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Yeah, if Clarkson goes, Top Gear will die a death. And that will cost the BBC a lot of money. But it'll be hard for them to keep him on, with so much money coming from the license fee.

Catch-22 for them. Clarkson won't care, Sky or someone will snap him up in a heartbeat and pay him double.

I don't think Clarkson will suffer the same fate as the old Top Gear team that start Fifth Gear.

I'm not arsed either way, I enjoy watching Top Gear as mindless entertainment,but wouldn't miss it if it was gone.

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Tell you what, as a Top Gear fan here in the States -- I don't watch any of the other versions. The American show is complete weaksauce by comparison.

I find Clarkson no different than some of the other big mouths we have over here -- and yes, I do think Clarkson has entirely too big a mouth -- but the BBC Top Gear formula WORKS, and it works because of him. Love him or loathe him, people watch to hear what he has to say, which is the entire point of television entertainment.

If Clarkson goes, Top Gear will positively die. I enjoy Hammond and May but neither of them can hold a candle to Jeremy Clarkson.

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Tell you what, as a Top Gear fan here in the States -- I don't watch any of the other versions. The American show is complete weaksauce by comparison.

I find Clarkson no different than some of the other big mouths we have over here -- and yes, I do think Clarkson has entirely too big a mouth -- but the BBC Top Gear formula WORKS, and it works because of him. Love him or loathe him, people watch to hear what he has to say, which is the entire point of television entertainment.

If Clarkson goes, Top Gear will positively die. I enjoy Hammond and May but neither of them can hold a candle to Jeremy Clarkson.

It's not just the American version, the Australian version was also terrible, and from what I understand, any attempt to have the franchise set up in other countries has also flopped. As CFuller pointed out, the three of them basically made the show with their dynamic and antics. If Clarkson goes, then the show is finished. Hammond and May wouldn't be able to carry it on their own. It will be a huge loss for the BBC though, as my understanding it's still one of their most popular shows.

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How are you feeling now, Balthy? Feeling any better now that Arsenal defeated a somewhat self-destructive Man Utd in the FA Cup Quarterfinals?

Very disappointed to see not only one diver, but two divers from United (though Janusaz's dive culminated everything I believe about him because you'll give up a certain cross for an uncertain penalty call...). I'm also surprised that Bellarin? (Arsenal's DR) made it through the match without a second yellow card after he stuck an arm and leg out in the 2nd half to stop a fast break because Man Utd players were given yellow cards for similar offenses. That would have been his 2nd yellow after committing the first for clearing out Young so early in the match.

I'm still disappointed with Man Utd's overall lack of effort to get open and also show for the ball within 15 yards of the play (Rooney and Herrera being the primary exceptions), plus their apparent lack of courage to pass to players whose backs are to goal and who are being marked within 4 yards.

I still want Van Gaal out and that won't change, but I also know that the soul of what made United special (fast paced attacking play) is destroyed after Moyes and LvG so it won't be anytime soon before that style returns. However, getting Van Gaal off his seat and on the sidelines to at least fake being interested in getting his tactics onto the pitch in real time is a wish too great to long for at this time.


Regarding the football, I'm delighted with the win. I was concerned that the first half was such a scrappy game, as that suited United more than us, and it was pretty even, but in the second half I thought Arsenal largely controlled it and deserved to win. Bellerin was fortunate to stay on, he looked too nervous, which is why Wenger hauled him off, but the fouling and diving from United was pretty terrible for most of the match. I swear, Fellaini is all elbows and niggling fouls, yet he gets away with a huge amount of it for some unknown reason. Should also have been a penalty for the tug on Welbeck, but he went down too dramatically. I thought overall it was one of the best referee performances in a long while, he kept control of the match for the most part and got the big calls largely right. De Gea had a stormer and made some fantastic saves as well, otherwise it probably would have finished 1-3 or 1-4. I thought United played better than they have for a long time, but I still wasn't impressed. There isn't a lot of movement and their midfield is still sub-par, which makes the defensive weaknesses more apparent. Once Carrick came on alongside Blind the centre of United's midfield was basically static and a large part of ceding control of the match to Arsenal.

