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I think so too. Letting Yanga-Mbiwa stay on the park after that tackle on Nasri proves it.

I believe the goal should have stood as well, I don't see how the argument that the Newcastle player was interfering with play can be justified.

Firstly, he is clearly not in Hart's line-of-sight to the ball.

Secondly, Milner came out after the match and said Hart argued that the Newcastle player was standing 'where he was going to dive', which thus prevented him from moving, thus 'interfering'. Personally, I think this is absolute rubbish and excuse-making at its finest.

If Hart was looking at the ball (which he was, as his view was not obstructed), the moment he sees it leave Tiote's foot he pretty much has to commit to his dive in order to even stand a chance at saving it (given the speeds that elite players tend to smash that sucker). If he's waiting to have a look around first to check whether there's anyone that he's going to crash into if he dives, he would likely be a pretty rubbish keeper due to conceeding lots of goals from long-range shots. If he was doing his job, he would have dived to try and save it. If he then hits the Newcastle player, then the issue is resolved immediately as that would clearly be interfering with play.

And if Hart is really scared of hurting himself by diving towards a stationary player, he needs to man the **** up. He's not even the one likely to come out worst from such a collision, given he's the one with the momentum (and is going arm-first).

My take is that Hart was focused on the shot, realised he reacted too slowly to save it, watched it go in. As he turned to watch the ball sail past him into the net, he notices the Newcastle player standing in an offiside position to his side. He goes, damn, he's totally where I would be if I had dived, screw it, let's try asking about offside! And gets away with it.

And yes, that 'tackle' by Yanga-Mbiwa was horrendous and absolutely a red card. The ref totally lost control of the game after that incident.

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The case could be made, though I would certainly hope not, that Jones let Yanga-Mbiwa stay on the field because he didn't want to further anger Newcastle and its fans. I can't see a legitimate reason to strike off the goal and Hart's words are gamesmanship at its worst in my view. And for the life of me I can't understand why Pardew spent so much time talking about the 'entertainment business' when discussing the goal. Just stick to the rules -- that's his best argument.

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G'day all. New name but an old face. Some might remember the old user "Dixie Flatline" who wrote a number of stories more than 10 years ago. Well, through the mists of time and changing computers, I managed to lose my password and email address linked to that account, so I've been locked out of that account probably forever.

I've been perusing the thread and I'm pleased to see that there are still some old faces that I recognise and I look forward to reading the stories of the more recent posters. Unfortunately, family and work means that I have little time left for playing FM (I recently reinstalled FM05 and managed to guide Ivrea into Serie B but resigned when relegation became an inevitability and then took Barnet from League Two into League One), let alone writing a story based on FM.

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Did Joe Hart really say that?? :D

"It was left to James Milner, a second-half substitute, to express Hart's viewpoint while acknowledging the unsatisfactory nature of aspects of the offside law with commendable honesty. "It was an amazing strike but what Harty says was that although the lad [Gouffran] wasn't blocking his view of the ball he was standing where he was going to dive, so Harty couldn't really make a dive.

"Harty also said he wasn't sure if he would have got it anyway, but Gouffran was in his way. If someone is in your way you are not going to dive on them. Maybe he wasn't interfering, but it is such a hard one to get right. I can see both sides. It was an amazing strike and it was unfortunate for them, but it's the grey area of the offside rule."

Taken from the Guardian website, which I read earlier.

Seriously, if this is his reason for claiming 'interfering with play', it boggles the mind.

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As Copper pointed out in his story that I was nearing 10,000 posts on the boards. Well this is now my 10,000 posts and I thought I'd use it to say how much I enjoy writing on these boards and that I hope you lot have enjoyed the stories that I have posted on here, even though some may not last too long.

The majority of people on here have become friends and a big shout out must go to Tenthree, Copper, Gav, Salkster, Chester and Ben who I have been around the same time that I have.

