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Feel almost sorry for United. Then I remember we failed to beat them twice this season.

Yeah, given the league title is going to be extremely close this season, those 5 points we failed to pick up against a decidedly average United this season could really end up costing us.

The game at home was the biggest loss, the problem was it came just after getting rolled at Anfield in our first genuinely awful performance in the league since the opening day of the season. The team were clearly nervous and went for safety-first approach when they should have viewed United as a team for the taking and done them.

United's decline has been pretty spectacular, and it's hard to reach any conclusion that doesn't involve Moyes being part of the problem. Whether it's solely his fault, or a combination of his lack of experience and the players throwing hissy fits, he's absolutely contributed. The question is how United reacts to this utter disaster of a season. Will they sack Moyes and try to get a big-name manager and throw money at the problem? Will they keep Moyes and throw money at the problem? Will they do nothing?

As for Arsenal, we're hanging in there, but it looks that without getting Ramsey back fit and firing we're going to lack enough going forward to win the thing. The biggest derailment for Arsenal has absolutely been losing both Ramsey and Walcott. The former seems another mysterious case of Arsenal's dodgy injury history coming back to haunt us, while Walcott is just ridiculously bad luck. We miss the drive and forward momentum of both immensely, and while Ox is doing a decent job, he lacks the experience to really make it count. Massive game against Chelsea, if we can somehow win that, we're right back in the thick of things. A loss probably ends any hope of the title, while a draw would be delightful news for City.

Should be an exciting end to the season!

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Walcott kind of reminds me of Michael Owen. Incredibly lethal in front of the goal, but only when they can get on the pitch. It's a shame to see Walcott struggle to make the pitch because Wenger and company have stood behind him for so long.

On a related note, I'm starting to wonder if Arsenal's injury plagued players is not a systemic thing because they are so finely tuned that any little jostling can cause them problems. Kind of like an F-1 car. It's so precise and fine tuned, it doesn't have the durability that other cars seem to have. Since the EPL is so much about strength and power over technique, is it possible that they need to include more fats in their diets to help make them a bit more durable at the molecular level? I'm shooting in the dark, obviously, because I don't know what the players are fed and what kind of dietary requirements they must meet regarding weight management, etc.

On a separate note, I've been saying since before Christmas/Boxing Day that Moyes needs to be moved out of Old Trafford. I know that Sir Alex picked him and the club isn't the type to be like Tottenham and sack everyone quickly. I'm just surprised that so many of the players have become so mediocre so quickly. I'm certain luck has to do with some of the results, but I've never seen so many key players be moved out or want out so quickly, especially since so many of them appear to like Moyes' training, demeanor, etc. How much of the rumor mill is the result of agents working their agendas to line their pockets (and their players' pockets) with more money when the transfer fees are earned?

With what I have seen occur at Man United this season, I have come to appreciate what Ancelotti has done at Real Madrid all the more. He's got them winning and righted a ship that had problems because Mourinho knew he was leaving and wasn't afraid to burn some bridges in the long-term to get the team winning in the short-term.

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For all the things that Moyes has or hasn't done, for me the worst and biggest mistake is removing the back room staff.

I can understand him wanting to bring in his own, but I feel he would have got the best of the United players if he still had half of the back room staff that Ferguson had.

I think the players might have played a bit better for the likes of Phelan and Meulensteen in a transitional period and he might have come to terms with the United culture that much better.

As they say though everything is easy in hindsight.

The wages it will take to keep the better players and then attract the ones that Moyes feels he needs is going to be costly as we fail to qualify for Europe, it will be name and brand of the club that will bring them along with promise of a bucket load of cash.

For the record, I thought Moyes was a good choice for Manager, I'm glad he was given a chance, and Ferguson had just a bad start, difference is that United were not on top when Ferguson came, when we were when Moyes came. With our squad I don't think any other manager would have got near the title this year on squad alone, City and Chelsea are miles above where United is.