Important to win at a place Arsenal hasn't won at for a long time, and puts us in with a great shout of getting to the final again and potentially defending the Cup. Winning it again would be fantastic (two trophies in two seasons! :lol:) and would also be a milestone achievement for the club (would officially become the most successful FA Cup team, currently level with United at 11 wins), so I'm pretty excited.

Also, an interesting aside to go with my original discussion: Wenger let slip recently in an interview that the Arsenal board were prepared to accept not qualifying for the Champions League in 2 out of 5 seasons during the stadium build. They factored that the finances could still be sustained to finish the build with a failure to qualify a couple of times, which clearly suggests that they expected the fortunes of the club to decline, potentially significantly, during the period. I really feel that Wenger has copped a huge amount of flack on behalf of the board by never revealing just how restricted he was financially during that time, and why he went the route of hoping to build a team from youth. Again, I think it's actually a testament to how well he's done that he exceeded that target (never failed to qualify) despite the restrictions.

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Interesting to hear what you all think about Clarkson/Top Gear. Here's what I think will happen. ITV will (and in fact have) suggested that they will sign up Clarkson for £10million. So the BBC will take a long hard look over the precipice they are on now, take a long look into a future where a sub-par Top Gear with two middle aged blokes and, just for my own pleasure, Rachel Riley will not be nearly as successful and die a death, they'll see all that money from overseas going somewhere else and not into their coffers, and they will then step back.

They will discover that there is in fact one more level of warning beyond a final warning (at least until Clarkson does it again and then there will be another one, and another one after that). Clarkson will get it, be nice for a bit and Hurrah ! Top Gear is saved.

There is one truth here. Money talks, Bullsh*t walks, but Bullsh*t TV makes even more money than everything else.

Still be good if they add Rachel Riley though.

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I wouldn't mind having Rachel Riley on Top Gear - or any other programme I watch, for that matter. :p

Nearly 700,000 people have now signed that petition to "reinstate Jeremy Clarkson" (I'm not sure if reinstate is the right word; he's been suspended, not sacked). Only 600,000 have signed a petition urging the goverment to pardon all men convicted under anti-homosexuality laws that were only repealed in 2003. And slightly less than 500,000 have signed a petition demanding that Pakistan overturns a death sentence for a Christian mother-of-five convicted of blasphemy.

That is some society we live in. We certainly get our priorities right. :confused:

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My thoughts (and remember, I write for a magazine which is licenced from the show):

I haven't found Clarkson nor Top Gear funny nor entertaining for a long time now (although this current series seemed pretty alright). If this marks the end of the show then frankly I won't miss it very much to be honest.

Killing them off may of course bring repercussions to the BBC in terms of revenue and etc, but I don't think it'll be an entirely bad thing. It's quite clear that the current formula, while still popular, is not quite working as well as it once was now for the both of them (BBC and Jezza's team), so it might be a good idea for a rethink. BBC can reboot Top Gear, perhaps without the trio, and with an entirely new formula for an entirely new audience.

Clarkson meanwhile can take the Top Gear brand (if he wishes) elsewhere to continue doing what they're doing now, and the current hardcore fans will follow.

It'll amount to something like a break-up or divorce, but I feel this might be the best solution.

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Killing them off may of course bring repercussions to the BBC in terms of revenue and etc, but I don't think it'll be an entirely bad thing. It's quite clear that the current formula, while still popular, is not quite working as well as it once was now for the both of them (BBC and Jezza's team), so it might be a good idea for a rethink. BBC can reboot Top Gear, perhaps without the trio, and with an entirely new formula for an entirely new audience.

Clarkson meanwhile can take the Top Gear brand (if he wishes) elsewhere to continue doing what they're doing now, and the current hardcore fans will follow.

