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On Thursday, October 20, 2016 at 11:55, salkster2102 said:

A question of curiosity for our American readers. Which of the 2 evils will you be voting for as President?

Neither one. I consider one of them to be a carnival barker and the other to be a criminal. You choose which is which.

For the second consecutive Presidential election, I will vote minor party.

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Chin Up TenThree. From over the pond I think we see your choices as a liar or a psychopath, and at least the liar could be counted on to serve her own self interest, rather than nuking Nevada for a slight on twitter.

Still it could be worse, you could live here and your choice would be between nazis, self-interested psuedo-nazis, self-obsessed hopeless jokes or complete irrelevancies.

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2 hours ago, chesterfan2 said:

From over the pond I think we see your choices as a liar or a psychopath, and at least the liar could be counted on to serve her own self interest, rather than nuking Nevada for a slight on twitter.

Exactly - that sums up how I see it as well.

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I obviously can't vote on it but I don't much care for either candidate either, tbh.

I don't have a problem with Trump's politics necessarily, but he doesn't come across as being that smart a guy (relative to someone in a potentially presidential position). Is he self-made, or was he born into money? I honestly don't know. 

Clinton just comes across as annoying. Again, how has she truly managed to get into this position, I wonder? If she gets in, I guess she'll be the one who will keep things ticking along largely the same as they were before, whether you liked it that way or not. Is that accurate?

I doubt either of them gets two terms. 




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I'd say Trump's a bit of both, ScottleeSV. I watched a PBS documentary about the two candidates the other day, and I heard that Trump took over his grandmother and father's modestly-sized real estate company in his mid-20s and turned it into a massive conglomerate. He's had tremendous success as a businessman, but is similarly well-known for catastrophic failures.

Hillary Clinton comes across as secretive, out-of-touch, dishonest, dislikeable, and quite possibly corrupt... and she is still, in my view, an infinitely more palatable US President than Donald Trump.

If I was an American, I'd probably vote for Clinton, just because I don't want Trump in the White House.

Neither of them will last more than a single full term, if that. I'll be very interested to see who the major parties nominate for the 2020 election. Surely nobody who gets nominated could possibly be worse than Clinton or Trump?

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I wish they wouldn't be so damn nasty to each other on stage/podium either. State your policies calmly, and then walk off. I don't want to see a couple of kids having a slanging match about who did what and who secretly is like this and who secretly did that. I just want to hear who is going to do what in the various areas of governing.

When they show clips on the UK news of the various debates and speeches, all we see is insults and bitter replies. I don't think many people here will even know much about actual policies just from watching the news. You'd have to hunt around online, make some effort. 





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That's the way politics are going on our side of the Atlantic. Political conservatives (rightly, in my view) see themselves as shut out of the process by Obama and as a result they fell for Trump, a lifelong Democrat who presented himself as an outsider but who is truly an insider in all the wrong ways in my view. There is real anger at the so-called 'political class' of both major parties here, and both candidates personify that insider class despite what one of them claims.

Trump speaks down to his audience and when media asks him what his actual policies are, he simply changes the subject. He is the undoubted master of the 24-hour news cycle, which means he can change the subject whenever he likes and simply moves on to the next day.

Clinton does not have that nuance. She has more concrete policy proposals but much of the country sees those policies as simply wrong. Her legal issues, which may well turn into real ones very soon, drag her down. Poll after poll indicates that the American public neither trusts nor likes either.

The largest minor party, the Libertarians, had a chance to make some real inroads this time around but their candidate is a farce. Opportunity lost.

In the end, I refuse to vote to give the nuclear football to a juvenile bully like Donald Trump, and I can't vote for someone whose e-mail now appears to have been hacked by no fewer than five foreign intelligence services. There isn't a good choice for me.

Your mileage may vary.


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Excuse my French, but what the hell were your compatriots thinking, 10-3?! :mad:

If waking up to the Brexit result was one of the most exciting moments of this year for me, waking up to THIS is definitely the most depressing.

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1 hour ago, CFuller said:

Excuse my French, but what the hell were your compatriots thinking, 10-3?! :mad:

If waking up to the Brexit result was one of the most exciting moments of this year for me, waking up to THIS is definitely the most depressing.

Imagine how us remainers feel. 

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I'm with WLKRAS on this.  Pretty much set on the idea that this is God's, (or whichever supreme being you chose to believe in)'s, idea of a 'little joke'. As in 'You've done so bad with what I've given you, so let's see what you do with this !'


Any road up. Cheered myself up by publishing my first ever download onto The Steam Workshop for FM17. It's called Chester Legends, and it's a bunch of over-powered 17/18 year olds all taken from Chester City's long and not extremely glorious history. Enjoy, if you feel like having a look.

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Sooo.... has anyone ever bought something online and found out it wasn't what they wanted at all?  I mean aside from 58 million Americans that is....

