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From what I understand of Droylsden is that they are having major financial issues and have tried about 80 players so far this season from what i've heard. dodgy dogy bloke the chairman is by all accounts and so are his accounts by the sound of it. A very young and inexperienced team from what I saw a few weeks ago. They'll end up getting a daft win from somewhere unexpected. Sad to see a club like that though fall so quickly.

poor old droylsden, (i used to live down the road from there a few years ago) and i thought my local team hinckley had it bad last season, let's hope they don't meet the same fate.

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It's always good to have new writers here, especially when they get involved with the community. Those that have been here for a few years now will remember when FMS was a really busy place - certainly provided me with some really good times: gav, Mikey, xen and some angry Scottish guy in particular were responsible for a decent amount of them! Oh, and viper. That guy cracked me up, especially when he was part of a double act with Mikey!

How's it going in the Army buddy? I see the odd thing pop up on the book of the face now and then. Pleased that it seems to be going well for you.

Viper! He was an interesting chap, I'll say that much.

Glad to see that, if not all, at least a fair portion of are still here doing your thing. I still have a read of the odd story here and there. Good on you all.

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Not too bad cheers mate, coming down to crunch time now with regards to people deciding for sure whether or not they stay in for another 4 years, if not we have to leave in the next few months otherwise we're signed up for 4 years, no way out (unless they kick you out of course ;)). How are you nowadays anyway xen?

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Glad you've stuck at it Offspring8. :thup: Hope it's going well.

I remember some funny stories of people trying to get out who couldn't (albeit honourably with no jail time via Colly, so no smoking a joint down the tank park :D ), like trying to convince the Army they were gay (it was not so long ago a big no no and got you the sack), crashing their car on purpose to give themselves an injury that got them out of deploying and messing it up coming out without a scratch so reversing said car and giving it another go!

And the best one, a lad who researched (before the internet so no easy task!) in detail and acted out chronic sleepwalking for months. It wasn't or isn't as easy as you think to get out.

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Never understood that, TBH. If you weren't drafted into the Army, that means you volunteered. What is the point of volunteering if you are just going to try to find some way to get out?

Had my son home for Christmas leave last month (he has nearly completed his training to become a combat medic). He had an accident in the field during a training exercise, had a violent allergic reaction and nearly died. But he went back.

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I hear you 10-3, but people change, their circumstances change, they get posted, go on op tours and another 1001 things happen that make you think what was once a great idea becomes a nightmare. Joining at 16 I was a different creature than I was three years later though luckily for me I never hated it. If you grow to hate that life then I can only imagine what a horrible experience living it is.

It's nothing like most jobs, and if after 2-3 years you realise you hate it, tough. You're staying warts and all.

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Not too bad cheers mate, coming down to crunch time now with regards to people deciding for sure whether or not they stay in for another 4 years, if not we have to leave in the next few months otherwise we're signed up for 4 years, no way out (unless they kick you out of course ;)). How are you nowadays anyway xen?

Well I hope you take the time to make the decision that's right for you, it's a big commitment for a young guy. You're not in Aldershot are you? I always assume that's where most soldiers are when they aren't overseas and takin' names! :D

I'm alright, little bit older, no wiser. I see Mikey and the Lovegun are still here. Is Terk gone, or does he put in an appearance?

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Is Terk gone, or does he put in an appearance?

He pops by now and again with his angry presence. :D

I get what Jibby is talking about though. Military is not what most people actually think it is. I should know, given my Navy debacle (not sure if I ever mentioned it here). And I didn't have a choice for that one.

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I hate to detach my comment from the conversation above (all the best to you off by the way!) but I just wanted to say that I love this place, truly! FMS is that punch right in the inspiration hole that I really needed, granted, I've been here for just a week or so, but I've had ideas coming at me thick and fast for both the thread I have going and, in particular, 1 other which may come at some point!

Basically, a massive thank you to you all, you guys are awesome :cool:

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...not to mention the time you spend in that 6 months cooling off period from joining is usually nothing like what life will be like when you finally get in to the big bad world and to your regt or btn.

I didn't know you had served. Thanks for that. Respect for all who wear the uniforms.

In my son's case, he also took pre-military training for three years, so he had a good idea of what he was in for. I also sat him down with some of our area vets so he could get the straight skinny. Of course, you have to figure out a lot of it for yourself, but he was as prepared as he could be for what was coming.

I wasn't prepared to see him at Christmas, though. He had dropped 25 pounds, grew an inch to 6'4", and now is he not only taller than me by an inch, we're also now different shapes. I'm trying not to get roundish and he's a wedge. Who knew.

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Basically, a massive thank you to you all, you guys are awesome :cool:

All positivity in FMS is the responsibility of Messrs Renwick and Wilson. I just clean up afterwards. In seriousness, new vibrant writers are just what we need for obvious reasons. It makes the candle stay lit sometimes.

In my own case, I've been writing the Ridgway saga for over six years (including before I ever signed up here). You do need a shot in the arm sometimes to keep going. Glad we can provide that for you.

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Seriously, though, I should ask people if they want me to continue writing it after this season.

Obviously I say that in jest. I think all writers should have the choice of deciding when to pull the plug on their works. You have a lot of non-football story threads that remain unfinished though (to be honest, the plotting is the part I like best about Rat Pack), and I'd like to see you give yourself the necessary space to finish them off properly. That said, I've had huge issues with 'epic' story ideas that I run out of stamina to finish properly - so if you feel it's too much of a burden to keep writing (you're a busy man these days Mr. 10-3!) then perhaps its for the best if you find a way to wrap things up during the current in-game season.

