'use playmaker' (Elano). Everything else is on the standard setting.

For individual player settings, basically is you have a quick flick throug the TT&F and set the players -

Dunne & Richards - As per DC, but with passing of notch 17.

Bale & Richards - As per WB settings (support role settings) with passing on notch 16.

Diarra & Zabaleta - Set as box to box midfielders, with passing on notch 15 and closing down on notch 20 BUT with rare long shots.

Elano - Set as advanced playmaker role, with passing on notch 15 and closing down to 20. also has freerole ticked.

Petrov & SWP - Set as winger instructions (for attacking roles NOT supporting) and passing on notch 14.

Robinho - Set with poacher settings and a freerole.

Goalkeeper - Standard settings but set for longkick to one of the wingers.

Everything else set as standard, just make sure when you look at the settings for players in the TT&F, you use the correct instructions for defending/ supporting/ attacking roles. I have 2 defending roles, 5 supporting roles & 3 attacking roles.

If anyone wants to try this and let me know how its been for them I would appreciate it. It has been perfect so far and I fully expect it to work for everyone :).

PS - For OI, I simply show the strikers onto their weaker foot. I also never need to make in-game changes or lower anything for away games.

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My tactic is now complete :D

I do not know how to upload files, so I will explain (its easy to understand). I played a further 9 games last night and won 8, drew one. The draw was against Arsenal (who are immense in this games :eek:) and teams I beat included Chelsea & Rags.






The central three players are on the half-way line, not in the DM or AM position.

Team settings - Tempo is first notch of 'quick', time wasting is 0, closing down is 12, I have 'counter attack' ticked and 'use playmaker' (Elano). Everything else is on the standard setting.

For individual player settings, basically is you have a quick flick throug the TT&F and set the players -

Dunne & Richards - As per DC, but with passing of notch 17.

Bale & Richards - As per WB settings (support role settings) with passing on notch 16.

Diarra & Zabaleta - Set as box to box midfielders, with passing on notch 15 and closing down on notch 20 BUT with rare long shots.

Elano - Set as advanced playmaker role, with passing on notch 15 and closing down to 20. also has freerole ticked.

Petrov & SWP - Set as winger instructions (for attacking roles NOT supporting) and passing on notch 14.

Robinho - Set with poacher settings and a freerole.

Goalkeeper - Standard settings but set for longkick to one of the wingers.

Everything else set as standard, just make sure when you look at the settings for players in the TT&F, you use the correct instructions for defending/ supporting/ attacking roles. I have 2 defending roles, 5 supporting roles & 3 attacking roles.

If anyone wants to try this and let me know how its been for them I would appreciate it. It has been perfect so far and I fully expect it to work for everyone :).

PS - For OI, I simply show the strikers onto their weaker foot. I also never need to make in-game changes or lower anything for away games.

City, if you upload this i'll give it a go. I was impressed with your last effort, except the playmaker tired a little too quickly, and the fullbacks didnt offer much support going forwards.

Has anyone found an effective way of dealing with Opposition wingers by the way? Desnt seem to matter what type of CD/CF or marking i give my FB's the opposition always makes monkeys out of em!!

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City, if you upload this i'll give it a go. I was impressed with your last effort, except the playmaker tired a little too quickly, and the fullbacks didnt offer much support going forwards.

Has anyone found an effective way of dealing with Opposition wingers by the way? Desnt seem to matter what type of CD/CF or marking i give my FB's the opposition always makes monkeys out of em!!

Hi mate,

I set-up a thread for my new tactic and im gonna e-mail Hammer1000 tonight and he will upload the tactic.

You may find your question answered with this tactic too mate as I haven't had any problems with opposition wingers so far.

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I've seen that these tactics aren't really the best for lower leagues from an earlier post, are there any slightly more detailed tips with regards adjustments to make them more successful in the lower league?

Particularly with regards strikers, my BSS side score so few.

