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Well they've got to ban him for the rest of the World Cup, if they don't I can see them getting a lot of grief over it. I reckon they will sort this one out pretty damn quick so I reckon we'll find out tomorrow what he gets if anything

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Apropos of nothig, why do American's say British when they mean English and English when they mean British. The two aren't interchangable ffs! It's the English Premier League not the British Premier League!

Really boils my blood!!!

To be fair, given the presence of at least one (two last season), Welsh teams in the Premier League, calling it the 'British' Premier League might technically be more accurate...

As for Suarez, it really beggars belief, and I'm amazed at how people continue to try to defend his odious little antics. Sure, he is an extremely gifted player, but he has a real nasty undercurrent of petulance. After the incident with Ivanovic, I noted how his reaction just speaks of a childish petulance, as most children know that biting someone you are annoyed with is not an appropriate response in any situation. The fact this is the third time he's done it just shows how unwilling he is to change his ways. When things are going well, he's banging in the goals and the team is doing well, it's all fine. When things start to get tense and maybe going against him, he lashes out in this manner.

And to be fair, I could believe his side of the story. I didn't see the situation live, but I could believe that it was an accidental head-on-shoulder clash, his mouth was open and he happened to bash his teeth into Chiellini's shoulder. It would explain why he's holding his teeth afterwards. But given his previous, it's hard to even give him the benefit of the doubt.

A real pity, as I've thoroughly enjoyed the World Cup so far, some very entertaining games and excellent goals, as well as some underdogs rising to the challenge. If this debacle mars the whole thing, it will be very unfortunate.

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Having seen the video's, he does clearly strike his head down like an angry viper. I'd happily see him banned for life, this sort of behaviour is just completely unacceptable and he clearly hasn't learned from previous bans.

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Absolutely gobsmacked he has done it again. Once you can forgive, twice you can let him off as a moment of madness but three times now is undefendable. One of the few times I have been speechless when i've heard a bit of news. I just cannot understand why someone would want to bite someone let alone do it 3 times. It's just complete bonkers. He doesn't even seem apologetic about it either which just makes it worse. I'd have to guess he has been brought up wrong somehow to think this is acceptable behavior. I've seen a lot of comments of Liverpool fans on twitter who no want rid of him now. Well after that I doubt we will get as much for him as we would before and Barca and Madrid would be mad to want him now. What sort of punishment should he get? Well the maximum apparently is a 2 year ban FIFA can give out. It would be interesting to know if this would apply to international or all football. I couldn't complain if it was for all football because he has not only embarrassed himself, but also his country, his club and football itself.

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I wonder what Liverpool will do now.

Can't see him being sold now (because who would take him after this?), but I can't see them being to happy about having to pay big wages for two years for a player they can't use.

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FIFA have the authority to ban a player either from international football or from all football. The maximum international ban would be 24 games or two years.

Now, whilst I do not condone the reprehensible actions of Suarez there does have to be some perspective here. Zindane got a three match international ban for his headbutt on Marco Materazzi in the Final. Apparently Mauro Tassoti got an eight match international ban for breaking Luis Enrique's nose, which is the longest ban given by FIFA to this date.

I could ask does a bite really outweigh whatever physical assault took place to break a player's nose, but perhaps that's not that relevant. FIFA should be seen to do the right thing so I expect a long international ban. A worldwide ban would be over the top in my view, but that doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

Liverpool should cut their losses and get rid, he is too much of an unknown, and you can't rely on him being available when you need him. An international ban would, perversely raise his value to Real or Barca, as he isn't going to be gone on international duty with it's associated disruption and injury risk potential, a worldwide ban and Liverpool won't be able to shift him.

And that's why he won't be banned worldwide. Ban him for two years from all football. So Liverpool would have to pay his wages for two years for absolutely no return. That would mean punishing Liverpool, and can anyone tell me what Liverpool have done wrong here ?

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Personally, I think Suarez is a very disturbed human being who just happens to be a very good footballer.

It does raise an interesting question though: How much are fans able to tolerate if such a player is capable of delivering the goods (and deliver them well to boot) on a consistent basis? Let's not forget that despite missing at least six matches last season Suarez still scored more Premier League goals than anyone else.

There is no doubt about his footballing quality, but where do you draw the line with regards to his behaviour? I'm sure that there will be supporters who say that as long as Suarez delivers in footballing terms, it matters not what else he does. I'm personally not in that camp, but I think it's a worthy point to discuss.

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You are supposed to get a minimum 6 match ban for spitting at another player so thats were Suarez ban level starts.

