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Tactical Theorems and Frameworks '09

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Quick question about the set pieces, and forgive me if this has been answered. Do you guys still use the set piece principles posted on FM:B a couple of years ago?

Aye. I avoid 'ME breaking' set pieces like the plague :)

question for WWFAN, when can we expect to see the tactic generator?

It's not my project, but there are two different versions being developed by different sources.

I'm currently doing Gundo's challenge so am playing with fairly untalented players! What would you recommend to get the best out of them? ie which mentality framework, which tactic to use most often out of standard, attack etc

My preference is RoO at lower levels, BoT at intermediate and Role Theory at the higher end, but they are my frameworks, so I'm biased.

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Calling wwfan and Cleon, or anyone else who would care to help...

I recently started a game with Aston Villa. I am using a global theory for mentality, creative freedom, closing down and passing:

Mentality: 15

Creative freedom: 5

Closing down: whole pitch

Passing: mixed

Tempo: quick

Width: wide

I have been enjoying good success in the oppositions half, creating plenty of chances and scoring some attractive goals.

However, one thing that has seen me almost stick my lap to out the window and jump out straight after it is my inability to keep clean sheets and my all round general abysmal defending. Carlos Cuellar and Martin Laursen, you would like to think, would form a pretty formidable centre back pairing - they don't. The one thing that they lack is pace. I think they both have 12 / 13 for pace and acceleration, and I think this is the Achilles heel of my team. My full backs are also around the 12/13 marks for pace and acceleration.

Could you please make some suggestions as to how i can stop my defence leaking so many goals? I have tried my defensive line deep, to stop balls over the top, and teams just see that as a white flag and give me a battering. I have tried my defensive line at normal (10) and balls get knocked over the top and i get exposed for pace. I have tried playing my defensive line at 15 and again i get exposed for pace.

Have you got any tips please for quality defenders - Laursen, Cuellar and Davies - who are not blessed with pace.

Help me enjoy FM 2009.

Thanx in advance

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I have a question. I am developing my tactics based on the Rule of One theory. I am taking the mentality values based on those numbers. If I develop an attacking or defensive tactic, are the mentality values the same?

Generally, regardless of the theory you're using, you will shift all the mentalities up or down for attacking and defensive versions while keeping the gaps between mentalities the same. A good amount would be +/- 3-4 notches.

So, for example, a RoO might look like this:

Position  Defence   Balanced   Attack
 GK         3          7         11
 DC         4          8         12
 MCD        5          9         13
 DRL        6          10        14
 MRL        7          11        15
 MCA        8          12        16
 ST         9          13        17

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Just wondering who was the creator of the Quieroz tactic that comes with the pack guys?

Millie and I made all the accompanying tactics. As far as I recall, the Queiroz one was mine, but they were all from the same template, so it could well have been Millie's.

@ Peterlav1980: One of the weaknesses of global mentality is its propensity for being squeezed and caught out by direct passing. It compensates by being good going forward. The split mentality systems will help defensively, but you might lose your cutting edge.

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Millie and I made all the accompanying tactics. As far as I recall, the Queiroz one was mine, but they were all from the same template, so it could well have been Millie's.

@ Peterlav1980: One of the weaknesses of global mentality is its propensity for being squeezed and caught out by direct passing. It compensates by being good going forward. The split mentality systems will help defensively, but you might lose your cutting edge.

How do you feel the 2-6-2 mentality fairs? I've not tried it properly but I'm testing it with a couple of tactics I've made.

What mentality do you prefer to use?

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Millie and I made all the accompanying tactics. As far as I recall, the Queiroz one was mine, but they were all from the same template, so it could well have been Millie's.

@ Peterlav1980: One of the weaknesses of global mentality is its propensity for being squeezed and caught out by direct passing. It compensates by being good going forward. The split mentality systems will help defensively, but you might lose your cutting edge.

thanks pal. i thought you were die-hard global. can you enlighten me little bit on split mentalities?

