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CFuller present and correct, sir!

I'm taking a short break from posting my Romford story at the moment, but I'll resume it next week. In the meantime, I've been working on a spin-off story that will hopefully see the light of day at some point next year.

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copper here and in the middle of finishing another story that should be wrapped up come the new year. In the meantime, I've been trying my hand at Fantasy Football offered by mark wilson as well as the predictions league (of which I've been the dunce of the week multiple times.

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I am still here of course, watching. I got promoted at work so I now of course have no time for anything ever other than getting attacked and annoyed by my partners two cats. Writing, nu-uh, not even happening. Still love you all though.

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I, Balthazars, am still present as well. As with others, I haven't written for a while as life gets in the way, but I'm still lurking here, and as you know, participating in our regular competitions with Fantasy football and the Predictions league.

We're much quieter these days, but I know if I want a serious discussion about football, this is the place to come so I still hang out.

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I'm still about. I dip in now and again. Obviously moving house and getting married recently has kept me busy and limited my writing time. And I'm following the Mark Wilson way on another matter I can't officially announce just yet. ;-)

In terms of my writing I have been re-working the Sam Heywood trilogy in an effort to make them all novel sized.

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Well I'll be damned - I won 'Performance of the Week' in the prediction competition!

Less positively, it seems that I lost to the bottom team in the fantasy league. Ah well.

Moving onto another topic, Borussia Dortmund were in the Champions League Final a little over 18 months ago. Now they're bottom of the Bundesliga. How in God's name did that happen?

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Well I'll be damned - I won 'Performance of the Week' in the prediction competition!

Less positively, it seems that I lost to the bottom team in the fantasy league. Ah well.

Moving onto another topic, Borussia Dortmund were in the Champions League Final a little over 18 months ago. Now they're bottom of the Bundesliga. How in God's name did that happen?

Dortmund have been systematically picked apart by richer rivals (particularly Bayern, who have regularly signed one of their best players each season since they won their first of 2 recent titles), which is a sad reality of clubs that buck the recent trends. Money talks in football these days. While they were able to slow the rot, they've simply reached a stage where they haven't been able to replace the quality they've lost quickly enough. If the club continues to manage its youth well, and continues to back good coaches, they should be able to rise again in time, but they are certainly looking at a bit of a dip in order to regenerate, although to be fair, their injury list is pretty substantial at the moment.

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Dortmund have been systematically picked apart by richer rivals (particularly Bayern, who have regularly signed one of their best players each season since they won their first of 2 recent titles), which is a sad reality of clubs that buck the recent trends. Money talks in football these days. While they were able to slow the rot, they've simply reached a stage where they haven't been able to replace the quality they've lost quickly enough. If the club continues to manage its youth well, and continues to back good coaches, they should be able to rise again in time, but they are certainly looking at a bit of a dip in order to regenerate, although to be fair, their injury list is pretty substantial at the moment.

Yes, that's got to be it.

Bayern have already taken Gotze and Lewandowski off Dortmund, and they'll probably announce a deal for Reus in the New Year. It's depressing, but like you suggest, Bayern are stinking rich and Dortmund aren't.

Dortmund still have players like Mats Hummels, Ilkay Gundogan and Sven Bender, but those three will probably be off if they miss out on Europe next season, which looks increasingly likely. It could be quite some time before Dortmund are challenging Bayern at the top again.

Jurgen Klopp might be leaving Dortmund soon, and perhaps not on his own terms. I'd love to see him come to the Premier League - ideally as Arsene's successor.

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Dortmund also have had a lot of injury problems this season. I think Reus, Hummels and Gundogan have all missed decent spells. They've been playing better in the CL where they can sit back and counter, but in the Bundesliga, the other team will be sitting back and Dortmund aren't quite able to make the play enough to put their opponents to the sword.

Don't forget, they won the CL in 1997 and then went downhill for a considerable period of time before coming good again. All swings and roundabouts I guess.

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I knew about Reus's injury problems, although I wasn't sure about the other two.

WLKRAS does make a good point that Dortmund have played a lot better in the Champions League than in the Bundesliga. They weren't all that against Arsenal last week, but they'd already qualified for the knockout stage, so they didn't need to get a result.

Dortmund really are an up-and-down team. I can just about remember what they were like five or six years ago, when they really struggled financially and almost got relegated. They survived then, and I'm sure they'll survive again this season. No one can seriously think about Borussia Dortmund being relegated.

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OK everybody ! pay attention !

Apropos of not much, and largely because it seems so quiet round here at the mo... Can we have a rollcall ?

so if you are reading this, please sign your name, and we can see if this community is still, well, a community.

Obviously I'm here, that's Chesterfan2......

who's next ?

BenArsenal, that's me. I'm here. Unfortunately due to work I've been travelling an awful lot (those who have me on Facebook would know :D), so my presence around these parts have been significantly reduced.

I will try to visit when I can, but it won't be as often as before, sadly. I won't abandon you lot though. This place is too nice for me to leave. :)

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We are a community, of course, but as Ben noted, real lfie is intervening. I'm keeping a quiet eye on things, mainly because the American football team I cover on the radio refuses to lose and most of my weekend posting time is taken up by travel.