6 hours ago, tenthreeleader said:

Ever run your car into a wall at 60 MPH?

Hello, world. That's us.

Sums it up pretty well.

In a related story I see the Canadian immigration site crashed - maybe they are the ones who need to build a wall ;)

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1 hour ago, chesterfan2 said:

Any road up. Cheered myself up by publishing my first ever download onto The Steam Workshop for FM17. It's called Chester Legends, and it's a bunch of over-powered 17/18 year olds all taken from Chester City's long and not extremely glorious history. Enjoy, if you feel like having a look.

Do you have a link for it chester

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6 hours ago, CFuller said:

Excuse my French, but what the hell were your compatriots thinking, 10-3?! :mad:

If waking up to the Brexit result was one of the most exciting moments of this year for me, waking up to THIS is definitely the most depressing.

Please pardon my foray here. I don't like to post about politics but this is a question well worth pondering from my point of view.

Those of you who know me well know my politics, and those of you who know what those politics are might be surprised to know that I opposed Donald Trump with every fiber of my being. This is depressing, it's horrific, it's giving in to the very worst parts of our nature in my opinion.

There are a number of issues to consider here. The first was that Hillary Clinton was a simply horrible candidate in her own right for a variety of reasons. I voted for neither one.

The second is that there is considerable stir here over health care premiums, which are rising dramatically for many people in America who can least afford it -- the opposite of what was promised in the Affordable Care Act. The news of these premium increases hit very close to the election, and I do think a lot of people voted with their wallets.

But the third is that I think Trump represents what a lot of Americans wish they could say out loud about issues like political correctness. Many of these people are from our less-delicate fringe, shall we say, but others are people who simply couldn't stomach the thought of another Clinton presidency. They swallowed their pride -- and, in my view, their principles -- to vote Trump into office. If you're looking for people to ask "what were they thinking", the people you should ask are rank-and-file Republican Party voters who threw away everything their parents ever tried to teach them about acceptable personal behavior to vote a truly awful man into the highest office in our land.

In my view, they've chosen the worst possible vehicle to voice their frustrations -- an insider who campaigned like he wasn't, a bully who now will try to be a uniter. I would offer one piece of advice to you as you interpret these results -- if you see media claiming this is a repudiation of business-as-usual politics, don't believe it for a second.

Donald Trump was selected -- over genuine reformers -- from within the Republican Party establishment, which sustained him in light of his known issues in order to preserve  that establishment's power and influence. The establishment is alive and well in America -- and it has just picked another President. When Donald Trump's voters finally figure this out, the s**t is going to hit the fan.




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Well said 10-3. That sums up the whole fiasco fairly well.

I'll just add that two of my personal pet peeves with our society right now are people's willingness to believe everything they are spoon fed instead of thinking for themselves - and people of both 'sides' are equally guilty of that. (I mean, if you don't want to think for yourself that's fine - but then you ought to acknowledge the possibility that you might not actually know everything...) And secondly the need to always win in today's culture, it seems like the concept of having honest disagreements  while still respecting each other is long obsolete. We don't have political discourse anymore, we have a red vs blue football game, and if someone isn't on your 'team' then they are the devil....

Which leads me to my final rant, both parties are complicit in creating the environment in this country that has led to this because they have been focused on nothing but total victory at all costs for decades now at the expense of listening to their constituents and, you know, actual governing.


Alright that ends my personal rant. Sorry everyone.

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To that I would simply say that it isn't so much a case of total victory as it is preservation of influence.  That happens no matter who is in power. 

For all their sound and fury, at the right moments in Obama's tenure,  Republicans would cave and give him what he wanted.  There are not really two major parties in America any more. There is a uniparty which is sustained by both. It's the only way to explain what happens in Washington. 

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I don't argue that point at all, I think you are 100% correct.  In fact it is in both of the major parties best interests to keep the rules of the 'game' unchanged. The way it's played now they all always remain in power it's just shifted to one or the other by degrees - degrees that matter greatly to those on the inside but have no real effect on the people they are supposed to be representing.  And that being the case isn't it a good job they are doing of distracting the masses with their big smoke and mirrors show. To be fair I think many of them believe their own hype and PR, but in the end they are all insiders (even President elect Trump) working together and the only real difference is which group of entitled rich are suckling the larger share off the public's..... well you know.

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Surely anyone who's been in the UK since the AV vote has predicted this, we've had a few votes that had all the important factors in play. Votes are won by making up whatever you want (since you're not held accountable) and appealing to the older generations (the easiest way of doing that being racism/discrimination). Social media is no indicator, but Trump had that vote anyway.

Just be interesting to see if Trump lasts a term, and how his diehard voters will defend him when he tempers and also doesn't deliver all the things he said about immigration, taxes etc. The end result could be great - no Hillary or Trump (or at least no Super Trump and instead the more Settled Down Trump).