Would we have made Champions League, yeah its a possibility but we will never know.

I hope he changes the tactics though because god damn that just does not work, playing Mata wide is so f**king pointless it's not even funny.

If I was manager I would play, a diamond in midfield with Wingers that will track.

              Rooney      van Persie


Young/Januzaj                             Valencia


Evra           Vidic          Jones         Rafael

                    De Gea

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tbf, Young should be nowhere near the United team, he's been terrible.

What surprises me is that Moyes' Everton team were always solid defensively and United seem terrible this season at defending. Suppose they haven't been helped by the fact that Rio, unfortunately, is past it and Nem's been injured more than anything. There was no fight on Sunday, no desire. They just let it happen.

For all the troubles at Spurs and eventhough we lost, at least the players made a fight out of it (although i'm a bit meh about the whole Sherwood saga). Constant speculation isn't helping the club and we havent really got a limitless cash reserve to keep sacking people.

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Agree fully with what Pan has said. The current attitude and organization of United at the minute looks more like a sunday league team. Didn't feel as happy as I normally do when we beat United. It felt morel like playing a relegation battling team than a United v Liverpool match. Olympiakos have never won in this country. Let's see if Moyes can break another record.

I've wondered for a few years now at why Arsenal get bad injuries year after a year. I don't think it's any coincidence that it happens every year and when players leave Arsenal their injury problems aren't as bad e.g Van Persie last season. There's got to be a problem with maybe their diet or the way the players train it's too much of a coincidence. Not that I am complaining though as it seems to help the other teams every year and I suspect will do so again this season.

Looking at next weeks fixtures it's an important match for Chelsea coming up at home to Arsenal. If they don't win that then Liverpool can go above them assuming they beat Cardiff and Sunderland. Arsenal and City would be expected to win in midweek too so potentially the top four could be within a few points of each other by the end of next week. Interesting times coming up and at a bad time for me as well with this my final few months at uni. Just typical I'll want to watch the footie when I have major work to do :(

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Personally, I felt that the quality of players at United have been on the decline in the past few years. Fergie got lucky, and it was possibly that, and his incredible powers of motivation, that saw them over the line last season. Any other manager with their current set of players would have struggled, with perhaps the only possible exception of Mourinho and Guardiola. So in that sense I don't entirely blame Moyes. The players have to look at themselves too.

(Having said that, I feel that one thing Moyes has failed to do was assert his authority. He should have, on his very first day, put the marker down and announced to the players, "I'm in charge now", instead of marvelling at the fact that he was The Chosen One)

People like Ashley Young have no business playing for a team like Man U.

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I agree with that to a point. These are still the same players who won a championship less than twelve months ago. For them to be so abjectly horrible week in and week out doesn't happen to an entire group of players without some external influence.

Bottom line: these players played for Ferguson and they aren't playing for Moyes. It is more than fair to ask why this is. Is it that they all became crap at the same time? No. Is it entirely because of 19th Century tactics? Not entirely. Is it due to a rigidity from the management team that does not get the best out of each player?

Now you're talkin'.

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Rigid tactics...sounds a lot like England under Capello...

My wife asked me the question about Man United. I was blunt in my reply. I should start off with what she said first..."What the hell is this 'we're going to try to win against Liverpool'?" She added, "This is Liverpool, the mere fact that Moyes suggested anything but being dedicated to destroying their primary rival's season means that something is off. Moyes should be sacked for talking like a loser instead of expecting to win." Furthermore, she added, "Would Sir Alex have abandoned so many veterans in such short order? Wouldn't he have tried to use them sparingly and paired off with the young ones?" Finally, the main question, "If Man United do sack Moyes, what do you think will happen?"