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Sorry Gav, struggling to care. He was a troll!

A massive troll. Could be in the Premiership before long. That would be something worth watching Match of the Day for. Newcastle usually aren't. :D

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Obviously I say that in jest. I think all writers should have the choice of deciding when to pull the plug on their works. You have a lot of non-football story threads that remain unfinished though (to be honest, the plotting is the part I like best about Rat Pack), and I'd like to see you give yourself the necessary space to finish them off properly. That said, I've had huge issues with 'epic' story ideas that I run out of stamina to finish properly - so if you feel it's too much of a burden to keep writing (you're a busy man these days Mr. 10-3!) then perhaps its for the best if you find a way to wrap things up during the current in-game season.

Not as busy as I have been, I'm afraid. I think the phrase they use on the Continent is "I was made redundant today".

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Not as busy as I have been, I'm afraid. I think the phrase they use on the Continent is "I was made redundant today".

Sorry to hear that Gaffer, Hope things pop up for you..If not there might be job going at Old Trafford soon ;)

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I hate to detach my comment from the conversation above (all the best to you off by the way!) but I just wanted to say that I love this place, truly! FMS is that punch right in the inspiration hole that I really needed, granted, I've been here for just a week or so, but I've had ideas coming at me thick and fast for both the thread I have going and, in particular, 1 other which may come at some point!

Basically, a massive thank you to you all, you guys are awesome :cool:

Really glad to hear it mate. Your comments on my threads are needed to keep me going, so I really appreciate it.

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Really glad to hear it mate. Your comments on my threads are needed to keep me going, so I really appreciate it.

Right back at you Mist!

I will hopefully be back in writing action tonight, had a few busy days getting prepped to return to Uni but here now and ready to procrastinate in this rather bulky exam period :)

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Right back at you Mist!

I will hopefully be back in writing action tonight, had a few busy days getting prepped to return to Uni but here now and ready to procrastinate in this rather bulky exam period :)

Just out of curiosity, do you have a reserve of copy built up? If you're taking the long road in story writing, that sometimes helps so you can keep posting when you are in exams or otherwise busy. And it doesn't put pressure on you to write on days where writer's block might hit and .. and ... I don't remember the rest. :p

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Just out of curiosity, do you have a reserve of copy built up? If you're taking the long road in story writing, that sometimes helps so you can keep posting when you are in exams or otherwise busy. And it doesn't put pressure on you to write on days where writer's block might hit and .. and ... I don't remember the rest. :p

I did have a reserve built up but it depleted faster than Iran's plutonium supply...Trying in the exam period for 1 update a day, it's a nice little break from revising, working and assignment finishing and allows a bit of a creative break!

Anyway, before I sound like a Buddhist ritualist, I'm looking forwards to your writing for sure, love seeing the way different people write, that's why I love this place so much, stuffed like a chicken, just with inspiration :)

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I did have a reserve built up but it depleted faster than Iran's plutonium supply...Trying in the exam period for 1 update a day, it's a nice little break from revising, working and assignment finishing and allows a bit of a creative break!

Anyway, before I sound like a Buddhist ritualist, I'm looking forwards to your writing for sure, love seeing the way different people write, that's why I love this place so much, stuffed like a chicken, just with inspiration :)

My writing is already posted on the boards. :) And in fact worked on it this morning. In the meantime, I'm reveling in watching Moyes play 4-5-1 at home against Swansea.

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My writing is already posted on the boards. :) And in fact worked on it this morning. In the meantime, I'm reveling in watching Moyes play 4-5-1 at home against Swansea.

It seems I have quite the amount of catching up to do. Think it's time to sip the non-alcoholic beer and get reading! Student lifestyle, what student lifestyle?

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Inability to jest over the darker corners of life mean they've succumb to the bad times. It's all good 10-3, if you can't laugh about any of your past there's only your future to laugh at

Truth be told, most people simply avoid the rush and laugh at my present. :)

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That was his last game for them as he's about to go to Huddersfield for £250k. Fair play to him.

He's obviously a quality striker. Conference to Championship though, that's a huge leap.

I think it's brilliant, I mean he was a gob***** from what I remember, but I hope he does well. Who was it that always use to fall out with him? Elrithral?

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As Copper pointed out in his story that I was nearing 10,000 posts on the boards. Well this is now my 10,000 posts and I thought I'd use it to say how much I enjoy writing on these boards and that I hope you lot have enjoyed the stories that I have posted on here, even though some may not last too long.

The majority of people on here have become friends and a big shout out must go to Tenthree, Copper, Gav, Salkster, Chester and Ben who I have been around the same time that I have.

Its great too see some new faces turning up and posting some top quality new stories. Anyway guys heres to a few more posts at least

Cheers again guys

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Congrats on 10K, Mark. Clearly you have little better to do with your life :p But seriously, gaffer, it's great to have you here as always.

I handed out a couple of infractions to PFM during his time here (and I can count the number of times I have done that on the fingers of two hands), but I'm so old now that I don't remember what they were for.

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I handed out a couple of infractions to PFM during his time here (and I can count the number of times I have done that on the fingers of two hands), but I'm so old now that I don't remember what they were for.

I can tell you what one of them was for, because I got the only infraction I've ever had for being on the other side of the dispute. I still maintain it was worth it!

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