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Hi, Mak ... great to see you!

You don't need to repost, but what is happening in the ModCP since we are under post moderation (and probably don't need to be any more) is that the program is telling me I don't have the authority to approve new threads. Which, unless Neil Brock fired me while I was gone, is kinda ridiculous. So reposting would only re-create the problem.


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Ok, gentlemen, here is the situation with me. After six months out of work I've finally got a new job and I am finally back into the swing of things. It is very hard to describe what I have gone through since January 9, 2014 when I lost my job but things are finally back to normal. If any of you have children you know that they can be a tower of strength and mine have almost literally saved my life and sanity.

It has been a very long road. I've completely abrogated my responsibilities here for a group of people I genuinely enjoy and for all that, all I can do is apologize. I've got a lot of work to do here and elsewhere as I get my real life back on track and I appreciate your patience.

For those who have every right to be upset with me, I can only apologize and hope that over time I'll be a better member again. Thank you for your understanding.

How about Super Mario? :)

Well, Sir. I didn't know you were out of a job. But anyway, glad that you're back in the swing of things again, and hopefully things pan out better for you this time.

Don't worry about us. You've put in a lot of effort in this forum, and probably because of that, we have plenty of upstanding people that help to keep up standards when you or Gav aren't around.

I echo the rest when I say, it's great to see you again. Cheers mate.

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Ben, thank you very much! Things do look healthy here and that's obviously a great thing. It is also good to have my life on more or less an even keel now. 2014 so far has arguably been the worst year of my life. And as I prepare to turn 50, I have a base for comparison. :(

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Ben, thank you very much! Things do look healthy here and that's obviously a great thing. It is also good to have my life on more or less an even keel now. 2014 so far has arguably been the worst year of my life. And as I prepare to turn 50, I have a base for comparison. :(

You're nearly 50? Sorry for saying this, but you're about as old as my dad!

Seriously, I'm glad to see you return, and pleased to hear you're back in full swing. You don't really need to apologise for your absence, because it's completely understandable. Pretty much all of us here have either battled those particular demons or know someone who has.

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I turned 49 years of age last month. So yes, I am very much the 'old man' of the forum until someone comes along to knock me off my walker :)

It is very good to be back. My biggest regret was missing the World Cup here. I watched it almost from start to finish (not much else to do when looking for employment) and thought it was a very good event.

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Just a note: I have asked that post moderation be removed from FMS, so you should be able to see your new threads immediately after posting. If any of you are using aliases I am going to personally find your houses and hang pictures of Phil Scolari outside your doors.

That is all.

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Lads its now time for the Fantasy Football League, same format as last year

To join up follow the link : Fantasy League

The code for our League is 1028-679

Could I ask that when you sign up please let me know your team is just for future purposes

Also could a mod unsticky the old thread please and sticky the new one of possible

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Just a note: I have asked that post moderation be removed from FMS, so you should be able to see your new threads immediately after posting. If any of you are using aliases I am going to personally find your houses and hang pictures of Phil Scolari outside your doors.

That is all.

This. Good to have you back tenthree.

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Lads its now time for the Fantasy Football League, same format as last year

To join up follow the link : Fantasy League

The code for our League is 1028-679

Could I ask that when you sign up please let me know your team is just for future purposes

Also could a mod unsticky the old thread please and sticky the new one of possible

I've just spent minutes,literally minutes, setting up FC Notahope, and joined it in the league.

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Ok, gentlemen, here is the situation with me. After six months out of work I've finally got a new job and I am finally back into the swing of things. It is very hard to describe what I have gone through since January 9, 2014 when I lost my job but things are finally back to normal. If any of you have children you know that they can be a tower of strength and mine have almost literally saved my life and sanity.

It has been a very long road. I've completely abrogated my responsibilities here for a group of people I genuinely enjoy and for all that, all I can do is apologize. I've got a lot of work to do here and elsewhere as I get my real life back on track and I appreciate your patience.

For those who have every right to be upset with me, I can only apologize and hope that over time I'll be a better member again. Thank you for your understanding.

