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Player traits - plays way out of trouble + brings ball out of defense

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Hi lads not sure if this has been mentioned or if SI guys could even disclose this but under what conditions can the player traits could 'tries to play way out of trouble' and 'brings ball out of defense' be learned by a player?

If I'm not mistaken, play way out of trouble can't be taught but can be learned via mentoring??? (If so how exactly do you do this?)
And brings ball out can be taught but only to defenders?? (On my save I can teach this to my defender but not to my DM for some reason)

Any response would be much appreciated,
@Seb Wassell @herne79

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8 minutes ago, coach vahid said:

Hi... I think that these player traits  are only availabe on mentoring. 

besides time of tutoring and some evident factors (injuries, personnality,social group,effect on the mentoring group, etc) is there any factor that could prevent the tutor from learning the trait to the mentored? Is is random?

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On 09/03/2019 at 01:53, ___tomgardner said:

And brings ball out can be taught but only to defenders?? (On my save I can teach this to my defender but not to my DM for some reason)

Because it's specifically a defender(CB)-related trait. I am not sure that even a fullback can be taught that trait (even though it is a defender position).

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1 hour ago, Experienced Defender said:

Because it's specifically a defender(CB)-related trait. I am not sure that even a fullback can be taught that trait (even though it is a defender position).

I can confirm that, unless it was changed for FM20, full backs can learn the trait. Trained it on to Dodô, a D/WB (R), on an FM19 Lyon save. Its probably easier to train on to wide defenders as they're more likely to have Dribbling ability. 

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