My reply: Moyes will not be sacked. Because he's sacked so much of the backroom staff during his hire, who would take over? Rounds? Neville? Giggs? I don't think any of that. Moyes will not be sacked because the Glazers run that organization. They own the Tampa Bay Buccaneers who haven't been winners in a very long time. They don't hire the right people to be successful in the NFL, so I don't expect they will know who to hire in English football either. They are not used to chasing championships. They are owners who believe that mediocrity is good enough. They aren't like the Fenway Sports Group who know what it takes to win in another sport before coming to England. They will keep Moyes, even if he's a mid-table manager, because that's good enough.

"Well, what would you do?" I was asked.

"If I needed an interim manager, I'd sack Moyes, Rounds, and Neville. I'd bring back Meulensteen as interim manager, assuming he'd want it, and get through the end of the season. Next, I'd look for a proven manager to bring in next season. Not someone who has a potential track record of excellence. It would need to be a proven record of excellence. Someone with experience of European competition and fully continental experience. Man United is a proven commodity and one of the most recognized sports franchises on the planet. They need to start acting like it."

There, it is said. Feel free to point out the flaws.

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They had a guy like that, who was reportedly angling for the job. Guy by the name of Mourinho. Another manager who wouldn't have put up with the standard of play United has shown in recent weeks, and who has the chops to handle the media pressure that comes with one of the biggest jobs in world football.

Although I have read that Ferguson's first choice to replace him was actually Carlo Ancelotti, which would have been interesting.

For me, though, if United is looking to revamp, and I mean start from the bottom up, pay whatever it takes to get Jurgen Klopp and let him build a team that plays like Dortmund. You could do worse. Nobody is going to beat Bayern this year (perhaps literally) but if attacking, entertaining, creative football is what you want, he's your guy.

But since this is a World Cup year and Louis Van Gaal is probably going to be available, you could do worse than him as well. Any of those four I have mentioned could run rings around Moyes tactically.

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Ryan Giggs...a 40 year old man, in my humble opinion...

By the way, wasn't it the same Moyes because he refused to sub out tired midfielders until after the 70th minute (Welbeck)? In my opinion, leaving Welbeck, Valencia, and Giggs (especially Giggs) as long as he did helped Olympiakos gain momentum in the latter stages because those three central midfielders probably wouldn't be considered "match fit" due to lack of full matches and couldn't keep harrying the ball like in the first half. I recognize that part of the purpose of the tactics was to not get beat...but it felt like an "NFL Prevent" defense out there...Those final 25+ minutes lasted forever...

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Ha, loads of people berated Moyes for not playing Juan Mata. There are some screenshots doing the rounds with fans really complaining, and he himself had to apparently point out he was cup-tied.

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I thought Rooney was excellent but United as a whole seemed to have a plan for going after Olympiakos and I thought their style was much, much more direct. I didn't see as much of the 'hoof it to the byline and cross' that has passed for tactics for much of the season.

Full marks to Valencia for playing through after the clash of heads. That had to hurt like a sonofagun. And yes he is 40 years old but I personally thought Giggs did quite well.

For all their pressure, I thought the Greeks were, to quote Macbeth, "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing". For once, I wasn't nearly as nervous about United conceding. Perhaps DeGea's double save at the end of the first half had something to do with that. Anyhow, better stuff against opposition United should have beaten and did.

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I'm glad you could rest easier than our house could. "Dave Saves!" is what we kept saying in our house here. Both of the times he was called upon for reflex saves were excellent and while his style is a bit more unorthodox, he can get the job done!

Personally, like you, I'm delighted that Giggs performed as well as he did. I've been hollering at the screen more than ever before that Giggs should be called upon more throughout this season and he is an impact sub who can make a difference in busting up some defenses with his vision and technical passing. Besides, while he is fresh and others are tiring, his lack of pace might equal out a bit. For me, when I read the quote Moyes offered saying that he's 40 and it's time to think about the future, I was miffed. When you are champions, you keep those who perform the best in the lineup for as long as they are the best...that quote, among others, indicates to me that Moyes (well, I really don't want to get started all over again...)...

I'm glad the victory occurred for the players sake, not for Moyes'.