Its great too see some new faces turning up and posting some top quality new stories. Anyway guys heres to a few more posts at least

Cheers again guys

Well done mate. Hope you stick around for at least another 10,000 posts, or more.

You're one of my favourite story writers, and person, on this forums Mark. Cheers.

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To be fair I think it shows how bodged the offside rule is these days and how everyone has a different interpretation for it. Bit of a rash decision for me by Mike Jones as offside decision are supposed to be left to the linesman. This may change the eventual winners of the league because of one decision now but we will have to wait and see.

Forget the Newcastle-City match though. I'm not sure i've seen so many goals in on match and thought it wasn't that good. I am of course referring to the Stoke-Liverpool match. Both defenses were absolutely horrid. Great to see Sturridge back though and the instant link up with Suarez is a warning to the rest of the league. Liverpool have 9 away games left, 7 of which are against teams in the bottom half so Liverpool aren't totally out of the title reckoning yet. Top 4 would be a more realistic aim but with SAS around anything is possible.

Congrats on the 10k posts mark been a pleasure reading all your posts.

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G'day all. New name but an old face. Some might remember the old user "Dixie Flatline" who wrote a number of stories more than 10 years ago. Well, through the mists of time and changing computers, I managed to lose my password and email address linked to that account, so I've been locked out of that account probably forever.

I've been perusing the thread and I'm pleased to see that there are still some old faces that I recognise and I look forward to reading the stories of the more recent posters. Unfortunately, family and work means that I have little time left for playing FM (I recently reinstalled FM05 and managed to guide Ivrea into Serie B but resigned when relegation became an inevitability and then took Barnet from League Two into League One), let alone writing a story based on FM.

Send me a PM if you want me to look. I can go into the mod software and see how much of that is retrievable. Password probably isn't but I'm sure the e-mail address is. Glad to have you back!

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I still speak to you because it was infraction worthy. I won't repost it here, but I called him lots of rude words in a very rude manner! Ah good times :D

You know, I remember that too, now. The welts eventually subsided and we soldiered on.

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Congrats on the milestone, Mark, an admirable achievement indeed. Your continued support of my efforts is also appreciated on a personal level.

As I am occasionally want to say, 'Hats Off, old chap.'

And as for Mikey, 10-3 I admire your restraint. I'd have infracted Mikey for just being him, but I guess that's why I've never been asked to be a mod isn't it !

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Apropos of nothing... is anyone else missing posts?

I seem to have a big gap in my posting history. For example I can't find Jumping Through Hoops as a started thread in my history, nor can I see it in the list of threads on the forum, but I can see it if I click the link in the archives.

Any ideas?

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Congrats on the milestone Mark, you were one of the first authors (Along with Gav, and 10-3) who I really read when I first joined! Really glad you're still enjoying the writing :D

EDIT: Just checked my forum posts... apparently I only have two. How wonderful.

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We might even get to see him on TV some day!

Shame they couldn't delay the transfer, because Kidderminster away to Sunderland would be a dead cert to be televised.

What a lad! The Guardian piece made me laugh "Lolley preferred not to comment", makes me wonder whether it really is The Perfect FM'er!

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Shame they couldn't delay the transfer, because Kidderminster away to Sunderland would be a dead cert to be televised.

What a lad! The Guardian piece made me laugh "Lolley preferred not to comment", makes me wonder whether it really is The Perfect FM'er!

Yeah, was pretty funny seeing him in the headlines after the recent posts about him here. As others have talked about, going from the Conference to the Championship is a huge jump, so all the best to him, he'll probably need it!

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PerfectFM'er scored the winner for Kidderminister tonight against Peterborough in his last match before his transfer to Huddersfield! Almost like he is writing his own FM story!