How about Super Mario? :)

Man, missed all this. 10-3, you old coot, there is no need to apologise! I'm glad you're getting things back on track, and it's always good having you around here for a bit of gentle banter! I totally understand how being unemployed can be a tough hill - I walked away from my job about 18 months ago, firstly to take some time off because I was burnt out, but then also to return to do some study. I've been actively looking for work for about 8 months now, and no luck. It does indeed slowly drive you insane when the rejection letters (now emails) pile up! Support from family and friends is so important, my wife has been amazingly supportive for me. Glad your loved ones helped you through!

Also...new season of fantasy football... I've become so bad at it, time to get my butt walloped again...

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Balty, thank you. You should have seen the rejection file I had in my e-mail. It was depressing.

And yes, Ben, been watching the news here. Watching people point fingers is annoying too. There won't be a Malaysian Airlines in a couple of weeks, I'm afraid.

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It is a delight to have you back 10-3. I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes, but I do know that when I started reading a recent John Sandford novel in the airport, the setting was Minnesota and the first (and only) person I thought about was you. I'd wondered what you'd been up to, as I hadn't seen you around here in a while, but now I know. I'm grateful you are still around. I'm grateful for a lot of things, actually. The most exciting thing today, however, was watching LvG take the reigns at Man United. I'm not certain what the shakeup will be, but if anyone can get Rooney and Van Persie into the same lineup on a regular basis, he should surely do it. Now, if he can somehow fit Kagawa into the rotation, he'll have my undying affection.

The other great thing that happened today was to get my parking pass for the Man Utd v Real Madrid friendly here in the states. Yes, watching the boys with a crowd larger than Barcelona's home events should be a memory to last a lifetime!

Cheers to you and to Arsene Wenger for doing something in the transfer window that does inspire hope...

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Copper, my friend, good to see you too. And it is great to be back, for certain. I have the 'wrong' Manchester team coming to Minneapolis for a friendly - City - so that isn't optimal but what the heck.

As for LvG, I read something yesterday that I thought was good. The writer, who I unfortunately can't recall in the plethora of football sites I read, said something to the effect that Van Gaal will play players in a spot whether or not the player thinks it's their best position. That pretty well describes him. One of the many problems Moyes had last season was that he had a pretty good number ten (Rooney) and tried to fix his problems by buying another one (Mata).

In theory United should have all three on the field at the same time. Van Gaal is the lucky guy who gets to decide if that's practical.

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I dare not post this in GD, because they're all nutters there, but I found this interesting:


How much is truth is debatable of course.

Wow, interesting read. I think there is a fair amount of truth behind it. The obvious reality is that transfer rumours are big business for websites and newspapers - particularly internet sites where all they need to entice out of a person is a click - so it makes sense that people will run with pretty much anything. It does also make sense that the players/agents/clubs use it to their own advantage as well, as we've clearly seen cases of the media being used in order for various parties to try and gain leverage.

Not surprised in the least to hear that it is a nebulous affair all round.

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So, as I suggested earlier, we've signed David Ospina. I'm happy with that.

I'm also pleased that we've signed young Calum Chambers from Southampton - but £16million for an inexperienced teenage right-back? Really?

It's no wonder that most clubs buy foreign if the prices of top English talents are driven up to much more than they would be if they were French/German/Spanish etc. If Luke Shaw is worth £30million, how much would Jordi Alba or Philipp Lahm be worth?

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So, as I suggested earlier, we've signed David Ospina. I'm happy with that.

I'm also pleased that we've signed young Calum Chambers from Southampton - but £16million for an inexperienced teenage right-back? Really?

It's no wonder that most clubs buy foreign if the prices of top English talents are driven up to much more than they would be if they were French/German/Spanish etc. If Luke Shaw is worth £30million, how much would Jordi Alba or Philipp Lahm be worth?

It all depends on the selling club. Bayern wouldn't sell Lahm because he is Bayern and their whole ethos in one player. Alba is so integral to how Barca can play he'd be about as valuable as Messi I think. Chambers has talent, can't doubt that and Southampton can charge big prices after last season. Its sad to see whats happened to their team though. Such a shame.