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Giggs brings presence, which is something a struggling team needs. Yes, Rooney and Van Persie are great players but if you had to pick one player on that team who could spark them to something special would it not have been Ryan Giggs? Add to that the fact that a 40-year old man who has played three times in the calendar year didn't need to come off at the end of the match. That's remarkable.

I do wish there were a way to see him reach 1,000 appearances for United. Sadly, it doesn't look like that will happen.

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I feel utterly, utterly depressed, and not for the first time.

Yes the ref had a huge howler, but even disregarding that, we were absurdly poor all day. The defence was nowhere, and against a team like Chelsea playing like that can only result in disaster, as we've seen today.

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It was amazing to me how often Arsenal's midfielders were caught in possession. It led directly to the first two Chelsea goals as well as to their penalty. Chelsea pressed effectively, took possession and countered ruthlessly and with pace. Abject performance by Arsenal, as good as Chelsea was.

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To be fair to Arsenal I think they've massively over-achieved this year. I come from a long line of gooners mates and family wise so always follow how they're doing and hats off to Wenger, he's got a squad that's punching above it's weight.

They can't keep their best players and Ozil aside can't compete with the likes of City and Chelsea on funds. They can't keep players injury free either, missing Ramsey, Ozil, Wilshire, Walcott, Fellaini and they're still going to next season's CL. They've also lost their two best players in consecutive seasons, Van Persie who just ran and Fabregas who just wanted to go home to where his heart was. Kudos to the latter, I'd not pee on the former if he was on fire. Man City took a fair small % their squad as well.

But still they're competitive. Hats off to them.

I just don't think they have the money to spend they claim they have, but they do things the right way. A class act because they conduct business in a classy way (Chelsea/Jose god love him for the entertainment value take note).

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Apropos of nothing (and this should probably be on the FM thread but I see Jibby has just posted so I'm asking here) I had something happen in my FM13 save that I've never seen before and a Google search for the term brought up a thread to which Jibby posted. I'm looking for opinions.

Last night, for the first time I got a player mood indication in the game widget that read "Looks convinced" as opposed to "Looks confident", "Looks nervous" or "Looks Like He Wants To Strangle His Manager". Have you, or anyone else, seen that before and what do you make of it?

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10-3, I've only ever had that when I've been in the lead or dominating a game, so I think it means that the player is convinced that his team are going to win the game. As far as I'm aware, that's the highest point they can reach in a game, confidence-wise.

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I watched the Real Madrid v Barcelona Clasico today and it was one of the most exciting matches I've seen in a long time. The amount of technical skill on display at the pace they were playing, I can see why they get paid so much money! Both teams pushed each other to the limit. That rivalry is fantastic and I can't wait to hear what the pundits have to say about it on talk radio in the morning.

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10-3, I've only ever had that when I've been in the lead or dominating a game, so I think it means that the player is convinced that his team are going to win the game. As far as I'm aware, that's the highest point they can reach in a game, confidence-wise.

No wonder I never see it :) Thanks!

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Season is almost about to start again for my girls team, we have decided to make the jump to under 17's this year, most of our squad is still eligible for under 15's but it would have meant that 4 under 17 girls would have missed out this year.

Will be interesting to see if the girls can step up this year and play in an older age bracket, atleast now the girls will have 3 years in this division.

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Rant alert: On Espn's Soccernet, the headlines implied that Moyes believes that even Fergie would have struggled this year with this Man United team. I read the article because I couldn't believe he'd said that. When it was quoted within the article and wasn't just a tricky headline to capture my attention, I fumed. I'm still fuming more than 12 hours later. I know there are a lot of factors in making a team work over the long season. However, I cannot imagine that the season would be the worst ever in the past 22 seasons. They might have struggled to win the title outright, but I cannot imagine that they'd have the lowest points total since the premiership started.

In my opinion, Moyes just bit the hand that fed him.

