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38 minutes ago, CFuller said:

Hmm. I can't seem to edit any of my previous posts anymore - just the last two in my Daggers thread.

For a perfectionist like me, that's quite frustrating.

It's letting me go on the edit screen for your post... Log out and try again mate and see if it works

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1 hour ago, CFuller said:

Hmm. I can't seem to edit any of my previous posts anymore - just the last two in my Daggers thread.

For a perfectionist like me, that's quite frustrating.

A lot of people are having this problem, as if an option for a time limit on when users can edit posts has been accidentally ticked.

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14 hours ago, ScottleeSV said:

Now then. How are we all doing? Same old names all plastered up the left hand side I see. 

Just fancied coming on and reading a footy story tonight. (checks list). Eeeny, meany, miney, mo...

Blimey. How do you do?

Nice to see you here again.

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4 hours ago, CFuller said:

Hmm. I can't seem to edit any of my previous posts anymore - just the last two in my Daggers thread.

For a perfectionist like me, that's quite frustrating.


2 hours ago, git2thachoppa said:

A lot of people are having this problem, as if an option for a time limit on when users can edit posts has been accidentally ticked.

Its seems to be a general problem at the moment, A few people have had the same problem in the Careers Forum aswell. I presume once Neil finds out he'll find out what has caused the problem.

Until it has been sorted feel free to ask one of the Mods to edit any posts that you require

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30 minutes ago, CFuller said:

That's not exactly what I wanted to hear, in all honesty, especially as some of my stories still look a mess post-migration.

Why has this 30-minute rule been brought in now? Is it worth me asking Lucas about this?

You could do, he didn't really explain much just that you have around 30 minutes to edit.

I haven't got a clue why this has been done I presume its something to do with the new forum.

Sorry I couldn't of been more of a help. The only thing I can offer is to sort out what you want doing on the posts if you want me too

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I've just heard back from Lucas. The restriction is 30 minutes, and that's not going to change any time soon.

I was making some minor alterations (fixing missing capital letters, slightly misspelled names, etc) to 'Jeux Sans Frontières' earlier this week, and now that work's going to go unfinished. I would ask you to do them, Mark, if the changes weren't so insignificant. Never mind.

When it comes to 'House of Flying Daggers', the first three seasons are perfectly readable, but the league tables are now stuck with redundant brackets either side of Dag & Red's league position.

Like this:

[color="#FF0000"]10.         Dag & Red              24    10    6     8     40    32    +8    36[/color]

Those brackets just look messy and should really be removed. Could you please do that if and when you have a spare few minutes, Mark?


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9 hours ago, CFuller said:

I've just heard back from Lucas. The restriction is 30 minutes, and that's not going to change any time soon.

I was making some minor alterations (fixing missing capital letters, slightly misspelled names, etc) to 'Jeux Sans Frontières' earlier this week, and now that work's going to go unfinished. I would ask you to do them, Mark, if the changes weren't so insignificant. Never mind.

When it comes to 'House of Flying Daggers', the first three seasons are perfectly readable, but the league tables are now stuck with redundant brackets either side of Dag & Red's league position.

Like this:

[color="#FF0000"]10.         Dag & Red              24    10    6     8     40    32    +8    36[/color]

Those brackets just look messy and should really be removed. Could you please do that if and when you have a spare few minutes, Mark?


I will have a look once i get on me laptop for you

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6 hours ago, ScottleeSV said:

Crazy rule. Never known that on any forum before.

Just fine, Ben. Hope alls good with you also.

I know for awhile on the old forum only Mods could edit posts, but that changed to everyone could. Cant really see why they've change it to be honest.

However if anyone does want any work editing just let one of us Mods know

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I love reading others FM stories so I was thinking of creating my own. But I don't know what team to choose. Also any tips would be great.


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Welcome to FM Stories.

I'll start by giving you a little pointer regarding the rules of this sub-forum. Generally, you shouldn't start a new thread unless you have actually started writing a story. If you want advice as to which team you should choose, feel free to ask in the Community Thread.

As for story-writing tips, the best advice is probably to go with whichever style you are comfortable writing in. It's also important that you enjoy writing it, as the quality of your story will really show when you do.

It doesn't hurt to take inspiration from other writers, either. If you're one for short and clear match reports, look at stories from mark wilson27 and chesterfan2. If you would like to develop a greater, more in-depth narrative, then look at stories from tenthreeleader and EvilDave.

I hope that has been helpful to you. If you'd like some more advice, then ask away in the Community Thread - there's plenty of us willing to pass on our wisdom.