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I'm a bit confused in the Passing Options section.

It says:

"check on the position setup of the players around the passer.

(mentality and forward runs)"

What does that mean?

At a very simple level - if you have a player on short passes and low mentality (eg a MCd), but you have the MCa, the nearest winger to him, and both strikers on high mentality, and lots of forward runs, then they will all be a long way away from the MCd when he gets the ball, so with no one close, he has no passing options, and is likely to either have only a choice to pass back to your DC's, or to hoof it aimlessly up field when he gets pressured by the opposition.

It works the other way with long passing - you need someone offering each player that option for him to have targets available.

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At a very simple level - if you have a player on short passes and low mentality (eg a MCd), but you have the MCa, the nearest winger to him, and both strikers on high mentality, and lots of forward runs, then they will all be a long way away from the MCd when he gets the ball, so with no one close, he has no passing options, and is likely to either have only a choice to pass back to your DC's, or to hoof it aimlessly up field when he gets pressured by the opposition.

It works the other way with long passing - you need someone offering each player that option for him to have targets available.

Fair enough, that's pretty impressive by the game if that is actually reflected.

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Here's the 3 templates for Rule of One theory. Intellectual property of both wwfan and millie (hope it's ok if I can put them up guys).







Hope that's ok.

Ok, I am working on tactics based on the Rule of One theory, my formation though is at standard 4132. I have my defensive line + my dmc. Then I have my 2 wingers and 1 attacking midfielder, then my 2 forwards.

Now my issue is, Team Instructions. For example, Mentality? Do I leave that as normal, because I am going to be issuing individual player instructions.

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Ok, I am working on tactics based on the Rule of One theory, my formation though is at standard 4132. I have my defensive line + my dmc. Then I have my 2 wingers and 1 attacking midfielder, then my 2 forwards.

Now my issue is, Team Instructions. For example, Mentality? Do I leave that as normal, because I am going to be issuing individual player instructions.

Individual instructions overwrite team ones - so if every player has an individual instruction for something, then just leave the team one in the middle, cos it doesn't matter at all!!

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Here's the 3 templates for Rule of One theory. Intellectual property of both wwfan and millie (hope it's ok if I can put them up guys).







Hope that's ok.

Individual instructions overwrite team ones - so if every player has an individual instruction for something, then just leave the team one in the middle, cos it doesn't matter at all!!

Ok, that sounds fair enough.

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Individual instructions overwrite team ones - so if every player has an individual instruction for something, then just leave the team one in the middle, cos it doesn't matter at all!!

Mentality. Individual instructions overide team instructions. This seems to be unanimously agreed upon. I seem to remember that the defensive line should be lined up with the team mentality. In order to ascertain where the team mentality is set, the procedure is thus. Using RoO, standard. GK mentality is 7, DC is 8, FB is 9, MCd is 10, MCa is 12, ML/R is 11, FCd is 11 and FCa is 15. These are added together [83]. They are then divided by the number of positions, [8]. This will give a team mentality of 10/11. This in turn gives the defensive line as 10/11, and therefore, the closing down as the same. Team mentality, closing down and defensive line should be linked together. Have I got it right, or more probably, wrong?

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Millie and I made all the accompanying tactics. As far as I recall, the Queiroz one was mine, but they were all from the same template, so it could well have been Millie's.

wwfan, just wondering if you are going to making an "up-dated" version of this tactic or if you already have. I've been using this tactic with United, who obviously this tactic was more or less created for, but i'm struggling to get performances from my key players, ie Berbatov, Ronaldo and Rooney. Can you suggest any individual changes to their settings or any thing else. Besides from them not really performing everything else is working quite well. Defense is quite sturdy and my midfield are producing good performances

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Mentality. Individual instructions overide team instructions. This seems to be unanimously agreed upon. I seem to remember that the defensive line should be lined up with the team mentality. In order to ascertain where the team mentality is set, the procedure is thus. Using RoO, standard. GK mentality is 7, DC is 8, FB is 9, MCd is 10, MCa is 12, ML/R is 11, FCd is 11 and FCa is 15. These are added together [83]. They are then divided by the number of positions, [8]. This will give a team mentality of 10/11. This in turn gives the defensive line as 10/11, and therefore, the closing down as the same. Team mentality, closing down and defensive line should be linked together. Have I got it right, or more probably, wrong?

