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Well, I'll not use the old cliches...just simply say that after a long absence, due to varying reasons, I have returned to the FMS forum. I've missed the place and hopefully, once I'm back in the flow of things I can sink my teeth into another story

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Well, I'll not use the old cliches...just simply say that after a long absence, due to varying reasons, I have returned to the FMS forum. I've missed the place and hopefully, once I'm back in the flow of things I can sink my teeth into another story

Welcome back Sherm, It's good to see you.

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Well, I'll not use the old cliches...just simply say that after a long absence, due to varying reasons, I have returned to the FMS forum. I've missed the place and hopefully, once I'm back in the flow of things I can sink my teeth into another story

Welcome back Sir.

Chester and Mikey, great bantz. That's the reason I come here. :D

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It may be time for me to point out what's now number two in the iTunes Download chart.........

It's the Judy Garland version from The Wizard of Oz.

But I can't remmber how it goes......

Can anyone remind me ?????

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I'd be delighted to remind you that it goes like this...

"Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead, The Witch is Dead, The Witch is Dead,

Ding Dong The Witch is, Witch is DEAD !"

But I can't because that would be, as earlier established, insensitive, un-PC and possibly offensive. So I won't!

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Why, Thank You, Mikey. Most considerate of you.

But because it is so quite possibly offensive and insensitive and just plain wrong, in a kind of "why won't you pinko lefty leaning liberals show some respect ?" kind of way, I won't be joining in signing....

"Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead, The Witch is Dead, The Witch is Dead,

Ding Dong The Witch is, Witch is DEAD !"

Because that would be bad. So I won't. Not this time.

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'Former Prime Minister' doesn't carry quite the same weight as 'Former President' does in the US, 10-3,

In the US the President is known as Mr.President from the moment he takes office until he dies, even after he stops being president. In the UK The Prime Minister is only the Prime Minister for as long as he or she is in office. When they leave they become a 'Former Prime Minister', such as Former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

In short none of what any of us has said disrespects the office of Prime Minister.

I admit that making fun out of a death is distasteful and if anyone is offended by that then I apologize, but you have to remember there has never been a more divisive figure than Thatcher in British Public Life, and to make fun of that is certainly acceptable in my book.

Just ask the Miners, gay people, the family of the 96, the 3 million people made unemployed under her watch, and I'm sure they would agree.

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In the US the President is known as Mr.President from the moment he takes office until he dies, even after he stops being president. In the UK The Prime Minister is only the Prime Minister for as long as he or she is in office. When they leave they become a 'Former Prime Minister', such as Former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

This is the case with all major elected offices in the United States. Members of Congress, state governors, and the President and Vice-President can be correctly referred to by their elected titles for as long as they live.

I just find it tiresome that some people both on the left and right find the need to rejoice in death. You would be hard pressed to find a more divisive figure in the eyes of American conservatives than Barack Obama; and there are some on the political right who will verbally dance on his grave when he passes in the same manner as some on the political left have done with Baroness Thatcher. Doesn't make it right in either event.

I do understand about Hillsbrough, certainly, but will not argue politics here as it's not the purpose of this board. I will say it is the nature of modern politics to be divisive; no less a person than Tony Blair said so in reference to Thatcher this week, and he also won three general elections. The Labour Party got it exactly right when they released their statement about disagreeing with Thatcher's policies but respecting the life she led.

It is also true that British politics are far more direct than the American. If we ever had "President's Questions" on the floor of the House of Representatives, you'd see a free-for-all like few others. Pariiament is a different animal, and that is by design. We in America should not be surprised at the depth of feeling she generated, as it is typical of the passion we often find ourselves admiring on this side of the Atlantic.

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You can never agree with everyone, but I agree with 10-3 that celebrating death (however funny) is a bit crass.

I thought the celebrations in America when Osama bin Laden was killed was a bit overboard as well.

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I will say it is the nature of modern politics to be divisive

Very sad, but very very true. I think this is a big cause of the gradual decline into finger-pointing, negative politics and play-it-safe approach to public policy in Western democracies. It's all about trying to divide up society so that you can snare enough portions of it to win government. You then spend the entirety of your time appeasing said segments of society in order to hold onto power, enhancing the divides that you created in the first place.

Australian politics is right in this mire right now, it's the strategy Julia Gillard has taken on in an attempt to make up for the fact that she is generally one of the most disliked Prime Minister in the nation's history.

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In the UK we still celebrate guy Fawkes day by burning effigies of a man who failed in an attempt to blow up parliament. Once a year his death is rejoiced by millions.

And he didn't ruin anyone else's lives or get blood on his hands.

Does make you think about acceptable celebration. Is it acceptable for anyone?