It'll amount to something like a break-up or divorce, but I feel this might be the best solution.

You might already know this, but something like that has happened before.

The original Top Gear was cancelled by the BBC in 2001. Its producer and former presenters went over to Channel 5 to launch a new show called Fifth Gear in 2002. Meanwhile, BBC rebooted Top Gear with its now massively-popular format. Fifth Gear was nowhere near as popular as the new Top Gear, and although it's still going, it's now broadcast on the History channel.

I don't think Clarkson can just take the Top Gear brand to ITV or Sky or wherever. As far as I know, the brand is owned by the BBC, and they'll keep the rights to it, with or without Clarkson.

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A Top Gear reboot..... Hmmmmmmm... Any ideas, here are some to get you going...

Top Gear presented by three middle aged women

Top Gear presented by McBusted

Top gear presented by the Mexican Ambassador

Top Gear presented by Davina McCall (because she gets on everything)

Top Gear presented by a ever changing line up of three hosts,



Top Gear keeping the remaining two and have a guest grumpy host slot much like what they did on Have I Got News For You

Ah, that one, have I stumbled upon the future ?????

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You might already know this, but something like that has happened before.

The original Top Gear was cancelled by the BBC in 2001. Its producer and former presenters went over to Channel 5 to launch a new show called Fifth Gear in 2002. Meanwhile, BBC rebooted Top Gear with its now massively-popular format. Fifth Gear was nowhere near as popular as the new Top Gear, and although it's still going, it's now broadcast on the History channel.

I don't think Clarkson can just take the Top Gear brand to ITV or Sky or wherever. As far as I know, the brand is owned by the BBC, and they'll keep the rights to it, with or without Clarkson.

Then I guess it's time to do it again. BBC to refresh Top Gear, and Clarkson to go off and do his own show.

Obviously Clarkson will bring his legions of fans along, to the detriment of the BBC, but I feel this would be the best solution.

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Could someone post this weeks predictions down and lawros please once he puts them on the BBC website as my internet could take awhile to do. Don't worry about the tables I will sort them when I'm back up and running cheers

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I got the weekly matches posted on the Predictions page, but I don't know how to post Lawro's predictions off the BBC Website. Does someone else know how to do this? Is he some kind of pundit in our midst?

Lawro's predictions don't usually appear until Friday.

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A huge thank you to Manuel Pelligrini who has been quoted today on ESPN's Soccernet with the following statement regarding James Milner. You made my day, Mr. Pelligrini. You made my day. ""It's very difficult to find another Milner -- an intelligent player, with big balls and a massive heart."

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Not seen the game but fair play to Arsenal sounds they gave it a good go. The away goal rule I think is stupid though.

Agreed. It used to be relevant decades ago, as playing away from home was always a major disadvantage in Europe for many reasons (i.e. long journeys, hostile home crowds, differences in pitch surfaces). Nowadays, trips abroad are shorter and much more comfortable, all top clubs have fantastic pitches, and the teams are more familiar with one another. Playing away is no longer a disadvantage - indeed, the away goals rule gives too much of an advantage to the visiting team in the second leg.

The away goals rule should be scrapped, both in European and domestic competitions. Frankly, I'm amazed that it's still a possible decider in the League Cup semi finals.

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I'm with 10-3 here. Keep away goals. And I would say that playing away is still a disadvantage. Granted, maybe not as much as it used to be, but you still have to travel and etc.

While we're at it, keep FA Cup replays as far as I'm concerned. All this nonsense about fixture congestion...

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Brave effort from the Gunners tonight. Sadly, we left ourselves with too much to do. Can't really blame anyone else.

Exactly. To be honest I expected that result. We always **** it up, and then try to salvage it when it's too late.

We should have got it together right from the start.

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If Arsenal were not to win it this season, I'd love to see Reading lift the trophy. Club has a special place in my heart too.