Whether it should be international or worldwide is a differet debate. Could argue that for a worldwide ban he has broken terms of his contract and Liverpool can do a Mutu on him ala Chelsea and the drug ban. Liverpool would then be due money on Suarez joining his next club post ban. IIRC Mutu had to pay the fee regarding the Chelsea case.

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Having seen the video's, he does clearly strike his head down like an angry viper. I'd happily see him banned for life, this sort of behaviour is just completely unacceptable and he clearly hasn't learned from previous bans.

Yeah, having now seen the video of the incident, it's amazing that Uruguay are even trying to defend him (claims of photoshoping and an agenda in the English media). There does appear to be a bit of an accidental head-on-shoulder contact initially (quite minor), but then he goes in a second time and clearly makes the biting movement. It's ridiculous.

I agree with Ben, he's an extremely gifted footballer, but this ongoing conduct really does show that he has very deep issues. As I said before, most children are taught that biting is not an appropriate way of venting. Children bite because they often feel that they have no other way of getting 'back' at another person (too weak physically, not intellectual enough to argue or reason etc.) For Suarez to have the instinct of biting people when he is put in situations he does not like just smacks of an underlying childish petulance. He does need professional help.

I'd be extremely surprised if FIFA banned him from domestic football however. I do imagine a lengthy international football ban (somewhere in the region of 10-15 matches, maybe the full 24 matches/2 years if they really want to make an example of him). Thus, given his ban is likely only to be in regards to international football, I highly doubt his value in regards to club football will be diminished too much. It's the same reason that Uruguay are trying to defend him - on the pitch, he is extremely valuable as long as he's focused on playing football and not doing stupid things. Liverpool will try to keep him and hope this all blows over, unless they get a mammoth offer from Madrid.

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Four months ban for any related footballing activity. Peoples thoughts on this?

Well in truth I think he got off lightly. He's going to miss a month of pre-season then three months of the season. Its unfair on Liverpool as they will be missing there star striker for the first nine games of the season. It should by rights be kept to only International. His fine is a p@ss take, its probably not even half his weekly wage. He's lucky that Chiellini doesnt press charges

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Well in truth I think he got off lightly. He's going to miss a month of pre-season then three months of the season. Its unfair on Liverpool as they will be missing there star striker for the first nine games of the season. It should by rights be kept to only International. His fine is a p@ss take, its probably not even half his weekly wage. He's lucky that Chiellini doesnt press charges

Pretty much agree. Suarez got lucky, as he'll only actually miss two and a half months of football.

I think it should have been longer, and also, to be fair to Liverpool, he should be forced to compensate the club by paying a fine that's big enough for Liverpool to purchase a replacement (that is, millions of dollars). For the duration of the ban Suarez should also be unpaid. That really should send a message, and is possibly the best compromise.

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To be honest it wouldn't surprise me that in every players contract, not just that of Luis Suarez, a clause that says if you are banned, or unable to play, for non-footballing reasons then you don't get paid.

But it does p@ss me off that Liverpool will be punished for an incident that occurred whilst on international duty. It can't be that Liverpool aren't controlling their players, at the time it wasn't in Liverpool's ability to control any of their players.

Still it's not all bad at least Portugal and that utter utter twot Cristiano Ronaldo are out of the World Cup. That makes me happy.

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To be honest it wouldn't surprise me that in every players contract, not just that of Luis Suarez, a clause that says if you are banned, or unable to play, for non-footballing reasons then you don't get paid.

But it does p@ss me off that Liverpool will be punished for an incident that occurred whilst on international duty. It can't be that Liverpool aren't controlling their players, at the time it wasn't in Liverpool's ability to control any of their players.

Still it's not all bad at least Portugal and that utter utter twot Cristiano Ronaldo are out of the World Cup. That makes me happy.

I suspect that rather than a clause there will be an insurance policy. There certainly is for every player to cover a payout should the player suffer injury, especially career ending. I remember my Dad telling me stories he'd heard about a club (can't remember which) that would collect the payout and cut the injured player loose if they suffered a career ended.

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Four months ban for any related footballing activity. Peoples thoughts on this?

I'm surprised that it went beyond international football, but I suppose they really wanted to make an example of him, perhaps because his antics actually occured in the middle of the World Cup, FIFA's big showpiece event (hard to believe that it would be this severe if it had been during a friendly, for example). Obviously not over yet, as it is going to be appealed.

It's absoultely harsh on Liverpool, the player is with the national team and they have little control over him, but it could be argued that it's a calculated risk on their part given they know that he's a bit crazy. That said, they are surely entitled to some form of compensation, and I imagine that they will have some umbridge with FIFA as a result.