Knew I recognised the name Joe Lolley...been a long time since I've been here (like Dixie Flatline above I lost the password to my old account..hell, not even sure I remember what my old username was @_@ - oh well, fresh start then :D). Either way, looking forward to seeing him putting on the Town shirt (hopefully against QPR this weekend) :)

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Just wondering what peoples thoughts are regarding Fast & Furious 7 still being brought out without Paul Walker. Can't decide how I feel about it. Sort of feels wrong :(

I think they already started production on it before he passed, and it might have been too expensive to cancel.

I'm willing to bet that this would be the absolute final one in the series. Any more after would just be disrespectful.

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Just wondering what peoples thoughts are regarding Fast & Furious 7 still being brought out without Paul Walker. Can't decide how I feel about it. Sort of feels wrong :(

I wonder if it'll be like that Bruce Lee movie that was finished after his death using a stand-in who looked and moved nothing like Bruce Lee.

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Send me a PM if you want me to look. I can go into the mod software and see how much of that is retrievable. Password probably isn't but I'm sure the e-mail address is. Glad to have you back!

Thanks tenthreeleader. I have an idea of the email address I used, and I'm pretty sure it's one that I don't use or have control over, so I don't want to waste your time.

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I wonder if it'll be like that Bruce Lee movie that was finished after his death using a stand-in who looked and moved nothing like Bruce Lee.

Apropos of nothing, and I really mean NOTHING, did you guys ever see the Epic Rap Battles of History piece on Youtube with Bruce Lee and Clint Eastwood? It's a scream.

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I haven't seen that but talking of YouTube, I'm thinking of doing a 'let's play' series of football manager on there (for those who don't know what that is, it's pretty much a story but through video clips and commentary rather than writing), would there be any interest from people here in following that type of thing?

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I am absolutely positive I wrote a short story last year, middle of the year'ish, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere, i've searched for all my threads and other posts but nothing is there at all.

I find it baffling, any chance its gone missing, I know someother people were talking about posts being deleted earlier?

Anyway you can check 10-3


It seems like anything I wrote before november 11 and 2008 has been deleted or I cant see it.


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I am absolutely positive I wrote a short story last year, middle of the year'ish, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere, i've searched for all my threads and other posts but nothing is there at all.

I find it baffling, any chance its gone missing, I know someother people were talking about posts being deleted earlier?

Anyway you can check 10-3


It seems like anything I wrote before november 11 and 2008 has been deleted or I cant see it.


I have the same issue. I have all my early posts on the forum and then a massive gap until the last few months. Jumping Through Hoops doesn't appear in a search and the only way for me to find it is via the archives.

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With all the people missing their "investments" in story writing, I'm going to be the first one to propose (tongue-in-cheek, of course) that Sandro Rosell MIGHT be involved in some way or another.

Obviously, it appears that the thought that some/many of us have lost very important stories near and dear to our hearts, individually and collectively, I'm very sorry to read this and hope the issue resolves itself soon and the missing stories can be restored.

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At the bottom of the main page for FM Stories, there is a Thread Displays Option. I found Jumping Through Hoops and Seven Deadly Sins half way down the third page I think when I changed the settings for that to the beginning of time etc. Long winded, but it works. I'd suggest finding them and just saving as a link for the meanwhile.

As for Thread searching, I do believe there is something SI are working on still.

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I think the search option for old posts by any users has been squiffy for a while as in massive chunks are missing, not just in the stories sub-forum.

Not to be all Granny teaching anyone to suck eggs (never understood what that meant! :) ), it might be worth in the future saving your stories as you write in a word document on your own computer? It's always a punt to trust hours of work to a 3rd party.

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I'll have another search through this page like Gav said and if I find any stories that have been finished etc that I have missed in the archives I'll add them...If anyone has looked in on the archives and found Ive missed any of their work message me and I'll add it

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For anyone with any sort of Chinese blood (that would be me and Balth methinks), happy Chinese New Year.

LOL, indeed I am part of that number. A (belated) Happy Lunar New Year to any of such persuasion. Hope your red packets were bountiful and the food delicious!

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