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11 hours ago, mark wilson27 said:

Unfortunately we have no choice of the Avatar. Us Mods are stuck with it :(

On the list of things to be stuck with, I consider my avatar to be of fairly low concern. While I wouldn't mind Brock Lesnar on mine, a blue crest suits this Light Blue just fine.

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20 hours ago, tenthreeleader said:

On the list of things to be stuck with, I consider my avatar to be of fairly low concern. While I wouldn't mind Brock Lesnar on mine, a blue crest suits this Light Blue just fine.

If I can have one of Goldberg ;)

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Happy New Year to everyone on FMS, and - indeed - the wider SI Community.

2016 was a rather stressful year for all of us in the Fuller clan. 2017 will hopefully be much happier, as we have a family wedding to look forward to in February. As far as FMS goes, I'll be back with the next chapters of my Daggers story soon, and I might well provide you with a new story or two as well. :)

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21 hours ago, git2thachoppa said:

Here's a quiz for you: which outfield Englishman holds a record for international appearances with 132, and counting?

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Daniel Bennett, plays defence for Singapore, still going at 38. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Bennett_(footballer)


Happy new year chums. May everyone have a much better 2017 (because let's face it, 2016 was pretty ****).

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Hope you all had a good New Year. 2016 for me was a very good Year, found out what certain people really thought of me etc and it has made me and the immediate family stronger.

Fair enough FMS wise I haven't been as active with my story posting but that will hopefully change in the forthcoming year.

Anyway guys have a good New Year Day and hopefully you lot wont be suffering from to bad a hangover


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2 hours ago, JoeyBaldwin said:

Hey guys, just found this part of the forum and been enjoying reading through everyone's stories - prefer these to the career updates :thup:

Welcome to FMS Joey, glad to have you on this side of the forum. Looking forward to seeing some more of your work. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

The difference between this forum and the Careers Forum is, in the main, they're more relaxed in terms of what they allow. The Careers Forum is more of a "summaries" forum whereas we here in FMS tend to be a bit longer-winded. 

Not all of us are -- some of us write match summaries almost exclusively -- but others take the time to develop characters, backstory and write more deeply than our cousins in Careers. In fact, you don't see too many long-term saves posted here, mainly because our wordier folks (koff koff, me, koff koff) are too busy writing to get much playing done.

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@tenthreeleader Oh, sorry. I wasn't clear that this was the community thread.

I have looked at this forum in the past, but reading some of the more recent threads, I can see more of a distinction between this and 'Careers'.

I've certainly thought about posting here (as well as on the Challenges Forum) as sometimes I tend to get a bit creative writing (and long) with my 'updates', and I'm never sure other people actually read them.

In retrospect, I can see that contributing to the Trump thread is going to be unhelpful and/or impolite.

I might try to start a thread on this forum. However, my intention is that the actual progress of my teams in my stories is going to be somewhat incidental to the actual narrative. In fact I may create entire narratives. I guess you'll see what I mean when I start it.

Another reason why I've been a little bit hesitant to dive in here is because in the first 15 or so years of a save, my players are often real. A few years ago, I regularly mentioned a player in my updates on the challenges forum, and I eventually realised he was a real person, and my comments about him were borderline libellous. Now that I'm in 2030 in my save, I think I will have a lot more freedom to invent stuff about my regens.


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He said a lot of good things about rebuilding America's infrastructure, et cetera, but it sounds as if he's attempting to shut the US off from the rest of the world (unless your name's Vladimir). That could be economic suicide.

To be honest, I cannot see him finishing a full term as President.

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On 1/16/2017 at 21:24, vikeologist said:

@tenthreeleader Oh, sorry. I wasn't clear that this was the community thread.

I have looked at this forum in the past, but reading some of the more recent threads, I can see more of a distinction between this and 'Careers'.

I've certainly thought about posting here (as well as on the Challenges Forum) as sometimes I tend to get a bit creative writing (and long) with my 'updates', and I'm never sure other people actually read them.

In retrospect, I can see that contributing to the Trump thread is going to be unhelpful and/or impolite.

I might try to start a thread on this forum. However, my intention is that the actual progress of my teams in my stories is going to be somewhat incidental to the actual narrative. In fact I may create entire narratives. I guess you'll see what I mean when I start it.

Another reason why I've been a little bit hesitant to dive in here is because in the first 15 or so years of a save, my players are often real. A few years ago, I regularly mentioned a player in my updates on the challenges forum, and I eventually realised he was a real person, and my comments about him were borderline libellous. Now that I'm in 2030 in my save, I think I will have a lot more freedom to invent stuff about my regens.