I note that the ban prevents him from even entering a football stadium, or training with his team. That would mean that either he trains on his own, or he basically takes an extended holiday and his fitness dives, meaning it might take a while for him to get back to match sharpness. It's quite significant for Liverpool, 3 months at the start of the season will include at least half of their Champions League group-stage matches and I think around 10 games of the new season.

But, in the end, it's hard to feel too sympathetic for Suarez, given his antics and his lack of any remorse regarding what he's done.

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To be honest it wouldn't surprise me that in every players contract, not just that of Luis Suarez, a clause that says if you are banned, or unable to play, for non-footballing reasons then you don't get paid.

But it does p@ss me off that Liverpool will be punished for an incident that occurred whilst on international duty. It can't be that Liverpool aren't controlling their players, at the time it wasn't in Liverpool's ability to control any of their players.

Still it's not all bad at least Portugal and that utter utter twot Cristiano Ronaldo are out of the World Cup. That makes me happy.

I think the ban is a very difficult balance for Fifa. You can't punish a player without disadvantaging the team(s) he plays for, even though he wasn't playing for Liverpool at the time of the ban. The ban had to be a lengthy one because of the incident and it had to fully punish the player. Liverpool were the collateral damage in that punishment if you like. Its a shame that they will lose his undoubted goalscoring ability in games but Liverpool are more aware than most about his nature, its not like this is the first time he's done this.

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I would've preferred a longer ban tbh, he hasn't shown any regret for this incident and the fact that it's his third strike would've merited a harsher ban for me.

Yes, Liverpool are collateral damage, but they knew it was a possibility that he would re-offend after he bit Ivanovic, having already done it for Ajax. The fact that he has done so away from Liverpool duty doesn't change anything in that respect.

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To be honest it wouldn't surprise me that in every players contract, not just that of Luis Suarez, a clause that says if you are banned, or unable to play, for non-footballing reasons then you don't get paid.

But it does p@ss me off that Liverpool will be punished for an incident that occurred whilst on international duty. It can't be that Liverpool aren't controlling their players, at the time it wasn't in Liverpool's ability to control any of their players.

Still it's not all bad at least Portugal and that utter utter twot Cristiano Ronaldo are out of the World Cup. That makes me happy.

I'm pretty sure the maximum fine clubs can hit players with is 2x weeks salary no matter how long they are banned for. Liverpool can sack him for gross misconduct I guess, effectively tearing up his contract and him becoming a free agent, and then suing Suarez for the damages/costs (much like Chelsea did with Adrian Mutu?) which would obviously be substantial given his 'value' to Liverpool. Not that that is likely?? :(

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I don't think so, or not enough to make the successful case Chelsea had anything more than a paper exercise in reality I guess. When one former employee is ordered to pay £10-20m to their former employer, even legally bound, across borders and jurisdictions it's never going to end well maybe. You're never going to get what the court awards unless Mutu wins the euromillions lottery. Chelsea even tried to chase the clubs Mutu later signed to for some of the sum and are still doing so, 3-4 years on?


That route can't be the best route for Liverpool can it? It does seem harsh on Liverpool. Maybe they can make a claim on FIFA? What is justice where a governing body can punish a private company for £££s when that private company has broken no rule or not acted in anyway irresponsibly? Football's mad like that I guess.

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Well, now that we are going out against a much, much better Belgium team, there are some things that can be said.

1) Michael Bradley is the most overrated player on the United States team. Horrible, horrible World Cup even though Klinsmann's use of him wasn't optimal.

2) Direct play will not win games at the World Cup. We need a much better midfield.

3) Tim Howard's reputation is secure.

4) Klinsmann got about as much out of this team as he could have especially with the team's only true target striker, Altidore, hurt for all but 21 minutes.

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Even us Scots wouldn't mind a few of your players to be fair. Very impressed with Beckerman and Johnson especially. Jermaine Jones was impressive too, I remember he was dreadful when he came to Blackburn on loan.

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Well, while the manner of their arrival there has not been as convicing as I expected, it appears that I have correctly predicted the final 4 teams (Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands, Germany)...but a winner from here seems very difficult, as none of the teams are playing particularly outstanding or dominating football at the moment. Overall though, have enjoyed the tournament so far!

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I think all four have defensive frailties. Brazil will find it very hard without Neymar and Thiago Silva in the semi's so I think Germany will get past them. Probably in very typical German fashion.

I don't dare to call Holland's match for fear of jinxing them lol.

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At this stage, it's anybody's game. I think Neymar's loss will be too much for Brazil, so Germany to win that one. The other semi though will be extremely tight, but I want Argentina to go through, just for the fact that this ought to be South America's tournament.