In TT+F it says that D-Line should be similar to the mentality of the non-floating support role players - which in a 442 are usually the MCa and the FCd - so DL at 11/12 is about right.

CLosing down - there is a formula for that in TT+F as well - and is for individual players based on their mentality and their position - defenders close down less than forwards.

But don't forget that wwfan and millie have also said that TT+F is only a guide - it is NOT the only way to do things - so if you find that slightly different settings work - then stick with them! :)

@Nick - you might want to add PASSING to that list ;) As well as Off the Ball and Decisions

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RobinGoodey, Thanks for the information. I sorted out the closing down but was not sure of about the non floating support players. I'm still not sure exactly what the term means. Are all support players classed as non floating? Hellfire, if I was a bit more intelligent, I'd be thick! Kind regards.

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RobinGoodey, Thanks for the information. I sorted out the closing down but was not sure of about the non floating support players. I'm still not sure exactly what the term means. Are all support players classed as non floating? Hellfire, if I was a bit more intelligent, I'd be thick! Kind regards.

The setup of your players' roles is as follows:

3 def, 2 support, 3 attack, plus 2 "floating" players

The floating players are def in a def version of the tactic, are support in a standard version, and att in the attacknig version. These are (in a 442) normally your DR/DL.

So the other two support players - who are support players in ALL the tactics, are the ones I was referring to as "non floating" support players.

Hope this helps

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The setup of your players' roles is as follows:

3 def, 2 support, 3 attack, plus 2 "floating" players

The floating players are def in a def version of the tactic, are support in a standard version, and att in the attacknig version. These are (in a 442) normally your DR/DL.

So the other two support players - who are support players in ALL the tactics, are the ones I was referring to as "non floating" support players.

Hope this helps

So, in all three tactics the non floating support players are always the MCa and the FCd in a 4-4-2 formation? Please say "By George, I think he's got it!" Kind regards.

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Hi, I always try to make a lower-league team a success...i think that is more fun than having a big team and just win matches with eyes closed...but in some way I can't manage to stay away from relegation...I tried several tactics and the problem seems that I can't score a lot of goals and if I score one than the opponent score immediately back...

and can anyone help me with the fact that I have problems with harmony in my team...because of an unknown reason to me I always get this when my team plays bad...it's quite logical but how can I get rid of this.

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So, in all three tactics the non floating support players are always the MCa and the FCd in a 4-4-2 formation? Please say "By George, I think he's got it!" Kind regards.

By George, I think he's got it! :p

I should just add that that is TT+F's standard thoughts - just cos they say that these two players are set always as support, doesn't mean that you can't design a tactic where other players carry out that role

eg You don't have any wingers that have great attacking attributes, but you do have 2 great strikers and a great MCa - nothing to stop you making the wingers permanently as your support players (ie more defensive duties than wingers normally have), and releasing the FCa, FCd and MCa as your permanent attacking players - in which case you would work from the mentality of the wingers to set your D-Line.

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I have just sat here and read everything in this forum regarding the tactics and the theorems and frameworks.

Have you not all realised what is going on ????

I have been playing footy manager since the dawn of the first one, i'm now on this great game 2009 and a great game it is !

But there is a flaw in just about every forum and every link you click on

And here it is ---

If your not Man Utd or Arsenal or one of the top side it aint going to work !!!

i have used the theorems my tactics are correct i start well i even use the genie scout ( if i'm allowed to say that ) to get the best players posible for the club i am at, at the time.

but i always do absolutly Rubbish and so is everybody in the forums there Crying out for a Tactic that Doesn't neccecarly wins everything, but lets them enjoy the game and give them the hope that they will be as big as the top guns one day...