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The media do love to make a meal of things. But considering Fergie walked the league with that squad last year is quite an extraordinary thing for Moyes to say. The squad hasn't changed that much for him to say that! I hope the pressure isn't starting to get to him as he's doing a wonderful job (tongue in cheek)!

In all seriousness though I don't agree with the plane stunt that was done today. Let the guy build his own team and then judge him. Having such a big job put onto him compared to the one he had at Everton is clearly going to take time. It's the same for any one of us if we moved to a bigger job to the one we currently have. I think people can forget how hard it is from moving places. People just expect that it's different for footballers and managers it's different because they have more zero's in their pay packet but they are just like us really.

My opinion is that United fans had got too used to success under the Ferguson era that they have forgotten what mediocrity feels like and they don't like it. Us Liverpool fans have been having it for the past 4 years and guess what it's your turn now. Every team in the world has these times where it becomes hard. Just look at Real Madrid for the past 10 years suffering because of Barcelona who was struggling before because of Madrid's Galacticos. Juventus had their time in the Italian league and then got demoted. Inter won the league 3 years in a row I believe and look where they are now. AC Milan have won the Champs League the 2nd most times and look where they are. Bayern have even struggled a little thanks to Dortmund.

My point being that United fans don't know that they are born. I've been watching my non league team since I was 6 so for 16 years now and they are as poor as I have ever seen them. They are got relegated last week (relegated in March is rather embarrassing), have now lost 11 games in a row and are now 17 without a win. Considering the team at the bottom, Droylsden, only got their first win of the season last week I think my sympathy for United fans is quite low.

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The media do love to make a meal of things. But considering Fergie walked the league with that squad last year is quite an extraordinary thing for Moyes to say. The squad hasn't changed that much for him to say that! I hope the pressure isn't starting to get to him as he's doing a wonderful job (tongue in cheek)!

In all seriousness though I don't agree with the plane stunt that was done today. Let the guy build his own team and then judge him. Having such a big job put onto him compared to the one he had at Everton is clearly going to take time. It's the same for any one of us if we moved to a bigger job to the one we currently have. I think people can forget how hard it is from moving places. People just expect that it's different for footballers and managers it's different because they have more zero's in their pay packet but they are just like us really.

My opinion is that United fans had got too used to success under the Ferguson era that they have forgotten what mediocrity feels like and they don't like it. Us Liverpool fans have been having it for the past 4 years and guess what it's your turn now. Every team in the world has these times where it becomes hard. Just look at Real Madrid for the past 10 years suffering because of Barcelona who was struggling before because of Madrid's Galacticos. Juventus had their time in the Italian league and then got demoted. Inter won the league 3 years in a row I believe and look where they are now. AC Milan have won the Champs League the 2nd most times and look where they are. Bayern have even struggled a little thanks to Dortmund.

My point being that United fans don't know that they are born. I've been watching my non league team since I was 6 so for 16 years now and they are as poor as I have ever seen them. They are got relegated last week (relegated in March is rather embarrassing), have now lost 11 games in a row and are now 17 without a win. Considering the team at the bottom, Droylsden, only got their first win of the season last week I think my sympathy for United fans is quite low.

Gee Salk, thanks for dropping the boots right in, I'm a United and Droylsden supporter. :)

We also just played a scratch match against one of the better teams in our division u17 Girls and was smashed 10-1, mind you we had 5 of our starters out and 3 of them was our LB,DC, RB and CM and we covered a few positions with girls that have not really played before, but still I was expecting a bit better than that.

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I don't think there's any doubt that Moyes has made mistakes in his time at United, and to try and pass the blame to Sir Alex (if that's what he did as I haven't read the article) would be a bit disingenuous. I think getting rid of the whole backroom staff was a terrible mistake, buying Fellani was a disaster and trying to fit Mata into your system (as opposed to building a new system around him) were the most obvious of those mistakes.