I started a Trump thread awhile back and am hopeful I can find time to continue it. Satire is fine. If I could find a way to get a laugh about Barack Obama if the world needed one, I'd write that too.

It's also helpful, by the way, to disclaim when you write about players that are real. Fictional DBs are a good way to get around that, of course, but as a rule I don't write anything about a player that isn't backed up by the game engine.

I'm probably the wordiest writer this forum has ever had, and I'll tell you this: if you write long, and it's good, folks will read it. George RR Martin is proof enough of that. Go for it!

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9 hours ago, CFuller said:

He said a lot of good things about rebuilding America's infrastructure, et cetera, but it sounds as if he's attempting to shut the US off from the rest of the world (unless your name's Vladimir). That could be economic suicide.

To be honest, I cannot see him finishing a full term as President.

Here's the thing, solely from my point of view. Those of you who know my politics know where I stand on the subject of Donald Trump.

He is a protectionist and in today's day and age that's not a good idea. Students of history know that the Hawley-Smoot Tariff of 1929 didn't cause the Great Depression, but locked it in cement because the tariffs America charged other countries to export goods to the United States meant those countries couldn't draw out enough greenbacks to buy American products. The downward spiral was disastrous for the world economy. Trump seems to favor tariffs which makes me shake my head since he's one who seems determined not to learn from history.

Economically, Trump is in it for himself and his cronies. The idea that he was ever against "crony capitalism" is horse hockey -- there is no greater crony capitalist on the planet than Donald Trump. His supporters are starting to see this thanks to his appointments of former Goldman Sachs employees in key money positions, including Secretary of the Treasury.

That said, his ideas on infrastructure can better be handled by public-private partnerships rather than by still more government stimulus which didn't work under Obama and which added nearly eight trillion dollars to our national debt in eight years.

In short: he doesn't get it, but he wasn't Hillary Clinton, so he won.

Carry on.


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1 hour ago, CFuller said:

Just thought I'd let you know that I've now made my first FMS story "Welcome to Romford" available to read and/or download as a PDF. The story is still viewable on these forums, but about a season's worth of content was lost in the migration last summer.

Mark, feel free to update your archive links accordingly.

Archive has been updated CFuller.

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I've always wanted to publish my stories as PDFs at some point, but doing it like this was more out of necessity than ambition. The forum migration really did (for want of a better phrase) screw up my Romford and Euro 2020 stories, hence my decision to republish them in full (and with a few minor additions in the Romford story :)).

I've double-checked all my other stories on FMS, and they are all fully intact, so I won't be doing this again for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

(Sigh) Yet another embarrassing night in Europe for Arsenal. Granted, Bayern Munich are on a completely different level to us, but we gifted them every opportunity to run riot.

I can't blame Alexis Sanchez or Mesut Ozil for wanting to leave in the summer. They're arguably our only two world-class players; indeed, you could say they've carried us over the last 18 months or so. Sanchez and Ozil should be winning major trophies, yet this club isn't capable of delivering them under the current management.

Arsene Wenger had a great chance to re-establish Arsenal as a major force in English and European football last season. He blew it big-time, and we haven't recovered. It's now got to the point where I'm hoping we DON'T qualify for the Champions League next season, so that the board will be forced to take the action required to get this club back on track.

Thanks for everything you've done for us, Arsene, but if you're not sacked at the end of the season, please do the honourable thing - and resign.

This club need fresh ideas from a younger manager. We need to bring in someone like Luis Enrique or Massimiliano Allegri to reinvigorate us, otherwise we can forget about competing with Chelsea, Spuds and the Manchester clubs for the next five years.

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1 minute ago, salkster2102 said:

I think the only way Wenger will leave willingly is when he feels he has let the club down by not qualifying for the Champions League. He's like an over protective father to his baby.

I couldn't have put that much better, to be honest. That's why I'm hoping we finish outside the top four, even if that means Spuds finish above us for the first time in 20-odd years. Short-term pain for long-term gain and all that.

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Reddit was not kind to Arsenal. For example:

"Driver training students will now be taught to put their hands in the "Bayern/Arsenal" position on their wheel."

"Arsenal fans 10-2 overreact."

That said, I feel your pain.

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For me it will be a very sad day when Wenger goes, but if it needs to be done in order for the club to progress, then unfortunately the hard decisions have to be made.

I hope he leaves with some dignity intact however. It's the least he deserves after all he's done for the club.

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In my opinion I think Arsene will be gone at the end of the season.  For me has the look of a bored man now and one of a man that hasn't got the heart in the job like he used to have. 

Arsenal needs someone else with different ideas and in truth to have the balls to get rid of alot of dead wood in the squad. 