Everyone is complaining about the same thing ! THEY CAN'T WIN or even get close

People create Tactics and say " here use my 10 trophy winning side tactic " and at the bottom who are they the manager off Man Utd or Arsenal

Please for the love of god stop trying!!! this game is great in every way except one great BIG Flaw you can't F***ing Win

The Box states 3+ i don't think my 7 year old could actually do it never mind enjoy seeing there favourite team do it wether it is Manutd at the top or Torquay utd at the bottom ( sorry torquay fans )

Al i want to do is enjoy the game get my tactics correct buy better player and enjoy a good cup run

But you can't even beat the side that come up from the lower divisions..

Rant over Get somthing done about it

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I have just sat here and read everything in this forum regarding the tactics and the theorems and frameworks.

Have you not all realised what is going on ????

I have been playing footy manager since the dawn of the first one, i'm now on this great game 2009 and a great game it is !

But there is a flaw in just about every forum and every link you click on

And here it is ---

If your not Man Utd or Arsenal or one of the top side it aint going to work !!!

i have used the theorems my tactics are correct i start well i even use the genie scout ( if i'm allowed to say that ) to get the best players posible for the club i am at, at the time.

but i always do absolutly Rubbish and so is everybody in the forums there Crying out for a Tactic that Doesn't neccecarly wins everything, but lets them enjoy the game and give them the hope that they will be as big as the top guns one day...

Everyone is complaining about the same thing ! THEY CAN'T WIN or even get close

People create Tactics and say " here use my 10 trophy winning side tactic " and at the bottom who are they the manager off Man Utd or Arsenal

Please for the love of god stop trying!!! this game is great in every way except one great BIG Flaw you can't F***ing Win

The Box states 3+ i don't think my 7 year old could actually do it never mind enjoy seeing there favourite team do it wether it is Manutd at the top or Torquay utd at the bottom ( sorry torquay fans )

Al i want to do is enjoy the game get my tactics correct buy better player and enjoy a good cup run

But you can't even beat the side that come up from the lower divisions..

Rant over Get somthing done about it

Oh deary me, a little less of the green eye monster and a little more of the composure is needed here.

Be interested to hear other people's stories about how they have won trophies without being at one of those two clubs.

Also in reality, how many other teams win trophies? Its all about relative success. For me at the moment, I am looking at cutting my teeth at Tranmere Rovers, and then maybe I will get a bigger and better job.

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By George, I think he's got it! :p

I should just add that that is TT+F's standard thoughts - just cos they say that these two players are set always as support, doesn't mean that you can't design a tactic where other players carry out that role

eg You don't have any wingers that have great attacking attributes, but you do have 2 great strikers and a great MCa - nothing to stop you making the wingers permanently as your support players (ie more defensive duties than wingers normally have), and releasing the FCa, FCd and MCa as your permanent attacking players - in which case you would work from the mentality of the wingers to set your D-Line.

Thanks muchly, RobinGoodey. You made an old miserable "git" smile. Now, how about helping me go the right way on this? After 15 minutes into a match, my ass. man. is happy. by half time our short passing is bad, our long passing is also bad.

I have tried lowering/increasing the tempo and/or the width but to no avail. I have my "Nike" 4-4-2 system set up as per TT&F. As the team FWDs, RWBs, TTBs etc are in accordance also, I am assuming that I am going wrong somewhere with the players individual instructions. I have taken as a guide, the tactics graphics in this thread. Kind regards.

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My current formation is based on the queiroz tactic in the pack. except i've change it to a 442 by pushing my AMC up to FWD.

Rooney and berbatov are my prefered strike force but i'm not getting a great return from them.

