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Tactical Theorems and Frameworks '09

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Can anyone help on my post on page 9, 4th from bottom?

Arguably, it is a time related problem and will get better as you play longer. When you are forced to start a match defensively, it is because you are expected to lose. To get anything out of the match, your decision making has to be perfect. I'm happy getting something out of 33% of matches I start with a defensive mindset. As your team gels and gets used to your method of playing, leading to improved results, Defensive can be replaced by Standard for many matches and you will look to get something out of 50-60% of these matches. Once you are playing Attack and Standard for nearly all matches, you should be winning/drawing a good 80-90% of games, as bad decisions rarely result in a loss, rather drawing a match you should have won. Until then, you have to do the best you can with the players you have.

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Arguably, it is a time related problem and will get better as you play longer. When you are forced to start a match defensively, it is because you are expected to lose. To get anything out of the match, your decision making has to be perfect. I'm happy getting something out of 33% of matches I start with a defensive mindset. As your team gels and gets used to your method of playing, leading to improved results, Defensive can be replaced by Standard for many matches and you will look to get something out of 50-60% of these matches. Once you are playing Attack and Standard for nearly all matches, you should be winning/drawing a good 80-90% of games, as bad decisions rarely result in a loss, rather drawing a match you should have won. Until then, you have to do the best you can with the players you have.

wwfan, no mention of Control tactic? I am using Control as my main tactic for Man City (I thought in most matches it was most appropriate after reviewing the odds and reading your Theorum document, and to be fair results have been slightly under par, though performances & match stats have lead me to believe myself just unlucky).

CONTROL: Should it be more a "try it if attacking fails when pre-match favourite" option rather than starting matches with it?

Apologies if I missed some Posts that refer to this - I am tring to keep up with the feeedback in here!

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Tigerhgrrrrrr - I believe that Control is the preferred option for games in which you are predicted to comfortably win. Where the odds are extremely short in your favour and where the opposition are playing very defensively. A little tip I have is that I normally combine Control with the team talk 'relax - the win will come' or 'be patient - the win will come' (it's something like that, anyway).

I think Control can also be used for games where you have been using Attack and you are comfortably leading and looking to switch to something that will keep possession and see out the game while creating plenty of chances. Personally, I prefer to move to a balanced type of tactic in that circumstance because I like to tighten up and kill off the game.

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I'm also interested in the Control tactic. I note that no mention has been made regarding defensive line (unless I have missed it somewhere - apologies if so).

In previous TT&F frameworks, the Control tactic has been the exception to the rule that D-line and mentality should be closely linked in order to avoid a gap between the midfield and the defence. In Control, the idea was to have a deeper D-line in order to open up as much space on the pitch as possible.

Is this still roughly the case for 09? Or is it more the case that Control should be more conservative generally and therefore the D-line will be slightly lowered anyway (this is my feeling from the new TT&F document). Grateful if anyone could give me their take on this.

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A Control tactic is ment to be played against ultra-defensive,timewasting formations when you can't score.Nothing more

I quote from the TT&F document:

The Control Match Strategy [...] has two options for deployment. The first is to slow down a match that should already be won, generally playing keep ball whilst still being able to gently probe in the final third when space opens up. The second is when a more patient approach is deemed to be necessary against a team that is sitting back and trying to frustrate.

Has anyone got any input on the d-line setting for Control?

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Here's the 3 templates for Rule of One theory. Intellectual property of both wwfan and millie (hope it's ok if I can put them up guys).







Hope that's ok.

I seem to remember that the individual player positioning in these examples was only a rough guide. Can anyone enlighten me on this, please?

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What do you mean 'individual player positioning'? Are you talking about mentality? The whole framework is only a rough guide, of course.

Thanks for your reply, crouchaldinho. I meant the mentality, Closing down, passing and creative freedom stats. I tried taking them as gospel, with not much success. I have also tried to implement, by guesswork the TT&F guide, abit better. I find it difficult to get the passing consistent. The ass. man. starts off with praise, after fifteen minutes but is damning by half time. Phrase like, our passing is rubbish, our short passing is poor and our long passing is poor. These are alwaysthe same, no matter what I try to do to improve matters.