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36 minutes ago, CFuller said:

Welcome to FM Stories.

I'll start by giving you a little pointer regarding the rules of this sub-forum. Generally, you shouldn't start a new thread unless you have actually started writing a story. If you want advice as to which team you should choose, feel free to ask in the Community Thread.

As for story-writing tips, the best advice is probably to go with whichever style you are comfortable writing in. It's also important that you enjoy writing it, as the quality of your story will really show when you do.

It doesn't hurt to take inspiration from other writers, either. If you're one for short and clear match reports, look at stories from mark wilson27 and chesterfan2. If you would like to develop a greater, more in-depth narrative, then look at stories from tenthreeleader and EvilDave.

I hope that has been helpful to you. If you'd like some more advice, then ask away in the Community Thread - there's plenty of us willing to pass on our wisdom.

What stuff do I leave out when writing my story or should I include everything I do?

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1 hour ago, ajj2410 said:

What stuff do I leave out when writing my story or should I include everything I do?

I would suggest you write about as much as you think is relevant.

Generally, you can write about matches, transfers (in and out), injuries, suspensions and (if applicable) job changes, and still give the reader enough to digest. Others also use league tables and player statistics in their stories. The inclusion of pretty much anything else (i.e. tactical explanations, youth intakes, staff changes) depends on whether you feel it adds to the story.

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6 hours ago, ajj2410 said:

I love reading others FM stories so I was thinking of creating my own. But I don't know what team to choose. Also any tips would be great.


Hi welcome to FMS, just so you know I've merged your thread into the Community Thread as your post would be more suited and getter better replies here.

I agree with everything CFuller has said about your story, There are several sorts of stories on this site and we are a good bunch really. I would suggest looking at the FMS Archives which are pinned at the top of the page.

Anyway enough of the babbling on and I look forward to reading some of your work

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1 minute ago, CFuller said:

I am, indeed. :)

Good good. I know Neil said the reason they put a limit on was some people had been abusing the freedom as such to edit. However a few people had mentioned it and he's reverted back to the old way

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Right guys this is the final deadline warning. You have 8 hours to place your vote.

I have PM'd a lot of the people who haven't voted and are in line for an award. However as of yet most of them haven't voted so therefore could lose out on an award.

A lot of the awards are too close to call and every vote counts. Even if your note up for an award please enter your vote.

As tenthreeleader will confirm last year we had I think it was two people who missed out on an award because they forgot to vote, and this year it could be the same

So come on lads get hold of some of the FMS'ers that you know away from just these forum and get them to vote.

Once I get back from work at 3am I will be closing the thread and counting the votes up sometime in the day. If tenthreeleader would be so kind to recount for me to make sure I'm not having a blonde moment that would be appreciated. (I will send you the password etc to the email account if you haven't still got it from last year)

Good luck everyone

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Thanks again for sorting these awards Mark, as I said in my email the quantity may be down but the overall quality is very high this year, so it should be a good set. I won't be 'around' for the ceremony itself (working for a church means Sunday is a no-go zone for anything else!) but am very much looking forward to the results.

On another note, what counts as short story these days? I'm sure in the past it was something <5k words, but I seem to remember it may have changed over the years? I have an idea or two percolating and wonder where it might fit...

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2 hours ago, EvilDave said:

Thanks again for sorting these awards Mark, as I said in my email the quantity may be down but the overall quality is very high this year, so it should be a good set. I won't be 'around' for the ceremony itself (working for a church means Sunday is a no-go zone for anything else!) but am very much looking forward to the results.

On another note, what counts as short story these days? I'm sure in the past it was something <5k words, but I seem to remember it may have changed over the years? I have an idea or two percolating and wonder where it might fit...

Cheers Dave

I agree with your comment regarding the quantity, it has been down on previous years but the standard has been brilliant this year.

As for the short story, we have pretty loose as such with it. I tend to look at the amount of posts (No more than 30) but obviously if each post has a season's worth of reports on it we don't count that.

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Not sure if this is the right thread  to post this but here it goes

I'm thinking of creating my first FM story with a National team (haven't decided which nation so any suggestions would be great) and their road to qualifying for Russia 2018 and their road to the continental competition they play in.

Would anyone  be interested to read this if I actually wrote about it? Also if you have any suggestions or tips about it that would be great. If you want to ask any questions about it feel free to ask.


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Hi again, AJ. You don't need to ask if anyone is interested in your story idea prior to writing a story. Just show us what you've got (when you're ready to, of course), and people will come and have a look. If they like it, they'll keep on reading if and when you post the next chapter.