We are 13-0 now and have reached the national quarterfinals so my time is dominated by job and travel. It's a blast, but it does suck up a lot of time. I have my copy of FM15 installed but am finding my time is split between my South Park FM13 save (which I love), my Freiburg FM 13 save (which is just plain fun) and of course, the Reading FM08 save (which I will play until my computer explodes). I genuinely do not know which one of those saves to write on with my limited time. It will be better after Christmas.

Nice first-world problem, though :)

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So it's just my life that's as s**t as it always was ???

How can you say this? Chester's sitting lucky number 13 in the Conference Premier! Besides, your sense of humor is better than most of the rest of us. That should be worth something too, shouldn't it?

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I still pop by and have a quick glance at things every now and then! I haven't had a laptop for over a year so I haven't played any FM since FM13 was pretty new, however with Christmas just around the corner I would put my money on it that you'll probably be seeing another Offy story on the board before spring - destined to fizzle out and remain forever incomplete just like the rest of my stories!

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Kind words, Copper, 10/3, I wasn't really meaning to sound suicidal but it's nice to know that there is still a community on this board.

Plus, PLUS ! Offy has promised us a new story, what's not to like about that ??????? No pressure there, Offy !

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Hold your horses pal - I said 'probably', no mention of a promise anywhere in there ;)! Seriously though I do miss the place this used to be!

Looking back, the rate at which we used to get through community threads was incredible - this board has seen some incredible characters come and go... Maybe we should put together a list of names that once frequented this place and now are lost somewhere in the real world!

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Still pop in occasionally to see if there's anything new worth reading. Have about 3 or 4 stories on subscription/notification, but tend to go straight to the thread.

In terms of writing, I still sometimes dig my FM05 Weston Super Mare "novel" out, and poke at it. Got it out in November thinking I might crack on with it as a NaNoWriMo project. Lasted two days before family life took over again.

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We've had the customary new posters with the new release of the game, but forum membership and use is down as a whole as I understand it.

That said, our merry band continues to plug away. And I'm having a lot of fun with FM 15. So that is the current project.

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We've had the customary new posters with the new release of the game, but forum membership and use is down as a whole as I understand it.

That said, our merry band continues to plug away. And I'm having a lot of fun with FM 15. So that is the current project.

Do you have any theories as to why FMS is not as popular as it used to be?

I've been frequenting CMS/FMS for over a decade, and it's certainly seen better days. There are still some good writers on here, but I sometimes yearn for the golden days of PM7, BobBev, flipsix3, et al.

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Do you have any theories as to why FMS is not as popular as it used to be?

I've been frequenting CMS/FMS for over a decade, and it's certainly seen better days. There are still some good writers on here, but I sometimes yearn for the golden days of PM7, BobBev, flipsix3, et al.

I think people see the Careers Forum and see it as a shortcut, TBH. Writing good FMS is WORK, as you well know.

I miss those days too but I can certainly see why some writers suffer from burnout. I get it too from time to time, but then I recharge and come back. I can't leave. It's part of who I am.

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The gaps between the versions I buy seems to be growing. Seriously considered FM15 but after a few weeks plugging away at the demo I couldn't get used to it. So back to FM12 for the moment.

I didn't play FM 14, so FM 15 is a huge difference and for me it's a welcome one. I have to learn the new tactical roles so I am reading up on that but in the main, I think it's a much better and more realistic game.

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The gaps between the versions I buy seems to be growing. Seriously considered FM15 but after a few weeks plugging away at the demo I couldn't get used to it. So back to FM12 for the moment.

I feel the same way about FM15. I really struggled with the demo, and I'm still not sure if I want to buy it, let alone if I'll have the time to play it (my FM13 career is still going strong). I'll make a decision one way or the other sometime next week.

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I think people see the Careers Forum and see it as a shortcut, TBH. Writing good FMS is WORK, as you well know.

I miss those days too but I can certainly see why some writers suffer from burnout. I get it too from time to time, but then I recharge and come back. I can't leave. It's part of who I am.

I am with you in thinking that it's simpler to come up with results and summaries of seasons and accomplishments rather than write a detailed novel. I'm interested in writing shorter stories the past few years (following the Copperhorse Series), but I'm not certain that even if stories were shorter (say 5-10 entries) per "story" if that would make a big difference for the Forum in general. Either way, in 2015, my goal is to post about 12 shorter stories instead of 1-2 longer ones. We'll see how that works out.

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I am with you in thinking that it's simpler to come up with results and summaries of seasons and accomplishments rather than write a detailed novel. I'm interested in writing shorter stories the past few years (following the Copperhorse Series), but I'm not certain that even if stories were shorter (say 5-10 entries) per "story" if that would make a big difference for the Forum in general. Either way, in 2015, my goal is to post about 12 shorter stories instead of 1-2 longer ones. We'll see how that works out.

That's a good goal. I haven't finished a lot that I've started, mainly because of time considerations and the time sucker that (still) is Rat Pack. But I've got a lot of fun saves I've started and what I consider to be good characters I've developed. It's hard to turn away from them and I find that a very enjoyable "Walter Mitty" aspect of FM.