But I think the injury to van Persie has been a blessing in disguise. United are now playing with Mata behind the strikers, results are improving. A corner turned ? perhaps, probably too soon to tell. As Salks said these things take time. Fitting into a new job takes time. Rebuilding a side takes time - Sir Alex seemed to be able to rebuild squads on the fly and remain successful - that's a Sir Alex trait, not a Man United trait, and very few managers in the world have ever done that. David Moyes probably isn't a manger who can do that - does that make him a bad manager ? not on it's own it doesn't. He needs a chance, I do hope The Glazers give him more than just the one season.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping Liverpool won't get caught up in the 'winning the league' hype just yet. They need to keep winning games, starting today, against Spurs. That won't be easy, but this weekend is only Liverpool's weekend if we win.

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Well Liverpools weekend it has turned out to be. Tottenham were amazingly poor it has to be said. The Liverpool v Man City match in two weeks is looking like the title decider. The winner of that match will win the league for me.

Rumours going round that Tim Sherwood has allegedly punched a Spurs player. I hope that isn't true as he seems a decent honest bloke and looked a broken man in his post match interview.

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I'm not looking as far ahead as the City match Salks. The West Ham game has 'banana skin' written all over it. Any bets against an Andy Caroll hatrick ????

It's only if Brendan Rodgers can really convince the whole first team squad that it really is ONE game at a time that Liverpool are going to win this thing.

What worries me more than anything, more than City's easier schedule, is there are absolutely going to be more twists in this run in, and they could affect anyone.

It's still more hope than expectation for me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What Chelsea pulled off tactically today against PSG is the kind of tactical acumen Moyes has yet to pull off against a top club. Martinez has done it, Rogers has done it, so has the guy at Southampton. We'll see what Moyes can pull of tomorrow with an injured Rooney and company...

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I know it's easy to say now, but I seriously wasn't that worried about PSG coming to Stamford Bridge. Although our away form has been patchy, that was our ninth clean sheet in a row at home - the last time we conceded was a consolation goal from Hernandez when we beat United 3-1 in mid January. I haven't felt this confident about a Chelsea team for years, which is strange considering that I don't expect us to win any silverware this year. Our aims were to be in the title race and have a decent run in the Champions League and that's been accomplished. Very happy with this season!

As for United, call me barking mad but I can see them beating Bayern tonight. Perhaps it's just the optimist in me, whatever it is I'll be cheering United on tonight.

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If I was a betting man, i'd be happy to stick a sneaky fiver on United. I think they can do it.

Not surprised by the Chelsea win. PSG are flaky (and I don't think Blanc is the right man for the job tbh) and Mourinho has an amazing record in the Champions League.

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In regards to the FA Cup being played this weekend, I know that many top teams don't necessarily do all they can to win this trophy, especially in the earlier rounds. However, it was really nice to watch the matches on the weekend. Watching players give their all for something larger than themselves is inspiring. While both of the little teams lost, their performances were admirable and honorable. My hat is off to both Wigan and to Sheffield United for showing why it's important to play the game in life, instead of just on paper.

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Well, we're looking set for a barnstorming finish to the Premier League. If only Arsenal's away form against the top-6 sides wasn't so miserable this season, we'd still be in with a shot (three draws in away games against Liverpool, Chelsea and Everton would have a huge impact given how tight the table is this time around).

City dropping points at Sunderland opens things right up. The Chelsea-Liverpool match will probably be decisive, but as Palace showed against Everton, their form has improved significantly (I hate him, but credit to Pulis, he's gotten Palace from near-certainties for relegation to safe in midtable) and they might be capable of causing a few upsets (play Liverpool and Chelsea iirc). In a season where no team has been convincing, I still get the sense anything could happen. I reckon Liverpool will probably win it. Offensively they are in great form at the moment and often that is critical for snatching points in those tight games, which has been Chelsea's weakness in losses this season, when they struggled offensively and ended up dropping points.