Is that down to the Rat Pack story? ;)

The reason I think the away goal rule is stupid is that it gives the home team a bigger advantage as they can set out whether to attack or defend depending on how many away goals they have to defend. Also if a match goes to extra time then they have the bonus of playing the extra 30 minutes at home and the penalty shootout if needed like the Atletico-Leverkusen game. Winning via a technicality just seems a bit wrong to me just for the added suspense it gives.

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Is that down to the Rat Pack story? ;)

The reason I think the away goal rule is stupid is that it gives the home team a bigger advantage as they can set out whether to attack or defend depending on how many away goals they have to defend. Also if a match goes to extra time then they have the bonus of playing the extra 30 minutes at home and the penalty shootout if needed like the Atletico-Leverkusen game. Winning via a technicality just seems a bit wrong to me just for the added suspense it gives.

That would be flattering. :)

As for away goals again, there does need to be an advantage gained by being either a higher seed or drawn as the second home team. In the case of away goals, it does give the higher seed the opportunity to set up their team for the second leg in the best position to advance, having already played away. There is nothing wrong with giving a higher seed an advantage and if that means playing extra time or penalties at home, so be it. They earned it.

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That would be flattering. :)

As for away goals again, there does need to be an advantage gained by being either a higher seed or drawn as the second home team. In the case of away goals, it does give the higher seed the opportunity to set up their team for the second leg in the best position to advance, having already played away. There is nothing wrong with giving a higher seed an advantage and if that means playing extra time or penalties at home, so be it. They earned it.

I don't have a problem with the group winners getting a slight advantage as like you say, they have earned it. Having the advantage of extra time and penalties at home is enough of an advantage for me without away goals. Arguably just having the second leg at home is an advantage for me. In the last 16 stage is where being the group winners should get the slight advantage but in the latter stages it's down to the luck of the draw is where my main gripe is. For me the winners should be down to the best team over 2 legs not down to a technicality with or without extra time and penalties. Maybe I'm just too much of a purist. Either way it just feels wrong to me.

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Is that down to the Rat Pack story? ;)

The reason I think the away goal rule is stupid is that it gives the home team a bigger advantage as they can set out whether to attack or defend depending on how many away goals they have to defend. Also if a match goes to extra time then they have the bonus of playing the extra 30 minutes at home and the penalty shootout if needed like the Atletico-Leverkusen game. Winning via a technicality just seems a bit wrong to me just for the added suspense it gives.

With apologies to our dear 10-3, not really! My parents actually lived in Reading for a while after they got married (my parents are both Malaysian, but met in London as students) as my dad was studying his masters there. It was all before I was born, but subsequently I have visited Reading with them (nice area), and because of that, I ended up picking Reading for an alternate team back on CM 00/01 and had a long career game with them (they were back in the old Division 2 at the time). Subsequently started following them a little and was delighted to see them promoted for the first time (and subsequently a little saddened when they have been relegated).

That said, the fact that Rat Pack is about Reading is a big part as to why I got into that story in the first place!

EDIT: as to away goals, personally I disagree with my manager, who (predictably) is saying he wants it gone. I feel that there is still an advantage to playing at home, even in the modern game. Sure, the advantage is not as big as it used to be, but I believe it still exists. I also like the sense that teams should be rewarded for attacking away from home and scoring goals. It is true that it potentially unduely punishes a team that happens to have a bad day at the office when they play at home (hello Arsenal!) but personally I'm with 10-3 in that I enjoy this aspect of knock-out football in the Champions League.

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Steven Gerrard, Gerrard!

Stamps on your leg so hard!

In 45 seconds collects a red card,

Steven Gerrard, Gerrard!

(h/t Deadspin)

And in other news, it appears as though my adoptive home city of Minneapolis is going to get an MLS team starting in 2018. The chances of me being a season-ticket holder for this group will be distressingly high. :)

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Do you have a new job lined up? Or are you following in Clarkson's footsteps and creating new opportunities? :p

(Not by punching people, obviously)


I'll be doing freelance writing. Basically same thing as what I'm doing now, except for other people, and with less job security. I know, I'm crazy. :D

But honestly, I could do with the flexibility. I think it would do me good in the long term.

