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What’s something that’s helped you win games

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What is something ( not tactics ) that you feel has given you the edge or just proved beneficial to you that maybe doesn’t get covered


for me it’s setting up corner takers and routines, it’s so nice to see them come off and they are far better than the defaults. Downsides- take for ever and you have to update them for players all the time



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Obviously related to tactics but a crucial part of them that is often overlooked; game management (I wrote a bit about it in the link)!

To me it's far more than just swapping to a more defensive shape in the last ten minutes and more about adapting to the ebb and flow of a game and pro-actively stopping comebacks before they start etc.

Also spent far more time in this years edition than I ever have before watching which systems my tactic sets tend to struggle against, and more importantly which managers/teams variant - obviously ten different 442's can play very differently - Simeone's for instance is incredibly tough for me and my sides to play against (kinda true for a lot of teams irl) so ithere's obviously some tactical consistency with how I play that transcends mentality and formations & it's etched into my mind now to look out for him etc.

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