Saddam, bin laden, Pinochet, pol pot, Mugabe, gadafi, hitler, plenty of other mad dictators who represent their governments and office. I'm not comparing thatcher to these people other than the position of power and the control over many lives.

What about Child killers, rapists, serial killers, mass-murders?

Basically people that ruin lives.

Unless that persons actions personally affected you, I don't think you can truly understand the relief and happiness people may feel.

When I realised she was dead I did a fist pump and said "yes". People around me where shocked and disgusted. In hindsight my reaction was out of order.

I was the first medic on the scene after all.

(That last line was a joke)

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In the UK we still celebrate guy Fawkes day by burning effigies of a man who failed in an attempt to blow up parliament. Once a year his death is rejoiced by millions.

And he didn't ruin anyone else's lives or get blood on his hands.

Does make you think about acceptable celebration. Is it acceptable for anyone?

Saddam, bin laden, Pinochet, pol pot, Mugabe, gadafi, hitler, plenty of other mad dictators who represent their governments and office. I'm not comparing thatcher to these people other than the position of power and the control over many lives.

What about Child killers, rapists, serial killers, mass-murders?

Basically people that ruin lives.

Unless that persons actions personally affected you, I don't think you can truly understand the relief and happiness people may feel.

When I realised she was dead I did a fist pump and said "yes". People around me where shocked and disgusted. In hindsight my reaction was out of order.

I was the first medic on the scene after all.

(That last line was a joke)

Spot on, well said. Somebody far more intelligent than me said "there is no truth, only perception".

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On a completely unrelated note (well, unrelated to the current conversation, Thatcher had been out of power for a while before I was even born so I wouldn't have enough knowledge on the situation to even take a side), the PL has voted to introduce its own take on Financial Fair Play and Goal Line Technology.

Here's an interesting one for those of you that have been crying to have some kind of financial restriction in place to stop the rich teams from splashing the cash all of the time; only 14 of the 20 teams in the Premier League voted in favour of FFP today. Both Chelsea and Manchester United are included in that 14. Of the other 6 teams, there was 1 abstention (from Swansea) and then the teams that voted against FFP were West Brom, Fulham, Man City, Aston Villa and Southampton. Minus City, none of the others are big spenders which gives you an idea of what kind of teams will actually be more affected by these rules.

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On a completely unrelated note (well, unrelated to the current conversation, Thatcher had been out of power for a while before I was even born so I wouldn't have enough knowledge on the situation to even take a side), the PL has voted to introduce its own take on Financial Fair Play and Goal Line Technology.

Here's an interesting one for those of you that have been crying to have some kind of financial restriction in place to stop the rich teams from splashing the cash all of the time; only 14 of the 20 teams in the Premier League voted in favour of FFP today. Both Chelsea and Manchester United are included in that 14. Of the other 6 teams, there was 1 abstention (from Swansea) and then the teams that voted against FFP were West Brom, Fulham, Man City, Aston Villa and Southampton. Minus City, none of the others are big spenders which gives you an idea of what kind of teams will actually be more affected by these rules.

Interesting, none of the teams that voted against it surprise me that much apart from Southampton. Most of those teams are teams that have fairly large wage bills relative to their ability to generate revenue. Villa are the most obvious, although they are in a much, much better place relative to where they were at the end of MON's tenure, they are a team that has relied on generous support from the owner in order to push for European qualification, although they've wound almost all of that back and would probably not be affected by a FFP-like system (although it might prevent them from ever repeating the attempts of the MON period, not that Lerner seems keen to repeat it anyway). West Brom and Fulham are probably where Villa were a few seasons ago, mostly stocked with older proven EPL-professionals on fairly chunky wages. As long as the clubs are stable in upper-mid table they're not in strife, but a FFP-like system would potentially put a cap on how much futher they can push their budgets.

Southampton I'm a bit surprised, I didn't think their spending would be that high relative to their revenue-raising potential (and I'm not aware they have significant backing from the owner, but I'm not well-versed on Southampton these days). City is the obvious negative-voter, given their wages + transfer spend is well beyond the club's revenue-raising ability, even taking into account their not-at-market-value sponsorships. Despite what they might say, any kind of 'ratio of revenue' measures in a FFP-like system will hurt City at their current state.

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I think City have been very unlucky with the timing of this type of thing coming into play. Unlike Chelsea, they haven't really had the time to build up a decent, worldwide fanbase and as a result they don't bring in the same amount of money as teams like United, Chelsea, Arsenal or even Liverpool (iirc). Chelsea, on the other hand, have escaped that predicament purely because we've been a power-player now for over a decade and that has enabled us to attract a lot of new fans (or read: glory hunters. The ones who couldn't tell you where Di Matteo actually played or who Dan Petrescu is).