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Meanwhile, Hats off to North Ferriby, winners of the FA Trophy.

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that they beat Wrexham. The Sheep Botherers are perennial chokers, and they haven't let us down again. How we laughed.

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Meanwhile, Hats off to North Ferriby, winners of the FA Trophy.

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that they beat Wrexham. The Sheep Botherers are perennial chokers, and they haven't let us down again. How we laughed.

And they sacked their manager after the match.

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Meanwhile, Hats off to North Ferriby, winners of the FA Trophy.

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that they beat Wrexham. The Sheep Botherers are perennial chokers, and they haven't let us down again. How we laughed.

And to think a few years ago I remember watching Stocksbridge beat them 7-0. Oh how times quickly change.

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Wigan have sacked Malky Mackay. Good riddance to him, but I'm still looking forward to seeing Wigan go down, if and when it happens. They're a third-rate club with a third-rate (now former) manager.

I was a little sad to see Blackpool go down today, though. They were in the Premier League four seasons ago, but they're so poorly-run that I can see them plummeting down the divisions.

Indeed, I'm running an FM15 holiday save for a new story that I'm writing, and by 2018, Blackpool have been relegated to the Conference (or should I say, the National League)!

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Wigan have sacked Malky Mackay. Good riddance to him, but I'm still looking forward to seeing Wigan go down, if and when it happens. They're a third-rate club with a third-rate (now former) manager.[/url])!

Malky Mackay sacked by a Chairman barely out of his teens, and who has been in the job, what, a month? Looks like we could have a new trigger happy Chairman on our hands running loose in the Football League. I'm no Mackay fan, but the quote from Sharpe that a change was needed makes no sense when they are all but down. He may have been better served waiting till the summer when the manager merry go-round gets into full swing. Most managers worth their pay cheque would fancy their chances of getting Wigan out of League One.

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Malky Mackay sacked by a Chairman barely out of his teens, and who has been in the job, what, a month? Looks like we could have a new trigger happy Chairman on our hands running loose in the Football League. I'm no Mackay fan, but the quote from Sharpe that a change was needed makes no sense when they are all but down. He may have been better served waiting till the summer when the manager merry go-round gets into full swing. Most managers worth their pay cheque would fancy their chances of getting Wigan out of League One.

I don't think David Sharpe is being trigger happy. I think his grandad made a huge mistake in appointing Mackay, and not just because Mackay was (and incredibly still is) being investigated by the FA. I agree with you in that Sharpe could've waited until the end of the season, when Wigan's fate will have been decided, but he'll surely be patient with Mackay's replacement.

The job will certainly be an attractive one for any ambitious manager, regardless of whether Wigan are in the Championship or League One next season.

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I was a little sad to see Blackpool go down today, though. They were in the Premier League four seasons ago, but they're so poorly-run that I can see them plummeting down the divisions.

This stung a bit for me too, having played, and grown a bit attached, to the Seasiders in previous FM versions.

For me, nothing positive will happen with Blackpool FC unless and until the Oystons sell up. They say they have no debt and I'm sure that's true, but the way they started the season shows me they really shouldn't be running a football club.

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The thought of a man barely out of his teens in charge of a club gives me the thought of a kid getting a new toy. If anything Mackay should have been sacked sooner. Who is really going to want the job with relegation looming and is there anyone out there at this stage of the season? They have been punching above their weight for a while now but I find it sad to see a club fall so fast. With Blackpool relegated and Wigan look like they soon will be, it shows the difference between the Premier League and the rest of the country. Also how to also waste the millions that it gotten by being in the premier league. Imagine if one of us ordinary folk got that amount of money and could spend it on what we want. Shows how crazy the world is.

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