I have lowered/increased the tempo, the width which I understand control the passing. My players passing is in line with TT&F guides. However, I have just read the post a little above in which wwfan says that he is happy with a 33% success rate, at the start. I usually play the defensive RoO 4-4-2 with counter attacking on. If I try anything mor expansive, I usually lose. I am playing as Hull City. I have just had to reinstall windows [AGAIN!], after I made a bad error so I am having to begin again all over. Any guidance that you and others can give will be gratefully accepted. Kind regards.

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Oescus - the whole of TT&F is a guide that should be adjusted to best suit your situation, your players and your own ideas. I think that is the way that the writers intended it, i.e. as a starting point and a beginning.

The most crucial elements of any tactic on FM09 are mentality and defensive line. Be careful to pay a lot of attention to how you set these up. Here, I would suggest following the guide word for word until you feel comfortable setting it up yourself.

Poor passing can be down to a number of things. It could, of course, be down to your style of play or the quality of your players. It could be that your side are playing long balls to a forward who is unable to win anything in the air. It could also be down to your players reacting badly to a team talk or not gelling particularly well. It could just be poor morale. I could go on but I guess you will get the idea by now.

I've found that my side often have a poor passing rate when the team is still in the process of gelling or when I have given a poor team talk but this is just my interpretation and understanding of what is happening.

Tactically, I suggest you look at the stats and work out who is giving the ball away. Then check that player's instructions and make some adjustments. I found, for instance, that my fullbacks were giving the ball away too much when I had them playing through balls (as suggested by the TT&F). My fullbacks were too poor for playing through balls and so I put a stop to this when I realised what was happening. I have also noticed that my side has been too direct sometimes and, due to the fact that I don't have a target man figure, the opposition have been winning all the balls in the air and taking possession. Of course, weather conditions also play their part. Does poor weather mean that your side are unable to play their usual game? I suppose what I am getting at is that it is a matter of trial and error.

One of the most important things is playing the right kind mentality against each opposition. If you are attempting to play high tempo attacking football against a superior side then you will probably give the ball away a great deal. Think about how the opposition are approaching the game. A standard approach will probably suit you well for most games, I would imagine, at first. But look for clues about how the opposition are setting up.

Hope some of this helps.

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It certainly does my friend. I have thought that TT&F was as the title says, a guide. I am using the generic positioning for my players until, like you say, they "gel". I have just handwritten your post out and it will be implemented after work tomorrow. I'm relieved to find that I am not the only one to struggle a bit. Reading about how everyone seems to be doing very well, even in the first season, gets a little frustrating sometimes. Thank you muchly for your time and assistance, crouchaldinho. Kind regards.

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I just wanted to thank those involved for taking the time to research this and provide a great resource for FM players. I've been playing FM since the 2007 version and have always been able to design tactics for success, however I was really having a tough time winning with FM09. After applying these theorems and tactics I have been undefeated in 19 matches and unbeaten in 9 EPL games. I use the Rule of One with my relatively unchanged Villa team (just added Altidore and van der Vaart). Thanks.

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A quick observation:

Bristol Rovers in L1 using this wwfan TT&F thread theories = disappointing, both 9.01 & 9.01 save game up-patched to 9.02

Man City Prem starting patched 9.02 = excellent (though not unbeatable), choosing the wrong default pre-match tactic set is more "recoverable"

This does take into account the quality difference of the 2 teams (even after the transfers in & out pre season) & opposition encountered.

Could mean:

1/ 9.02 is better for these tactical theorys

2/ They work better at a higher quality level (more forgiving on bad choice of tactic)

3/ Up-patching a saved game is not as "good" as a new creation

Or any combination of the above.

The above thoughts are not groundbreaking I know, but I thought I'd share them maybe to provoke opinion.

NB. "No transfer Budgets in first window": is that just all other clubs or would it effect my club too?

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Getting the best of a not so good squad can be tricky for some people;)

What kind of mentality system have you used for the Bristol game?And what about Creative Freedom

I have used the Defensive / Standard / Attacking / Control / Shut up shop combos, CF exactly as set out as in wwfan's theory document. Defensive worked well consistantly for a period, I guess then you "get found out". With the City game it seems easier to switch tactics without paying the price - trial & error is not so painful. Still havent worked out how to do Counter Attack - or rather I think I could set up another tactic for this purpose but without the experts approval would be worried it may be one of those tactics that leads to a quick shambles!