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A friend and I were discussing this last night and he basically noted that Trump is in a lose-lose situation.

If he goes on to be a great president in the traditional sense, then he will anger his traditional support base and lose all the backing he has.

If he follows through on his rhetoric and does all the silly things that he said, then well, we're all doomed.

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7 hours ago, BenArsenal said:

A friend and I were discussing this last night and he basically noted that Trump is in a lose-lose situation.

If he goes on to be a great president in the traditional sense, then he will anger his traditional support base and lose all the backing he has.

If he follows through on his rhetoric and does all the silly things that he said, then well, we're all doomed.

A realistic win is that Trump serves some amount of time and any problems that arise are first world problems. He's not great but not a disaster. The Democrats are forced to use a Sanders figure, who easily beats either Trump or his extremist heir. Thus the Republicans, after the disaster of this election and Romney but the success of Bush, are forced to be less extreme and use an everyman. There is change, at least until the cycle continues.

But if the U.S. continues this path following the U.K. and the rest, what'll happen instead is both sides discover that you can just make anything up, it's not like you have to actually follow up with it, so whoever uses the 'they kill babies' angle and 'foreigners are causing all the bad things' angles will win. Put up giant posters and post leaflets about how the other side is causing newborn babies to die, how 'our soldiers' don't have guns and vests because of them and a lack of funding, how voting for the alternative will lead to 'millions' of rapists flooding in, that kind of thing. Granted you, the president, could end up like Clegg if you don't deliver a big policy and get called out on it, but YOU will have served 4/8 years in the big job and retire content, rich and historically famous, so who cares?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's a teaser for you guys, I have just been sent this by a mate and it took me ages to work it out.

Who am I?

At some stage during my career (Past or Present) at club level and/or International . I am or have been teammates with:

Mignolet, C.Ronaldo, Gerrard, Ozil, Milner, Chicarito, Munatari, Pique, Gyan and Hart. I have been managed by Roy Hodgson.

And amongst other things I have won are the Premier League and FA Cup

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2 hours ago, mark wilson27 said:

Here's a teaser for you guys, I have just been sent this by a mate and it took me ages to work it out.

Who am I?

At some stage during my career (Past or Present) at club level and/or International . I am or have been teammates with:

Mignolet, C.Ronaldo, Gerrard, Ozil, Milner, Chicarito, Munatari, Pique, Gyan and Hart. I have been managed by Roy Hodgson.

And amongst other things I have won are the Premier League and FA Cup

I just figured it out :)

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The answer is Danny Welbeck.... played with C.Ronaldo, Chicarito and Pique at United, Mignolet, Muntari and Gyan at Sunderland when he went on loan there. Gerrard, Milner, Hart and managed by Hodgson at England. Ozil he's playing with when he does play at Arsenal

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49 minutes ago, BenArsenal said:


I must say, I don't remember Welbeck being at Sunderland? Then again my memory is pretty poor...

He went there on loan in the 2010-11 season if I can remember correctly

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For some reason it has asked for my password, which it never normally does as I have it set up to remember it.

It doesn't recognise my usual password and when I try and go to support it just comes up with a blank screen. I've tried restarting It and going through the website version but it just doesn't seem to want to play if you catch my drift


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Just now, mark wilson27 said:

Sods law I've just managed to fix it. The website for some reason wasn't opening on Internet Explorer had to used the cursed Google Chrome

Hey, Google Chrome's not that bad! I much prefer Chrome over that malware magnet Internet Explorer, or its replacement Microsoft Edge. :D

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Last time I used Chrome as my main browser I ended up with all sorts of cack infecting my laptop..Then again that was when it first came out, maybe I should get up to date as it seems a lot of sites prefer you using Chrome


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I've used Chrome for a good few years, and by most accounts, it's as stable and powerful as any internet browser. I'd recommend it to anyone, provided their laptop/PC has plenty of RAM, as Chrome can use up quite a lot of memory.

I've also tried Firefox in the past, but that seems to have gone downhill recently. It could still be a decent alternative to Chrome or IE, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, mark wilson27 said:

All I can suggest of your getting look on the Forum bugs page is to direct message Neil and then he should try and sort it 

Someone finally saw it. I was using Firefox, but it doesn't do it on Chrome. But presumably lots of other people are using that and no one's mentioned it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out that the forum migration has eaten into my "Welcome to Romford" story. About a year's worth of story is missing. :(

I'll have to sort out a PDF of the complete story, much like I did with my Euro 2020 story some time ago, so that it can be fully revisited again. Once I have one sorted, I'll link it right here.

I'll try to get that PDF up before I go away for the holidays. I'll be spending Christmas weekend up in Telford with my sister, who's getting married in the new year (that's something to really look forward to :)).

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