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With an exciting World Cup coming to an end and transfer season now starting up in anticipation of the new season, what players at the tournament have caught your eye and you dearly wish your club would go out and get?

I'm very pleased that we got Alexis Sanchez actually, because he's definitely got the quality (he could be our Ozil this season). Personally I would love it too if we get one of the two standout keepers at the World Cup, Keylor Navas or Guillermo Ochoa.

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I'm very pleased that we got Alexis Sanchez actually, because he's definitely got the quality (he could be our Ozil this season). Personally I would love it too if we get one of the two standout keepers at the World Cup, Keylor Navas or Guillermo Ochoa.

As a fellow Gooner, I too am delighted with the signing of Sanchez. He was the prolific goalscorer we could have really done with last season, and with Alexis now in the team, I really feel we can make a serious title challenge next season.

No disrespect to Wojciech Szczesny, but we do need a more dependable goalkeeper. I highly doubt Levante will sell Navas without an inflated transfer fee, but Ochoa looks obtainable, and I would also be happy if we signed David Ospina. Then again, I wouldn't be too surprised if Arsene goes to Germany again and signs a keeper from the Bundesliga.

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Ok, gentlemen, here is the situation with me. After six months out of work I've finally got a new job and I am finally back into the swing of things. It is very hard to describe what I have gone through since January 9, 2014 when I lost my job but things are finally back to normal. If any of you have children you know that they can be a tower of strength and mine have almost literally saved my life and sanity.

It has been a very long road. I've completely abrogated my responsibilities here for a group of people I genuinely enjoy and for all that, all I can do is apologize. I've got a lot of work to do here and elsewhere as I get my real life back on track and I appreciate your patience.

For those who have every right to be upset with me, I can only apologize and hope that over time I'll be a better member again. Thank you for your understanding.

How about Super Mario? :)

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10-3, I believe I speak for everyone when I say you have nothing to apologise for. These things happen to all of us from time to time, and it takes a while to get back on your feet.

Now you are back in the swing of things, can I say welcome back, buddy. It's good to see you.

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Ok, gentlemen, here is the situation with me. After six months out of work I've finally got a new job and I am finally back into the swing of things. It is very hard to describe what I have gone through since January 9, 2014 when I lost my job but things are finally back to normal. If any of you have children you know that they can be a tower of strength and mine have almost literally saved my life and sanity.

It has been a very long road. I've completely abrogated my responsibilities here for a group of people I genuinely enjoy and for all that, all I can do is apologize. I've got a lot of work to do here and elsewhere as I get my real life back on track and I appreciate your patience.

For those who have every right to be upset with me, I can only apologize and hope that over time I'll be a better member again. Thank you for your understanding.

How about Super Mario? :)

Dont worry about a thing sir, family and personal stuff takes priority

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Mr. Wilson, thanks so much. I am about to catch up on Hardly Athletic again and do hope you included me :)

A Hardly Athletic story wouldnt be a sory without our character in it mate. Enjoy the catch up mate

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10-3, real life should always come first mate. Sounds like you had tough times, and I wish you were talking about 6 months unemployed on football manager. The only thing I can say of note is that those feelings and experience help with my story writing, so perhaps that can help you too.

So pleased that things are finally going your way with the new job, and no-one thought bad of you for taking time out. You've motivated so many people here, that they would all be happy to return the favour any time you needed it.

Glad it's all behind you now.

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What a kind thing to say -- thank you. It was not easy, that's for certain, but surely others in the world have things worse than I did. Things seem to be rolling now but my heart just wasn't in my writing and frankly I was dealing with a pretty serious bout of depression while this was all happening too. It's nice to be on the road to recovery.

Your words are greatly appreciated and won't be forgotten.

And for some reason, the mod CP won't let me approve Makonnen's latest story. I haven't been gone THAT long, have I?

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I can emphasis with both of those issues sadly, but hopefully the new job will take you a good distance away down the road.

Granted people have it worse, but to a proud family man if you take away his ability to look after them, then you take away his heart and soul.

Just surmising there, so hope that's not inappropriate.

You are highly thought of around here, and don't forget that it's more than story-telling that happens on these boards.

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Most importantly, tenthree, welcome back.

I see my own depression as a beast that is always waiting by the door. It can be gone for long periods of time, but eventually, either for understandable changes in circumstance or not, it tends to reappear, waiting patiently for me again. It's hard and it sucks, and the only way through is the support of those around you. Which is painfully ironic, since reaching out for help is the hardest at those moments.

Anyhow, hope things have truly turned around.

LMK if I need to repost or whatever.

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