Everton's loss puts Arsenal's fate back in our own hands, which is nice, and with key players getting back (Ozil, Ramsey) I'm confident we can power home and finish 4th. Then go all out to win the FA Cup. While the big away defeats have been very demoralising, I find it astounding that so many Arsenal 'fans' are treating this season as a disaster. Sure, with more backbone the team might still be in with a shot at the title, but we are closer to to the eventual winners than the last few seasons, led the league for a large part of the season (showing we can deal with at least some kinds of pressure) and will hopefully actually win something. That said, with all the 'no trophy' naysayers, I wonder how many Arsenal fans would give up finishing 4th to Everton if it meant we won the Cup...but man, that FA Cup final will be a nail-biter. Lose that and I probably won't be able to get out of bed for a week...

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It's all down to the Liverpool/Chelsea match for me. Liverpool win or draw and they'll win the title. Chelsea win and they'll win the title (and Liverpool will finish third behind City).

In effect the certainties have only changed slightly since the weekend. If Liverpool win all their games they win the title, but now it's if Chelsea win all their games then they win the title.

City have, I hope and pray, have blown it.

Arsenal will get fourth now they have a)had the kick up the pants they needed and b)having been gifted the opportunity by Palace. I think it's a shame for Everton, but they took their eye off the ball against Palace and they'll end up paying the price because of it.

Now Liverpool (and Chelsea) have to make sure they don't make the same mistake as Everton and take it for granted that they'll win their game(s) at the weekend.

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A pity Sunderland couldn't hang onto the win but things like last night are what usually typifies the contrast in luck between the top and bottom of the table. A draw though does mean we can afford to draw against Chelsea and win the other 3. We do have to go away to Palace the week after though and that will be far from easy especially if last night is anything to go by. I think we will win it but I reckon it will go to the last day with all 3 teams still within a chance.

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Chesterfan, They say a team starts to pick up on the personalities of their managers and become a reflection of them. I'd say Liverpool is an apt representation of Brendan Rogers. They knew they had a job to do, they did it immediately, and they held off the challenge as if they are champions.

On another team, Man Utd did the same thing. In the papers, transfers are already being bandied about for next season and the team came out today as if they are already on summer vacation. It has never been more apparent to me that teams do reflect their manager's basic personality.

That being said, does anyone remember how many points Crystal Palace had when Pulis was hired? I'm thinking that Palace has put up some points since Pulis arrived and I'd love to see some kind of a table that shows what it would look like if the season was only as long as Pulis was in charge.

What a weekend of football, to be sure. I'm going to miss it when it's over and the World Cup won't compensate if the truth be told.

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Wise words Copper,

I'm still worried about Chelsea next Sunday, but I think we have a good chance of winning that one, whilst it by no means being a nailed on certainty. A win there would put Liverpool 8 points clear of Chelsea with two games left. That job done.

But Man City can still get to 86 points if they win their 5 remaining matches, and with the likelihood being their goal difference will be superior to Liverpool's that means Liverpool will need to get something from the game at Palace. That sure ain't going to be easy.

Nevermind, City might screw up at home to West Brom tonight. It might happen. Might.........

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Pulis is basically manager of the season. He's completely turned Palace around

Edit: lol, just found this. Not quite accurate as to when Pulis started, but there you go.


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much appreciated WLKRAS! I thought he'd done a bang up job at Crystal Palace.

Following your lead, I did my own research and Pulis was hired on 23rd November with the team sitting on 7 points after 12 matches. I calculated that he helped Palace earn 36 points in 23 matches at the helm. Approximately 1.5 points per game with a team that had allowed 14 goals in 12 matches.

Now, following Ian Holloway, Pulis has a +1 Goal Differential during his 23 matches. Taking Pulis' 1.5 ppg return over a full season of 35 matches and he'd be right up there just above Southampton and just below Man Utd. All on a budget far below many teams. I can't help but cheer for him to win Manager of the Season, but he won't have any trophies to show for it. Just a 500,000 pound bonus if they stay up this season.

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