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Damn, that's an awful kick in the guts 10-3, especially right before Christmas! Sorry to hear it buddy, but as Salk said above, it's probably for the best if that's how they treat people they're probably not going to be great employers in the long run.

Hope you find something else soon mate.

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I can only echo what others have already said, that is total crap. Hopefully things turn around soon and this is just the dark before the dawn. I've been there and I know how frustrating it can be.

Well, let's put it this way. Read "Rat Pack" and remember what Adrian Levant does for a living.

Interesting, but I try never to think of Mr. Levant or any other attorney - especially the Hollywood ones...that does remind me though, I need to restock my fridge again - that Villa/Reading halftime is stretching out....

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ah 10-3, that's a truly awful way to treat someone. Was the contract signed? If so, surely some compensation is due?

Easier said than done, but try and put it to the back of your mind so you enjoy yourself.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. And I extend that to the FMS family too; hope you guys all have a fab festive period.

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I did not sign a written contract but my attorney says there doesn't necessarily need to be one if I can prove the conversations occurred. And thanks to the wonderful invention known as e-mail, I certainly can. Value was offered and accepted. I don't want to be a downer but I have absolutely zero Christmas cheer thanks to these people and they're going to have to get out their checkbooks.

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I did not sign a written contract but my attorney says there doesn't necessarily need to be one if I can prove the conversations occurred. And thanks to the wonderful invention known as e-mail, I certainly can. Value was offered and accepted. I don't want to be a downer but I have absolutely zero Christmas cheer thanks to these people and they're going to have to get out their checkbooks.

sounds promising at least. Good luck in getting it resolved.

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Right gentlemen, Im going on holiday for a few days (Taking the brats to Disney Land). If someone could be so kind to put Lawros predictions up for me for the 28th and New Year games please..

Have fun everyone and don't do anything I wouldn't do :D

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Ah Mark. Even on vacation he still has FMS on his mind. :p

Happy New Year to one and all. Have a great one peeps.

You know me well Ben, cant spend too much time away from the game or the forums

Hope everyone has a great New Year and that 2016 is good for you all

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Manchester United sure are entertaining to watch! :p

I bought FM16 on Boxing Day, mainly for editing purposes, but I am literally just about to start my first save game. I enjoyed playing the demo (even if I did make a total hash of managing Fulham :lol:), and I'd say that it's almost certainly the best FM yet.

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Okay, so I have a game question for you folks who save highlights. After about fifteen years of playing the game and a couple of years playing where it is possible to record a highlight, I finally have a goal I want to keep from my Oxford FM15 save.

So I go to the highlights and hit "record". Where does the video go?

Please and thank you.

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If you have already exported the highlight to video:

My Documents > Sports Interactive > Football Manager 20xx > uploads

If you haven't, I think you go to the 'Upload Highlights' page on the match screen, find the highlight you recorded, select your camera angle, and then export from there.

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It worked. Very cool. Something I've never tried before in the game. Thanks!

BTW for those of you who are watching the NFL playoffs today, my Minnesota Vikings kick off in two hours. Game time temperature is expected to be -19C, wind chill -28C. Glad I'm watching on TV - and this is why we do not play real football in the winter in my part of the world.

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I'd only just woken up when I read the news, and it really knocked me for six. David Bowie really was a legend of music.

I can't think of another British musician who has had such a long career and undergone so many transformations, yet still put out excellent music on a regular basis. It's not until you listen to all the hits he had, though, that you realise just how vast his catalogue is.

I'm also too young to remember Bowie's heyday, but I like a lot of the stuff he released - from the Ziggy Stardust era through to Heroes (which I incorporated into the intro for my Euro 2020 story), the Let's Dance album, and even his more recent stuff. He released his final album just a few days ago, and it's the perfect epitaph.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After seven months out of work and a cruel disappointment over the Christmas holiday, yesterday I received two offers for full-time employment, both of which would pay me more money than I have ever made in my life. I now get to choose between the two.

I am exhausted, joyful, and pleased. It has been a long road. Thanks to everyone who has wished me well.

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After seven months out of work and a cruel disappointment over the Christmas holiday, yesterday I received two offers for full-time employment, both of which would pay me more money than I have ever made in my life. I now get to choose between the two.

I am exhausted, joyful, and pleased. It has been a long road. Thanks to everyone who has wished me well.

Congratulations 10-3. Really happy to hear that. Good luck with whichever one you choose.

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