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I have used the Defensive / Standard / Attacking / Control / Shut up shop combos, CF exactly as set out as in wwfan's theory document. Defensive worked well consistantly for a period, I guess then you "get found out". With the City game it seems easier to switch tactics without paying the price - trial & error is not so painful. Still havent worked out how to do Counter Attack - or rather I think I could set up another tactic for this purpose but without the experts approval would be worried it may be one of those tactics that leads to a quick shambles!

I meant mentality system,for ex:RoO,Role Theory...

As for counter-attack,I am a big fan of it.I use Counter attack for the Standard and Defensive tactics.The key lies in some things like:

-lowering C-Down

Increasing Through-balls to exploit a large number of fast counters

Lower D-Line

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I meant mentality system,for ex:RoO,Role Theory...

As for counter-attack,I am a big fan of it.I use Counter attack for the Standard and Defensive tactics.The key lies in some things like:

-lowering C-Down

Increasing Through-balls to exploit a large number of fast counters

Lower D-Line

Ah, sorry I missed the point there!

Am / was using Nike defence. I have not experimented with others as it sounded good in the Theory Doc and with the huge impact of players settling into the team and all the other variable factors I felt I may not get an objective view of comparing the different ment systems. Having said that, if anyone thinks Nike is a stinker at L1 level (or at Prem level!) please let me know ASAP!

Will try the Ctr ideas when I need to but having beaten Chelsea Away & Liverpool at home I am doing OK so far.

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Hi there- In the guide, RE Defensive Line, when you say: the defensive line should correspond to the mentality of the non floating support player, what does that mean- who is this mystery man?!



I believe this refers to the MCa in a standard 4-4-2 formation. He is non-floating because TT&F advises that, throughout the various match strategies, he stays in the same role, i.e. a support one. This is as opposed to the 'floating' support players, the fullbacks, who 'float' between the match strategies. That's my understanding anyway.

Personally I just tend to set the D-line at my average mentality, which is usually the same as my MCd actually.

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right... I play a 352 wingbacks with 3 cm's, one holding, one attacking, one support... My attacking player's mentality is around 14 or 15, the support around 11 or 12. DC mentality is around 9 or 10...

Sounds as though you are playing a balanced system so I would go for 11 or 12. If in doubt, you could try adding up the mentalities of your players and dividing to find the average. Your defensive line should then be set somewhere around this number to link in with your overall mentality.

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hey guys,do everyone knows how to beat 4-5-1 formation with ttf 09?kind difficult to beat man city and portsmouth team.they always using that formation..too much gap in midfield,if i using the 451 too still difficult to defeat..PLZ HELPPP!!!

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I'm also interested in the Control tactic. I note that no mention has been made regarding defensive line (unless I have missed it somewhere - apologies if so).

In previous TT&F frameworks, the Control tactic has been the exception to the rule that D-line and mentality should be closely linked in order to avoid a gap between the midfield and the defence. In Control, the idea was to have a deeper D-line in order to open up as much space on the pitch as possible.

Is this still roughly the case for 09? Or is it more the case that Control should be more conservative generally and therefore the D-line will be slightly lowered anyway (this is my feeling from the new TT&F document). Grateful if anyone could give me their take on this.

Can anyone explain the theory behind the Control tactic and the defensive line for FM09 as per above?

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Quick question. Attacking mentality of TTF implies using quick tempo with lots of width and obviously various passing schemes depending on whether it's a defend/support or attack position. Why does slow tempo, short passing and narrow width work exceedingly well then? I swear i play attacking mentality with slow tempo, slow passing and narrow width and i have a lot more success then with TTF suggestion of lots of width, quickness. Could someone be kind enough to explain this phenomena to me?

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Quick question. Attacking mentality of TTF implies using quick tempo with lots of width and obviously various passing schemes depending on whether it's a defend/support or attack position. Why does slow tempo, short passing and narrow width work exceedingly well then? I swear i play attacking mentality with slow tempo, slow passing and narrow width and i have a lot more success then with TTF suggestion of lots of width, quickness. Could someone be kind enough to explain this phenomena to me?

Tempo is culturally specific.So it's more than possible to play an attacking tactic with slow tempo

Fast tempo and attacking strategy is most common in England

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Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the TT&F! Just started playing FM 09 again lately and I've been reading through the PDF file in order to understand the tactics in the game a bit more.