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It all depends on the selling club. Bayern wouldn't sell Lahm because he is Bayern and their whole ethos in one player. Alba is so integral to how Barca can play he'd be about as valuable as Messi I think. Chambers has talent, can't doubt that and Southampton can charge big prices after last season. Its sad to see whats happened to their team though. Such a shame.

Yes, and because of FFP, they can't really improve their team with all the money they've got. It is very disappointing, because if they stood their ground, they had the makings of a top-six team.

If Ronald Koeman keeps them in the top half, it'll be a magnificent achievement.

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So, as I suggested earlier, we've signed David Ospina. I'm happy with that.

I'm also pleased that we've signed young Calum Chambers from Southampton - but £16million for an inexperienced teenage right-back? Really?

It's no wonder that most clubs buy foreign if the prices of top English talents are driven up to much more than they would be if they were French/German/Spanish etc. If Luke Shaw is worth £30million, how much would Jordi Alba or Philipp Lahm be worth?

It's the reality that English players do come with a premium price tag. Given the squad restrictions, the need for home-grown players (while they don't have to be English to qualify, obviously English is the easiest way to find someone who will qualify), and the relative rarity of good English players, one expects that high prices are paid.

Regarding Chambers, I imagine that Wenger sees him more as a central defender in the future, but I imagine his signing is also to allow Jenkinson to go on loan to get first-team experience (I really hope we don't sell Jenkinson, it would be a huge shame). Given Chambers seems quite versatile, he'll make decent cover as a squad player. Overall, I think Arsenal has done really well so far this transfer window, although I'd still like to see another, more experienced, central defender on the books.

Also, very sad to see Southampton being picked apart like a dead carcass on the Serengeti. They are losing almost the entirety of their first-team squad from last season (with Schneiderlin and Rodriguez apparently now off to Spurs). It will be a minor miracle if they stay up after this gutting. Their board is talking up their academy prospects - and true, their academy is one of the better-performing ones in England at the moment - but I think that's wishful thinking if they think they can stay up relying on a whole slew of promoted youngsters and some overseas imports.

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Also, very sad to see Southampton being picked apart like a dead carcass on the Serengeti. They are losing almost the entirety of their first-team squad from last season (with Schneiderlin and Rodriguez apparently now off to Spurs). It will be a minor miracle if they stay up after this gutting. Their board is talking up their academy prospects - and true, their academy is one of the better-performing ones in England at the moment - but I think that's wishful thinking if they think they can stay up relying on a whole slew of promoted youngsters and some overseas imports.

I think you're right here. Its going to be tough for them to stay up. They have a youth academy that is flourishing and they look to try and mirror the Ajax model, but not even Ajax would sell all their stars in one season. The club should have agreed replacements before allowing their players to go. I feel sorry for Koeman, he's unlikely to have sanctioned these moves. It makes you wonder if thats why Mauricio Pochettino left...

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Lads its now time for the Fantasy Football League, same format as last year

To join up follow the link : Fantasy League

The code for our League is 1028-679

Could I ask that when you sign up please let me know your team is just for future purposes

The deadline is the 14th August, we have 17 teams so far and could always do with more

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I'm mostly pleased with Arsenal's transfer deals this summer, although more improvements would most definitely be welcomed. I was actually quite anticipating the Sami Khedira deal to go through. Wondered what happened to that. He would be an absolutely brilliant addition to our team.

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I've tried logging into the website. It says my email address is already being used. So, I must have tried signing up in a previous year. I submit my information to reset my password and the email they are supposed to send to me never arrives...It's not even in my spam mail section of my account. :(

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Funny one with everyone leaving at Southampton all at once. Can't help but wonder if there is something wrong with how the club is being run at the moment. I do remember hearing a bit back that they are still in a lot of debt so that might explain the rush in sales. Pochettino had been umming and arring all season at whether he was going to stay or not so maybe he knew something was wrong. They aren't exactly buying any players either so maybe there really is something underlying. A shame really they had built a very exciting team.