As for Southampton, I'd agree with you. I wouldn't have thought their bills outweighed their earnings by a lot so I was surprised at them. On the same page, I do wonder why Swansea decided not to vote? Seems very strange to me. Especially after this season's League Cup win, I'd have thought they were riding a bit of a wave with regards to revenue.

For those hoping for this to bring the playing field to a much more even state, I don't think they'll be seeing anything like that. Sure, Man City will be reigned in but the other 'big' teams will still spend big because they still earn big. I really don't see much changing at all, maybe I'll be wrong though.

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Had my first official game as coach today, we managed to get a 3-1 win over a team that beat us pretty easily three times last year which was good. Its great to see some things that you get the kids to do in training work in a game.

I'm impressed that they listened and was actually able to put it into practice, a feat made even greater that these are 15 year old girls who at the best of times listen to absolutely no one!

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Well, I'm not gonna lie, that while being extremely disappointed, Sunderland were the better side by far today and it takes a lot to say that. Their goals were outstanding.

I, however, am tired of Paolo Di Canio already.

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Had my first official game as coach today, we managed to get a 3-1 win over a team that beat us pretty easily three times last year which was good. Its great to see some things that you get the kids to do in training work in a game.

I'm impressed that they listened and was actually able to put it into practice, a feat made even greater that these are 15 year old girls who at the best of times listen to absolutely no one!

That's the best feeling of all, Pan. I coached both my children at youth level and the feeling you get when the kids show they 'get it' is really special. Congratulations -- it's a great moment!

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I'm with you mistahc. I'm not a fan of violence and I don't understand why this type of violence had to occur. Nor do I understand the violence at the FA Cup Semi-Final. The other day, I watched cars steer well clear of a father running with his kid strapped into one of those special sporty strollers on a Friday afternoon following work. I thought to myself, "Wow, what a refreshing breath of fresh air from humanity..." It, apparently and unfortunately, turned out to be just a fleeting, momentary lapse of reason until the hatred and bitterness returned.

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From what we're learning about the bombs themselves, it appears these were not designed so much to kill as to maim, and this was unfortunately done with great effectiveness. Horrible day on this side of the Atlantic.

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With everyone else on this one. Utterly despicable. I was in London a couple of years back on the day of the London Marathon and I can recall what a thoroughly uplifting experience it was, seeing all those people trying alot harder than I may ever be prepared to do to make a few quid is indeed inspiring and uplifting, what a shame that some people are not prepared to let spectators like me enjoy this kind of thing without some dread that it's all going to end in tragedy.

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After years and years of heartbreak and general annoyance I can finally cheer Cardiff City in the EPL :D So happy right now

Congrats on your team getting promoted Manxie. Hope you don't mind me being personally disgusted of having another welsh team in Englands top tier.

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Congrats on your team getting promoted Manxie. Hope you don't mind me being personally disgusted of having another welsh team in Englands top tier.

Speaking about welsh teams in the EPL, was there any confirmation about whether Swansea will be allowed to take an English spot in the Europea League for winning the League Cup? Last I heard they were going to be denied entry but is that decision still standing?

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Speaking about welsh teams in the EPL, was there any confirmation about whether Swansea will be allowed to take an English spot in the Europea League for winning the League Cup? Last I heard they were going to be denied entry but is that decision still standing?

I think UEFA said they could.

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Does anyone else thing the exclusion of De Gea, Rafael and Nastasic (to name a few) from YPOTY and the inclusion of Welbeck and Wilshere is a little bit odd... I also think it's about time that the rules were revised. It's a little unfair that Gareth Bale and Eden Hazard can be nominated for both, surely if one of them is crowned POTY then automatically that makes them YPOTY?

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Methinks we should have a betting pool on Suarez's punishment for biting Ivanovich...I'm guessing a 12 match ban, which will be reduced via appeals process to 8 games and he'll have to do at least 250 community service hours, pay a fine of 50K to some kind of charity, plus attend anger management training similar to Joey Barton's.

Unfortunately, this will still fall short of what I want because he can bag more goals than anyone since Torres. And, apparently, this kind of logic trumps the good of the game. Though, I'm sure if Fenway Sports Group will have the cojones to sack him and put him up for transfer immediately, he might find a home with Mancini's men because he's got the kind of passion that manager wants from his men...win...and win at all costs...If Tevez can be accepted back into the fold following his "mid-season vacation" last year, then surely someone like Suarez can come in to the fold and pick right up where Balotelli left off?

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I would expect him to at least get a ban till the end of the season now. Given Liverpool now only have 4 games left, then the FA may show some leniency and just ban him for those games instead of it going into next season. He got an 8 game ban for the racism ordeal and I don't expect him to get anything like that. No eventual harm has come to Ivanovic and it's good to see a footballer not making a massive fuss over it all. I expect him to get a slap on the wrist and to miss the final chunk of the season.

