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Regen quality decline over long games

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I feel like this has happened in previous versions, just wanted to confirm.

In my current game, where I'm playing with a LOT of leagues selected (all the major euro leagues plus argentina/brazil), 10 years from now, there isn't a single player in the world under age of 20 with a PA over 190, while there are 10 over the age of 20.  The world has just stopped producing potential MBappe's.  This kind of kills the thrill of a long save, since you will never be able to recruit and develop a world beating talent.

Thoughts?  Is there something I could have done to avoid this?


I think I have a suspicion.  I realize now I didn't include any of the south american leagues at full detail.  I imagine they are the primary source of a lot of top regens.  I guess without full detail, they just don't produce players over time of the same quality...

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Regens are on average much more likely to have a very high potential than real players, and always have been. But 190+PA players are rarer than world class players so it's not surprising if you have had ~3 years of global youth intakes without one. There are plenty of potential world beaters with PA in the 180s or even 160s

Messi could be argued to have first broken out of Barcelona's youth setup in about 2003. One player who has emerged in the 16 years since then IRL has reached a CA >190, and one additional player has been set with a fixed PA >190 in the starting database.

Don't think including the South American leagues as full detail is going to have any impact at all really. If it generates more South American players at all they'll be mid/low end players for their clubs, not world beaters.


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14 minutes ago, Erith22 said:

10 years from now, there isn't a single player in the world under age of 20 with a PA over 190, while there are 10 over the age of 20.  The world has just stopped producing potential MBappe's.

I'm kind of interested here as to what you are expecting.

At the beginning of every save, there is one player below the age of 20 with a PA above 190.  There are 4 others over the age 20 and above 190 - one of which is 26, the other 3 all above 30 years old.

Yet in your save you now have 10 players above 190 PA.  As you are 10 years in, at least 3 of those original 4 over 20 players (possibly all 4 unless an ageing Neymar is still going) at the start will have retired.  So in your 10 year save, 8 or possibly 9 players with a PA above 190 have been generated.

Isn't that pretty good going?

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Well I have never really bothered to look at the initial database.

So it looks like there was a stretch where high PA talent was over-generated, and then it stopped.

If I widen the net, and search just on players with a PA over 160, and filter by 4 year intervals the total number declines as the player pool gets younger.  There are 220 players 15-19 over 160, but nearly 320 20-24, and nearly 400 25-29...


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3 hours ago, Erith22 said:

If I widen the net, and search just on players with a PA over 160, and filter by 4 year intervals the total number declines as the player pool gets younger.  There are 220 players 15-19 over 160, but nearly 320 20-24, and nearly 400 25-29...

If you're looking at raw numbers of players rather than percentages it's not going to be very helpful.

Of course there are more players with high PA between 20 and 24 than between 15 and 19 because there are a lot more players in that age range (lots of players don't get generated until they're 18 and 19 years old, and not many high PA players retire before 24...)

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