Their current individual settings are as follows:(i've also included my instructions for Ronaldo as he is doing really well for my United team)


Mentality: 14

Creative Freedom: 14

Passing: 10

Closing Down: 18

Tackling: Mixed

Forward Runs: Mixed

Run with Ball: Mixed

Long Shots: Mixed

Through Ball: Mixed

Cross Ball: Rarely

Cross Ball From: Mixed

Free Role: Yes

Hold Up Ball: Yes


Mentality: 19

Creative Freedom: 14

Passing: 10

Closing Down: 11

Tackling: Mixed

Forward Runs: Mixed

Run with Ball: Mixed

Long Shots: Mixed

Through Ball: Mixed

Cross Ball: Rarely

Cross Ball From: Mixed

Free Role: No

Hold Up Ball: No

Ronaldo (always AMR)

Mentality: 20

Creative Freedom: 10

Passing: 10

Closing Down: 10

Tackling: Mixed

Forward Runs: Often

Run with Ball: Often

Long Shots: Often

Through Ball: Mixed

Cross Ball: Mixed

Cross Ball From: Mixed

Free Role: No

Hold Up Ball: No

I've adapted Ronaldo's individual instructions and have achieved great results from him. Has scored 15 goals in 21 appearence since the change. But i still cant get the others to perform yet. Should i be setting them up differently (ie Rooney as my FC(a) and Berbatov as my FC(D)?? Any input is welcome

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Through balls often and Cross ball mixed for Rooney would be something normal to have,IMO.Lower his closing down,too

Try using him as a To Feet full target man.In this case,give FwR often to Berbatov(and Cross ball mixed;and RwB often

PS:I use the 'To Feet' supply with fantastic succes(both in lone striker or 2 striker formations)

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Through balls often and Cross ball mixed for Rooney would be something normal to have,IMO.Lower his closing down,too

Try using him as a To Feet full target man.In this case,give FwR often to Berbatov(and Cross ball mixed;and RwB often

PS:I use the 'To Feet' supply with fantastic succes(both in lone striker or 2 striker formations)

What would happen if I had both Rooney and Berbatov on the same mentality and cf? Would it end up with both of them moving into the same positions and same movements off the ball?

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If someone could read my post [ four posts up] please? I am really struggling to get the team to pass consistently. My ass.man. says we are missing too many short passes. I slow the tempo. He then says we are missing too many long passes. No matter how I set the tempo if never seems right.

I am playing a 4-4-2 RoO set, based upon the TT&F guide. I have also used the tactics wizard as seen above. I have my CF on low for all players, again after reading the TT&F. If someone could point me almost in the right direction, I would be ooooh sooooo...... grateful, you wouldn't believe! Kind regards.

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If someone could read my post [ four posts up] please? I am really struggling to get the team to pass consistently. My ass.man. says we are missing too many short passes. I slow the tempo. He then says we are missing too many long passes. No matter how I set the tempo if never seems right.

I am playing a 4-4-2 RoO set, based upon the TT&F guide. I have also used the tactics wizard as seen above. I have my CF on low for all players, again after reading the TT&F. If someone could point me almost in the right direction, I would be ooooh sooooo...... grateful, you wouldn't believe! Kind regards.

Changing tempo is unlikely to have the effect of making a specific aspect of your passing better. Personally I don't actually look at the assman feedback too much (although since I don't do fantastically well at the game, perhaps I should)

But from reading other people's corrections to this - if he says that your short passing is poor - then look at the players who are on short passing, and change it, similarly with those that are on long passing when he complains about that.

Whether that does actually work - I don't know - but it does seem logical. Also - look at the individual (and team) stats - are they as you want them?

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Changing tempo is unlikely to have the effect of making a specific aspect of your passing better. Personally I don't actually look at the assman feedback too much (although since I don't do fantastically well at the game, perhaps I should)

But from reading other people's corrections to this - if he says that your short passing is poor - then look at the players who are on short passing, and change it, similarly with those that are on long passing when he complains about that.

Whether that does actually work - I don't know - but it does seem logical. Also - look at the individual (and team) stats - are they as you want them?