It's clear that a lot of work has been put into this and I definitely feel that I understand the game better now.

Hopefully that will translate into Leeds United being a Premiership team once again. ;)

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Have been playing with tactics based on this brilliant guide for 6 seasons now with Nottingham Forest.

Got promoted to premier league after my second season, improving my standing(and squad) in there season after season. Just finished the 6th season and was 3rd in the league.

So in general in doing very well, BUT.....

There´s one thing that puzzles me and i haven´t been able to crack it so far.

)I do apologize if this has been discussed somewhere earlier, i just didn´t feel like browsing the entire topic from the start ;) )

Playing on narrow or short pitches

Whenever i´m away on smaller pitches I seem to struggle, sometimes badly sometimes even more badly. No matter who the opposition is. May it be Arsenal, Villa, West Ham or even someone from the championship i´m playing in the cup, if they are playing on a smaller pitch.

On normal or larger pitches (as my own is) I usually dominate the game using the 5 different variations of tactics (standard, attacking, defensive, kill-off, shut-down shop. all based on "martin o´neill style of normal 4-4-2) and the playing of my team is smooth and nice.

But whenever i´m on smaller pitch, i really struggle. Not much goal scoring chances, not posession, the opponent seems to hammer me down to earth most of times, and at least giving me a real hard time.

I´ve tried everything with 5 different tactics mentioned above, altering the tempo, width, defense-line, individual instructions. But nothing seems to work.

Is there any pattern, that anyone has found useful and working when playing in narrow or short pitch? Would be very pleased to know. :)

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Hello all,

Firstly just to say many thanks for all the hard work that has gone into TTAF; I am fine tuning a 4-4-2 Role Theory Tactic (or more to the point about 7-8 variations for different moments in games) and am finding it much more rewarding than simply downloading tactics someone else has made.

Now to my questions;

- has anyone tried making a Sweeper Keeper work?

- Does anyone use fullbacks as an attacking role? I ask because even in a attacking 4-4-2 you would usually only deploy 5 players with attacking roles ... usually this would be 2 strikers, 2 wingers and a central mid ... can you make one of your strikers a support role? (Leaving you with 2 full backs, 2 wingers and one striker as 'attack roles', one striker and one mid as support roles and one mid and two center backs as 'defensive' roles). I ask because I want to create a formation that really exploits width, when I'm chasing a game.

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Does anyone use fullbacks as an attacking role? I ask because even in a attacking 4-4-2 you would usually only deploy 5 players with attacking roles ... usually this would be 2 strikers, 2 wingers and a central mid ... can you make one of your strikers a support role? (Leaving you with 2 full backs, 2 wingers and one striker as 'attack roles', one striker and one mid as support roles and one mid and two center backs as 'defensive' roles). I ask because I want to create a formation that really exploits width, when I'm chasing a game.

That setup you have described with FB's, wingers and one FC as attacking role is exactly how TT+F sets them up in the attacking formation.

If you set them up the other way, then you'll prob find that the 5 attacking players get isolated from the more defensive ones.

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Does anybody know what the team mentality is for the TT&F Wizard tactics, not mentioned on the spreadsheet?

It doesn't matter so long as you don't put the team mentality slider at the end notch (either end) since all players have individual mentality - which over-rides the team mentality. Although I suppose if you were playing with global mentality then you might leave most (if not all) of your players without individual mentalities.:)

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Getting the best of a not so good squad can be tricky for some people;)

Very true comment. I'm having troubles with my Chester City team and i've tried various changes based on TT&F but find myself sitting in 21st position after 17 matches (W2 D5 L10 ). So hear i am contacting the forum for any advice.

So far i've done the following:

I've set the pitch measurements to the smallest possible to give me a chance as i'm relegation candidates, my experience level is set to 'Sunday League', and i have no money to spend on players.

I've created a 4-1-4-1 formation as i have one decent striker, 4 decent central midfielders, and a couple of decent wide players. Using the RoO framework and current setup to use the defensive and standard match strategies.

I'm a cautious manager so in the standard mentality system i've chosen my centre backs mentality starting point as 6 (defensive) and also counter attacking is ticked on both match strategies i've been using. I've also set all the team on creative freedom of 5 except the lone striker (who is on 10) until the team has gelled.

