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[Suggestion] Improvement of presentation of financial results


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I feel that there is currently still a lack of clarity in the reporting of the monthly results, however it is already better then 3-4 years ago ...

What is feel is missing is a detailled reporting part ( graphics if possible ) of the fixed costs : e.g. wages of players / bonuses and and staff wages ... 

The players should have a detailled overview of what is included in each of the categories, because currently the variable part makes it impossible to perform a follow up.

e.g. Staff wages should be stable on a monthly basis without any renewals or releases of coaches or others, but why are there then variations of more than a 100k from one to another month ...


The same applies for the other tabs ( sponsorships and debts and loans ) where there is absolutely no direct connection between the figures there and the overview of expenditures for example ...

e.g. Current FM Detail of debts and loans show a monthly payable amount of 2.1 million euro but then on a monthly basis there is payment of 2.6 million euro ... Where is the 500K coming from ... Have those two values interconnected 

The same for the sponsorship deals ... Interconnect the values from the sponshorship deals with the corresponding line in the revenue

( e.g. a sponsor contract disappeared with the update, but the total received amount of sponsorship continues with this value included ) This is completely incorrect and should easily be corrected

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