Thanks for the help. My individual player instructions are as in TT&F, the generic settings for the players. Try to keep it simple. My latest team instructions are taken from the TT&F wizard and are similar to those in the post just above here. Though, I seem to remember that the individual instructions in those tactics sets are not altogether correct. I wish I could remember where I read it. That is why I have difficulty in correctly designating the passing and creative freedom, individual positions. Kind regards.

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If someone could read my post [ four posts up] please? I am really struggling to get the team to pass consistently. My ass.man. says we are missing too many short passes. I slow the tempo. He then says we are missing too many long passes. No matter how I set the tempo if never seems right.

I am playing a 4-4-2 RoO set, based upon the TT&F guide. I have also used the tactics wizard as seen above. I have my CF on low for all players, again after reading the TT&F. If someone could point me almost in the right direction, I would be ooooh sooooo...... grateful, you wouldn't believe! Kind regards.

First of all,don't really take into account your Ass-man feedback.The thing with shorter/longer passing depends on his football culture.Look at pass completion.Also,

little CF for your midfielders (supposing at least 1 is creative type) is likely to prevent him from making decisive passes and it only confuses him(IMO)

I have the MCd with CF first notch of normal and the MCa last notch of normal.Both are having pass completion over 88%.(The MCd even higher sometimes)

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personally i disagree with ignoring AssMan's advice.


when he tells you that it would advisable to close down someone, if you dont do it, that player then has an edge over you, but if you close him down, he has less chance of beating you.

if you follow his advise, then what he suggests goes away, but remember to go back to him every so often as he will give more advise on others players and success is more likely to happen.

this is something ive tested with huddersfield in the premiership where every team makes me the underdog. working with the AssMan against chelsea i won 2-0 working without AssMan against blackburn i lost 4-2.

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Has anyone got any good settings for goal-scoring wingers in the AML/R positions in a 4-1-2-2-1 formation?

My wingers perform ok but never have any shots. When I watch the matches they only ever try to take on the full back and cross.

my settings are usually:

forward runs often

run with ball often

cross ball often

long shots rarely

free role, mentality around the 13 mark

I am wondering whether goal-scoring wingers should have a higher mentality than the Fc? effectively making them the FCas?

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personally i disagree with ignoring AssMan's advice.


when he tells you that it would advisable to close down someone, if you dont do it, that player then has an edge over you, but if you close him down, he has less chance of beating you.

if you follow his advise, then what he suggests goes away, but remember to go back to him every so often as he will give more advise on others players and success is more likely to happen.

this is something ive tested with huddersfield in the premiership where every team makes me the underdog. working with the AssMan against chelsea i won 2-0 working without AssMan against blackburn i lost 4-2.

I was reffering mostly to the passing advice('we should try Longer/shorter style of play'..'_

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Hi Chaps

Ok thought I would post up as I am having some problems with my formations. I have read and re read TT&F and understand it and have adapted a 4-4-2 BoT style play for my Man City game. Before I adopted it I was struggling in 17th in the Prem and am now up to 13th with a 2-0 win over Borro, 1-0 over Wigan and 2-1 win over Villa so all good in the league.

However I am having some problems, I recently played Valencia away from home and lost 4-2, I went defensive and had a whole bunch of AssMan things telling me that SWP plays a more direct stlye blah blah blah. I also found that my players got really easily turned or the strikers were getting in behind my defenders and so thus leaving me open, any suggestions?

I figure that maybe a lower defensive line would help? Most of the defenders are set to Man Mark but I feel this leaves them exposed as they turn easily. Basically I dont think Dunne and Kompany are up to the job really.

I had the same thing happen to me when I played Arsenal in the league cup, lost 4-2. I actually took the league but yes defenders were getting turned easily.

But yes things are going fairly well which is good.

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I'm doing perfectly fine defensively, but my solidarity at the back has lead to a new problem, most goals I conceed are from range. I really don't know what I can do, if players like Senderos are scoring 30 yarders :(

try closing the midfield down

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