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While I am not the best of writers, I really enjoyed the challenge but time constraints with work, family and coaching have really put a dampener on what I write and even what I play these days.

I have a good Swindon save going, but find that when I write I get into the game more which forces me to play longer and quicker which means my writing gets worse and more fragmented to a point where I go not worth posting. Then I get through a season and think hey I can use the first season as a back story so I write a back story then start playing with full intention of writing regularly only to find after the transfer period when the games start to fly by I do the exact same thing.

Rinse repeat for season 3 and then I say hey maybe the next save when they finish the patch.

I also try and play a few games now, I'm loving 'This War of Mine' at the moment, while playing a bit of NBA 2K15, Walking Dead, Wolf Among Us so I might play FM15 for an hour or so every week.

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Pan, similar stuff happens to me. I love playing the game and move through it at a fast rate of play. I can get through a season in about 6 hours. So, spending 6 hours writing about a month's worth of game time creates a problem when trying to figure out how the present story line can lead easily into the future story line the game provides. Then, there are times I just want to play without worrying about writing. Then, I find some way of making the for fun save become a story...(as you said, rinse and repeat).

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Rough justice on Liverpool today, Salk, but as a United guy I have to smile. Rather mystified at why Rodgers did not start any kind of a striker. Asking Sterling to do the job on his own was hard. I thought Liverpool was the better team for most of the match, though Valencia against Allen on the first goal was ridiculous.

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It's the story of the season really for us. Plenty of chances created without a certain SAS to put them away along with the usual abysmal defending. Rodgers is his own worst enemy at times with his team selections and tactics. He's as much at fault for me this season with his signings that have put us back to square one when he took over. I did not understand why he chose today to drop Mignolet for a game like this and subbing off Lallana at half time who was probably our best player. I don't think the players are playing for him now which is a shame really after last season when they were a delight to watch. I wouldn't be surprised if he's sacked in the morning, other managers have been sacked for less. Just so sad to see a team that was brilliant to watch last season have now become a despair to watch.

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salkster, I have to agree with you about Rodgers being too smart for his own good this season at Liverpool. I believe managers need to keep things as complex as their players can handle. I think that asking Balotelli to do anything other than play a target striker is simply a waste. Lallana was indeed carving up Man Utd cobbled together defense. He should not have been the one to come off. Instead, it should have been Gerrard, unfortunately. I also wondered the same thing about dropping Mignolet today. Swapping tactics plus the keeper with only 2 days training is too many changes in too short a time for things to be stable. At least, VanGaal's juggling is out of necessity instead of tinkering. Wasn't tinkering what got Benitez in trouble at Liverpool too?

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I agree it's a similar situation to what we had with Rafa. Finish second in the league, make some poor signings and then have a poor following season. Rafa was known for rotating the squad a lot due to the amount of games we was playing which is the same thing Rodgers said in the summer. I'm not sure if we've played the same eleven once this season, another one of Rafa's traits that Rodgers has picked up due to what I believe is a common myth that players can't play twice a week. The fact that we are still relying on an aging Gerrard whose legs have gone and a 20 year old who on yesterdays evidence could not score in a brothel, is evidence of the quality of our summer signings, Rodgers trust in them and the strength of the squad overall. Rodgers has always been stubborn in that he'll only do things one way. Last season he was flexible in the formations we used unlike this season. Fergie managed to wind down the careers of Scholes and Giggs slowly yet they were still a big influence on the squad. Rodgers for me needs to learn to do that and show a bit more faith in the summer signings such as Can and Lallana. It's easy for an average manager or player to look good in a team that is constantly winning. The best ones manage to come through the bad times even stronger. Let's see what Rodgers is made of.

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This is going to sound odd, but with the exception of how he played the back pass chance I liked Sterling quite a bit. He didn't quit. He kept finding positions and DeGea kept robbing him. Give the keeper a bit of credit too. That wasn't entirely on Sterling. I actually think good things are ahead for him, but clearly they miss Suarez and don't have anywhere near his caliber of player up front at the present moment (and I include Balotelli in that).

Without DeGea, Liverpool scores at least three times yesterday. His save on Balotelli to direct the shot onto the bar is my save of the season so far.

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Sorry to go off topic, but I feel genuinely sad at what has happened in Sydney today. Perhaps the proximity or the fact that Australia is a country where I have numerous friends residing in (including those on here) might have something to do with it, but I can't help but think that it could easily have been anywhere else, including where I am, and that thought simply chills me to the bone.

Thoughts going out to everyone in Australia right now.

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Sorry to go off topic, but I feel genuinely sad at what has happened in Sydney today. Perhaps the proximity or the fact that Australia is a country where I have numerous friends residing in (including those on here) might have something to do with it, but I can't help but think that it could easily have been anywhere else, including where I am, and that thought simply chills me to the bone.

Thoughts going out to everyone in Australia right now.

Quite a sad situation, particularly as it ended in bloodshed after such a long standoff. The gunman appears to have a long history of criminal offences and radical thinking, but was very much someone ostracised from society, both from the local culture of the country he migrated to, and from his own ethnic background. Sad affair all round. Such a waste.

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