I'm into december and as my current record shows i'm not doing amazing (the media predicts a finish of 21st) but i seemed to having problems with motivation as well as my decision making :(

I'd like to point out i believe it is me and not the match engine that is to blame as there are glimpses of things coming together and some nice football played (A couple of draws i've got have been when i've been 2 goals behind).

So my questions are:

Does anyone have any tips for improving my settings from a league two perspective. I've thought about going to 'long' passing as for the time being i want my defenders to just head it or kick it.

I have a foreign player who i have play but he is struggle to blend in as he doesn't speak the language yet. Should i perserve with him or risk using a lesser talented english youngster? and also what is the best way to blend the foreigner into the squad/team

As regards man management does anyone have any tips on that as i seem to always get 'reacts well to press conference' but my squad is still has at best 'Okay' morale across the board.

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Very true comment. I'm having troubles with my Chester City team and i've tried various changes based on TT&F but find myself sitting in 21st position after 17 matches (W2 D5 L10 ). So hear i am contacting the forum for any advice.

So far i've done the following:

I've set the pitch measurements to the smallest possible to give me a chance as i'm relegation candidates, my experience level is set to 'Sunday League', and i have no money to spend on players.

I've created a 4-1-4-1 formation as i have one decent striker, 4 decent central midfielders, and a couple of decent wide players. Using the RoO framework and current setup to use the defensive and standard match strategies.

I'm a cautious manager so in the standard mentality system i've chosen my centre backs mentality starting point as 6 (defensive) and also counter attacking is ticked on both match strategies i've been using. I've also set all the team on creative freedom of 5 except the lone striker (who is on 10) until the team has gelled.

I'm into december and as my current record shows i'm not doing amazing (the media predicts a finish of 21st) but i seemed to having problems with motivation as well as my decision making :(


About C-Freedom,i'd have the 2 MC' on normal CF.They're a key part in this formation.I'd also try using the ST as a target man(to feet).

As for matches in wich the opponent is clear favourite try to tell them:'No pressure' instead of wish luck

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I dont get it, for example:

GK: 7

DC: 8

FB: 9

MCd: 10

ML/R: 11

MCa: 12

FCs: 13

What does this mean?

Also whats the difference between FCd and FCa??

Based on you user name i assume your a Villa fan so will use that as an example.

FCd - Player who drops deep and either passes it back to midfielders or spreads it wide for the wingers. Basically the postion that Carew would play.

FCa - Player looking to get on the end of through balls/crosses. Normally your quicker forward. Basically Gabby

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About C-Freedom,i'd have the 2 MC' on normal CF.They're a key part in this formation.I'd also try using the ST as a target man(to feet).

As for matches in wich the opponent is clear favourite try to tell them:'No pressure' instead of wish luck

Cheers for the tips :thup: Now playing better and may have tunred the corner. Last 5 games have seen me W1 D3 L1 and all i have been the better team and players have been getting better ratings.

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Based on you user name i assume your a Villa fan so will use that as an example.

FCd - Player who drops deep and either passes it back to midfielders or spreads it wide for the wingers. Basically the postion that Carew would play.

FCa - Player looking to get on the end of through balls/crosses. Normally your quicker forward. Basically Gabby

Thanks mate.

Any idea what this means:

GK: 7

DC: 8

FB: 9

MCd: 10

ML/R: 11

MCa: 12

FCs: 13

That has me confuffled. :)

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I see so when it has them numbers that is how many clicks it is from the left, for example

GK: 7

Would be...

|. . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . |

here on the slider?

Got it in one :thup: Rule of One is structured approach to tactics. Essentially each player has a job to do and the number are how attacking or defensive they will be. Lower end of the sliders are defensive and higher attacking.

So if you want to be a counter attacking side you will have something along the lines of

GK: 5

DC: 6

FB: 7

MCd: 8

ML/R: 9

MCa: 10

FCs: 11

This will alwo you a lower defensive line and lower closing down. Add to this Direct or longer passing for the Defenders and Defensive mentality and that should see you though a season.

To be more defensive just knock the mentalities down by 2 clicks and reduce the defensive line and closing down.

Also think about what players you want to stay back (forward runs rarely), support (forward runs mixed) and who to attack (forward runs often)

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