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Sign here if you want DRM gone from FM...

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I think anyone who buys a product would want it gone but put yourself in SI's shoes do you really want people pirating the game?

The fact is that the pirates have been playing it for well over 10 hours while we the loyal customers are still suffering because of SI's "Anti-Pirate" system that took the pirates just a few hours to crack, well played SI...

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Just want to know those who answered yes how do you suggest SI product their products?

Maybe with a system that actually works? That accepts the codes printed on the back of the manuals? An online registry that is capable of connecting to the BLOODY INTERNET?

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paul milner

get this disgraceful drm out of fully legal games!!!!!!!!

what a joke this really is having to authenicate a game that is for offline use

well done SI - lost a loyal customer here

pirates have been playing for hours - loyal customers have not been playing for 2 minutes - ironic much?


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Until you have a bulletproof activation method and an uncrackable technology... stop ****ing customers off!

I am now playing the cracked version beautifully... first time i ever pirated FM because i really felt you guys deserved my money but you gave me no choice.

Taking the game back for a refund tomorrow, i hope Si learn from their mistakes!

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spore, FM2009, Bioshock. Lets face it copy protection has failed to secure the game all it has done is really upset the customer base. No matter how smart the games companies get the pirates will always find a way.

So what you end up doing is creating more problems for the paying customers for no gain. While I understand the issue is this really the solution ?

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after what ive been reading on these forums today im glad i ahvent bought the game yet at least until its all sorted out and i can see a couple of bans coming on for the last 2 posters in this thread for talking about piracy

The irony is that the anti-piracy software is leading to people deciding to buy cracked games, if you make buying a legitimate version to time consuming & annoying then piracy is an inevitable consequence.

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I didnt get the game yet but I'm thinking I'll have the same problem. Irony is that a pirated copy is OUT with a patch and a working crack. FUKC i cant believe this shtI!!!! I am going to be sooooo ****ed if i have a problem in activating. I told Miles that all kinds of protection is cool AS LONG AS IT DOESNT AFFECT LEGAL CUSTOMERS. Now pirates are downloading the game and starting it with no problem while we PAYING customers are having problems. DAM.

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god i wish you would all stop moaning i used it an found it quick easy and the patch was great not having to really do anything myself i want to completely congratulate si for their hard work an well done in getting the patch out too just to go that extra mile for your loyal users. if you guys dont like it go buy fifa manager an dont come back, personally i will be buying the game for years to come an urge si to keep doing it this way. i paid for my copy an would not like some cheap idiot getting it for free they work hard and deserve every sale.

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