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What does "Role Suitability" mean? [FM 2018]

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On the report tab of a player one can find the staff's opinion on the player's quality, etc. And then there's "role suitability".


I'm unsure what it means - I've been assuming it's an AI evaluation of the player's attributes for each role. However, I've been finding wingers than can play both sides (AM L / R), which have good role suitability on one side of the pitch but awful role suitability for the other side of the pitch. The important attributes are the same, so why all that difference? The AI is probably factoring in the player's preferred foot, but still... It's a very big difference...

So what I'm asking is this: is it really just a weighing of the player's attributes, or is it a reflection of what the player is used to play as?

For example, if I placed the above player as a deep lying forward for some matches and trained him as a deep lying forward, would that role suitability increase (as he got more used to playing in that role)?

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Don't pay too much attention to what the game suggests as a player's "most suitable" / "less suitable" role. Look at his attributes. If a player has the right attributes for a role, you can play him in that role (and most players are capable of playing more than one role within a single position).

As for training, you don't have to train a player for the role you play him in. I - and not only me - train my players for the roles that develop those attributes I want them to develop. For example, I may play my striker as an F9, but train him as a CF on attack (even if I never play him as a CF).

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3 minutes ago, Experienced Defender said:

What "stars for a position"? Stars are related to ability (current and potential), as far as I know.

You haven't noticed that some players can have 4 stars for the MC position, and then only 3 stars for AMC or DMC position. It can even drop just by picking another role.

MC - DLP(s) - 4 stars
MC - BWM(d) - 3 stars
DMC - DLP(s) - 3.5 stars
DMC - BWM(d) - 2.5 stars

Same with wingers, an AMR - winger can have 3.5 stars, play him as a MR - winger and his stars drop to 2 stars. Can you explain this? Same role, same attributes just a line lower and he's incapable of playing there..

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19 hours ago, Zanman777 said:

I'm unsure what it means - I've been assuming it's an AI evaluation of the player's attributes for each role

That's all it is.  It can only be as good as your coach's ability to evaluate players and even if your coach was 20/20 in their ability it can still be flawed.

These things are there for a guide only, should never be used to solely base our decisions on and to be honest this thread is a good example of why.  It can all get a bit confusing the harder you look.

Speak to your coaches, get their opinions but always trust your own judgement :thup:.

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2 hours ago, BadAss88 said:

You haven't noticed that some players can have 4 stars for the MC position, and then only 3 stars for AMC or DMC position. It can even drop just by picking another role.

MC - DLP(s) - 4 stars
MC - BWM(d) - 3 stars
DMC - DLP(s) - 3.5 stars
DMC - BWM(d) - 2.5 stars

Same with wingers, an AMR - winger can have 3.5 stars, play him as a MR - winger and his stars drop to 2 stars. Can you explain this? Same role, same attributes just a line lower and he's incapable of playing there..

Yeah, I understand what you mean, but that again pertains to (what the game suggests is) a player's current ability when played in a certain role. I personally tend to give preference to the player's attributes and traits (and in some cases stronger foot) when assigning roles.

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