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First id like to thank everyone that worked on it for the guide, it was extremely useful. I am however having problems getting my wingers involved in my games. Every position has between 20-60 passes in a game, and my wingers will only have 5-10 passes max. Ive tried both a 5x5 and The nike defence strats.

My defence is unbelievable only conceeding 7 goals in 13 games, my problem is i dont want to be the wasting the talents of Di Maria and Tuncay on the wings.

Anyone know what i could be doing wrong? playing a 442 formation, have def/att and std varieties that i use all with the same problem.

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First id like to thank everyone that worked on it for the guide, it was extremely useful. I am however having problems getting my wingers involved in my games. Every position has between 20-60 passes in a game, and my wingers will only have 5-10 passes max. Ive tried both a 5x5 and The nike defence strats.

My defence is unbelievable only conceeding 7 goals in 13 games, my problem is i dont want to be the wasting the talents of Di Maria and Tuncay on the wings.

Anyone know what i could be doing wrong? playing a 442 formation, have def/att and std varieties that i use all with the same problem.

One idea, do u have them set as Forward Runs Often by any chance? I find mixed works better as they often get ahead of play too quickly and less involved in the game. Run with Ball often is fine, forward runs = mixed.

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One idea, do u have them set as Forward Runs Often by any chance? I find mixed works better as they often get ahead of play too quickly and less involved in the game. Run with Ball often is fine, forward runs = mixed.

I'll second this. My wide men perform much better on FWR mixed.

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A stunning read. 3-ish hours running threw it and running over the important parts time and time again.

Curious but have you ever considered writing as a proffesion as you have a natural talent there.

Now i shall go and get me another drink and spend the rest of the evening fiddling with tactics.

Thank you, much love, Farewell.

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Ok, I've just won the Dutch League using these methods, with 4 games still to go. It is great defensively, but sometimes I struggle when half-decent teams are defending leads against me.

For example, Olympiakos somehow got a 1-1 draw when I was home in the UEFA cup (the goal was offside - "did that goal look a bit dubious" - and we battered them). In the away leg, again we battered them, creating 4 clear cut chances before half-time. In the second half, they got a man sent off (53rd min), and we could only manage one shot (a long ranger) for the rest of the game. Any advice for breaking down half-decent teams who park a bus in front of their goal? The second leg was 0-0 btw, so I lost on away goals!! :(

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I have a dumb question... How do you count on the bars? Do you start from 0 on the left and go up to 19 to the right whilst the middle being 10? Or do you start from 1 and go up to 20?

Which one is it?

a) |0|---------|10|---------|19|

b) |1|---------|11|---------|20|

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Ok, I've just won the Dutch League using these methods, with 4 games still to go. It is great defensively, but sometimes I struggle when half-decent teams are defending leads against me.

For example, Olympiakos somehow got a 1-1 draw when I was home in the UEFA cup (the goal was offside - "did that goal look a bit dubious" - and we battered them). In the away leg, again we battered them, creating 4 clear cut chances before half-time. In the second half, they got a man sent off (53rd min), and we could only manage one shot (a long ranger) for the rest of the game. Any advice for breaking down half-decent teams who park a bus in front of their goal? The second leg was 0-0 btw, so I lost on away goals!! :(

I can answer this question.

If a side parks the bus it is important to do a couple of things to improve your chances. First and foremost, you must have an aggressive control type formation to call upon, this must use heavy amounts of closing down, forward runs, you should also push your defensive line up as to deny them space to simply recycle the ball around their defence.

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I can answer this question.

If a side parks the bus it is important to do a couple of things to improve your chances. First and foremost, you must have an aggressive control type formation to call upon, this must use heavy amounts of closing down, forward runs, you should also push your defensive line up as to deny them space to simply recycle the ball around their defence.

I have heard that it is a good thing to let them open up - being less agressive and less closing down... :-?

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Has anyone managed to score more than 2.0 in average per league match? I, including many others, have this goal scoring problem. I am very interested to hear how many have succes with attacking tactics. So far I have only read/heard about great tactics that dont score 2.0 per match!

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