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I play a 4231 in game. I want my CAM to be the player maker, but the RCM always seems to be more involved in passes. My LCM is a BBM, my RCM is a DLP, and my CAM is a AP, all on support. The CAMs never seem to perform, but I don’t know how to fix that. Often my CAM is Joao Felix, my LCM is Gedson Fernandes, and my RCM is Kai Havertz.

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both an AP and a DLP will attract the ball, you're RCM will probably be more and easier available to get the ball, hence why he will get most of the balls.
Try working out a system with only one playmaker (your CAM in your case)

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I’ve also decided to use a BBM, a MEZ, and a AP, would that work? I’m still not certain how much of an impact the MEZ have. I’m playing him on the right side where most of the players are Wingers (minus Bailey)

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