Not sure what to make of Liverpool's summer so far. The sale of Suarez is obviously a big blow but I do think it was time to part ways and the fee obviously is a big help. A little disappointed with £75M considering Bale went for £86M but when compared to Ronaldo at £80M then it's about right. Not sure what to make of our signings so far. Quite happy with the Markovic signing and Emre Can. Think we need another striker with Origi going back to Lille on loan and a full back and we will be sorted.

Very much looking forward to this season. Expect the top 7 to stay the same but maybe Everton to fall down a bit. Spurs will improve under Pochettino and Man Utd will definitely improve under Van Gaal. Liverpool will have to balance the needs of the Champions League and no Suarez but I think they will be ok. Arsenal will be around until they get the inevitable injuries to key players they get every year. If Chelsea can integrate the new players quickly and handle the loss of Lampard then they will be top two. City being City will be there but the last time they won the league they struggled the year after.

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I think you're right here. Its going to be tough for them to stay up. They have a youth academy that is flourishing and they look to try and mirror the Ajax model, but not even Ajax would sell all their stars in one season. The club should have agreed replacements before allowing their players to go. I feel sorry for Koeman, he's unlikely to have sanctioned these moves. It makes you wonder if thats why Mauricio Pochettino left...

Southampton does have some debt issues, from what I recall, so some of the cashing in may have been sanctioned in order for them to clear their debts and get their books back in order. May turn out to be a great move if they can stay up, but they're really risking it all by selling so many in one go. Apparently they are going to stand firm on Schneiderlin and Rodriguez, but the former is not taking it well at all, and you have to question whether they'll really be able to hang onto him. Rodriguez, given he's been out injured for a long time, may be more willing to stay.

EDIT: Well, Salk pretty much said the same as me. :p

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I've tried logging into the website. It says my email address is already being used. So, I must have tried signing up in a previous year. I submit my information to reset my password and the email they are supposed to send to me never arrives...It's not even in my spam mail section of my account. :(

Im not sure my friend. Send me your email addy and I'll see if a direct invite from me works

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copper my friend your team is in...glad you got it sorted... Thats now 19 teams lets not have an uneven number so we dont have to put up with the bloody AVERAGE team they send in

I'm going to put in a second team and call it "average" :-)

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copper my friend your team is in...glad you got it sorted... Thats now 19 teams lets not have an uneven number so we dont have to put up with the bloody AVERAGE team they send in

Yeah. F*cking Average always spoils it for everyone.


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Let average in if it gives me a chance of winning at least one match :)

The irony is, if you're often in the bottom half of the table, the chances are that the average will be the one whipping your ass! :lol: (Like he often does to my teams recently)

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I love it when the computer game I play daily to escape reality ends up being referenced in a real-life news article... From ESPN FC's (UK Edition) Jim Daly article written August 1, 2014 "Hangeland an Improvement at Palace" Daly writes about Brede Hangeland and Scott Dann's centre-back pairing: "It's the sort of centre-back partnership that a few years ago would have seemed possible at Palace only on Football Manager -- and even then only after you'd cheated and given Palace lots of money to get promoted."

In other news...how will Lampard be received by Stamford Bridge if the loan deal goes through and he's with City on a loan deal?

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I know this is laughable, but one would hope for sanity. Chelsea essentially declared him no-longer-good-enough-to-contribute. That means that either a rival has a subpar player (yay), or the club made a mistake (we make lots of these--money tends to cover up warts in dangerous ways). In either case, the fault doesn't lie with Lampard.

In any case, it should be treated like a misdemeanor. The felony of the off-season is Lukaku. In any athletic endeavor where age matters, when you have a player who is legitimately in the discussion as the best 18 yo in the world, and then the best 19 yo in the world, and then the best 20 yo in the world ... well, history says letting them go is almost always a mistake.

And if the reason for it is that the player in question wants to play every game--that is, his errors are errors of youth and desire ... Ick.

But that's where the endless $ comes in: you can afford strikers with short runways to the end of their careers if it's easy to buy replacements. But I'm not looking forward to Costa being hurt, Drogba being a grandfather, Torres being who he is at this point, and Chelsea relying almost exclusively on scoring from the midfield band throughout the season.

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