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Why should the FA show leniency. Disgusting way to behave, absolute animal. I hope the FA throw the book at him. I'd like to see a 12 game ban simply because he has previous and his other disciplinary issues. Maybe if he has to sit out 1/3 of a season he'll learn his lesson. Probably not though. Idiot.

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Over the last few months, I've been advocating Suarez. I was telling everyone I knew what a great player he was, and how he seems to have learnt his lesson...then he goes and BITES Ivanovic. I couldn't believe what I was watching. The man is a buffoon. The F.A should throw the book at him, make an example. I also think Liverpool should sack him...if I did that in my job, I'd be done for common assault, sacked and thrown in jail would I not? I'd love to get inside his head and see what goes on...

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We taught our three year old not to bite by telling him only animals bite. That and refusing him C-Beebies. Perhaps they should try that on Suarez.

Not condoning what he's done here. After all Liverpool have fined him and the FA have charged him, and will likely ban him for 8 games or more. That's punishment.

What we don't need though is another media bandwagon. But I fear that is exactly what we've got.

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I would say a bandwagon is to be expected. I don't think anybody could fight his corner. It isn't the first time he's done this, after all. As such, with nobody able to defend his actions, it will of course look like a witch hunt, but that's what you get when you behave like that.

To be honest, I couldn't care less about his apology, his public image, the length and severity of his ban, nor could I care less about the image of Liverpool FC. What I care about is that Chelsea may now miss out on a champions league place because of a goal scored by a player (or 2 players, Sturridge could have easily seen a red for his challenge on Bertrand) who should not have been on the pitch. No matter what ban he is given, Chelsea won't benefit from it in any way. I just hope this episode won't cost us our champions league spot!

Also I dislike rafa Benitez a bit more after this. His only reaction to the incident was 'I didn't see it, I was watching the game' and I call that as rubbish. He just didn't have the balls to say anything about his beloved Liverpool in case it cost him any future chance of returning to anfield - an event and date that cannot come soon enough, in my mind. Ah well, one game closer to the end of the season, one game closer to a rafa-less Chelsea! Viva la Rafalucìon!

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To be honest I think managers should really follow the Sir Alex method of 'defend your own players whatever has happened, or slate the opposition's player nomatter what has or hasn't happened' rather than the Arsene Wenger 'myopic' method. In short good managers defend their players whatever they have done. I'm a bit upset with Liverpool in that defending the player came from Ian Ayre rather than the manager.

I do understand why you are miffed Offy, and even a little bit sympathetic, but surely your problem is with the ref and linesman who didn't see it, rather than Suarez for actually doing it. But then if he had, then the punishment would have to be based around what was in his post match report, no bandwagon fun in that, now is there.

And one final point. Whatever is in Rafa's head, he's not going to be Liverpool manager again. Not while the Boston lot own the club.

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I can certainly see your point in managers wanting to defend their players no matter what, it can build a bit of a siege mentality which is normally quite useful in football. However, I'd still be very interested in hearing how anybody could defend Suarez's actions. My problem is with Suarez and the ref to be honest. What Suarez did - forget the football for a second - is just not acceptable. How Ivanovic kept his cool after being bitten by Suarez is incredible.

After thinking about it, I'm not overly annoyed at the referee (I mean watching out for players biting each other cant exactly be the first thing to cross their mind on a football pitch) because it's not the sort of thing that would have been blatantly obvious to see, and even after seeing the marks on ivanovic's arm he still can't act because he didn't see the incident. I'm just annoyed at the situation. However, if you were to ask me how would I right the wrongs here, I would say I don't know. At the end of the day, Chelsea didn't handle the match well enough and that's why we drew. We can't count on the officials getting everything right all season to win us matches.

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After browsing around the media bandwagon, a few points that can be open to discussion:

1) Is a bite worse than a leg breaking/career ending tackle? These are worth just 3 game bans and in my opinion are much worse, so I don't get the calls for say an 8 match ban. Sure biting is disgusting and completely weird, but punished more severely than say a potential leg breaker?

2) Would there be as much uproar about a bite if this was done by someone in the Blue Square North?

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I'd love to get inside his head and see what goes on...

Right now Suarez is a bit puzzled about which of Newton's three laws keeps his ears apart. Simply suspending him for the rest of the season isn't enough for me since he's already served a seven match ban for the same offense in a different league. The FA can't be seen as regressive in punishment for a second offense. In what court of law would you see someone sentenced less harshly for a second offense?

It needs to be ten at a minimum and if the PFA appeals then they appeal.

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