One more thing, though. I have to stress that you shouldn't really be posting a brand new thread unless you've got a bona fide story. Any queries should go in the Community Thread from now on. :)

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Hi AJ, good to have you here. I'll echo what Mr Fuller is saying - if you're writing solely to get readers, you probably won't stick at it. Write what you enjoy, the way you enjoy it, and people will either take a look or they won't - it really is that simple :)

I, for example, will read any new thread purely out of curiosity, and there are some styles that I like more than others. But when I write my stories, I'm focusing first and foremost on my writing - on improving, and on developing the story. The moment I start worrying about what others want to see is the moment I start trying to copy other writers, and that just produces bad copies!

So in short - go for it. Figure out who you want to play as, how you want to tell the story, what your goals are. But don't let us lot get in the way of that. Write for yourself, find your voice, persevere and the readers will follow. Don't be put off by a lack of comments, and above all enjoy it - if you take pleasure in what you're doing, that'll come through in your story.

And even if it doesn't, you'll be having fun :D

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25 minutes ago, CFuller said:

Hi again, AJ. You don't need to ask if anyone is interested in your story idea prior to writing a story. Just show us what you've got (when you're ready to, of course), and people will come and have a look. If they like it, they'll keep on reading if and when you post the next chapter.

One more thing, though. I have to stress that you shouldn't really be posting a brand new thread unless you've got a bona fide story. Any queries should go in the Community Thread from now on. :)

Ok thanks for the help and when I'm finished writing the first part do I post it in this thread?

20 minutes ago, EvilDave said:

Hi AJ, good to have you here. I'll echo what Mr Fuller is saying - if you're writing solely to get readers, you probably won't stick at it. Write what you enjoy, the way you enjoy it, and people will either take a look or they won't - it really is that simple :)

I, for example, will read any new thread purely out of curiosity, and there are some styles that I like more than others. But when I write my stories, I'm focusing first and foremost on my writing - on improving, and on developing the story. The moment I start worrying about what others want to see is the moment I start trying to copy other writers, and that just produces bad copies!

So in short - go for it. Figure out who you want to play as, how you want to tell the story, what your goals are. But don't let us lot get in the way of that. Write for yourself, find your voice, persevere and the readers will follow. Don't be put off by a lack of comments, and above all enjoy it - if you take pleasure in what you're doing, that'll come through in your story.

And even if it doesn't, you'll be having fun :D

Ok thanks for the tips. :)

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24 minutes ago, ajj2410 said:

Ok thanks for the help and when I'm finished writing the first part do I post it in this thread?

No, just start a new thread specifically for your story, and post all of your story updates in there.

The Community Thread is for advice, discussions, and pretty much anything off-topic.

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1 minute ago, ajj2410 said:

If I'm writing a story about my career on FM should it be in the stories part or the career update part? 


  • FM Stories: Text ONLY. No screenshots.
  • FM Career Updates: Screenshots ARE allowed. Less emphasis on storytelling.
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18 minutes ago, CFuller said:


  • FM Stories: Text ONLY. No screenshots.
  • FM Career Updates: Screenshots ARE allowed. Less emphasis on storytelling.

I posted mine on FM Stories but after that I feel like it should be on FM Career Updates, do you know how to move it there?

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Just now, ajj2410 said:

I posted mine on FM Stories but after that I feel like it should be on FM Career Updates, do you know how to move it there?

If you feel that it should be on Career Updates, just PM one of our mods - mark wilson27 or tenthreeleader. They should be able to move it for you.

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1 minute ago, CFuller said:

If you feel that it should be on Career Updates, just PM one of our mods - mark wilson27 or tenthreeleader. They should be able to move it for you.

Ok thanks for the help. I will ask them now.

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Not sure, Tenthree is doing the write up so I think its just a case of waiting on him. However I know he said to me that he has been very busy with work so if push comes to shove I can try my best to emulate his comic write ups

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Just now, mark wilson27 said:

I'll give it till 830 (GMT) and I'll start it if that's ok with everyone

We're using BST at the moment. I take it that you meant that rather than GMT, which is an hour behind. Sorry for being pedantic.

That aside, I've been here since 7:30pm, writing up my own comedic material for the ceremony. I'll try not to rush into my quips like I did on occasion last time.

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Just now, CFuller said:

We're using BST at the moment. I take it that you meant that rather than GMT, which is an hour behind. Sorry for being pedantic.

That aside, I've been here since 7:30pm, writing up my own comedic material for the ceremony. I'll try not to rush into my quips like I did on occasion last time.

I always lose track of that...don't know why we don't stay with one time (but that's a conversation for another day)

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