Arsene has been one of the Premier League great managers but if he wants to be remembered for that he does need to go before certain fickle fans forget about that


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  • 2 weeks later...


I've held out until now, but after today I think it really is time for things to change for Arsenal, sad as it may be to see Wenger go out this way after everything he's done.

But I am also genuinely afraid of what the future might hold for Arsenal post-Wenger. I mean, a whole entire generation of fans have known nothing but Wenger, me included. History has shown what can happen when a huge change is made after a long sustained period of consistent success (if success means making the Champions League). See Man Utd.

But sadly it's a lose-lose situation. There is the very real possibility of Arsenal failing to make the top 4 this season with Wenger, and whoever else that comes in is no guarantee of success either. The next few years could be very tough for Arsenal indeed.

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4 hours ago, BenArsenal said:

History has shown what can happen when a huge change is made after a long sustained period of consistent success (if success means making the Champions League). See Man Utd.

History has shown what can happen when a huge change is made under the wrong person. See David Moyes. It's all about who gets brought in, should Wenger not return next season.

I also happen to feel that those criticizing Arsenal for lacking a soul probably aren't far off the mark. Does anyone seriously think that a Patrick Vieira - Dennis Bergkamp Arsenal would have fallen behind today, much less lost at West Brom?

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24 minutes ago, tenthreeleader said:

I also happen to feel that those criticizing Arsenal for lacking a soul probably aren't far off the mark. Does anyone seriously think that a Patrick Vieira - Dennis Bergkamp Arsenal would have fallen behind today, much less lost at West Brom?

Most certainly not. That team would not have caved in so easily or displayed the sort of Keystone Cops defending that led to Albion's second goal.

Come to think of it, it seems to me that the one player from that legendary team from the early to mid-2000s that Arsene Wenger never truly replaced was Patrick Vieira. He sold him to Juventus near enough 12 years ago, and we've not had a proper all-action, I'll-die-before-we-lose hardman in our midfield since then. You could argue that a fair chunk of our problems stem from Vieira's exit.

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15 hours ago, CFuller said:

Most certainly not. That team would not have caved in so easily or displayed the sort of Keystone Cops defending that led to Albion's second goal.

Come to think of it, it seems to me that the one player from that legendary team from the early to mid-2000s that Arsene Wenger never truly replaced was Patrick Vieira. He sold him to Juventus near enough 12 years ago, and we've not had a proper all-action, I'll-die-before-we-lose hardman in our midfield since then. You could argue that a fair chunk of our problems stem from Vieira's exit.

That is very true.

10-3, I think whoever gets chosen to replace Arsene, it will be a tough task to follow. I mean, not even proven winner Mourinho is having it easy at Man Utd post-Fergie. Fundamentally there's just too much ingrained in the club for anyone to effect a huge, significant change for the better in the short term.

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11 hours ago, BenArsenal said:

That is very true.

10-3, I think whoever gets chosen to replace Arsene, it will be a tough task to follow. I mean, not even proven winner Mourinho is having it easy at Man Utd post-Fergie. Fundamentally there's just too much ingrained in the club for anyone to effect a huge, significant change for the better in the short term.

Which is actually a great point, Ben. One of the things Moyes and Van Gaal had to deal with the "ghost of Fergie" and that isn't easy for anyone. Whoever replaces Wenger at Arsenal, whenever it happens, will have the same issue.

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Right guys just to let you know that within the next week or so I will be putting up the Preliminary Voting for this years Hall of Fame. I know its early but it will mean you lot will get around a month to look over the stories eligible.

So look out for the new thread once I've checked over the stories/ members are eligible to be put up for the vote.

As with last time voting isn't compulsory however the more people vote the better

Cheers Mark

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  • 2 weeks later...

The voting for the FMS Hall of Fame Preliminary Round has been open for a week now and we have around a month left. Five votes so far which is good but remember guys this is the time of year when you get the chance to honour those writers and stories from the past and some from the present who you think deserve to be in the Hall of Fame. Without your votes in the past the likes of Peacemaker7, flipsix3, Raptor and not forgetting tenthreeleader would not have been bestowed the honour of a place.

In all the years that the forum has been active we as of yet not had a story enter the hallowed Hall of Fame, without your votes this will not happen. So come on guys this is your chance to give recognition to those writers and stories you think deserve the honour.

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Hey guys, hope you're all well :)


My temporary return is down to the fact that today I met one of FMS' finest and probably my oldest FMS pal - gavrenwick! I know pictures are not our friends around here but I thought I'd grace you all with a photo of today's magical moment:

By the way, Gav is the tiger in the glasses.


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